The city of commerce maintains law and order. Each patrol team is composed of all-flying units such as tenth-level monster masters and third-level gargoyles. If you dare to cause trouble, you must be mentally prepared to accept punishment.

If the patrol force is not strong enough, there may not be an ace snake demon carrying six long swords who will come to talk to the troublemaker.

The City of Commerce is a miraculous leader, and the super legion is the master of gods and monsters as the core arms. However, this does not mean that there are no ace arms. It is just that the number is not enough or the level is not enough, so it is not qualified to be called a super legion.

No matter how confident Lin Feng is, he still doesn't think he can stand up to the commercial city.

Of course, it is impossible for the other party to cause trouble for him.

Because the City of Commerce is a neutral force, it is completely impossible to have a position, or the only position is interests. Without the motivation of interests, it is impossible for the other party to take action.

It was also because he understood the business plan of the Commercial City that he dared to join the operation openly, otherwise he would have followed and looked for opportunities.

The army crossed the pass under the leadership of Lancelot.

There is not only one such checkpoint, but there are many on other roads, because the entrance to the basin is not only here, and the other party is only doing preliminary screening, and the real defense personnel are others.

After all the troops under Lin Feng's command had passed, the level leader's smiling expression suddenly froze, and he said seriously to a player behind him:

"The opponent is a strange aboriginal force with an A-level hero strength. Send the information to them!"

If there is any force worth noting, of course he will report it, but he is not really here to welcome guests.

He turned around a mountain road ahead and entered the basin where the Adventurer Conference is held ahead.

First of all, there is a suddenly clear view, boundless The vast area makes people feel that it is no longer called a basin, but is better called a plain.

The ground is covered with a lot of sand and gravel, not grass, and the air is even a little dry. It looks extremely desolate, provided that you ignore it and participate in the action. Major forces and players.

Tents were erected one after another, and some simple buildings were erected, dividing the vast basin into areas.

A large number of players appeared in the field of vision, and they were rushing from various passages like moths. Come.

Just from a cursory glance, it is clear that the number of players will not be less than tens of thousands, and it may eventually exceed hundreds of thousands.

This only refers to the number of people who come here to participate in the conference, and there are many early players. If those were excluded, the number of flags flying high would be even more terrifying.

In the heroic world, flags are a very distinctive symbol. Flags can be used to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy on a chaotic battlefield, and even semaphores can be used. Commanding the battle, this is why flags are left behind.

Flags such as those of some super unions and top heroes are something that everyone will remember.

Players who choose the reconnaissance department in vocational universities must take the flagology exam. There are hundreds of them. He had to memorize each flag and write down the opponent's information at the same time.

Even though Lin Feng had never studied flag science, he could still identify several top unions and top heroes in the hero world, just like the ones in the hero world. Just like the Fortune 500 companies a hundred years ago, they are even more famous than the other party. Even if they have nothing to do with it, ordinary people will have heard of the other party's name.

The words of the top hero are like that of a superstar, completely familiar to them, and they have countless admirers.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng can recognize

"So many adventurers!", Lancelot sighed softly. This was the second time she saw so many adventurers. The last time she went to the Commercial City to replenish money for Lin Feng

"There are indeed many, but they are not the main force!"

Lin Feng crawled on Lilith's shoulder and glanced at the garrison area on the side. The troops are the absolute main force in the battle.

In small-scale encounters, players will definitely be more flexible, but in large-scale battles, what matters is the performance of the troops. , we can’t expect players to sacrifice life and death, right?

Let’s not talk about whether the players have been trained, whether they understand, and whether they can cooperate. Even if they understand and can cooperate, not many forces can afford the loss of death. Therefore, if you want to fight to the death, it depends on the type of troops.

The area of the garrison is very large, but most of it is vacant. You can still see many types of troops at a glance. Occasionally, some troops are covered by tents, indicating that the owner does not want to be seen.

"Let's station the troops first and then go shopping. It seems we are not late. The coalition forces in the Commercial City have not arrived yet!", after Lilith scanned it, she gave a definite conclusion.

Because after the army of Commerce City really arrives, there will not be so much open space in the garrison area.

"Um!" Lin Feng agreed to this proposal.

Now he chooses to climb on his shoulders instead of being held by the other party like a doll, purely to prove his dignity. A knee pillow is fine, but being held like a doll is not. Being a dragon also has dignity. , although the feeling is indeed extremely happy.

The army begins to move towards the garrison area.

However, the players behind them will not go to the garrison area because they are not heroes, so this cooperation is a win-win for these players. He was very enthusiastic when he said goodbye, with the unspoken intention of asking for more attention in the future. He also handed over his contact information.

Through this cooperation, the other party also understood that although Lilith is strong and cold, she will keep her promise, which is natural for such a strong hero. They are the best partners, and just missing anything from their hands is enough to satisfy them.

Lily glanced at the contact information and threw it all away, because she has photographic memory and it seems impossible to forget what she has seen. The military garrison area is very close, but there is a saying that"Wangshan is a dead horse." It took Lin Feng and the others almost half an hour to find their own garrison area.

The wooden signs were placed directly on the ground, far apart from each other. Divided into S、A、B、C、D five districts.

Among them, Area S has only five blocks and is the largest in area. Area A has thirty blocks and is slightly smaller in area. The others are arranged in sequence.

Among them, there are already many troops stationed in Area D, the type of which is a group of demons.

There are not only nine major camp arms, but also a large number of hidden camp arms. The common denominator is that they are the main arms, there are no elite arms, and the number is not large. They can barely break through the three-digit rhythm.

As for Area C, only a part of it has troops stationed there. Elite troops can occasionally be seen among the troops, and their number is over a few hundred.

It can also be seen from here that the signs issued by the organizer are not meaningless. They allocate garrison locations based on the units under the hero's command.

"I leave this to you, let’s go take a look!", Lin Feng explained to Lancelot.

Although this kind of place is very safe, they are a strange aboriginal force after all, so it is better to be cautious. A hero commanding an army is a completely different force than a passive response.

"yes!", Lancelot accepted the order.

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