Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 202: Beheading the Heaven-defying Supreme Being and Eating Chicken Successfully

Chapter 202: Beheading the Heaven-defying Supreme Being and Eating Chicken Successfully

In the huge lake, two mighty figures floated on the water, facing each other.

"Stop talking nonsense, take out your weapons and fight."

Ye Xin said coldly.

If he wins this battle, he will have power comparable to the Great Emperor.

"Let me take out the weapon?" Haifeng Tianzun smiled: "You are not qualified yet."


Looking at Gale Tianzun, who was laughing confidently and wildly, Ye Xin turned into a streamer of afterimage without saying a word.

The fist turned into a huge mountain, and directly smashed towards Galewind Tianzun.

"Zhenshan Fist!"

In addition to "Nine Layers of Primordial Taboos", "Primary Indestructible Sword Formation", "Great Eternal Sword Art", "Heart Sword Style", "Sword World" and other trump card killing moves.

Ye Xin naturally also practiced countless supernatural powers and secret techniques.

With his talent, it is very simple to practice supernatural powers and secret arts.

Ye Xin is definitely one of the most learned people, possessing countless supernatural powers.


Haifeng Tianzun Lang smiled, and then slapped Ye Xin with a distant palm.

Wind palm!


The violent wind surged, condensed into a palm that crushed the world, and slapped Ye Xin.

Zhenshan Shenquan and Storm Palm collided.

Bang~ There was a heavy explosion that shook the sky.

The violent energy is constantly raging, tearing everything in the eyes.

The originally peaceful void was easily shattered instantly like a piece of paper.

It turned into countless space fragments, scurrying in the void like pieces of ice.

"Huh? Interesting, you were able to take my palm."

Haifeng Tianzun smiled instead of anger, showing a strong fighting spirit.

Then, the whole body rotated at a high speed, and the law of the wind source between heaven and earth formed a monstrous and huge tornado, wrapping him up.

The terrifying tornado exudes a destructive aura, as if it wants to tear the world apart.

Immediately afterwards, at an extremely fast speed, he pierced towards Ye Xin.

The violent energy, like a meat grinder, grinds everything in the world.

"Heaven-Defying Supreme, an existence comparable to a great emperor, is indeed much stronger than Tianzun, even the quasi-emperor."

Ye Xin's face changed slightly.

His supreme domain seemed to be about to shatter after being impacted by the berserk tornado.

This terrifying energy seemed to erupt among a group of Heavenly Venerates.

Then, the terrifying power of destruction can easily annihilate a group of Heavenly Venerates.



In the depths of the void, a supreme and majestic thought force projected over from the air with an intense intensity from an unknown distance.

On the far side, a young man in white with a divine sword on his back was looking at the battlefield from a distance.

A boy with white hair and white clothes, his eyes are as terrifying as a sea of ​​stars.

Let everything between heaven and earth fear him.

It is the ancestor of Fengxing, one of the three giants of the Eternal Kingdom of God.

A powerful cultivator can change his appearance and age accordingly.

Therefore, although it is a juvenile appearance.

But the age of the Fengxing ancestor exceeded a hundred chaotic eras.

"I didn't expect that in the Gu worm circle, there was someone who could compete with Gale Feng Tianzun."

"However, Tianzun Haifeng has received the inheritance of my Fengxing ancestor and the blade of Haifeng, so this son will definitely die."

The ancestor of Fengxing is an extremely proud and confident strong man, a supremely great existence.

If he hadn't admired the Eternal Empress, he would never have joined the Eternal Kingdom of God and become someone else's subordinate.

In his eyes, except for the Eternal Empress whom he loves, no one is qualified to order him.

He is very confident in the Storm God that he fancy.

"That kid, who is only in the middle supreme realm, has the qualifications to fight against Galewind Tianzun, and his talent can be regarded as astounding in the past."

"Unfortunately, the life and death of the Gu worm circle are determined by the heavens, so it's not good luck for you to meet the heaven-defying supreme being who has obtained my inheritance."

The white-haired and white-haired Ancestor Feng Xing showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Since countless chaotic eras, there have been too many geniuses and monsters.

Fengxing Shengzu didn't care about an evil genius at all, and went to rescue the evil young man in black who was doomed in his eyes.

To die is to die in vain.

In the Gu worm circle, life and death depend on fate and wealth, so he will not make a move.


"The Supreme Being Against Heaven is indeed not weak, but I am not easy to bully."

Ye Xin said coldly.

"Heavenly characters!"

Ye Xin also learned his way of talisman after refining the holy fruit of Talisman Tianzun.

Immediately, Ye Xin drew a large Chinese character "天" in the sky.

Distributing endless bright light and terrifying power.

If Fu Bao Tianzun did not die, he would definitely be shocked to death.

You know, even he has not comprehended the celestial character in the three talismans of heaven, earth and man.

Now, it was learned by Ye Xin.

Heaven is the rule of the world, the most terrifying existence in the world.

The word "Tian" is full of terrifying power of world rules.

This is also the reason why Tianzi is very difficult to cultivate.

But once the cultivation is successful, a super terrifying power will erupt.

Booming~ The energy is raging and rioting.

At this time, Tianzun Gale, who had turned into a tornado, had already killed him.

Above the void, the big sky characters instantly turned into a world of energy.

The void in the energy world turned into an endless flow of ray particles, and then formed an unrivaled energy, strangling towards Galewind Tianzun.


The entire Tianzun Gu worm circle shook.

At this time, Haifeng Tianzun was no longer as calm as before, and looked a little embarrassed.

"You... you actually succeeded in cultivating the heavenly characters. Except for the fallen Emperor Rune, no one has successfully cultivated it, including the Emperor Fu Bao who has been inherited by the Emperor Rune."

Haifeng Tianzun showed shock for the first time.

The difficulty of cultivating Tianzi made many great emperors have to shake their heads and sigh.

"You have become a celestial character, you are indeed qualified, let me use the emperor's weapon."

"As soon as the emperor soldiers come out, you just wait to die."

Immediately, Haifeng Tianzun showed a confident smile again.

It seemed that Ye Xin had been eaten to death.

The strength of an emperor without emperor soldiers will be greatly reduced, such as Emperor Qingmu and Emperor Yan.

Like the Black Killing Emperor, it wasn't long before he broke through the Emperor.

However, because there is no emperor soldier, in the situation of two against one, he was still crushed to death.

Ye Xin also had to run away.

An imperial weapon, the combat power that can be improved is too terrifying.

Moreover, having obtained the inheritance of Fengxing Sacred Ancestor, he easily refined the Emperor Armament and was able to exert all its might.

At this time, the ancestors of Giant Spirit and Fengxing were optimistic about the biggest reason why Haifeng Tianzun killed Ye Xin.

Once the emperor soldiers come out, who will fight for the front?

Even if it's just an ordinary emperor soldier, it can make Gale Feng Tianzun move across the world and slaughter Tianzun.

At this time, a blue slender divine sword appeared in the hands of Gale Wind Tianzun.

"This sword is called Gale Wind Blade, and it was forged by the great Fengxing Sacred Ancestor."

"It is also your supreme honor to be able to die on top of such a great imperial soldier."

Seeing even, the Gale Blade exuding a monstrous and terrifying aura, Gale Tianzun showed a bright smile.

In an instant, the Gale Blade in his hand shone brightly and charged towards Ye Xin with a fierce sword intent.

Yufeng swordsmanship, the swordsmanship created by the ancestor of Fengxing.

Although it is not comparable to the eternal sword way, it is also one of the most powerful sword ways in the heavens.

"Emperor soldier? Kill you as usual!"

The emperor soldiers were brought out on the opposite side, Ye Xin did not have the slightest fear, but became excited instead.

I can finally use "World of Sword" to test its power.

Of course, he didn't take out the emperor soldier in his hand.

Use the mysterious imperial sword that you have obtained.

The power is too terrifying, almost to the point of abnormality.

Ye Xin even doubted whether it was a legendary ancestral weapon, not as simple as an imperial weapon.

Even so, Ye Xin doesn't have much knowledge.

He could also feel that the mysterious Emperor Armament he obtained was even more terrifying than the three Netherworld Devil Emperor Armament obtained by the Black Killer.

Otherwise, when dealing with the four quasi-emperor bodyguards of Nightmare Tianzun, it would be impossible to instantly kill them.

Instantly killing the four quasi-emperors was entirely due to the power of the imperial soldiers in his hands.

What puzzled him even more was that he didn't need to refine it at all, and he could directly use the full power of that mysterious imperial weapon.

Even Ye Xinxin guessed that this imperial weapon was probably made by the first person in Hongtian, the Eternal Empress.


The eternal sword intent in Ye Xin's body exploded instantly.

Hundreds of millions of eternal sword qi criss-cross the sky and the earth.

Then, dark golden rays of sword light formed in the void, as thin as hair.

These, sword light rays are intertwined together, forming a time filled with countless immortal sword energy.

Immortal Sword Realm!

The second picture of Eternal Kendo, the moves of "Sword World Picture".


The Immortal Sword Realm erupted with a terrifying coercion that changed the color of the world.

This is the sword world praised by the Eternal Empress as surpassing her eternal sword world.

"Eternal Kendo, Sword World!"

"He actually learned the eternal sword."

The ancestor Fengxing who was watching the battle was startled.


The Immortal Sword Realm moved, and suppressed the rushing Galewind Tianzun.

Wherever the sword world passed, everything was annihilated and returned to ruins.

Golden threads of sword energy shot in all directions, tearing apart the heavens and the earth.


Even so, there is still a long distance.

The golden thread of sword energy emanating from the Immortal Sword Realm pierced Galewind Tianzun's Supreme Domain and his defensive treasure.

Not even the power of the emperor's soldiers in his hands can block the sword energy and golden threads.

Shot through his palm, his chest.

puff! Poof! Poof!

The whole person turned into a blood hole.


Haifeng Tianzun's eyes were red, and he roared in despair.

"not good."

"It's hard to find a good disciple, but I can't let you kill him."

"I want the Storm God I like to live, so if you don't go far, you can only die!"

Feng Xing Shengzu's face changed slightly, unexpectedly he was unruly, a sword energy rushed out of his body, and directly blasted at Ye Xin.

That's right, as the Supreme Patriarch at the top of the world, he is the rule, so how can he talk about the rules.

Whoever he wants to live can live.

How terrifying is the attack of the supreme ancestor.

Even though it's extremely far away, it's still full of destructive power.

No emperor can withstand the sword intent of Fengxing Shengzu.

It can be seen that he has the will to kill Ye Xin.

At this moment, a palm as lush as jade came out.

It directly shattered the sword intent of Fengxing Saint Ancestor.

"Empress, why did you take the initiative to stop... I am the supreme ancestor, you have to take care of killing an ant?"

Fengxing Shengzu frowned, and said in dissatisfaction.

No matter how talented or evil, in the eyes of the supreme ancestor at the top of the world.

They are all ants that can be crushed to death at will.

"He can't die, you can't shoot."

"If you dare to make a move, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The indifferent voice of the Eternal Empress sounded.

The tone was full of stern warnings.

The Eternal Empress is naturally very clear about the disposition of the Fengxing Saint Ancestor.

He must retaliate, he is vicious and ruthless, and he is deeply scheming.

Ye Xin is the man of her destiny, just like the ancestor of Fengxing questioned and shot.

Then she would choose to attack him without hesitation.

"Empress? You actually want to attack me for a supreme ant!"

Fengxing Shengzu is a little unbelievable.

More rage and jealousy.

"Hmph, this ancestor is going to kill him, let's see how you stop him."

The temper of the ancestor of Fengxing is also on the rise.

Prepare to strike again and kill Ye Xin.

"Fengxing old ghost, Jixia Zhizun is very important to the Empress, so don't meddle in his affairs."

At this time, the ancestor of the giant spirit acted as a peacemaker and persuaded.

"It turns out that this kid is very important to the empress, so naturally I can't do anything to him. Well, this ancestor will spare his life."

Fengxing Shengzu smiled brightly.

But in the eyes, there was an imperceptible killing intent.

Then, healed the void and left.

Ye Xin naturally didn't know what happened in secret.

At this time, he controlled the Immortal Sword Realm, and descended in front of Galewind Tianzun.


Hundreds of millions of golden threads of sword energy penetrated his body.

His breath was completely cut off.

The corpse full of blood holes fell to the ground.

A huge pit hundreds of meters deep was smashed out.

The Immortal Sword Realm collapsed automatically, and then hundreds of millions of eternal sword intents returned to Ye Xin's body.

Ye Xin slowly descended from the sky.

Looking at the unrecognizable corpse of Gale Feng Tianzun, he said excitedly: "I didn't expect the sword world to be so terrifying, killing a Heaven-defying Supreme Master holding an imperial weapon in seconds."

"Horror, my strength at this time is not far behind that of the Black Killer Tianzun."

Even, Ye Xin had already conceived the idea of ​​killing the black emperor at this time.

Killing him, refining it into the holy fruit of the Great Emperor, can also indirectly obtain the inheritance of the Netherworld Devil Emperor.

Even if Ye Xin doesn't need it, he can pass it on to his daughter who understands the law of reincarnation.

Afterwards, Ye Xin refined Galewind Tianzun.

A golden sacred fruit appeared on the Primordial Dao Tree, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

The Gale Blade and Space Ring naturally became his trophies.

"I have obtained another imperial sword, and the imperial sword array may not be far away."

Ye Xin showed a happy smile.

Immediately, it turned into a streak of light and left the battlefield.

Start a new round of hunting.


As time goes by, the space restriction becomes smaller and smaller.

There is absolutely no room to hide.

The remaining Tianzun were forced to fight for the place of survival.

In the end, after countless fierce fights, there were only five people left.

"Haha, we survived to the end, we won."

The remaining four quasi-emperor Tianzun became excited and excited.

After passing through the Tianzun Gu worm circle, their future is destined to be extremely brilliant.

"The battle is not over."

At this time, Ye Xin appeared coldly in front of the four of them.

During this time, Ye Xin did not make a move.

Watching people fight with their own eyes.

Now, these four people have accumulated a lot of resources collected by Tianzun.

Ye Xin was naturally envious.

Moreover, by refining them, more Heavenly Venerable Fruits can be produced.

Ye Xin, simply kept letting them go.

In the Gu worm circle, it is stipulated that at most five people can survive, there is no requirement that five people must survive.

Therefore, the last person to eat the chicken can only be him.

"You... what do you mean!"

The four looked at Ye Xin in horror.

Having survived to the final round, he is naturally very aware of Ye Xin's strength.

Immediately trembling with fright.



Ye Xin was not polite, turned into an afterimage and rushed over.

Four people were easily eliminated.

In the entire Tianzun circle, he was the only one left who succeeded in eating chicken.

All the resources collected from the entire Tianzun circle are concentrated on him alone.

Ye Xin's strength has also reached the strength of the heaven-defying supreme from the ordinary Tianzun who just entered the circle.

There are a total of forty-six condensed holy fruits of heavenly deity.

Ye Xin has gained a lot in the Tianzun Gu worm circle!

"I don't know how Concubine Mi is doing now? You must pass the Gu worm circle!"

After successfully eating the chicken, Ye Xin not only did not relax, but became a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, just break into the high-ranking supreme Gu worm circle to have a look."

Regarding the current strength, Ye Xin believes that he can do it.

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