In fact, Lin Feng didn't know that compared to them, the top heroes who were commanding the army to retreat were even more depressed.

Because he thought it was just a powerful army of first-class heroes, but who knew that a giant dragon would kill in front of his Cyclops army and even hide a team of snake monsters.

Just two unexpected circumstances turned the situation around.

If this was the case, it would not be without the strength to fight, but who knew that this enemy army's offensive was incredibly powerful, and its damage was far beyond expectations.

The eighth-level Crusaders alone can kill at the level of core arms, not to mention the snake demon squads of the ace arms. It is completely a one-sided massacre. No arm can get close between the swings of the six long swords. The massacre of the armies under his command is like Same as mowing grass.

The losses have reached this level, and the army has fallen below the standard of first-class heroes, which is a complete loss of blood.

Even if the Houston Union makes follow-up compensation, no matter how much the compensation is, the other party will not be able to provide ace troops. It may take a lot of time to raise a top army again, and this time is calculated in years.

That is to say, the top heroes have their own circles, and they can find ways to obtain ace units from various channels, so that they can climb back to the top ranks. If they were replaced by other heroes, they would have been in despair.

Yes, all ace units are obtained through various channels.

Purchases, trades, quests, lairs, etc. from the indigenous people are all done in a small circle, and rarely or never appear outside the circle.

As for the transaction, it is also very simple.

Not all heroes will specifically learn leadership skills for the ace unit, so the ace unit must naturally suit them.

Just like a stronghold army with ace troops from other camps, without leadership skills, morale problems are definitely a hidden danger, so it is natural to trade for unsuitable ace troops.

Especially when you have lost all your ace units, having such a circle will at least give you a chance to make a comeback and prevent you from falling into despair. Therefore, the top heroes all stick together, and each small circle forms a larger circle.

And each top hero is a circle in itself, because many heroes unite around it, and you can get many opportunities to purchase elites and core units.

The circle of heroes in the earth world is composed of such small circles.

In the sky, I watched the retreating enemy army.


Lin Feng was still angry.

Because this was the first time he had suffered such a loss. Although the compensation was three times the market price, which guaranteed that he would definitely make a profit and severely cripple his opponent, he was still not prepared to let him go.

So he waved his wings and quickly swooped down towards the retreating enemy.

Take a deep breath! tumultuous!

A puff of dragon's breath spurted out in diffusion mode, and there was seed on the ground. As for the Wolf Knight and Orc who were hit, they were directly turned into charcoal, while the ogre still had a complete body.

The crimson flames engulfed a large area and also engulfed the retreating troops.

With just one blow, hundreds of units were killed.

Because the opponent is now defeated and the formation is not close enough, that is because the diffusion mode of dragon breath is used. If the power concentration mode is used, it will be good if this blow can kill more than a hundred units.

Several hundred units of enemies can almost determine life or death on a small-scale battlefield, but on the battlefield of such top heroes, this number is still within the acceptable range.

Having used Dragon Breath several times before, Lin Feng felt that his body was a little strange. Two more Dragon Breaths at most would be the limit.

Using dragon breath is a huge test for his body.

Although the body is getting stronger and stronger, the power of the dragon's breath is also increasing, so the limit can only be breathed a few times, and it can only be breathed twice in a row at most. The third time, you have to be mentally prepared for your body to have problems.


A thrown hand ax hit Lin Feng's scales.

Although most of the orcs were killed, there were still a lot of them left. They launched long-range attacks directly from the defeated troops, causing Lin Feng to feel weak pain.

Judging from his current defense, even elite long-range soldiers cannot cause much damage.

But the cumulative effect still made him wary. In addition, when he fought with the Cyclops, his health volume was already less than half, and when he fought with the eagle, his health volume was even lowered. In order to prevent accidents, Lin Feng could only Give up pursuit.

You must maintain a certain state to cope with possible battles that may arise later.

Now that we are around the opponent's most important resources, of course the opponent cannot only have this army of top heroes, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly raised his altitude and got out of the opponent's long-range attack range.

The opponent can now be regarded as an ordinary hero. Without the ace unit Cyclops, the number of the core unit Eagle Troops is less than half. The other units have been severely damaged and can be regarded as the opponent's withdrawal.

Defeating a top hero in one battle is already a very strong record. Under normal circumstances, top heroes' duels are rare.

The number of top heroes, for the entire global player circle, is less than a thousand, including those who are hidden, which shows how rare top heroes are.

It was also because of this that it was strange for the Houston Guild, which was a third-rate consortium, to find a top hero. However, Lin Feng only met Falina. In the past, Feida Guild was not qualified to make friends with top heroes.

After giving up the pursuit, the system upgrade naturally sounded.

【A good battle and your level has been raised to level 47! 】

The experience value of the troops led by the hero will change qualitatively, which means that Lin Feng can get a lot of experience.

It is worth noting that the level of Wolf Knights under the opponent's command is generally over sixty. Although he can only gain experience equivalent to ten levels higher than himself, it is still a huge amount of experience points. Just the number of Wolf Knights killed is already More than ten thousand.

Such a huge number of enemies naturally brought a huge amount of experience. Even if Lin Feng's level was much more difficult to increase than that of ordinary players, he was still able to level up.

But the price is also very heavy!

A top hero was almost wiped out in exchange for only level one. No one could afford this price, not even Lin Feng.

Two squads of ace units and hundreds of units of core units are enough to make one's head go numb, not to mention the loss of elite units and main units.

Therefore, in this kind of business war, what top heroes fear most is facing each other.

It's a pity that the World Tree Leader only agreed to join three days ago, and the only people who knew about it were Falina and a few senior officials. Of course, there was no information from the Houston Union about them, which led to this tragedy.

It is indeed a tragedy.

If the other party knew the information about World Tree Territory, they would definitely not choose to ambush, or they might simply refuse to join this business war. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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