Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1300: Charcoal

Now the entire Yaohuo city is blocked by him. He cannot go out or enter. Even if there are members of the Wujin Temple in the city, they cannot leave the city and cannot send information to the Wujin Temple above.

After the holy blood sacrifice was over, he wiped out all traces of sacrifices and found no evidence. With his status, the Wujin Temple could not do anything with him.

Qu Laogua looked at the ancestral hunter with some fear, this old demon, although his cultivation years were far inferior to him, but he was a ruthless character.

No wonder it is possible to cultivate a Taoist realm. Any monk who cultivates a Taoist realm is almost not easy.

Hedaodao! It's too difficult. Of the 10,000 monks who are full of God's imagination and perfection, I'm afraid it's hard to get out of the same world.

That's why the barren area is so big, but the monks in the same realm are so rare.

In ancient times, the emperor sacrificed to heaven, killing animals to sacrifice.

However, some of the demons in the immortal cultivation outsiders said that the sacrifice was based on human sacrifice, and the higher the cultivation, the better the sacrifice.

"Sacrifice." The ancestral hunter chanted.

With his order, black clouds rose into the sky in the demon fire demon mountain, and I saw a wild ancient beast pulling a huge prison car and rushing towards the black cloud.

The prison car, as large as a mountain, contained tens of thousands of immortal practitioners inside, and crushed a human head.

There are hundreds of prison cars like this, all carried by Lei Xiaohuo turtle beast on the back, and slowly drove over.

Leixiao Fire Turtle Beast! It is a wild ancient beast of the god's virtual realm. The old hunter monster tamed so much, even the old monster Qu was startled.

Domesticating the wild beasts is not an easy task. Even a wild beast of the god's virtual realm, even if it is domesticated by the cultivator of the Taoist realm, will take a long time.

There must be a highly skilled animal trainer under the ancestor of the hunter ancestor, otherwise it is impossible to tame so many Leixiao fire turtle beasts.

However, the most shocking thing is that there are millions of prisoners on the prison car on the back of the Leixiao fire turtle beast.

So many cultivators, are all used to sacrifice?

Qu Laogua ’s gaze on the ancestor of the hunter has changed a little bit. This old devil, too fierce and too ruthless, too extinct humanity, is simply a crazy demon.

The Million Blood Sacrifice, how to make a huge sacrifice, is rare in the history of wasteland.

This ancestral hunter is brave and lawless.

Once the sacrifice is successful, the cultivation of this old demon head is bound to advance by leaps and bounds, and it is even possible to break through to the middle of the joint.

Qu Laogua was suddenly a little scared, and with this old devil, he felt more and more like a tiger.

In the city of demon fire.

It was completely sensational at this time, and everyone looked at the sky dumbfounded, his face pale, his eyes full of horror and fear.

There are millions of immortal repairers living in the city, and most of them are low-level immortal repairers. They simply can't bear the breath of the **** altar.

Even though some high-level immortal practitioners can withstand the breath of the altar, but seeing millions of immortal practitioners being sacrificed, they are all faceless and fearless in their hearts.

Those who cultivate immortals are not ordinary low-level immortals, and at the very least they have the cultivation practice of Yuanshen Realm, immortal practitioners of Tai Xuan Realm and Shenxu Realm are everywhere.

Immortal repairers of this level are placed in some remote areas of the wilderness, and any one is a character of overlord level.

At this time, they were put together in piles as a sacrificial offering.

"Uncle Shi!"

Ye Keming covered her mouth and shouted, and her tears fell off. In one of the prison cars, she saw her uncle's figure and many companions of the Demon Alliance, and she loaded several prison cars.

Mo Wen's face was as cold as water, **** sacrifices, and sacrifices to the lives of millions of immortal repairers. This ancestral hunter was crazy to this point.

Many of the prisoners were immortals who he released from the magic prison, but it is clear that almost all of them were arrested by the ancestors of the hunter hunter. There are only a handful of people who have escaped.

Ji Tong's face was pale, and she was also frightened. The life and death of millions of immortal cultivators was a massacre. Fortunately, her father and clan had been rescued by Mo, otherwise she would not dare to imagine what it would be like to see such a picture in front of her.

She couldn't help looking at Ye Keming, and she couldn't help but hold her in her arms.

Above the sky, the evil repairers of the Demon Fire Demon Mountain lined up solemnly, playing music, bowing ...

"Sacrifices" are placed on the altar like goods, and the silhouettes are so dense that you can't see the end at a glance.

A white-dressed priest stands on a high platform, reads the rituals, communicates the world and worships the gods.

The ancestral hunter robbed the golden robe, sitting cross-legged in the center of the altar, smiling, humble, like a devout believer.

A colorful flying car flew through the air, and eight beautiful maids respectfully pulled the car to the ancestor of the hunter. A pale girl walked out of the colorful car. Her eyes were big, but her pupils were big. Godless, like a walking dead.


Ji Tong's face changed slightly, and he recognized at a glance that the girl was Zagoli.

The tribe alliance suffered a catastrophe because of her secrets, but she did n’t blame Zagoli, she only blamed them for not doing a good job in keeping secrets, and everyone would be affected.

It's just that why did the ancestors of hunting hunts attach so much importance to Zagoli?

It stands to reason that the inheritance of Zagoli is just the inheritance of an ancient immortal repairer in the divine realm. The ancestor of the hunter hunter, as an immortal repairer in the same realm, is simply not worth it? The inheritance of the ancient immortals is no more mysterious, after all, it is only the level of the god's virtual realm, and it is really of no value to the immortals in the realm of union.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, the ancestor of the hunter may have found that the inheritance of Zagoli was a inheritance of the ancient Taoist priest.

Xu Laomo stood respectfully under the **** altar, looking at Zagoli above the altar, a complex color flashed in his eyes.

At first, he discovered that Zagoli had the inheritance of the ancient monk, but he thought it was just the inheritance of the ancient repair of the god's virtual realm, so he asked the ancestor of the hunting hunter how to strip the inheritance.

As a result, the ancestral hunter found that the inheritance in Zagoli was not a god's virtual realm, but the inheritance of an ancient monk in Dadao Realm. He suddenly got hot eyes and captured Zagoli.

If he knew that the inheritance of Zagoli was in the level of the common ground, he would not send her to the ancestor of lettuce hunting anyway.

"Little girl, I am afraid today is your sacrifice day."

Ancestor Chiu Lie sat cross-legged in the center of the altar, with a kind smile on his face, like a humble and friendly old man.

Zagoli pursed his lips and put a small face on his face, ignoring his ancestor.

"You have the inheritance of an ancient immortal cultivator in the Taoist realm, and the inheritance is quite mysterious. Even my ancestors, it is difficult for me to strip that inheritance from you. You are in luck. The inheritance should be what you got in Xianzun space? "

The ancestor of Chiu Lie naturally knows that the entrance of the Xianzun space is in the wilderness, and that space was a holy place during the ancient times.

"I can cooperate with you to get the inheritance of the ancient monk, but you must let my friends and people go."

Zagoli remained silent for a long time before finally speaking.

Ancestor Chiu Lie smiled disapprovingly and said, "You cooperate with me? If you are a **** cultivator of the phantom realm, this is a good proposal, but unfortunately, your cultivation base is too low, even if you actively cooperate I, the help is too small, almost no effect. "

"Inheritance, I still have to take it myself."

The ancestral hunter shook his head. He organized this grand blood sacrifice, the main purpose of which was to use the power of the sacrifice to get the ancient heritage of Zagoli; secondly, it was to cultivate a terrible evil law.

After the sacrifice, he believed that the middle of the marriage was just around the corner.

Qu Laogua's pupils twitched for a while, and his gaze looked at Zaguli.

The inheritance of the ancient immortal repairers!

He is quite clear about how rare and precious the inheritance of a Taigu monk who shares the same path.

Does this little girl really have the inheritance of the immortal cultivator of Taikoo Taoism?

"Lao Qu, this little girl is my person, wouldn't you be interesting too?" Ancestor Cao Lie looked at Lao Qu faintly.

Qu Laogua looked at the ancestor hunting ancestor, and at Zagoli, his eyes flickered halfway, and then he smiled and said, "Qumou has never won the love of others."

"That's good." Let's sneer.

Qu Laoguai's heart is very complicated, if he knew that this little girl had the inheritance of the ancient monk, he would rob it.

But now, in the city of Demon Fire, the people of the right time and place are not accounted for, and he is not sure to fight with the ancestors of lettuce hunting.

The most important thing is that the fierceness and madness of the old ancestor of lettuce hunting made him terrified, and it was not easy to grab food from this old devil.

Qu Laoqi sighed slightly, and he decided to stay away from this area from now on, and he would never be an enemy of Chiu Hunting Laogua.

After the Blood Sacrifice, it ’s hard to know how strong it is, and he also received the inheritance of an archaic monk who was an archaic monk in the ancient times. It is possible in the later stages of the Tao, and even the great consummation of the Tao is not without chance.

The great consummation of Dao Dao is equivalent to standing at the pinnacle of the wasteland. There are few great congregations in the entire wasteland ~ ~ It is rare in the world.

Dadao Realm, that kind of existence is impossible to appear in the wasteland. Since the endless years, there have never been more than five Dajie Realm Immortals who have appeared in the wasteland. All of them have been led into the Wushen Realm. Today, the wasteland has not been born for more than ten million years.

The sacrificial process is very complicated. It reads sacrifices to heaven, worships all beings, leads the power of heaven and earth, and sacrifices sacrifices ... There are dozens of steps.

The spirit-cultivators in the city of Monster Fire dare not kick, and they were afraid to disturb the sacrifice and were arrested as sacrifices.

Mo asked looking blankly at the sky, but his heart was rather anxious. The time had not yet come, what should I do?

If you let the ancestors continue to sacrifice, all the sacrifices will be sacrificed to death. Mo Wen has always been very selfish. Other people don't like to manage many things. Only friends and his own things that he recognizes will be attentive.

However, the life and death of millions of creatures, this kind of big right and wrong, it is difficult for him to sit idly by.

(To be continued.)

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