Following the army, the players get the sweetness.

As a vested interest, she naturally strongly supported Lilith in formulating the rules, and even formed a temporary alliance later.

Two days later!

"Sir, we have arrived at the Silver Moon Hills!", a gentle and magnetic voice sounded, not at all as cold as when negotiating with those players.

"So fast!" Lin Feng woke up again with horror, because he felt that time passed too fast, and he obviously didn't feel that he had slept for long.

He just felt his condition, and his bloodline felt stronger, which proved that he had indeed been asleep for the past two days. , let the eternal blood successfully play its role.

Shen Mian can become stronger!

This is Lin Feng's current situation. Although the dragons all have this ability, it takes an astonishingly long time, and because of his talent, he becomes stronger. The speed is completely invincible, especially now that he has an intuition in his mind that when creating a channel to connect the two worlds, it can not only pass through the dragon's breath, but also some other things can be transmitted through the world gate.

It takes a lot of resources to transport items, so there is no way to transport a large number of things and troops to the earth.

If he can directly open the space gap, it is completely unbelievable.

Not to mention other aspects, as long as some troops can go to the earth. Even if they only have the main force, their combat power is beyond comparison.

For example, the snakes encountered before can be easily solved as long as an elite team can pass by. It

's just that there is no need to do these experiments now. He should focus on this operation now! There is no obstacle on one road, but there are barriers on the other. The teams are wearing the same clothes. The uniformed player stopped in front of the level and looked at the players passing by like a hawk. Lilith woke him up because this situation required him to make a decision. Lin Feng gave the order after thinking about it.

"The army stops and the two of us go over!"

If the army presses directly, people might think that they are deliberately looking for trouble. Although he is not afraid of fighting, he does not want to waste his strength in such a place.

And if he guessed correctly, the opponent is targeting non-players or the Bull Principality. Intelligence personnel.

Countless players know that this time they are fighting for Miracle City from the Bull Principality army. It would be strange if the other party does not know this news.

The Heroic World is a real world. Not only do the major forces know about the players, they even know about it. Everyone in the Earth world knows this, which is not surprising. There are no restrictions such as not being allowed to reveal information about this world. In a few hundred years, even the other party will be able to investigate clearly.

However, the natives of the Hero World did not let go of the Earth world. In my heart, because the energy level is a little too low.

This time the players are making such a big move. If the other party's spies and spies can't even detect this, they are too incompetent. Therefore, this level is to prevent the Bull Principality's intelligence personnel.

Only God knows if it is useful, because players are not incapable of bribery. As long as they have enough benefits, it is not uncommon for them to work for the aborigines, just like there are players among the aborigines.

Lilith hugged Lin Feng lightly. She jumped down from the dead tree guard in a smooth manner, as if she was jumping from a height of several meters instead of a dozen meters, which fully demonstrated the elf's agility.

I didn't say that agility was not enough!

Only Lin Feng was still unsatisfied, because he was always being held in Lilith's arms. It felt completely different from lying on the lap pillow. It was completely soft, elastic and slippery, like leaning on jelly, but it felt so different. It feels countless times more comfortable than that.

But he won't say it, but he is a serious dragon. It

's a pity that he has forgotten a sentence: Dragons are such a race, otherwise how could countless dragon creatures come to be.

It may be less than one in a thousand races that are cultivated through blood.

Others are created through reproduction.

Among them, the dragon race is one of the ironclad proofs.

Countless giant dragons have turned into human forms and left descendants.

Only because there are too many will they become a race.

The reason for the large number is naturally the giant dragon.

At this time, Lin Feng, a serious dragon, tried to stay conscious and tried not to think about the amazingly elastic and attractive body-scented pillow, which was waiting in front of the checkpoint to greet the team.

Only then did he successfully pull his mind back and stop thinking about it.

"Hello, may I ask which union or force you are from?", the leader of the team leader asked respectfully among the players who came to greet him.

Nonsense, just by looking at the formation, you can tell that he is a first-class hero. Of course, he can't do anything like making things difficult. That kind of thing usually only happens in pretentious fights. In the face-shuang article, he can become the squad leader naturally because of his good eyesight and high emotional intelligence.

"We are the people of World Tree Leader!", Lilith replied calmly. What the other party wants to guard against are the Bull Principality spies, who have nothing to do with them. What's there to feel guilty about?

And there are so many forces participating in the operation today, which shows that they don't mind other forces joining. There is no reason. against them

"Welcome to the Adventurer Conference. However, military units can only be stationed in specified areas, and can only carry no more than one small group of small and medium-sized units as guards. I hope you can abide by this!", the other party saw that Lilith is an aborigine.

Although the player and the aboriginal look the same, appearance cannot be used as a criterion, but the breath, demeanor, behavior, etc. are different, which depends on the eyesight.

"certainly!"There is no smile on Lilith's face under the veil, and her eyes are as calm as ice. This is her normal posture.

The cold elf queen!

No one else can enjoy the gentleness when facing Lin Feng.

"Here are your station cards and conference map!", on the table next to the level, a player quickly wrote something on the paper, and then handed over a sign and drawing.

The sign said A-22, and the map was a map of the area inside.

This The place where the Adventurer Conference was held was a circular basin, which was divided into multiple areas: arena, conference area, entertainment area, accommodation area...

Each area has its own function. Come for battles, or even gambling.

The conference area is for meetings, not to mention the trading area. Players always have things that they don’t need, but others need.

Needless to say, the entertainment area is for everyone who knows. Yes, there are all kinds of entertainment activities such as Dabao Sword.

The garrison area is an area for the heroes to garrison.

The accommodation area is an area for players to rest. Of course, it only provides places. You can rent tents or the like by yourself. You can also bring it.

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