Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1306: Meet old friends

Mo Wen lifted the old man and patted his back slowly with one hand.

The beautiful young girl glared at Mo and asked, "Why is this man so unreasonable? They all said don't move, and they went up and down.

However, what was surprising was that the young man ’s hand seemed to have a magical power. After taking a few shots, the old man breathed out slowly. His painful facial expression calmed down, turning his head to look at the person who supported him. Suddenly, he was surprised. He stared at him for a long time and said, "You ... you ... you are Brother Mo?" This is a very familiar face. I haven't seen it in years. I can see you again today, but it's wrong Why have n’t I seen Brother Mo for so many years? The old man slowly stood up and shook his head to himself and said to himself: "It seems that I am really old, and there are hallucinations!"

"Brother Han, I haven't seen you for a long time." Mo Wen smiled slightly.

"You ... are you really Brother Mo?" Han Jiangong was particularly surprised. The figure of twenty years ago, the years did not leave any trace on his face. I recall the past scenes in my heart. I still remember that the young man was magnificent and had superb medical skills, far exceeding the ability and incredible means of his peers. It is also a strange person to think about it, no wonder he is not old.

"Brother Han, could you even forget me?" Mo asked with a faint smile.

"Brother Mo, it really is you." Han Jiangong was very pleasantly surprised, holding Mo's hand tightly: "I didn't expect the old man to see you in his lifetime."

People around looked at this young and old one after another, "I'll say, how can there be such a just person in this world, who had known me for a long time?"

"My grass, I was really touched by this young boy just now, and I just wanted to go up to help, but fortunately I didn't go."

"This old man's acting skills are really good. I just felt like I'm about to lose my breath. Now it's all right, and the acting is not a full set!"

Han Jiangong also secretly panicked. This disease has been torturing himself for half a month. Just now Mo brother patted twice, and it was completely cured. He could not feel any pain. His brother was really magical.

The pretty girl was very surprised to look at this old man and young man, who had just been so sick, and was just slapped a few times by the teenager. Why? Do teenagers really cure people?

Mo asked with one hand behind his back, he had just patted Han Jiangong's palm and a black ice had formed. His face was a little heavy, and he was secretly shocked. There was a terrible evil in Han Jiangong. It was this terrifying evil that froze his palm. This power he had never seen before was very terrifying, far beyond Any kind of energy I have seen.

Fortunately, the evil spirit in Han Jiangong is quite thin, and if he doubles it, Han Jiangong may die immediately. If there is enough evil spirits, I'm afraid he can't bear it!

The beautiful girl stepped forward and took Han Jiangong's hand to ask her pulse; "Grandpa, are you really okay? Are you okay?" His father used to be a senior student of the Medical College of Huaxia University, and he was also a college student of medicine. She knew something about medicine. This old grandpa's pulse is stable, not like a sick person.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, okay!" Han Jiangong laughed.

The beautiful young girl looked at him suspiciously. From the pulse of the grandfather, it did n’t look like a sick person. His body was very healthy. Was he really just preparing to touch the porcelain? How are you?

"Haha, Brother Mo, I haven't seen it in years, why not drink two glasses?" Han Jiangong smiled.

"Brother Han is a strong man, I will accompany you!" Mo asked.

When the two said, they walked shoulder to shoulder. The people around looked at the old and young staring blankly, and all felt inexplicable. The old man who had just fallen ill was now drinking with a teenager. What is this?

"Really touched the porcelain? It just happened to be dangerous. Fortunately, if you didn't show your kindness, it would be miserable!"

"Oh, it's not a good person to look at that old man, but it's a pity that the young boy, so young, stayed with that old man."

"What a handsome boy, I think it's almost the same, so it shouldn't be a good thing!"

"Alas, there is such a wicked evil spirit in the great central China country, and now the old man does not have a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Haha, Pharaoh, look, it's right that I just pulled you and won't let you help you?"

"Well, thanks, old Li, next time your sister-in-law stewed meat to invite you over for dinner. Fortunately, I have you today, otherwise I will be miserable. I'm afraid even the son's gift of gifts will be lost!"


Everyone was talking.

The beautiful girl Wang Shuyi snorted softly, "Bah! Two dead liars, the old is not respectable, and the small is not a good thing!"

Wang Shuyi's heart was full of depression and atmosphere, but he was so conscientious to save people, it turned out to be a scam! At this time she had determined that the old man was a liar, and a young man was actually mixed with such an old liar. If he did not learn well, he would certainly not be a good person!


Somewhere in an elegant style hotel, one old and one young sit opposite each other by the window. When they are older than 80, they are already gray-haired. But they were drinking with a young boy, and the two pushed cups and changed lights.

The waiter who brought the wine was full of depression. He had never seen such a picture. It is very rare for an old man who is over 80 to come to the hotel to drink, let alone an old man who is over 80 and a teenager drinking at the hotel. They called each other brothers and brothers. There are wonderful flowers every year, especially this year ... but this old man's body is particularly healthy, ruddy, old and strong, drinking so much wine, even breathless.

"Brother, you are still as magical as ever, and there are many strange things that my brother has seen, but it is your most mysterious. This disease has tortured me for half a month, and no one can cure it, even the world has not yet A doctor can cure this disease, but you can cure me easily, it is incredible. "Han Jiangong sighed.

Mo asked, holding his wine glass, slightly pondering: "Brother Han, how did you get this disease?" He was curious ~ ~ This evil spirit is not easy, how can it appear in the world of mortals, Xiuxian Realm is very rare!

Han Jiangong settled his mind and said: "Two months ago, many strange and intractable diseases appeared abroad. No one can cure this disease so far, and it is highly contagious. Huaxia sent a medical group When I went abroad to help a hard-hit area, I led the team at the time, but when I contacted a seriously ill patient, I was unfortunately infected. "

Han Jiangong is also very strange in his mind. This disease is very much like a plague, but no highly contagious bacteria can be detected in the patient's body, and even the transmission route of the bacteria is not known. The most terrible thing is that no protective measures can stop the spread of the disease, and many doctors who come into contact with the patient are infected.

Mo asked and nodded thoughtfully.

Han Jiangong smiled and said happily: "I don't hide my elder brother. Elder brother is about to tell you about this. There are still many cases like this in our hospital. I also hope that the younger brother will help me and rejuvenate."

A disease that no one could cure before was finally cured. Han Jiangong was very happy.

(To be continued.)

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