
The red cone-shaped flames spurted out and spread geometrically, rushing towards the group of giant eagles.

Diffusion mode!

This is the large-scale killing mode of his Dragon Breath. Although the power will be greatly reduced, the killing range will rise linearly.

When the flames spurted out, they were only as thick as a human waist. They spread further forward, and finally formed a river of flames across the sky.

If you are facing a Cyclops, this mode will not deal any damage at all. But if you are facing a large eagle, after the dragon's breath power has been qualitatively improved, it will certainly be able to deal terrible damage.

To say an instant kill is an exaggeration, but if you are hit with less than half of your health, there is still a chance of an instant kill.

The final result is that after a dragon's breath sweep, nearly a hundred units of giant eagles fall directly into the sky. It looks extremely spectacular. This is because the flying units are not as concentrated as the ground army, otherwise more exaggerated achievements can be achieved..

The previous attacks of the Silver Pegasus and the Griffin Group were not without effect.

It was just that the opposing hero used command to evacuate the large eagles with low health to the center of the formation, so there was not much victory. Facing Lin Feng's large-scale coverage attack, these large eagles had no place to retreat.


Amidst the roar that shook the sky, Lin Feng crashed into the giant eagle formation.

Facing this unreasonable attack, the tight defensive formation could no longer maintain its formation.

Previously, the Silver Pegasus and Griffin were at a disadvantage in terms of size and strength, so the Eagle Group suffered no losses because they could safely retreat to the middle of the formation to recover their health when injured.

But facing Lin Feng, who had a wingspan of more than 20 meters and a terrifying weight, the big eagle had no chance of resisting him. It was like a bowling ball, and was directly knocked away by a solid bowling ball.

Lin Feng penetrated the opponent's defense line in one breath. Due to the high temperature of his body, the person who was hit would not only suffer a lot of impact damage, but also high temperature damage.

More than a dozen large eagles fell from the sky!

Facing the core troops at this time, he can be described as a unilateral defeat. Although the opponent's attack is enough to threaten him, the number is too small. In addition, he has flying troops to assist in the battle, and there is no reason to lose.

Lin Feng did not focus on killing the giant eagle, but continued to use his size advantage to attack the opponent's formation.

Once the opponent loses their formation and faces hordes of Silver Pegasus and Griffins, the advantage of the troops will be greatly reduced. The opponent does not have the crushing advantage like the ace troops. When faced with a siege, it cannot be defeated by one enemy. Thousands and so on.

In the world of heroes, it is a basic operation for high-end combat power to defeat one thousand against one. With certain troops, it is not impossible to defeat one against ten thousand.

Just like many of the top military generals in the earth world, if one person is allowed to fight alone, he may only be able to fight against a few hundred enemies, but once he leads thousands of people, even tens of thousands of enemy troops can be killed.

This situation is even more prominent in the heroic world.

If the snake demon team attacks the enemy's formation alone, it may be overwhelmed by the army, but under the cover of other troops, it can achieve an invincible sweep.

Just like the opponent's orcs, there is absolutely no chance of using long-range attacks to focus on the fire snake demon, and other troops have no way to surround it. Otherwise, even if the snake demon has six long swords, it will be impossible to defend without blind spots.

The sky battlefield is like this at this time.

Lin Feng was responsible for breaking up the opponent's formation, while Silver Pegasus and Griffin were responsible for harvesting. Although the killing effect was not as fast as when he used Dragon Breath, it was much more efficient than ordinary attacks.

With the addition of Lin Feng, the advantage in the sky battlefield quickly tilted, and the great elves on the ground were always on alert, not even giving the opponent a chance to make a last stand.

Total defeat!

At this time, no matter in the sky or on the ground, this army that had the advantage before had fallen into a rout, and countless units began to retreat.

However, a disadvantage of the World Tree Leader emerged. flexibility!

During the defensive battle, the army performed very well and was completely extraordinary.

The spearmen, sentries, and dwarves withstood the Wolf Knight's crazy attack. Although this defensive power was related to command, it was also related to their own strong defense.

But among the advantages of strong defense, there is also the disadvantage of poor mobility. Therefore, when the enemy retreats, they are quickly distanced.

Wolf Knights are highly mobile units. Orcs and ogres are not very fast, but don't forget where this place is. hills!

This is the stronghold's home field, just like the forest is the stronghold's home field, the lava zone is the hell's home field, and the snow is the tower's home field.

In such a place, the movement speed of the stronghold troops far exceeds that of the World Tree Leader army.

The centaur is very fast, but the premise is that it has always been a flat road. Now facing the rugged hills, there is no way to move forward at high speed.

Especially when the opponent climbed over the hills, the two armies had been separated by a large distance.

Now the opponent has been crippled, all the ace units have been wiped out, and the core has been severely damaged. The total number of ogres, orcs, and wolf knights is less than 10,000 units. The previous army of more than 30,000 units has become a remnant army..

In terms of numbers, the World Tree Leader already had an advantage. The biggest casualties caused by the opponent were two rounds of long-range attacks by the Cyclops. The losses after that were even far less than before.

If the opponent's long-range firepower cannot be concentrated, it is completely impossible to get close to the battle pile and kill the Deadwood Guards and Crusaders who are treated by Priestess, let alone the snake demon. How many close combats will it take to exhaust the 60,000-plus HP?

Therefore, among the army of World Tree Leader, the ones who suffered the most heavy losses were the spearmen, sentries, and dwarves.

Because before, without the support of elite troops, he had to withstand the attacks of the opponent's third-level wolf knights, fifth-level orcs, and seventh-level ogres alone. Although it didn't last long, the losses were definitely not small.

After the Cyclops was prevented from launching a long-range offensive, the elite troops entered the battle, and the casualties were not large. stop!

Zhao Qingye issued the order directly.

If the World Tree Leader had the mobility advantage, then she would naturally not mind eradicating the roots. But now this hilly area is the opponent's advantageous home field, and its mobility far exceeds that of the World Tree Leader. To launch a pursuit in this case is simply a joke on the safety of the army..

No one knows if the opponent has a trap. If it is set up in such a complex terrain, the consequences of being caught will be absolutely disastrous.

The opponent can send top heroes to ambush, and who knows if more traps will be set.

If it's a head-on battle.

With the strategic attribute advantage of the World Tree Leader, there is no problem in one versus two.

But in an ambush situation, even a top hero made them disgraced. If Lin Feng hadn't attacked the opponent's Cyclops in disguise, it might not be surprising that they failed.

It can only be said that the top heroes are worthy of being at the top of the heroes. They are very strong in terms of tactics and strength, and they almost capsized.

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