The sharp long sword swung and easily tore the hellhound's body apart.


The six vine tentacles of the deadwood guard swept across.

The Cerberus is not as powerful as the Evil Ghost, and is completely immune to death and injury. The defense line formed by the two is extremely strong, and combined with the shooting of the wood elves and archers, it is completely frantically harvesting the lives of the Cerberus.

The prerequisite for harvesting is that no new troops from hell creatures will join, especially long-range hell creatures like Gog who cannot join the battle.

Goge was at the rear of the chasing team because he moved the slowest, and this also gave Lin Feng an opportunity to make a surprise attack.

Boom boom!

A large number of fireballs hit the dragon's body, but it had no effect.

Instead, Lin Feng was the first to crash into the Goges formed on the ground, directly crushing several of them, and then swept his tail across the area, instantly clearing out a blank area. As for the fate of being hit by the tail, he would naturally be dead..


The griffins pounced down.

With Lin Feng drawing firepower from the front, the griffons were not attacked at all. The number of Goges was not much greater than that of the Sojourner Demons. The most important thing was that their defense and HP were much lower, so they could last longer. Short, they were quickly slaughtered.

After the opponent Gog is eliminated, the only ones left are the hellhounds and evil spirits.

There are no endless little monsters this time, so both dwarves and centaurs can participate in the battle. It is not enough to be the main force, but it is naturally relaxing and enjoyable to intercept enemies that occasionally cross the defense line.

In particular, the loss of Cerberus was extremely fast, almost falling down in rows, most of which were caused by long-range fire.

The entire battle process was astonishingly fast. The chasing hell creatures did not display even a fraction of their combat effectiveness without any command, and were completely defeated one by one.

There is not even a battle evaluation, because this battle is completely a one-sided massacre.

Yes, even the swordsman who was at the forefront did not suffer any losses, and only the dwarves and centaurs suffered losses in the battle, which can indeed be called this evaluation.

Obviously the opponent's strength is not weak. There are more than 500 units of elite troops and nearly a hundred seventh- and eighth-level troops. This strength alone is not weak, but the results are pitiful.

This is also the strength of heroes.

In addition to the strategic attribute bonus, it can also command the army to cooperate with each other and exert a combat effectiveness that far exceeds its own strength.

However, the absence of systematic review does not mean that there is no experience gain.

Lin Feng's level has not changed because he has been punished by experience. Even the eighth-level horned evil ghost will not give him more experience points than the sojourner demon. However, there is no experience penalty for other soldiers, and their levels have changed.

No wonder it is said that the Invincible Legion emerged from blood and fire, because only by surviving battle after battle can the level become higher and higher and the strength become stronger.

The next step is naturally the return trip, because we have been out for a long time, especially today is a trading day.

Let the deadwood guards bring a large number of corpses of hell creatures and try to choose the ones with the highest rank. Other soldiers do not have this power and can only leave a large number of corpses of hell creatures in place.

Don’t think you’ll have the chance to take it away next time.

Hell creatures don't mind eating some corpses of the same kind as a meal. Not to mention next time, as long as they come tomorrow, they might even have the blood stains licked clean.

For extremely evil hell creatures, it is not strange to eat the corpses of the same kind. They have the ability to devour evolution.

Reluctantly abandoning the corpses everywhere, Lin Feng began to lead his army back.

I gained a lot from exploring him this time!

Let’s not talk about harvesting occupied nests and resource points.

The other gains alone are enough to make a lot of money, let alone a strategic treasure. This is the biggest gain, because it can be used to trade to get what you want.

Although Lin Feng was a little reluctant to trade it, the role and effect of a strategic treasure on him was not as great as imagined, so he made up his mind to trade it.

Because they were advancing along the path they came from, they would naturally not encounter any battles. Even if plain creatures occasionally appeared, they would quickly escape.

However, because he was too hungry, Lin Feng killed a dozen giant sheep and had a feast. His red dragon body was made of flesh and blood, so of course he needed food. Of course, he didn't have to eat if he wanted to absorb energy.

There was just something to do before the return trip.

Recruit outdoor troops!

The first thing is to go to the wild core lair in Deadwood Arch, because this week is the time when the quota is refreshed.

After spending gold coins to recruit three units of Deadwood Guards, Lin Feng saw that the number of core troops under his command had doubled, and he felt a lot more confident.

Of course, other wild lair troops must also be recruited, such as seventh-level fire elements, first-level big-eared monsters, third-level lizardmen, and fifth-level priestesses.

The nests in the plain area have long been dismantled by Lilith and turned into nest drawings to upgrade the World Tree Territory, so they don't need to be taken care of.

After spending several hours marching, we finally returned to the World Tree Territory

"grown ups!"Lilith and Lancelot saluted respectfully to welcome Lin Feng who had returned from the expedition.

"Well, this time the harvest is very good!" Lin Feng pointed at the large pile of hell creature corpses carried by the deadwood guards. Although the quantity is small, the quality is very high.

Now the fountain of life in the territory can give birth to almost three gray elves every day..

The total number is already around dozens. If World Tree can devour these corpses of hell creatures, the output will definitely increase a lot.

"Very good indeed!"Lilith naturally saw the corpses of the Evil God King and the Evil Ghost, so she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let me recruit some troops first, and then go trade!" Lin Feng commanded the dead wood guards to throw the corpse into the city wall that was only two meters high.

A large number of hair-like tree roots instantly appeared on the ground, piercing directly into the corpse of the hell creature, and began to frantically absorb the opponent's flesh and soul.

The World Tree, which is tens of meters high, looks spectacular, and it is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye when it is being absorbed. It has grown at least a few meters taller, and at the same time, the ditch formed by the roots has also widened and deepened a lot, just to the naked eye. It can be seen that the World Tree has grown significantly at this time.

Because it is his own clone, Lin Feng can vaguely feel that the number of gray elves born in the World Tree every day has increased by half, and five people can be born naturally in a day.

This is not a small amount. Number.

Five every day, 150 in a month. These are gray elves with independent intelligence, the kind of creatures that are no different from humans. At the same time, the World Tree also has an additional derivative ability by not giving birth to adults but larvae. If so, the output can be increased by three times!

After all, adult elves and juvenile elves require completely different levels of energy.

Young elves can grow quickly by drinking the fountain of life, and they can grow up quickly in just a short time.

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