Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1301: Come forward

Mo Wenning said nothing, Ji Tong and Ye Keming paled, and their hearts were helpless and desperate.

Ye Keming looked at the **** altar in the sky and took a subconscious step forward.

"Ke Ming." Ji Tong grabbed Ye Ke Ming's arm and shook her head at her.

"I'm homeless. What's the point of continuing to live?" Ye Keming walked forward silently. Her eyes were full of ashes. She had no father and no mother. The root of duckweed can't find the faith to live.

If Uncle Shi is not dead, she can also rebuild You Guangzong together with Uncle Shi, but now, with her ability alone, she can't rebuild You Guangzong at all.

"hold on."

Mo Wen held her shoulder and shook her head gently.

Ye Keming turned to look at Mo and asked, what's the point of waiting, watching the uncle Master and friends sacrificed by human blood?

"You have a way?" Ji Tong's eyes lit up, and he looked at Mo suddenly and asked.

She knew that Mo Wen never talked nonsense, any sentence has his purpose.


Ye Keming smiled bitterly, but there are two ancestors who share the same path here, Mo asked if there is any way to be even more powerful.

"The time hasn't come, now we can only look at God's will."

Mo asked to look into the sky in the distance and sighed. He did not expect that the hunter ancestors would execute these captives so soon. I am afraid that he would arbitrarily capture the immortal repairers for the purpose of this **** sacrifice.

He is now also worried about whether the battle of the heavens can block the attack of the monk of the Dao Realm. If he can't resist the attack of the combined path, he is probably no different from sending him to death now.


What time!

Ji Tong and Ye Keming froze for a moment, did he really have a way!

While the two were secretly anxious, suddenly, a blaze flew from outside the sky, ignoring all the defensive formations and prohibitions in the city of Demon Fire, directly flashed in, blinked and disappeared.


On the **** altar, the pupils of the ancestor Chiu Lie shrank, and they suddenly looked at the fire that broke into the city.

There are many formations in Yaohuo City. Even if an immortal who is in the same Dao realm can't break into it casually, that firelight directly tears all the protective formations.

Even if the ancestors of lettuce hunt were so frightened, he prepared for hundreds of years for today's blood sacrifice, and he strengthened the formation in the city countless times. What he was afraid of was an accident.

However, the accident happened, and the flame was absolutely unusual.

The ancestral hunter had no chance of intercepting it. The fire flashed and disappeared in the city. There was no trace. No matter how he searched, he could not find the slightest trace.

Qu Laojie also looked shocked. With his eyesight, it was natural to see that the fire was absolutely unusual. Even if he attacked the Demon Fire City with all his strength, he could not tear the defensive formation here in an instant, but the fire was like this. There is no hindrance in the absence of people.


A terrifying spiritual power swept out like a storm, instantly covering the whole demon fire city, and the eyes of the ancestor of the hunter hunt continued to beat a fuchsia light.

His consciousness scanned the city of Demon Fire over and over again, but he couldn't find the flame again.

"Looking for old monsters, I am afraid that there are more than two of us in Demonfire City, and maybe there are some things you can't afford."

Qu Laozui narrowed his eyes slightly, and the existence of a common realm was rare, and sometimes he might not be able to meet a person for thousands of years. But now it's different. Treasure hunters are born. I don't know how many people are staring at the city of Demon Fire. There are other ways to hide in the city. It's not surprising.

The ancestor of the hunter had naturally considered this before, but the demon fire city was his territory. With the help of the formation and the power of the blood sacrifice, even the old monsters in the middle of the road were not afraid.

But that flame is obviously not as simple as the middle of the marriage.

The ancestor of Chiu Hunting gloomed down, his sleeves waved, and at the next moment, a ray of blood was released from him, dazzling like a **** star.

"Qu Laogua, you help me protect the law, for the sake of insurance, only sacrifice in advance."


The hoarse blood altar rumbling loudly, a blood gleaming from the altar, wrapping the entire altar.

The ancestor Chiu Lie flew up and stood above the altar, and a beam of blood gathered on his body, and then turned into a huge pillar of blood, which burst into the sky and seemed to extend all the way to the end of the sky.

On the altar, the bound immortals screamed one by one in pain, only to see their skin affected by blood light, getting darker and darker, it seemed that there was a mysterious force that was absorbing their vitality, millions of immortals The faces are gray and dying.

"not good!"

Ji Tong and Ye Keming's face changed dramatically. It seemed that the ancestor of the hunting hunt was affected by the fire. Actually, the sacrifice of the immortal was sacrificed in advance. If he was not stopped, millions of souls would become his blood sacrifice.

Mo Wen looked at the blood above the sky, but there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. He was holding a command in his hand, which exuded a faint flame, like a transparent fire jade.

"You two, stay here, don't move, no matter what happens, don't go out of the 100-meter range."

Mo Wen looked at Ji Tong and Ye Keming. There was a hidden formation he left behind in the surrounding 100 meters. As long as you don't walk out of this area, the ancestors of lettuce hunting don't want to find them.

Before waiting for the two women to reply, Mo Wenbian disappeared in a flash.

Above the blood-red sky, suddenly, thunder and lightning gathered together, turned into a huge thunder column, and slammed into the blood in the sky.

Thunder and blood are intertwined, giving the impression that the end is coming

"Who messed up."

Qu Laojie looked cold, reached for a finger, a vast force burst, the whole world seemed to shake, the terrible coercion descended on the whole city, and the rules of the world around him changed.

The thunder above the sky, like Shirayuki encountered a scorching sun, all disappeared silently.

The existence of the common ground can make the world discolored by raising one's hand.

"Aren't you always looking for me? Also ask who I am."

An indifferent voice resounded throughout the city, and I saw a slender young figure coming out of the void. At first, he could not see his appearance at all, but every time he took a step, the surrounding space changed, gradually, The appearance is getting clearer.

It was a teenager, dressed in Tsing Yi, with a silver-white half-face mask on his face, and the half-face exposed on the outside was a little delicate, obviously a handsome teenager.

"Don't ask!"

Qu Laowei looked at the young man, at first slightly surprised, thought he was dazzled. But soon, he became ecstatic.

Don't ask, it's this kid who won't be tolerant!

Unexpectedly, this kid actually ran out of the net, he did n’t go there in heaven, **** had no way to break in. Since that ’s the case, I ’m welcome.


Qu Laowei stepped out, and the whole world shook violently-shaking, the next moment, the world was still, the space was frozen, the time was still, the area where Mo Wen was located, instantly turned into a dead darkness.

"Come here."

Qu Laojia stretched out a hand, the palm of the hand continued to zoom in, and suddenly appeared in front of Mo Wen.

The celestial cultivators in the Dao realm have realized that the rules of heaven and earth are quite complete. The rules they understand are subtle and can directly form a field of union. This field can cover the natural rules of heaven and earth. .

He Dao Realm In his own hegemony realm, the rules of the entire heaven and earth are used by him. Raising his hands and throwing his feet is like the strength of the entire heaven and earth.

Mo asked to look at the Qu Laoqi with some shock. He felt that his body was difficult to move. The surrounding world was completely in darkness. All the scenes disappeared instantly. He could n’t perceive any rules of the world, and even communicated the world and the world. I can't do it.

In the endless darkness, a huge palm appeared in front of him, as if a giant giant was grabbing a bird, and there was no suspense.

The monks in the same realm were so horrible.

Mo asked with a bitter smile and directly controlled the entire world. This is how he fights. The existence of the joint realm is indeed different from the realm of God. The two are not in a world at all.

It may be possible that the Yue Realm of the Leaping Order God is still possible.

"It's him!"

"He's the one who didn't ask?"

"It's so young. His training time should be quite short. If he can't cultivate to the virtual realm in a relatively young time, his appearance will definitely become older and older. Only some peerless geniuses can cultivate to such a high level. It ’s still looking young. "

"Why did he run out on his own, wasn't this death?"

"He is probably trying to save the millions of sacrifices. This young man is quite kind, but he is a bit silly ..."


Ji Tong and Ye Keming's face changed dramatically. They didn't expect that, Mo asked to leave a sentence and flew out directly.

He is nothing but the cultivation of God's virtual realm. Even if he stands up, it is no different from being a mantis.

"Ji Tong, he shouldn't go out." Ye Keming said with some pain.

On the altar, there is her uncle, her friend, but Mo asked, but there is no concern about it ~ ~ She should go out if she wants to go out.

Ji Tong's face was pale, and he could only continue to comfort: "Mo asked him that he never did things that he was not sure about. Rest assured, there would be nothing wrong, he would certainly protect himself ..."

Despite this, the two women knew that in the face of the supreme existence of the two together, any resistance was a joke.

In the city of Yaohuo, the appearance of Mo Wen caused a sensation.

This legendary boy finally appeared and appeared in front of everyone. Many people have long wanted to see the true face of this boy who stirred the entire wilderness.

The huge palm is like a hand covering the sky, covering the entire world of Mo Wen.

However, just when everyone thought that Mo Wen was about to be captured by Qu Laoqi, a blue light suddenly appeared in the endless dark world.

At the next moment, the entire space seems to be frozen by blue light.

(To be continued.)

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