Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1269: Guard Valley

The ghosts of Guiyue Laoqi are unique in the history of Guiyue Fenggu, and they have been fierce for a long time. Almost all the practitioners here are afraid of him.

As soon as this sound came out, many immortal practitioners in Guiyue Maple Valley were so scared that they looked pale, so they didn't dare to move when they stayed in place.

Many Xianxiu practitioners in Fengfu Mountain around Fengxi Mountain were also alarmed. With such a big movement, even some closed-cultivation Xianxiu practitioners have noticed that they have come out of the cave. For a time, more and more immortals on Fengxi Mountain.

However, none of these immortal cultivators dare to approach Ji Tong's cave house. No one is stupid, how can they easily get involved in the whirlpool of others.

Even the ghost moon elders were alarmed, and they dare only watch from a distance.

Mo Wen coldly stared at the dozen or so fleeing snake snake immortals who fled with their fingers, and the holy fire sword suddenly flew out of his sleeve. The brilliant golden light filled the sky, and I saw the holy fire The sword was divided into two, two into four, and finally turned into thirty-six sword shadows, and disappeared in place with a swish.

In the next moment, all the dozen escaping serpent cultivators who were immortal were killed by a sword light, and their bodies were directly turned into dust. These immortal cultivators in Taixuan Realm had no resistance at all.

Around them, some immortals who didn't understand what was happening all took a breath, and looked at Mo in a horrified expression. The young man was terrified to this point.

"This young man is terrible. Who is he?"

"I know all those who cultivate immortals. They are all evil cultivators. In recent years, the immortal snakes have become more and more arrogant. They often do some robbers who fight homes and robs. Teng Snake suffered a loss in his hands, even if he complained to the Guiyue Lao Mo, the chief of the blazing Teng Snake and the Guiyue Lao Mo were skillfully embarrassed, and the snake rat nest ...

An immortal repairer said with resentment in his eyes. He was one of the victims who was bullied by the blazing snake at that time. He did not know how the blazing snake snake knew that he had a strange treasure in his body. The three leaders of the fiery snake snatched the past.

Now seeing the people who are raging for snakes being slaughtered, he is naturally very popular.

"The old man came forward in person, and actually dared to commit the crime, young man, you are too much."

A sharp voice came. At the next moment, a shadow appeared on Fengxi Mountain. It was a man in black robe. The whole body was shrouded under the black robe. An old face and yellow eyes were flashed from time to time. This person just glanced far away, and he could see that he was not a kind.

"Ghost Moon Old Devil?" Mo asked, looking at the black robe with interest.

Guiyue Lao Mo is a god-cultivator of the god's virtual realm. Although he has been in the early stage of the god's virtual realm since he became a god's virtual realm, his prestige in the nearby wasteland is not small. After all, the monks of God's virtual realm are all high-level existence in the wasteland.

"It is underneath. Now that he knows the name of the old man, he dares to commit crimes in Guiyue Maple Valley.

Guiyue Laomo had a pair of murky eyes fixed on Mo Wen, as if he wanted to see him transparently from beginning to end.

Although he did not know what happened, he also knew at this moment that the chief of the blazing snake had already died in the hands of this young man, and he could kill the ghost-handed snake king. This young man was not a general generation, Even he has to pay attention.

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask nonsense with Mo, he shot him directly.

"First, it's not that I'm murdering in Guiyue Maple Valley, but that someone has come to my door to try to kill me; second, you're counted as something, and you still need to face you."

Mo asked faintly that he naturally didn't have any good looks about the greedy evil door of Guiyue Laomo.

Guiyue Old Demon heard the pupils shrink, and laughed loudly, saying, "Okay! What a good thing I am, it seems that you don't even understand who is here."

Between his speeches, a shocking breath erupted from his body, his sleeves flicked, and a black light flew out.

It was a small black disc with ancient and complex runes carved on it, and a mysterious breath was released from the disc.

As soon as this disc appeared, twelve black lights were released, and the twelve black lights flew to the twelve directions of Guiyue Maple Valley.

At the next moment, the rumbling of the entire Guiyue Maple Valley rang, and all corners of the valley lit up a brilliant brilliance, colorful, and instantly covered the entire valley, a trace of terror, from the Guiyue Maple Valley's Deep out of the ground.

"That was the Great Guardian Formation. This formation is said to be extremely mysterious. It was the ancient formation method that the Guiyue Old Demon spent a huge price to arrange. It is the foundation of the entire Guiyue Maple Valley. It will not easily start. I I have been to Guiyue Maple Valley for more than three thousand years, and I have never seen Guiyue Old Demon inspiring the Great Protector of the Valley, and today it is a long experience. "

"Gugu Great Array, Guiyue Old Demon actually inspired the Gugu Great Array, what happened, is it necessary to deal with the young man, but also rely on the power of the Gugu Great Array? Who else is his opponent in Maple Valley? "

"It's a terrifying array. I'm curious now. Who is that young man? Does the ghost-moon elder think that his own strength is not enough to deal with him, and he must also rely on the power of the Great Valley Guardian Group? Is it a **** who is more terrifying than the ghost, moon and old demon? "


The start of the Great Guardian Array shocked the whole fairy repairer in Guiyue Maple Valley again. Thousands of thousands of fairy fixers all turned their attention to Fengxi Mountain. Many people were shocked. Array, I do not know how many years have not been opened.

It is said that this formation was a formation in the ancient times, and the ghost moon old demons, with the protection of the valley, are enough to compete with the mid- and late-century **** repairers. Even if some mid-century god-cultivators break into the valley, they are not ghost moon old demons. Opponent.

That's why the old demon of Guiyue can always hold Guiyue Fenggu firmly in his hand.

"The Great Guardian Formation has been completely opened, you are already a turtle in the urn, I want to see now, how do you still arrogant with the old man."

Guiyue Old Demon looked coldly at Mo Wen ~ ~ the breath of his body was integrated with the entire Guiyue Maple Valley, and the power of the Great Guardian Formation formed a close combination with himself.

In fact, these people can still take the opportunity to escape when the Hugu Formation has not been fully opened just now.

At least, with this young man ’s cultivation practice, there should n’t be much problem with escaping.

But what he didn't expect was that the young man didn't mean to escape at all, and he stood proudly all the time, without moving.

well! He likes this kind of person who is proud of his heart, and he can spend a lot of thought on dealing with such a person.

"Guardian, a subordinate reported to me just now that a treasure was discovered, and the treasure was in the hands of the young man."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a **** coat appeared beside Guiyue Lao Mo and said respectfully.

"What! Exploring treasures!" Guiyue Laomo's pupils shrank and his face changed dramatically.

(To be continued.)

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