Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 201 The sword light forms a river, slaughters Tianzun at will, the era of invincibility is n

Chapter 201 The sword light forms a river, slaughters Tianzun at will, the era of invincibility is not far away

"What? What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"Could it be that the opposite is the Supreme Being against the sky?"

The expressions of the surrounding Heavenly Venerates all changed drastically, and they made shocking voices.

Facing the giant palm, it is like a mortal facing a small palm of a god.

Four thousand drops of primordial water, and the power of the taboo move Extinguishing Palm, are naturally terrifying to the extreme.

One of the palms of the gods instantly killed all the surrounding materials and melted into a particle flow.

It emits a white glare that is 10,000 times more intense than the sun's rays.


The terrified roar shocked the sky.


Ziyun Tianzun standing in the front, after screaming unwillingly, was instantly refined by Ye Xin and condensed into a holy fruit.


Because Ziyun Tianzun blocked most of the energy, Shenjian Tianzun was only shot tens of kilometers away.

It didn't die immediately.

However, his body was dripping with blood, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"No, I want to live, I want to live!"

"I have collected a lot of resources in my hands, and I am very hopeful to become an emperor. I am not willing to fall like this!"

The seriously injured King of Arrow let out a low growl like a beast.


Suddenly, four ferocious giant beast phantoms appeared behind him.

Ferocious and terrifying, his eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty red light.

Then, the phantoms of the four ferocious beasts turned into four arrows, and were shot at Ye Xin by the god of arrows.

The breath of terror and destruction of heaven and earth emanates.

Shatter the void of thousands of miles.

The taboo technique, the four fierce god arrows, the best trump card of the god arrow Tianzun desperately.

"Even if you try your best, it's still useless!"

"If you shoot me, you will have to pay the price of your life."

Ye Xin smiled indifferently.

"Cutting Heaven Sword!"

The terrifying sword intent enveloped thousands of miles in an instant.

A huge sword, condensed into one.


When the sword came out, thousands of miles shook, and the faces of the gods changed.

The white sword light enveloped the audience.


There was a huge explosion, and an extremely intense white blazing light burst out.

In a radius of thousands of miles, all the mountains, rivers, small courtyards, manors, sandstones, ice and snow all melted into particles and returned to nothingness.

God Arrow Tianzun, naturally cannot escape the power of this move.

Here it is, fall!

Ye Xin naturally wouldn't waste it, refining him into a holy fruit.

In the future, there will also be a sharp archer in Jixia Academy.

"Unexpectedly, with the addition of four thousand drops of primordial water, the power of taboo moves has undergone a qualitative change."

Ye Xin was also secretly taken aback, he didn't expect the Heaven-Caiting Sword to be so terrifying and powerful.

"Dead? The strong men who are infinitely close to the emperor, Ziyun Tianzun and Shenjian Tianzun, are they dead?"

The Tianzun who watched the battle all around turned pale and trembled a little.

"This person is only in the middle supreme realm, why is he so powerful?"

"Oh my god, his moves just now have surpassed my cognition."

All around, the thoughts of Tianzun began to communicate secretly.

Moreover, because of the increasing power of the battle, many nearby Tianzun rushed over to investigate the situation.

"Oh my god, what a terrifying power, it has been driven into ruins for thousands of miles around."

"Ziyun Tianzun and Shenjian Tianzun, the two most likely to survive, are actually dead!"

They were shocked and couldn't believe it.


At this time, Ye Xin frowned and looked around indifferently.

With his perception, he can naturally find that there are many Heavenly Venerates around, watching the battle in secret.

"what to do?"

"what to do?"

"The ruthless man who killed Ziyun Tianzun and Shenjian Tianzun seems to be eyeing us."

Seeing Ye Xin's ferocious eyes, the surrounding Heavenly Venerates panicked.

"We are alone, we are definitely not his opponents, and we were even defeated one by one."

"All of us join forces and kill him!"

"Besides, even though he killed Ziyun Tianzun and Shenjian Tianzun, it may be the end of his battle now."

It is naturally very difficult to kill the two top Tianzun.

They didn't believe that Ye Xin didn't pay too much at all, and he was still in a state of recent fighting.

"kill him!"

"Then each depends on his luck and takes his treasures, only then can he hope to get the last one."

"Yes, join hands to kill him and seize the treasure!"

A total of twenty-three Heavenly Venerates gathered around at this moment, and they were all staring at Ye Xin greedily and with red eyes.

In the end, only five people can survive to the end.

They must work hard, accumulate the most hole cards for themselves, and work hard in the final round of the battle.

And, usually, to increase the chances of survival in the end.

The weak Heavenly Venerates usually join forces to kill him first.

After all, the mighty Tianzun is dead, and in the final battle circle, their hope of survival will increase.

However, judging from Ye Xin's current strength, if they don't join forces, they have no hope of winning alone.

Therefore, they decided to join forces to solve Ye Xin and increase their final survival rate.


"Jointly kill that black-clothed youth!"

After the communication was completed, the twenty-one Tianzun powerhouses hiding in the dark, all full of murderous intent and overwhelming momentum, rushed straight to Ye Xin.

They all pulled out the Supreme Divine Art one after another, and swarmed to parry Ye Xin.

"Unexpectedly, this group of people really teamed up to attack me!"

Ye Xin's face paled.

Instantly resorted to "Escape from the sky".

The whole person turned into a streamer, which was extremely strange and fast.

Swish! ! !

In the void, there are twists and turns and afterimages left behind.

Dodged the Supreme Divine Art that was recruited one by one.

"court death!"

Ye Xin's killing intent was lingering.

The Eternal Excalibur appeared in his hand.


Ye Xin turned into a ghostly streamer, and directly used the Great Eternal Sword Technique.

I saw that the sword light is alluring, beautiful and moving.

The five celestial beings rushing to the front were directly torn apart by the power of Ye Xin's sword.

Then, it shattered the avenue-level defensive treasure worn on his body.


The five Heavenly Venerates stared wide-eyed, looking at Ye Xin in disbelief and fear.

Then, with a bang, he was smashed to pieces and fell.

At the same time, it was refined into a holy fruit by Ye Xin.

On the Hongmeng Dao tree, five more brilliant lights grew. Delicious and tempting fruit.

The refining efficiency of the Hongmeng Dao Tree is many times faster than that of the people of the Wanmu Sect.

In less than one breath, it can be refined into a holy fruit.


"Not only easily dodged the joint attack of all of us, but also killed five Heavenly Venerates with a backhand move!"

At this time, the remaining sixteen Heavenly Venerates all opened their eyes wide in horror.

They never expected to kill Ziyun Tianzun and Shenjian Tianzun, this junior who only had the middle supreme realm.

Unexpectedly... not his full strength!

With the power of a single sword, the five powerful Heavenly Venerates were wiped out like this, disappearing from the world forever.

This is still, on the premise of dodging a large number of supreme divine arts, he swung a sword smoothly.

At this time, the remaining sixteen Heavenly Venerates began to fear and fear.

It turns out that the advantage of numbers may not necessarily win.


When everyone was stunned, Ye Xin launched an attack again.

Eternal Kendo, Heart Sword Style!

A piece of sword light suddenly rose.

With the mysterious trajectory of the sword, with unparalleled power, he killed all the gods.

Heart sword style, control the sword with the heart.

Puff, puff! ! !

Without the slightest ability to fight back, it was four Tianzun who fell under Ye Xin's sword.

Eternal Kendo + Eternal Excalibur, the power can definitely kill Tianzun.

This is the way of the first person in Hongtian, the Eternal Empress.

Moreover, in the eternal kendo, Ye Xin is even better than blue.


"Invincible, can't win, he is a devil."


"Run away!"

"Even if we join forces, we can't stop his sword glow!"

The remaining twelve Heavenly Venerates were terrified to the extreme.

Then, not daring to attack Ye Xin, he fled desperately.

"Run? You can't run!"

Ye Xin smiled coldly.

In his eyes, these Tianzun are not only express boxes, but also holy fruits of Tianzun.

How could Ye Xin let him escape so easily.

Control the sword with the heart, whatever the heart looks like, it will become what it is.

This is the Heart Sword Style.

In Ye Xin's heart, he immediately fantasized about a sea with raging waves.

Sword light into the sea!


The infinite sword energy and sword light transformed into a beautiful and breathtaking sea of ​​swords.

The waves are monstrous and powerful.


Immediately, the sea of ​​swords flooded the entire void.

Those Heavenly Venerates running around because of timidity and fear were all submerged by Ye Xin's sword light into a sea.

Then, without any resistance at all, they were annihilated and fell, and were refined into holy fruits by Ye Xin.

In the first battle, there will be another twenty-one Celestial Sacred Fruits, a great harvest!

There are also twenty-one express boxes, waiting for Ye Xin to collect them.

"This feeling is really wonderful, as if returning to the world of gods and demons, the feeling of being invincible in the world."

Ye Xin licked his lips excitedly.

This feeling of slaughtering Tianzun at will is really cool.

It's even better than having sex with a woman.

No one could have imagined that not long ago, he had just ascended to the Great Heaven Realm.

In the eyes of Supreme Being, that is a great existence high above.

Canglan Tianzun is an invincible giant mountain.

It has only been about 10,000 years, and he has been able to slaughter Tianzun casually.

The progress is so great that it is rare in the world.

Earth-shattering, shocking through the ages.

"I believe it won't be long before the era when I, Ye Xin, is invincible in the world will come again."

Ye Xin said vigorously.

Then, Ye Xin happily put away the box.

At present, the Gu worm trial has passed for a long time, and it has reached the final circle.

A large amount of materials have been collected on each of the testers.

Massive and precious.

Unfortunately, it all belongs to Ye Xin now.

The holy fruit of heaven, plus the massive resources collected.

Next, the strength of Jixia Academy will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.


"He...he actually killed twenty-three Heavenly Venerates in a short period of time."

"Here, there is no lack of strong men who are infinitely close to the emperor, but they are still not his enemies with a sword."

The ancestor of the giant spirit, a powerful man standing on the top of the world, was extremely shocked.

Moreover, Ye Xin was captured by him personally and has been following him all along.

Success is too fast!

From barely being able to compete with ordinary Tianzun, to now being able to slaughter Tianzun at will.

Only for thousands of years!

For them, who are based on the chaotic era, it is too short, not enough time to take a nap.

"His sword light is too beautiful, and the eternal law of the sword is interpreted by him in an incomparably exquisite and terrifying way. Even mine may not reach this level."

"On the way of the eternal sword, he achieved that the blue is better than the blue!"

The Eternal Empress, the number one powerhouse in Hongtian, is extremely proud.

Never complimented anyone.

Ye Xin, she is proud, the first person to praise her in her life.

"Giant Ancestor, it seems that you are going to lose two of my top imperial weapons."

The Eternal Empress said lightly.

She is always aloof and proud.

As an invincible powerhouse in Hongtian Realm, no one in the world deserves her smile.

The only smile was only shown in front of Ye Xin, a man of destiny.

"Haha, Empress, I'm not 100% sure yet."

"Jixia Supreme is not necessarily the strongest existence in the Gu worm circle, there is another guy who may defeat him."

"This little guy is called Gale Wind Tianzun. His talent is not weaker than the true disciples of the other three major forces. When he first entered the circle, his strength vaguely reached that of the Heaven-Defying Supreme."

"Then, in the Gu worm circle, I got the inheritance of the old guy Fengxing Sacred Ancestor, and his current strength has steadily reached the level of the Supreme Being against the sky, not weaker than ordinary emperors."

"Ji Xia Zhizun, it's hard to say whether he can be his opponent."

"Feng Xing Sheng Zu, this old guy, even intends to accept him as a disciple."

Fengxing Saint Ancestor, one of the three giants of the Eternal God Kingdom, the Supreme Saint Ancestor.

As for Feng Yiyi, his attainments are very deep.

To be able to cultivate to the level of the supreme being against the sky, that one is not a peerless evildoer who shakes the whole world.

The combat power is so strong that it is desperate.

Moreover, he obtained the inheritance of the Supreme Sacred Ancestor Fengxing Sacred Ancestor, and obtained the Emperor Weapon Gale Blade.

"The strongest Gu worms generally don't collide with the strongest Gu worms, so that they can live the best life."

"However, Jixia Supreme's sword was like a river, and nearly twenty-three Tianzun were destroyed, and a lot of resources were obtained."

"Presumably, the Gale Feng Tianzun will definitely fight him, and then seize the resources in the hands of the Jixia Supreme."

The ancestor of the giant spirit said.

"Just wait and see, I'm sure he won't let me down."

The Eternal Empress smiled slightly.

This trust is born involuntarily.


On a huge lake.

A sharp figure stopped Ye Xin.

This person is wearing blue-green clothes, looks like he is in his thirties, with a long sword on his waist, flowing and vertical hair soaring to the sky, under the handsome sword eyebrows, there is a pair of indifferent and deep eyes.

"It's so strong, it's definitely not as simple as Tianzun."

Ye Xin was slightly startled.

"I heard that you killed twenty-three Heavenly Venerates by yourself not long ago."

"I won't make it difficult for you, hand over all the resources collected and spare your life. You can walk out of the Gu worm circle alive."

Haifeng Tianzun said indifferently.

Having received the inheritance of Fengxing Sacred Ancestor, his strength has greatly increased, and he is full of strong self-confidence.

"Hehe, I have exactly the same intention. Now you obediently hand over all the resources in your hands, and I will spare your life."

Ye Xin countered lightly.

Pretending to be forceful, pretending to be unfathomable, and I will also pretend.

"You are really looking for death, dare to say such a thing to me."

Haifeng Tianzun licked his lips, showing a cruel smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, I can feel that you are strong."

"Hehe, the stronger you are, the better. The other opponents are too weak to let me use my full strength. Let's test my true strength."

Ye Xin said boldly.

He already had a guess in his mind that this person should be the legendary Heaven-Defying Supreme!

In the Supreme Realm, he can be compared to the strongest evildoer in the world.

"Hahaha, I don't know where your confidence comes from. You dare to speak big in front of me."

"Boy, don't let me down. It would be boring to kill you easily."

Haifeng Tianzun grinned.

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