【Name: Phantom Shooter/Eighth Level 1 (Bonus attributes in parentheses)

HP: 900

Attack: 12

Defense: 4

Kill: 32-40

Speed: 9

Ammo: 48 rounds/Daily

Ability: Phantom Arrow ( After charging, the arrows can be split into ten phantom arrows with only 30% damage, which cannot be accurately locked), and piercing arrows (after charging, they can cause damage to the target that ignores 70% of the defense) Two hundred damage)

Maintenance cost: 160 gold coins/week]

A hero will cry after seeing it, and a professional will be silent after seeing it.

As soon as they were recruited, their attack attributes were on par with those of the eighth-level melee soldiers, and among the same-level soldiers, the attack power of the melee soldiers was the highest.

The attack attribute is okay, but the important thing is that the killing attribute is also strong, not weaker than the Crusaders. It can be said that it has a long-range identity and melee attributes.

Attacking and killing are okay, but the next step is the highlight.

First of all, there are 48 rounds of ammunition, which is more than the 24 rounds of ammunition for the normal long-range troops. The long-range troops on the battlefield have one more base ammunition (24 rounds is a base number), which not only doubles the effect, but also But several times.

The attribute panel + ammunition alone make the Phantom Shooter worthy of being an eighth-level long-range unit, fully worthy of this title.

But the real abnormality of the Phantom Shooter is in terms of ability. This is why the Phantom Shooter is called a core-level long-range unit.

First of all, the ability of phantom arrows is completely dedicated to clearing the field. It can deal 300% damage. It is completely fatal to low-level targets with weak defense and health.

The flaw is that it cannot aim accurately, but it does not need to be accurate on the battlefield. It is enough to shoot directly towards the target area to cover it.

The second ability is even more like a sniper rifle. It can cause 200% damage to the target, ignoring 70%. This skill is also extremely powerful and is designed to restrain targets with high defense.

One for clearing the field and one for sniping. Together they can adapt to any battlefield.

And both abilities can be used without paying any price. This is the scariest thing, and it is also the abnormality of the two abilities. Even the arrows will not be consumed more, which is a miracle.

The top-notch damage attribute panel at the same level, twice as powerful ammunition, and two abnormal and cost-free abilities, these add up to form a coveted phantom shooter.

If it weren't for the fact that Phantom Shooter is an exclusive unit, which means it can only be led by Lin Guoguo, it might be a world-class strategic talent.

The combined advantages of several aspects make the Phantom Shooter, even if it is only an eighth-level elite unit, no worse than the core units, or even stronger. It can directly compete with the Vampire King for the throne of the eighth-level strongest unit.

Of course, Lin Guoguo's talent is not that simple.

Talent: Phantom Archer (You can spend gold coins to train humanoid bow and arrow units into exclusive phantom archers. Every time the hero upgrades to five levels, the phantom archers under his command will increase their attack by 3 points, basic damage by 5 points, and range by 5%)


This was Lin Feng's first thought when he first learned about Lin Guoguo's attributes.

Because this talent is really too powerful. Not only can it train the Phantom Shooter, a perverted unit, but it can also give it a huge bonus.

Whether it's attacking or killing, it can make the already extremely powerful phantom shooter even more abnormal.

Especially the improvement of the range attribute can only be described as terrifying.

Because for long-range arms, range is definitely the most important attribute. Once you have the range advantage, you can completely crush your opponent unilaterally.

That is because Lin Guoguo was only at level five at this time, so the bonus to the phantom shooter was not strong enough.

If she were to level up dozens more, it wouldn't be a problem to lead the phantom shooters to challenge the core-level long-range troops. She would still have to defeat them unilaterally, because the opponent's range was inferior, and she could easily defeat the opponent with this alone.

Only the specific attributes of her talent are known to very few people. Even Tianhai University only knows about them with two palms. The other teachers at most know the attributes of the phantom shooter.

With this talent alone, Tianhai University is ready to train Lin Guoguo as its core ace.

It was because she had nothing to do for many years that the snakes approached her. However, Tianhai University also left life-saving items on her body, so there was no need to worry about anything happening. Even if Lin Feng did not save people, it was not Lin Guoguo who was in danger, but the snakes. group.

Anyway, after seeing this talent, no one will doubt whether Lin Guoguo can become a superhero.

At this time, with the help of Lin Feng, Lin Guoguo quickly accumulated phantom shooters. After the phantom shooters joined the army, they also allowed them to clear the guards faster and faster, forming a virtuous cycle.

Of course the chasing players didn't know this.

Although they felt that the situation was a bit unfavorable due to frequent shortfalls, they still felt that the advantage was on their side.

The two commentators with God's vision also constantly explained key points, such as Lin Feng's various tricks and arrangements. As top heroes, of course the two of them could see the meaning behind each action.

Therefore, every conductor made the audience extremely nervous, as if they were participating in the confrontation between the two sides.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented rookie competition, with most of the players targeting the two.

If you can still win the championship under such circumstances, there is no doubt about its gold content. Even if you lose, you can say that it is an honor to lose.

Only many people who saw the live broadcast footage were very curious about Lin Feng, because he acted a little too comprehensive. He didn't look like a rookie who had just entered college. Instead, he seemed to be mixed up. There are many young and oily heroes. really!

Many of the knowledge and details displayed by Lin Feng are not taught in class, so they attract people's attention, but naturally no one will point them out.

In the challenge!

Lin Feng did not give full play because he had to worry about his own style.

However, the expansion of the army was not slow. At this time, the number of troops under his command once again exceeded 10,000 units, and Lin Guoguo also had more than 200 units of phantom archers under his command. It was not that there were no archers and wood elves, but that there were not enough gold coins.

The amount of gold coins required to train a phantom shooter is astonishing, and different fees will be charged according to different training goals. If it is really measured in gold coins, each unit requires 30,000 gold coins.

Yes, you heard me right, it’s thirty thousand gold coins!

The recruitment price of a seventh-level swordsman is only 1,200 gold coins. Even if you include the cost of upgrading to an eighth-level soldier, the Crusader, it is less than 4,000 gold coins. The phantom shooter is more than seven times higher.

But no matter who you are, you will think that the price is worth thousands of dollars.

Because the trained units can be third-level archers, powerful crossbowmen, wood elves, etc., and the output of these units far exceeds the eighth-level units, and the difficulty of obtaining them is also the same. As for the gold coins spent, that is not a problem at all for powerful heroes.

Once trained, it becomes an eighth-level soldier. As long as you have a normal IQ, you will know how to choose.

Time passes slowly.

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