"Let's go to the Demon Alliance as soon as possible. Only by joining the Demon Alliance will we have the opportunity to avenge Zongmen."

The girl's eyes looked into the distance. There was only hatred in her heart, and the rest was all floating clouds.


"Why do you say that girl is not simple, the one who should be the highest is Ye Keming?"

Ji Tong looked puzzled at Mo and asked, the girl didn't seem to have anything special, and she was cute and cute, unlike a noble person. What's more, she checked it out, the girl only had the practice of fighting the transition, what kind of little monks should I pay attention to?

"She's not a cultivator of immortals."

Mo Wen smiled. It was clever to hide, but he couldn't escape his eyes.

Moreover, the young girl not only cultivated extraordinary things, but also carried a lot of treasures on her body. As soon as his treasure hunt came close to her, she felt very strong.

Ordinary cultivators do not have so many treasures on their bodies, and the treasures on that girl are too much, even if the ghost, moon, and old demon do not have as many treasures as hers.

Treasure hunters can determine the size and height of treasures based on the intensity of induction. The more treasures there are, the higher the level, and the stronger the reaction of treasure hunters.

Of course, like this treasure hunt, not all treasures can be detected, and there are many restrictions.

Not to mention the legendary treasure hunters, let's say that Mo Wen's treasure hunter's bracelet has a sensing range of only one kilometer, and the distance beyond one kilometer is not within the sensing range of treasure hunters.

When Mo Wen first arrived at Guiyue Maple Valley, he accidentally passed by the three chiefs on the street with the blazing snake, and then he discovered that Mo Wen had a treasure on him.

Otherwise, if the two are farther away, even if there is a treasure hunt bracelet on the body of the three leaders, it is impossible to detect the treasure that Mo Wen asked.

Moreover, the ability to detect this treasure hunt bracelet is also limited. After Mo Wen got it, he personally tested it and found that the treasure it can detect must be under the Xuantian sacred treasure.

In other words, if a person has a Xuantian Holy Treasure, Mo Wen even if standing in front of him, can't sense the treasure on him.

Xuantian Shengbao, the most powerful kind of treasure, has its own spirituality and automatically hides its breath.

Next, Mo Wen and Ji Tong continued to hurry up, however, before they had yet to go far, they met two immortals, and both were old monsters of the god's virtual realm.

"You stop."

Mo Wen and Ji Tong, who were flying, were suddenly stopped by a voice, and the light flashed, and two figures appeared in front of them.

The comers are two old men, one blood robe and one black robe, the forest is cold and the face is cloudy, and it does not look like a good kind at first glance.

Of the two, the old man in black robe seemed to have a wound, pale face, and a rather unstable breath.

"You two, have you ever seen two injured women pass by this nearby area?"

The old man in blood robe looked cold and said his breath was intentionally or unintentionally, covering Mo Wen and Ji Tong, especially strong.

Ji Tong felt a breath of God's virtual realm, like a mountain-like pressure-on his body, almost standing unsteady, his face was white, and his flowers were discolored.

The pressure of the old monsters of the God's Void Realm is really terrible for the ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivator. Even some horrible God's Void Immortal Cultivator can kill a large area of ​​Taixuan Realm by virtue of the breath.

"Ask you, are you two dumb? Believe it or not, the old man took your soul out and made it into a lone ghost."

The old man in black robe snorted coldly, his face was full of murderousness, and his mood seemed a little bad.

However, the young man ’s reaction was a bit strange, or that there was no response at all ...

Faced with the oppression of the breath of a god's virtual realm, there was no response at all. What the **** is this?

The old man in blood robe narrowed his eyes, pay more attention to Mo asked, this kind of person is not simple.

"Both of you are fairy cultivators of Demon Fire Demon Mountain?" Mo asked lightly, his eyes swept up and down.

Both of them had injuries on their bodies. The old man in black robe was seriously injured and could not suppress the injury on his body. The old man in blood robe was much better.

If his expectations were not bad, the two should have dealt with the girl.

The old man in black robe and the old man in blood robe looked at each other and looked at each other.

At the next moment, the two shot at the same time with great tacit understanding.

"Go! Grab these two little cubs, they must know the whereabouts of the little **** Zhang Yingjun."

The old man in blood robe snorted and his eyes widened. From Mo Wen's words, he immediately realized that these two people should have contacted with Zhang Yingjun, otherwise they would not directly ask if they were the people of Yaohuo Moshan.

A blood gleamed from the old man in the blood robe. At the next moment, it turned into a **** spear and slammed into Mo Wen.

Another old man in black robe was shot with a palm, the cold swept through, and a huge black palm print enveloped Ji Tong.

However, at the next moment, a more terrifying breath burst out and swept across the Eight Wastelands, instantly covering the old black robe and the old blood robe.

Jianguang started at the next moment.


With several loud noises, the two figures flew out and flew thousands of miles directly.

"How is it possible!" The old blood robe looked pale and looked at Mo in fright. He only had half of his body, and the other half was missing, blood dripping.

The old man in black robe was slightly better. He attacked Ji Tong, so he was attacked even lower, but Rao was so. His feet had broken and his lower body fell into the barren mountains above.

Both of them looked at Mo inconceivably and asked, who is this boy in the end, so terrified to this point!

The two of them, one in the middle and the other in the early stage, can't even hold a face of the teenager!


The two did not hesitate at all, and turned to escape. Although this young man is a bit strange ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but to the point where they practiced, they cherished their lives more and did not dare to take any risks.

Mo Wen sneered, the holy fire sword flashed by, turned into thousands of sword lights, and instantly flooded the two immortals.

The two **** cultivators of the virtual realm struggled to resist, but they could not escape the siege of those horrible sword spirits.

In the blink of an eye, two bones fell from the sky and crashed to the ground.

The two bones had no flesh on them, only Bai Sensen's white skeleton.

Ji Tong let out a sigh of relief slowly, the coercion of God's virtual realm was too terrible, but fortunately, the war ended only a moment later, otherwise she felt that she could not bear it.

"They chase Zhang Yingjun?" Ji Tong said doubtfully.

According to the two old men, they should be the two women they rescued. Is Zhang Yingjun the girl's name?

(To be continued.)

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