Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1307: Goodbye "liar"

China First Military Hospital!

When I came here again, Mo Wen felt very sad in his heart. I still remember that after his memory awakening, the first small test was in this hospital. At that time, Yun Xiaoman's grandfather was infected with the poison of purple and blue flowers, and no one could cure it.

"Brother Mo, after more than 20 years, I have hung down old, staggering, and half a foot into the coffin. But you are still as old as this, there is really a magical method in this world that can make you young and eternal. Resident? "

Han Jiangong looked at the door of the hospital with great emotion.

He devoted his life in this hospital, and in a blink of an eye, he has reached the end of his life. If Brother Mo didn't show up, he knew that he didn't have much time, and he would eventually die in his profession.

He is not afraid of death, but as a doctor who has been a doctor for a lifetime, it is always a pity that he cannot solve this disease before leaving.

Mo Wen smiled, no words, there is a way to cultivate immortals, but Han Jiangong is obviously not suitable to cultivate immortals at this age.

The two recalled the story with laughter, and soon walked into the hospital.

In the hospital, many people looked at the old and the young strangely. I am afraid that the age of the two is more than that of the two generations.

"Huh, why are you two again?"

In the hall, a somewhat unfriendly voice sounded. The master of the voice, dressed in a nurse's suit, is tall and beautiful, and the occasional sight is enough to make people shine.

However, she was sullenly looking at this time.

"Yo girl, it's you again."

Han Jiangong greeted her with a smile. Wasn't this little sister the beautiful girl who met on the street before? She actually said that she was a nurse in the hospital, which made him unexpected.

"Old man, what did you do when you came to the hospital? I think you are in good health and you don't seem to be sick?"

Wang Shuyi looked at Han Jiangong with suspicion. This old man, who had a smell of wine on his body, must have just drunk with the young man next to him. I used to pretend to be sick on the street, but now I still have to pretend to be in the hospital?

Is it ...

Suddenly Wang Shuyi was shocked in her heart and looked around. The old man and the young boy were not good people at first glance. Did they touch the porcelain again after they left?

She looked around, very worried that someone fell into their trap, the old man deliberately touched the porcelain, the teenager pretended to be a family member, and ridiculed others, and others could only beat their teeth and swallow blood. This is the case in this society. There are three types of China People can't afford it, the elderly, pregnant women and children.

She secretly decided that if they really touched the porcelain, she must report it to the leader of the institute.

"I'm coming to the hospital ..." Han Jiangong just started, and Wang Shuyi grabbed him, saying with great enthusiasm: "Uncle, are you coming to the hospital to check your health? I'll take you."

Wang Shuyi took Han Jiangong and went to the outpatient department, hum, no matter what problems were checked, he said that the old man was in good health, and he was still drinking when he was so old. It ’s no wonder that his health was not bad. !

Wang Shuyi does not like the old people who are not respected. They feel that they have corrupted the social atmosphere, affected the morality of a generation, and used the goodwill of others. This kind of person is the most annoying.

"Ah, I ... I'm not ..." Han Jiangong couldn't help crying, this little girl was too enthusiastic.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will leave the rest to me."

Wang Shuyi didn't give Han Jiangong the opportunity to speak at all. He pulled him forward and ran forward. Fortunately, Han Jiangong was healthy and replaced with another 80-year-old man. I'm afraid it was strong enough to follow her fart.

Mo asked, looking strangely at this quirky little girl, and smiled thoughtfully.

Just now on the street, this little girl had a power of internal energy fluctuating. She was an ancient warrior in the inner realm. In the secular world, ancient martial arts are quite rare, and this little girl does not know who to teach.

Wang Shuyi walked forward with her head sullen and almost hit a female nurse head-on. She was a middle-aged female nurse with a dignified look and was looking at a document in her hand.

"You daredevil ... Hey, Han Lao, aren't you recuperating at home, why did you come to the hospital?" The middle-aged female nurse looked up at Han Lao, a little stunned.

Han Lao?

Wang Shuyi looked around inexplicably. Who was the head nurse, old Han?

She naturally knows the middle-aged nurse in front of her, isn't she the head nurse. The entire First Military Hospital is qualified to make the head nurse so respectful of the old Han, only the former head of that hospital, Han Dean! Is n’t that the idol in your heart?

Wang Shuyi looked around excitedly, looking for the figure of Dean Han. She came to this hospital for an internship because there are many highly respected and true doctors in this hospital. Dean Han has always been one of her most admired people.

"Oh, I can't help myself. Let's take a look at the hospital." Han Jiangong smiled.

Wang Shuyi heard the words, her body stiffened, and her head turned a little heavy, staring at the old man behind her with a stunned voice, trembling: "You ... are you ... President Han? On the First Military Hospital A dean? "

Han Jiangong patted Wang Shuyi's shoulder and chuckled: "Little girl, work hard, I'm optimistic about you."

He felt very good about the little girl in front of him. He rarely saw such an enthusiastic girl.

Wang Shuyi's face was flushed suddenly, and neither was he holding Han Jiangong's hand, nor was he not holding it. He was embarrassed to find a hole in the ground.

The former dean of the First Military Hospital ~ ~ The most respected veterans in the medical profession, they actually regarded her as a non-good old man who cheated on the streets.

Wang Shuyi felt that she had never blushed in this life, and she was ashamed and annoyed in her heart.

Han Jiangong, the Taishan Beidou of the medical profession, has struggled on the front line of medicine all his life. He is close to the 90-year-old man. After retirement, he continues to work in the hospital. I went to the plague area abroad in the eighties and unfortunately contracted an incurable disease. It is said that life has entered the countdown, and the whole country is sensational for this. No wonder, he fainted on the road before, no wonder ... why am I so stupid.

"Han Lao! Rest for two more days. The hospital has us."

The head nurse looked at the rickety old man in front of her, and she couldn't help feeling sad. She knew that Han Lao said that he was going home to recuperate. In fact, he went back to deal with the aftermath. When the disease in his body broke out, he would be completely isolated.

(To be continued.)


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