Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1296: Power of union

More than a hundred god-cultivators of the phantom realm, the breath exhaled is particularly terrifying, the whole Yaohuo city trembles because of this breath.

"Haha! Finally escaped."

"I can't think of Zhang Jiu also seeing the day again."

"Long live freedom, ancestral hunter, I Chi Kui is not at odds with you."


These immortal practitioners have been imprisoned for thousands of years, and some have even been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. They have lived a dark life all day. Once they were free, the excitement in their hearts can be imagined.

"Don't be too happy. It's the city of demon fire. The ancestral hunter is in the city. Whether you can escape alive, you need to see your own skills."

Mo asked faintly.

"But this friend who rescued us?"

A unkempt middle-aged man slightly clenched his fists at Mo Wen, and said solemnly.

The immortals around me looked at Mo one by one, and there was deep gratitude in their eyes. A person who has been imprisoned for endless years and has completely fallen into despair. Once rescued, this is equal to the grace of reconstruction.

"Although I rescued you out, whether I can survive is an unknown matter." Mo asked faintly.

He rescued these people only for the purpose of disturbing Yaohuo City, and never thought of using them to overthrow the rule of the ancestral hunter.

"Eun Gong, please rest assured that the old monster is not my enemy. If it were not for his insidiousness and cunning to lay traps to deal with me, how could I be captured by him."

A ragged old man sneered with hatred in his eyes. His body is extremely powerful, but it is the highest and deepest of these immortal practitioners. The ordinary gods who are full of immortality are far from him.

"When I come out this time, I will draw the rookie hunter's skin through the skin, and my bones will be raised."

Zhang Jiu gritted his teeth and punched with a punch. The comparable strength exploded. The nearest street to the Devil was destroyed by him directly. The ground collapsed for dozens of meters, and the eyes were full of ruins.

"This friend, there are many ordinary immortal practitioners in the city of Yaohuo, not all of the ancestors of the hunter ancestor, why do you blame others."

Mo Wen frowned slightly, this old man was quite horrible, and there were not many horrors that could rival him in the virtual world. A street was completely ruined, and I do n’t know how many innocent lives died. City, to deal with the claws of the ancestors of lettuce hunting, but they do not want them to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Engong said very much that the old man has been in prison for ten thousand years, and his heart is in a state of sorrow. He can't control it until he can do such an extraordinary thing."

Lien Jiu felt a little ashamed, and if Mo asked, he still attached great importance.

"I rescued you, and I just hope you can deal with the ancestors of lettuce hunting, so you don't need to be grateful. However, the ordinary creatures in the city are innocent beings, I hope you don't kill and kill at will."

"In addition, the ancestor of lettuce hunting has broken through to the right path. I advise you not to think of revenge, but first find a way to escape from the city."

Mo Wen lightly glanced at these immortals, and then turned into a light, disappeared in the city instantly, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There are tens of thousands of prisoners he rescued, but with these people, they are still far from being comparable to the power of the ancestor of the hunter. More than 100 god-immortal cultivators are placed in front of the celestial cultivators in the Taoist realm. It is no different from ants.

Unsurprisingly, the ancestral hunter will soon arrive, he is better to withdraw first.


"Combination, how is it possible!"

"Let's hunt for the old beast, He De He Neng, actually made a life-long breakthrough to the common ground."


These immortal cultivators of the god's virtual realm, because they were imprisoned for too long, did not even know the news that the ancestor of hunter hunts had broken through to the same realm.

At this moment, his complexion changed, and his face was all ugly.

"Choosing the old monster has broken through to the right ground? Damn! Hateful!"

Jian Jiu suddenly looked up to the sky, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger, and there was a trace of sorrow. At that time, the raccoon hunter was not as good as him, fighting head-on, neither raccoon hunter was his opponent. At that time, he was one of the most likely cultivators in the wasteland to break through to the Dao Realm.

With the passage of time, he has been in prison for thousands of years, but the Chou family has broken through to the same state, and is not at the same level as him.

If it wasn't for ten thousand years, he might have broken through to the right path.

An immortal cultivator of a famous god's virtual realm has a pale complexion. They all know how terrible an ancestor in a common realm is.

Do n’t look at their crowds here, but there are more than a hundred gods in the virtual realm. Even if he wanted to win with a sea of ​​tactics, he only had more than 100 people and he was far from that qualification.

Demon Fire Palace.

A waiter had just reported to Xu Laomo that a large number of prisoners had escaped from the prison. The next moment the whole Yaohuo City shook violently. The power of terror could be felt so far away.

"Taihao Thunder's power, that is not to ask."

Xu Laomo stood up suddenly, a terrifying blood flashed in his eyes, and the breath of Taihao Thunder was absolutely wrong. Could the ancestors have found him.

"No, the area where the devil is located has been completely ruined, and all the prisoners on the eighth and ninth floors have escaped."

An immortal cultivator of the god's realm flew over in a panic. He was located close to the demon prison. He witnessed a large amount of terrifying breath escape from the demon prison. More than a hundred god's imaginary cultivator, he even appeared Not daring, he ran back into the Demon Fire Palace directly.

"What! Damn it."

Xu Laomo's face changed drastically, and his face was extremely gloomy. Because of God's heart and embryo, the ancestor no longer loved and trusted him. He even felt that he was even in a precarious position.

The house leak coincided with the rain at night, and such a big thing happened again in Demon Prison. Even with Xu Laomo's psychological quality, he couldn't help but feel terrified.


A breath of horror rose from one place in the city, the whole Yaohuo City was shrouded in a haunting blood cloud, the world changed color, and the depressed atmosphere was like the end of the world.

The creatures in the city panicked in fear, and most of them were crawling on the ground, shaking.


For low-level immortals, this breath is no different from Tianwei.

Above the ruins where the demon is located, the atmosphere instantly froze to the extreme, and everyone felt the presence of that horror.

"That's the horror power that only the ancestors of He Dao Realm have." A god's virtual realm repairer sucked in a cold air, panic in his eyes.

"Ancestral ancestors, that is the breath of the ancestors."

"Did the old beast who hunted a horse really break into the realm of doctrine? Me too."


The joy of just escaping into the sky disappeared in an instant, and everyone realized that even if they escaped from the magic prison, they may not be able to go out alive.

"Common rules, the world of the world."

Yan Jiu muttered to himself, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated. Ten thousand years ago, he faintly touched the edge of the rule of apocalypse, only to build the world of the field, and broke through to the apocalyptic realm in one fell swoop.

But he didn't want to do anything, and he was insidious and cunning, and he was far inferior to him. He likes to shoot horses and hunt for old monsters. He actually reached this level first.


I don't know who yelled first. At the next moment, all of them rushed away, all desperately fled outside the city. It is definitely not the existence that they can contend with.

"You group of ants, since you have entered the deity's prison, don't want to go out alive again."

A sharp voice rang from the distance, and the next moment, a huge Optimus giant hand stretched out from the distance and beat fiercely.


The sky is falling apart, the whole world seems to be collapsing, within a hundred miles, the space is distorted, the rules of heaven and earth are chaotic, and in the area, more than 20 monks of the god's virtual realm have no time to escape, and they are directly shot to ashes by that palm.

Only two or three people who survived for the sake of special depth survived.

The cultivators in other areas were scared and faceless, and the monks in the same realm struck with horror.

Thousands of miles away, in another urban area, Mo Wen again changed his appearance, hidden in the crowd on the street, looking up at the sky-high giant hands above the sky, his heart was also shocked.

The power of the ancestor of Hedao Realm is irresistible. No matter how many immortal cultivators of God's virtual realm, it is difficult to defeat an ancestor of Hedao Realm.

There is a huge gap between the realm of combining Dao and the realm of God. The difference between heaven and earth is equivalent to the people of the two worlds.

Immortal practitioners, the further back, the greater the gap between cultivation practices. A saint of heavenly path is invincible, and it is no different from heavenly path.

However, among the heavenly saints, there are also strong and weak points. The strongest heavenly saints can even easily kill other heavenly saints.

Mo Wen ’s current cultivation practice is not enough to describe the difference between those top-notch existences.

Above the ruins, a stream of white light condensed, and in the white light, an old man in white robe slowly walked out.

This man has slender eyebrows and sharp eyes.

At this time, the hundred-mile area around the devil was empty, leaving only a corpse ~ ~ Just now, the hunter ancestor killed more than 40 prisoners of the god's virtual realm from the air, and the rest All of them fled into the city, hiding one by one.

"Huh, it actually ruined my demon prison. It's young and cunning. But what's the point of letting these people out, is it possible that the ants can't turn the sky?"

The old ancestor Chiu Lian sneered. With his current cultivation practice, he did not put the prisoners in the Devil's Eyes at all. They wandered into the city. Although it was a little trouble, it was only trouble.

"Qu Laogua, there is still a breath of Taihao Thunder here. The person who just destroyed the Demon Prison must have asked Mo, now you should always be able to find out his location."

The ancestral hunter looked at a void, his face cold.

In the void, a space is slightly distorted. At the next moment, an old man in red emerges. This person's breath is as deep as the sea, giving people the most profound and endless feeling. It is also an ancestor of a common state. character.

(To be continued.)

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