Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1277: Join the Demon Alliance

At this time, Ji Tong also knew that the lovely girl was probably not really simple. He could have been called to kill two immortal gods in the realm of the gods, which was definitely not an ordinary person.

Moreover, according to Mo Wen ’s statement, there may be more than two people who chased Zhang Yingjun ’s imaginary evil spirit evil spirits, they just met one of them.

The next time, the two fell into a boring hurry.

However, they only walked halfway, and encountered some unexpected things.

I do n’t know who, leaked the news that Mo Wen went to Yaohuo Demon Mountain, and now, the immortal repairers in the entire wasteland are staring at the road to Yaohuo Moshan. There was also an old monster with a divine consummation, and Mo Wenshi exhibited the illusion of escape from the old monster.

Mo Wen's news of carrying treasure hunters has spread throughout the desert, and I don't know how many people stared at him in an attempt to kill people and win treasures.

Moreover, the closer to the area of ​​Demonfire Demon Mountain, the more roadblocks will be encountered. Obviously, the area near Demonfire Demon Mountain is already quite dangerous. I do n’t know how many immortals are waiting for the rabbit, waiting for Mo to ask for the hook.

"Do not ask, let's join the Demon Alliance. According to Ye Keming, the Demon Alliance is ready to advance towards the Demon Fire Mountain. Why don't we use the Demon Alliance to hide ourselves?"

Ji Tongwang asked Mo, with some worry in his eyes. She was afraid that they would be so silly to break into the Demon Fire Mountain and the wolf into the tiger's mouth. After all, too many immortal practitioners are eyeing Mo Wen. Mo Wen may be chased wherever he goes now, and all are high-level immortal practitioners. She had no doubt at all, that an ancestor who had bad luck and met the Dao Realm was very likely.

Mo Wen asked to escape from the hands of the Immortal Cultivator of God's Deficiency and Perfection. Then they will have no chance at all, only a dead end.

Ji Tong didn't want Mo Wen to continue to go to Demonfire Demon Mountain. In his current situation, even if he arrives at Demonfire Demon Mountain, I am afraid he can't save everyone in the Alliance.

There are so many cultivators intercepting on the way to Yaohuo Demon Mountain. It is conceivable how many people in Yaohuo Demon Mountain are waiting to be asked.

They are now going to the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, which is meaningless.

But Ji Tong was helpless, Mo Wen still insisted on going to the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, and did not care about those threats at all.

Where is his faith?

Ji Tong couldn't understand Mo Wen more and more. In her view, this was tantamount to the act of seeking death.

Mo Wen frowned slightly, he also realized this problem, more and more cultivators who intercepted them along the way, he was like the fruit of life, wherever he went, he was watched by the greed of red fruit.

It has to be said that the charm of treasure hunts is indeed quite great, especially in the wilderness, a place where immortal resources are scarce, the value of a treasure hunt is simply incalculable.


Mo Wen narrowed his eyes and looked at the distance for a long time. Then, a silver light penetrated from his face. The silver light became brighter and brighter. There were a few stars around the glory. Lingering.

Star mask!

At this time, the star mask has been completely refined into the body by Mo Wen.

What's more, the present star mask is very different from the past. There is a vast and long atmosphere above the breath, extending endlessly.

Not to mention Bailing Shengbao, even Qianling Shengbao rarely has such a terrifying atmosphere.

The star mask at this time is indeed no longer the Bailing Shengbao, but the majestic Qianling Shengbao.

When this thing was in the Wujin Temple, it was re-refined by the goddess Jiaxie, and the rank was directly promoted from the Bailing Shengbao to the Qianling Shengbao.

The goddess Gyaxie had a great attainment in the refining process, but she was a refining saint.

Among the heavens and the world, those who can be called refining saints are only those old monsters who can make out the heavenly treasures and even the mysterious treasures.

The goddess Jiaxie is a horrible refiner who made Xuantian Shengbao.

It is a pity that the star mask has long been refined into shape, and the method of refining has been lost for a long time. Even the Ganesha girl can only raise the star mask by one grade.

But a grade is enough for Mo Wen.

I saw, Mo Wen's breath changes constantly, body, appearance, hairstyle, skin ...

Everything related to Mo Wen is changing, even the yin and yang qi in the body are actually transformed into pure Taihao thunder.

From inside to outside, Mo Wen seems to be no longer "Mo Wen".

Ji Tong stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she would never believe that the person in front of her was Mo Wen, even the soul breath changed. The power of the star mask is so amazing.

No wonder, at that time, Chimei was so distressed that he publicly repented in the palace of blood fighting.

"Go! Go to the Demon Alliance." Mo asked with a slight smile.

In his current disguise, the immortal cultivators in the same realm may not see the reason, enough to cover the sky.

However, Ji Tong is also right. Now that the Demon Fire Demon Mountain must gather a large number of immortal repairers, there are many strange people and hermits in the world. It is forbidden that someone can see through his disguise.

What's more, the power of the Demon Alliance is huge. He may use the power of the Demon Alliance to attack the Demon Fire Mountain.

Three days later, in a barren mountain, a large number of cultivators gathered here.

There was nothing special about one of the endless barren mountains in the endless wasteland of this place, but at this time, this place was the temporary residence of the Demon Alliance.

In the mountains, a large number of buildings were built, and beams and beams were built.

Two escapes appeared here ~ ~ stopped in front of the mountain gate.


Soon, a team of immortal cultivators flew out and surrounded Mo Wen and Ji Tong.

The cultivators of the Demon Alliance have a token of the Demon Alliance when they enter and leave the barren mountains. After a little sense of the token's breath, they can know their identity.

However, these two people did not have the identity token of the Demon Alliance. Once they flew into the barren mountains, they were like two luminous bodies, which were particularly conspicuous.

"We are volunteers who came to the Demon Alliance." Mo asked lightly.

"You two can refer someone? If there is no referral, you must go through a rigorous review and test before you can join the Demon Alliance."

A middle-aged man headed up and down to look at Mo asked. A large number of immortal cultivators come to the Demon Alliance every day, but not everyone can join the Demon Alliance. The identity background must be clean and clear to prevent a spy from appearing. (To be continued.)

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