Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1295: Chaos across the city

All the cells in those numbers are held by the immortals of the same alliance. Jiyue and Huxuexue are inside. Xu Laomo must do so for sure.

"Rich rich people, as far as I know, all the prisoners in the prison cells are the Immortal Cultivators of the Seventy-two Alliance Tribe. What are these people doing? They are not high in cultivation."

Mo asked lightly.

"Huh, Brother Wang, you know quite well."

The rich man looked at Mo with a little surprise. The devil was too big and there were too many cells. If he hadn't known for a long time, he wouldn't be able to know who was imprisoned just by listening to a cell number.

"The devil's chores have always been in charge of me. If I don't even know this, it can only show that I am dereliction of duty." Mo asked with a faint smile.

"This is because Brother Wang is dedicated and dedicated, and he did not misunderstand you."

The rich man nodded slightly, and he also knew that although he was the supervisor of the demon prison, he rarely controlled the devil's affairs.

"Rich man, this alliance is a small alliance tribe. There are not many high-cultivation immortals in the tribe. If the mountain owner wants to use them to practice divine skills, I am afraid that it is somewhat insufficient."

Xu Laomo often chooses the suitable immortals in the demon prison, and then sacrifices all to help him practice evil methods.

Wang Dong is responsible for managing the Devil's Prison, and often helps the mountain owner to choose sacrifices.

It is precisely because Wang Dong often comes in contact with the owner of the mountain. Although his cultivation is low, the rich man who is the supervisor of the demon prison is still very polite to him.

"Brother Wang does not know, this alliance is not big, but the people in the alliance are not simple. As far as I know, there is a little girl in this alliance that even the ancestors attach great importance to, and has always imprisoned her in his cave house. , Supervise in person. "

The rich man gathered around Mo Wen, very mysteriously said.

"Oh, there is still such a thing, and the rich people know much about it. If those of us below have no one to tell, I am afraid they will not know about these upper-level things in a lifetime."

Mo asked the pretended expression, but his eyes narrowed inadvertently.

Little girl? Let the ancestors of Cinnamon Hunt personally supervise?

In this way, Zagoli should not have been killed yet. Also, the inheritance of an ancient immortal cultivator in the common doctrine is not so easy to seize, even if the ancestors of lettuce hunting cannot be done casually, he must be still preparing something.

"Wang Dong, work hard. As long as you work hard, you may go to the upper circle in the future."

The rich man patted Mo Wen's shoulder, his heart was long, and he was quite proud. Don't ask that nonsense, this rich man is obviously quite useful.

"The mountain owner took all the people of this alliance, and why? Since the little girl was taken away by the ancestor, these people should have no value at all?"

Mo asked the pretended curious.

"Huh, originally, of course they have no value, they will be treated as sacrifices at any time. But, because of one person, they seem to have a little use."

The rich man sneered. He was clearly in a good mood, so he said a few words to Wang Dong.

"Do you know the rumors that the man in the wilderness got the treasure hunt?" The rich man said lightly.

"Treasure hunters! Of course I know that the whole wilderness has been spreading all over the place. That young man named Mo Wen got treasure hunters. Our demon fire city also has a lot of highs overnight because of this person. The celestial cultivators are lurking in the dark, waiting for the rabbits. "

Mo asked the pretense of greed, and his eyes were hot.

"That man stole the celestial heart embryo fruit carefully cultivated by the ancestor, and then fled to the city of demon fire. The ancestor also because of the long-term cultivation of the psyche embryo fruit of that day, and a trace of cause and effect produced in the meditation and the celestial heart embryo fruit. According to the skill of the art, the Mo question is in the city of demon fire. "

The rich man said coldly.

"That Mo asked was bold, and actually dared to come to Yaohuo City. No wonder the ancestors came here a few days ago and ordered the closure of the city." Mo asked a look of enlightenment.

"The ancestor sent people to check the background of the man. There was no information about him before. It is said that he was a tester who came here in the heavens and the world. The tribe alliance has some friendships. The ancestor guessed that he came to the city of demon fire to save the people of this alliance. So he ordered me to come and take these people away, since I ca n’t hide, then use these people and lay down A trap led him out. "

The rich man sneered, if the ancestor guessed well, that Mo question would be fooled.

Mo Wenwen nodded his head, and raised a strange smile in the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" The rich man frowned slightly, intuition that Wang Dong's smile was a little wrong.

"The plan is good, unfortunately, it's too late." Mo asked faintly.

"What do you mean?" The rich man froze for a moment. At the next moment, his face suddenly sullenly.

"Adult, no good, no good, all the prisoners in the devil have escaped, they are destroying the city of demon fire, the whole city is chaotic."

A guard deacon of the demon ran into the lobby from the outside and exclaimed loudly.

He rested today and was not on duty in the Devil's Prison. As a result, while wandering around the city, he found a large number of prisoners ran out and burned and snatched in the city. So after realizing that it was not good, he ran back immediately.

"What!" The rich man's eyes glared violently, and his breath burst out of control.

A large number of prisoners in the Demon Prison ran out, and the entire City of Demon Fire was chaotic! As the superintendent of the demon prison, he was held accountable, and he was absolutely blameless.

"Have you done it?" The rich man suddenly looked at Mo and asked.

No wonder his expression was so weird just now. No wonder when he came here today, none of the guarding deacons met.

"It's right down." Mo asked with a slight smile.

"What the **** are you?"

The rich man shouted, Wang Dong absolutely did not have this courage, and stood in front of him still so calm. Moreover, he does not have the ability to release all prisoners. The guards and deacons here are all absent. Most of them have been killed or enslaved by him.

Suddenly alert in his heart, the rich man quickly took a look at his wrist, took out a phonogram, and prepared to pass the message.


A ray of thunder light turned on, and the endless thunder raged wildly, and the entire Devil's lobby turned into ruins in an instant. The figure of the rich man was drowned in the thunder, and when it appeared again, it completely turned into coke and died completely.

"A good hunter ancestor is insidious and cunning." Mo asked, looking at the sky outside, and smiled coldly.

If the ancestral hunter hunted a trap a few days earlier, he might be fooled. Even his relationship with the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance can be found, and his intelligence capabilities are quite strong.

Afterwards, the deacon guards controlled by Mo Wen brought all the Immortal Cultivators of the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance, led by Jiyue, as well as the elder brother Huxuexue, and some Taixuan in the alliance. Realm repairers.

The Seventy-two Alliance was completely overthrown. Ordinary tribes and immortals were almost killed. Only those who cultivated higher were eligible to be imprisoned in the devil, and the rest was waste without any use value. Died under the butcher's knife.

Here, those who are still alive are at least those who are fighting for the transition, and there are only about a thousand people together.

"Don't ask!"

Ji Yue looked at Mo in surprise, and he did not expect that this person actually saved him. He once thought that he might not see him in his life.

Isn't he a tester? Why is it still in the wilderness at this time!

Tiger Killing Snow was also very excited to look at Mo Wen. During his lifetime, he could still be rescued by him. At first, it was the most wise decision to be good with this person.

"Why are you here?" Ji Yue said excitedly.

"After returning to the wasteland, I met Ji Tong several people, knowing that you were imprisoned here, and they rescued one." Mo asked lightly.

"Ji Tong, is she still alive?" Ji Yue said in surprise.

Mo Wen nodded his head slightly, Ji Tong should now hide in a valley that no one knew about. At first, he called Ji Tong to hide, and later Ji Tong left the Demon Alliance. Although he didn't know the specific location of the hiding place , But Ji Tong sent him coordinates.

"I will put you in one of my treasures, and then I will go back to a safe place before letting you out."

Mo Wen waved his sleeve, a jade light was released, and turned into a small white jade pagoda. The small pagoda was beautiful and radiant. I saw that all the cultivators in the lobby all flew up, then the body shrank , And finally turned into a light spot all flew into the small jade tower.

Mo Wen took the Shao Zun pagoda, and then flew up, the sky snake **** spear appeared in his hand.


Thunderstorms of light descended from the sky like raindrops and continued bombardment. The entire devil was destroyed instantly, and the ground collapsed due to the impact.

In the Devil Prison, the Immortal Cultivators held on the eighth and ninth floors are the highest number of people. Almost all of the existence of God's Virtual Realm is imprisoned on these two floors. UU reading even has some immortal practitioners who are fully satisfied with God's Virtual Reality.

Mo Wen, since he intends to use Demon Prisoners to disturb the City of Demonfire, it is natural that the prisoners on the eighth and ninth floors will not be released.

There is a strong defensive formation in the devil, but it is very difficult to destroy from the outside, but it is quite simple to destroy from the inside.

In just a few clicks, the Demon Prison was completely reduced to ruins, and all formation prohibitions were paralyzed.

Under the ground, bursts of roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the earth was cracking, and a force of terror was rising from below. Just a moment, the ground here was torn apart by a quake, and a figure flew out from under the ground.

They are ragged and unkempt, like beggars.

But the breath of these people is extremely terrible, at least all of them are God's virtual realm, and even there are three or four people in the existence of God's virtual perfection.

(To be continued.)

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