A few days later (in-game time, less than an hour in the eyes of the audience)!

"Okay, let's give each other some color first. We're chasing him a little too closely!"

After taking down a push of guards and letting Lin Guoguo collect resources and gold coins, Lin Feng did not continue to move forward as he had done in the past few days, but had more plans.

"Yes, these guys should be taught a lesson!"

Lin Guoguo, who was numb because of the repetition for several days, suddenly became energetic because she was really unhappy with those guys. If it wasn't for listening to Lin Feng, she would have turned around and made trouble for them.

Needless to say, the phantom shooter is powerful. , with the presence of two hundred units, plus some archers and wood elves, they formed a long-range force of nearly a thousand.

With this long-range force, coupled with Lin Feng's army of castles and barriers, it was already possible. With their strong combat power, the pursuers' expansion speed is far slower than theirs.

Because the opponent's main goal is to pursue, they naturally don't have much time to waste on expansion, even if they capture all the holes along the way. , but all the nests on the pursuit route were eaten by Lin Feng and the two in front, and they only got some soup.

If it weren't for the large number and the continuous reinforcements, Lin Feng might have killed each other.

But now Lin Feng and the others have the power to fight back.

The location and time of the ambush were carefully chosen, which is why he chose to fight back now.

They had not made a single counterattack in the past few days, which naturally made the dialogue feel that they were doing nothing. , it has no strength to fight back, which makes it develop inertia, and the terrain is between the forest and the plain.

Logically speaking, the plain is not a good place for ambush, but occasionally there will be grass taller than a person. This kind of place is definitely the most suitable place to hide. Unfortunately, Lin Feng does not know how to use the heroic spell of disguise. If he did, he would definitely be able to use more tricks.

Soon, Lin Feng first commanded the army to ambush in the bushes. Because there are no deadwood guards in the army and he has given up on the dwarves, it is very convenient to march and hide.

At the same time, he also camouflages himself in an area so that people can't tell which direction the army he is leading is heading, so that the opponent can't tell. You need to spread out and then join up with others after realizing that you are chasing the wrong person. This is because one of the pursuers has the ability to track, otherwise he would have been left behind in a few days.

There are also restrictions, so he can only follow behind and correct the exact direction every once in a while.

Lin Feng has already guessed some of the characteristics of the tracking technique through trial and error.

Every time he is confident that he can get rid of his opponent, he can catch up again. It would be too much if you don't notice any problems. It takes a few days to find out the opponent's ability data.

The ambush time is chosen after the opponent catches up again, which means that the opponent's ability is temporarily unavailable, so don't worry. The opponent could detect the ambush.

The number of chasing players at this time exceeded double digits, so they were determined to capture the brothers and sisters, and they had no worries about failure.

When they encountered the trail deliberately set up by Lin Feng, the pursuers were divided into two groups. Heading in several directions, one of them is heading towards the plain.

"coming!", Lin Guoguo said excitedly. After enduring it for several days, she can finally take action.

"Don't worry, wait until the opponent reaches the optimal shooting range!" Lin Feng whispered, fearing that Lin Guoguo would be unable to hold back and take action in advance, which would compromise the results of the battle.

"Do not worry!", Lin Guoguo complained, as if she was a little unhappy that Lin Feng doubted her commanding ability.

Just like all children don't want others to treat them as children, Lin Guoguo also wants to prove how strong she is. It shows that he is not young anymore.

The pursuing army heading here is somewhat chaotic, numbering about 40,000 units, most of which are initial units.

In terms of troop growth rate, these pursuers are not as strong as Lin Feng and the others. Moreover, the areas they pass through are the same, and the types of troops are naturally roughly the same. Therefore, there are no slow troops such as dwarves, iron men, and deadwood guards in the troops. It cannot be said that they are all highly mobile. Troops, but at least not too slow.

Castle camp troops such as spearmen, archers, griffins, swordsmen, and barrier troops such as centaurs, wood elves, and Pegasus. The elemental camp troops of elves are generally the initial ones. The other two camps account for most of the troops that are redeemed by points.

As for why the distribution of troops is like this?

It's simple because Lin Feng's retreat route has always been the forest and the plains, which are the home fields of the fortress and the castle. It is normal to have the largest number of corresponding nests. These are basic knowledge.

If Lin Feng doesn't even know this and chooses to escape to hills, snow, etc., although it may be difficult to escape the opponent, don't even think about it.

Soon, the pursuing troops passed by the grassy area where the army was ambushing, and the flying troops could be used for warning, but never trust them too much. It's too easy to deceive, so the hero team needs members who specialize in reconnaissance. Now everyone is a rookie, and they don't have their own hero team yet, so Lin Feng is not afraid that his poor disguise will be seen through by the opponent.

, fifth-level wood elves, and eighth-level phantom shooters!

The total number is nearly a thousand. At this time, they are all silently adjusting their shooting angles. If they are shooting within the field of vision, there is nothing to say. But because of the isolation of the grass, the target is enough.

Outside the field of view of the troops, the hero needs to adjust the shooting angle. Whether he can achieve the maximum results depends on the level of the commanding hero.

Just like in the previous commercial battle, when the giant ax used the Cyclops to ambush remotely, it was also adjusted in advance. He had passed it many times, and he had chosen the position carefully, otherwise he would not have achieved that level of hit rate.

Shooting within the field of vision was the test of the hero.

With extremely focused eyes, she was slightly adjusting the shooting angle in order to achieve maximum results.

Lin Feng's expression was relaxed, because even if the long-range firepower failed, he was absolutely confident that he would defeat the opponent, so he would not feel any pressure. It was precisely because of his absolute confidence. , he didn't mind letting his sister practice more, otherwise he would have taken over the command.


, countless arrows shot up from the grass and streaked across the sky.

After an arc angle, he fell into the army passing in front.

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