Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1268: Shock the city

After the Terminator practice, it is impossible to enter a higher realm in this life, but within the same realm, you can greatly enhance your own strength.

In other words, the Immortal Terminator is to sacrifice its own immortal road in the desperate situation of Immortal Dao and try to improve his strength.

Some terrifying cultivators can even cross a realm to easily kill cultivators who are higher than themselves.

Zeng Jin has appeared in the world of heaven and earth, a very well-known terminator of the Taoist Immortal Cultivation. With one shot, he destroyed millions of miles and could easily kill some ordinary Daxian Immortal Cultivators.

Obviously, the leader of this fierce snake is also a terminator of immortal cultivation, and has raised his own strength to a limit through some special methods.

If Mo Wen had expected it to be good, this ghost-handed snake king should have refined some serpents and wild beasts into his body. With the power of the wild beasts and special methods, he cultivated a half-human half-beast magic body .

"You just have something to do with your soul, and your body is probably quite weak. You dare to sack wild here and die for me."

Ghost-handed Snake King growled, a large number of tentacles rushed to Mo Wen, the whole sky was covered by tentacles, like a huge skynet.

Within Skynet, ghosts cry and howl, horrible breath sweeps across, seeming to be able to shred this space.

"What a terrifying power, I'm afraid that the god's imaginary cultivator is nothing more than that." Wu Qixian took a sigh of relief, with some despair in his eyes.

Ji Tong's body was stiff, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

The immortals of the other two alliances were also horrified and horrified. Under the horror atmosphere, the area around the cave house might not grow, and no one would stay. That power, even some aftermath can kill them.

"Not good, Brother Mo be careful." Hu Xian Xuan couldn't help shouting.

Yun Xiaoman looked at the people behind him with a speechless face. Was there such a fuss? Looking at the ghost-hand snake king's eyes, he was quite disdainful.

Just as everyone was frightened and desperate, a golden light shone from the front of the cave.

The golden light radiated an endless radiance, like a newborn sun. The endless radiance wrapped the entire world, and a golden sun could be seen rising slowly from thousands of miles away.

The overwhelming tentacles like a large net were bathed in golden light, and all spontaneously ignited.

There is no reason to say that in just a few breathing efforts, those evil tentacles are all turned to ashes.

A giant golden flame hand appeared above the sky, and then slowly took the next shot.


The huge body of Ghost Hand Snake King was directly pushed to the ground by the kilometer-long golden flame giant hand, and the horrible flame was burning wildly. , The huge body is also shrinking.

"How can it be!"

The ghost-handed snake king stared at the beads with an unbelievable look. He was crushed to the ground, unable to move, no matter how hard he struggled.

He has this Teng Snake dharma body, but he is the biggest reliance. With this Teng Snake dharma body, he has few opponents in Guiyue Maple Valley, and he can even play a one or two hundred moves with Guiyue Lao Mo. Once, he insisted on 150 moves in the hands of Guiyue Lao Mo before he was defeated.

He thinks that there is no big difference with the god's virtual realm, and he has even regarded himself as a fairy cultivator of the god's virtual realm.

However, what he could not think of anyway was that he would be pressed on the ground by a fairy cultivator in the Taixuan realm, unable to move.

"You are also an immortal terminator?"

The ghost-handed snake king opened his eyes in anger, staring at Mo Wen with only one explanation. This young man is also an immortal terminator, and he is also a stronger immortal terminator than him.

The same as the Terminator of Immortal Cultivation, under the same state, the gap between each other is also quite large.

Some immortal terminators are at best better than ordinary immortal ones, while others are comparable to those of a larger state than others, and there are even more perverted immortal terminators that can easily kill highs. A self-cultivator in a big realm.

He was very unwilling, quite unwilling. Is this young man a pervert in a terminator of immortality?

In the end, he didn't get an answer, his body gradually turned to ashes in the hot golden flame.


The entire Fengxi Mountain was dead and silent. The great leader of the fierce snake, the horror immortal comparable to God's virtual realm, was so dead!

And still died in the hands of a young man, and was killed in just one face-to-face.

Needles can be heard around the cave house, and all those who are here are trembling.

This time, it was their despair.

There is a big question mark in everyone's mind. What the **** did they provoke!


The two leaders of the blazing snake didn't dare to put one, turned around and ran.

Even the chiefs are killed so easily, they stay here no different from death.


The two chiefs threw out the huge dark red sledgehammer in their hands, and saw that the dark red sledgehammer of the Lingbao level turned into a blaze that day, and slammed into the city of Guiyue Maple Valley, like a falling star. Breaking through the dozen or so layers of protection bans on the surface of the city, it fell into the city.

For a time, the waves swept through, flying sand and rocks, large blocks of buildings in the city collapsed due to the attack, the whole city was shaken by the hammer.

After evading light into the sky, a large number of immortal practitioners flew out of the city to see what happened.

The two leaders are quite clever. He knows that under normal circumstances, they cannot escape. Only by causing a sensation in the city, and even alarming the entire Ghost Moon Maple Valley, attracting a large number of immortal practitioners to pay attention, can they save their lives.

With a dozen of them, it is impossible to fight that horrible young man.

"Well, what about the whole ghost moon Maple Valley, as many people as you have, I will kill as many people as possible ~ ~ Mo asked with a sneer, the golden light flashed in my eyes, the next moment, the two leaders who escaped from the sky with all their might The body stiffened, and then fell from the air without warning, with no breath of life, completely transformed into a corpse.

"Who dares to stalk wild in Maple Valley Guiyue!"

An angry voice rang from the depths of the Valley of the Ghost Moon Maple, and then, a breath of terror erupted from the depths of the valley. The breath was far more terrifying than the King of the Serpent Snake King. Some low-level fairy repairers in the city felt At that breath, all shivered.

"That's the ghost and moon old demon."

Ji Tong's face changed drastically, and his face was pale to the extreme.

Guiyue Lao Mo is a hunter of ancestors. Once they are found, they absolutely have no way to live.

The vast wilderness, this sky and underground, I am afraid there will be no place for them to hide.

To be continued.

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