Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1297: 2 women entering the city

The main reason why the hunter ancestors came to the Qu Laoqi for help is that the Qu Laoqi practiced the five-color spirit eyesight, which can follow the prey's breath and trace the prey all the way.

It's a pity that Mo Wen's concealment method is too high and deep. In the past few days, Qu Laojie has been playing the five-color spirit eyesight in the city of Yaohuo to investigate the trace of Mo Wen, but found nothing. Just because Mo Wen could not be found, the hunter ancestor came up with a plan to elicit Mo Wen by the people of the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance.

Qu Laojie looked dignified, and a colorful vertical eye appeared in the center of his eyebrows. I saw the aura lingering in the ruins. Soon, the aura caught a trace of Taihao Thunder.

At the next moment, a trace of five-colored aura enveloped Taihao Thunder and turned into a five-colored bird.

I saw the little bird whisper, the beautiful five-color wings spread, and flew out with a swish.

"There are clues." There was a flash of joy in Qu Laoqi's eyes.

The search for several days in a row has yielded nothing. Qu Laogua, as the ancestor of the common doctrine, is already in the heart, and now he finally finds the clue of the guy. Just follow this breath and find him is not an easy task.

The ancestor of the hunter hunter was also happy. He immediately followed the five-color bird and flew past. The monster fire city is so big. I believe that the five-color bird will soon get Mo Wen out.

However, the five-color bird flew only ten kilometers, and then stopped suddenly. The colorful little eyes had a confused color, tilting his head, and his eyes were confused, and he seemed to be lost.

"What's going on, the thread is broken."

Qu Laojie's face changed slightly, and there were all the breath and clues about Mo Wen's question, which was completely interrupted at this position, and no trace of clues could be found.

"The clues are interrupted! You mean, this time it won't work again?" Let's look at the old man with a ugly look.

Calling him over requires his help. If he is useless, why should he benefit?

"That Mo asked, there must be a treasure to cover his breath."

Qu Laojie has a dignified face, and his five-colored spirits are so acquainted that it is easy to hunt down some of the immortals in the same realm. Would it be a mistake to hunt down a young man?

There is only one possibility for the failure of this hunt, that is, Mo Wen has a treasure to cover his breath, which makes him unable to detect the source of the breath even with the five-colored spirit eyes.

"Huh, if you can't find Mo to ask, what's the use of you?" The old ancestor of lettuce sullen.

As soon as hope rises, it will be broken in the next moment, and no one will feel bad.

"Choo hunt, you give me less nonsense, if that Mo asked so easy to find out, he may have been captured by others already, even the Demon Fire Demon Mountain can not come, and it is your turn to get you?"

Qu Laojie said coldly: "And do n’t forget, the people who coveted the kid are not small, some of them exist at the same level as us, and even more powerful, you really think that you can eat alone Treasure hunt? "

The ancestral hunter heard the words and stopped talking coldly. Indeed, he looks for Qu Laogua, the more purpose is to form an alliance.

These days, the forces converging in Yaohuo City are no less than 20 shares, and many forces have a considerable origin, and even he dare not provoke them at will.

In the current City of Demon Fire, the dark tide has been surging for a long time, and any character may appear.

If it were n’t for the intervention of too many outside forces to kill the ancestors of the ancestors, I ’m afraid they would have killed all the people in the city. find out.

Now, the ancestral hunter obviously dared not do this. Some ancient forces in the wasteland, even if he dared not offend.


Thousands of miles away, Mo Wen raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth. The concealing ability of the star mask is the effect strengthened by the celestial celestial girl. It is impossible for the ordinary celestial cultivator to track him.

However, the old monsters in the same realm are indeed terrible, and they are not at the same level as the virtual realm of God. With his ability, I am afraid that one move will be killed by seconds.

Mo Wen decided to hide it for a while, and then reappear when the time is ripe. He is confronted with the old monster in the same realm. He does not have that ability.

The Demon Prison was destroyed, tens of thousands of prisoners escaped, and the entire city of Demonfire was in chaos.

However, as early as a few days ago, the ancestral hunter ordered the closure of the city, only to enter and not to leave. Those prisoners wanted to escape, it is as difficult as going to the sky. Unless they can break the defense of the city of monster fire, it is impossible to escape. go with.

Many prisoners have tried to break into the city, but either failed to return, or died under the gate, so far no one can escape.

The entire Law Enforcement Team of Yaohuo City was mobilized and guarded around the clock to catch fugitives scattered around the city at any time. In a few days, two-thirds of the prisoners were caught again, and only some were very good at hiding and survival. The Immortal Cultivator still insists.

However, the immortals who live in the city of Monster Fire understand that those prisoners are just struggling to survive, and they are only breathing. The ancestral hunter ordered the closure of the city, and the entire city was the prison. All the prisoners were still the turtles in the urn, and they were all caught, but sooner or later.

Mo Wen turned Shao Zun Pagoda into a small grass, hidden in a grass, a cubic meter area on the grass was covered by the star mask, with the concealment ability of the star mask, unless the five-color spirit eyes of the old man Scan through the grass, otherwise he wouldn't find it even if he passed by here.

As for the inns and restaurants in the city, Mo Wen didn't dare to go at all. These days, the investigation in the city is extremely strict, and any suspicious characters can't escape the search.


One morning, two women suddenly came outside the gate of the city of Yaohuo. They wore veils, and they couldn't see what they looked like. The large robe wrapped the two's bodies, and nothing special was seen from the outside.

This kind of dressed up immortal is everywhere on the street, and the appearance of these two women is not very noticeable.

The guards who guarded the city glanced at the two, and then ignored it.

These days, the Immortal Cultivators who have come to Yaohuo City have never been less. The ancestors of the hunter have ordered the closure of the city, but a large number of people still come to Yaohuo City every day.

Most of these people came for treasure hunts and wonders. In just a few days, the population of Yaohuo City increased more than tenfold.

The guards who guarded the city saw these people entering the city as usual, and as long as they did not leave the city, no one would care.

"Ye Keming, have we entered the city like this?"

Ji Tong looked at Ye Keming with a stunned face, still a little unbelievable, they simply went into the city.

Originally, the two thought it would be quite difficult to enter the city of Yaohuo, and they even prepared a lot of followers and rhetoric for this. As a result, they were all useless, and they came in as simple as that. The guards did not even look at them more.


Ye Keming looked around. This should be inside the city. Although she had not been to Yaohuo City, she knew a lot about Yaohuo City.

"Does the ancestral hunter know that we are coming to Yaohuo City, so let it go deliberately, please enter the urn!" Ji Tong said with a start.

Ye Keming gave Ji Tong a white glance and said silently: "Which character does the hunter ancestor deliberately lay traps to deal with you? I am afraid that even Xu Jingguang may not take you too seriously. We can enter the city of demon fire so easily , Just because the two of us are just little people who are not valued. "

Ye Keming sighed a little, feeling a little sad in her heart. Sometimes, it's a good thing not to be valued.

Ji Tong smiled embarrassingly. These days, his spirit has been in a state of tension. Somewhat suspicious and suspicious, he subconsciously regarded the ancestor of lettuce hunting as his own life and death enemy, the kind of thinking about each other. In fact, the ancestral hunter may not even know who Ji Ji is.

"What shall we do now?"

Ji Tong looked to Ye Keming. Although the two cultivated between Bo Zhong, Ji Tong had been living in a small tribe with limited knowledge. Sometimes he was not as opinionated as Ye Keming. Ye Keming is different. Since she was a child, she lived in a large gate like You Guangzong. What she saw, heard, and touched were not on the same level as Ji Tong.

"Look for a lively hotel first, maybe we can find some useful news."

Ye Keming groaned for a while, and then took Ji Tong to a restaurant. The restaurant was full of people, and the popularity was quite high.

In the restaurant, there were noisy sounds everywhere, three or five people gathered together and talked.

Ji Tong and Ye Keming pretended to eat, but secretly eavesdropped on the conversation of those people.

"You have heard of it. Today, there are 20 more god-cultivators of the **** realm caught by the hunter ancestors. At least one hundred of those who have escaped have been caught. I'm afraid there are few. "

"What, the twenty gods and celestial cultivators are so scary. Usually, the giants of the gods and phantoms are difficult to meet in the wilderness, and none of them is the honorable Dao ancestor. There is such a tragic day. "

"It can only be said that there is a mountain high, what kind of character is the ancestral hunter, that is the pinnacle of the common realm. In the eyes of this peerless person, the power of God's virtual realm is probably also a ants."

"Sometimes ago, the young man named Mo Wen destroyed the Demon Prison, and it really made Chaohuo City chaotic for a few days. However, the ancestors of the hunter ancestors were too strong ~ ~ These just escaped in just a few days The prisoners were arrested. In my opinion, that Mo Wen was also invincible, and he would be caught sooner or later. The so-called innocent people blame their sins, treasures like treasures, if they have no strength, It ’s better not to get involved. "


The content of the discussion in the restaurant is all the big and small things that happened in these days.

Ji Tong's eyes became brighter and brighter, the Demon Prison was destroyed, and all the prisoners in it were rescued. Doesn't that mean that Mo Wen has rescued all his father and the Alliance Immortals?

She didn't expect Mo Wen to be so efficient. In the face of this dilemma, she could save people.

"The Immortal Cultivator of the Demon Alliance is not imprisoned in Demon Prison, but is held in another secret place by the ancestral hunter."

Ye Keming's mood was a bit low. The Immortal Cultivator of the Demon Alliance fell into the hands of the ancestor of Chiu Hunting. It is difficult to have a good ending. His own uncle is now still imprisoned.

(To be continued.)

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