Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1316: Named disciple

Under Mo Wen's persuasion, Nie Wuxin left the ancient ancient secret realm in advance. As Mo Wen said, the original world is now turbulent and there are too many things waiting for her to do. The responsibility of the palace owner.

Moreover, Mo Wenzhi actively terminated, but it was not that she did not keep her promise.

In a palace, Wang Yuan and his daughter Wang Shuyi sat in the garden and chatted. After a day-night rest, Wang Shuyi finally recovered.

"Dad, who is that teenager, why did you let me call him uncle?"

Wang Shuyi looked at Wang Yuan with some dissatisfaction and called someone younger than her to be an uncle, which was embarrassing. Although Mo asked to save her, she never saved people, her seniority should be higher than others.

"He is my dad's college classmate. You call his uncle a reasonable one." Wang Yuan looked lovingly at his daughter.

"Dad! Are you kidding?" Wang Shuyi looked at his father Wang Yuan with incredible eyes.

"Of course not." Wang Yuan smiled bitterly. This matter is really difficult to explain. He can only say: "Don't look at him as a teenager. In fact, he is about the same age as your father, but for so many years, the years have not been in him. Marks on his face. "

"What, the face is not old!" Wang Shuyi was dumbfounded, and there are really people who look old in the world.

Soon, Wang Shuyi's eyes lit up, and any woman in the world could not resist the temptation of being old.

"He really looks old." Wang Shuyi said excitedly.

"Cultivation as a profound warrior does look good." Wang Yuan thought about it for a while. The warrior world has always had a legend of looking old. However, even the warriors in Jindan Realm, even Wuzong, can hardly achieve absolute appearance. At age, it still can't stop the erosion of time.

Definitely not old, like Mo asked, but when he is a few decades old, he is still in his teens. I really do n’t know what level of cultivation can be done.

"Dad, I also want to become an advanced warrior." Wang Shuyi looked excited, and the first time she saw this kind of immature person, the shock in her heart can be imagined. The previous practice was procrastinating, and now she decided , We must work hard to practice.

"Then work hard."

Wang Yuan looked at his daughter, but sighed in his heart. Sometimes, it is not hard to succeed. First of all, he must have talents. For example, he cannot be talented. Fortunately, his daughter's talents are far above him, which makes him very happy. Secondly, there must be good inheritance. If there is no good master, good sect teaching, talented people may not have high achievements.

"You must work hard!" Wang Shuyi seemed to have discovered the New World. She was so excited that she wanted to go to the quiet room to practice immediately.

"Do you know who saved you?"

Wang Yuan naturally knew that without good inheritance, his daughter could not achieve anything in this life, but he also had his ideas.

"Who the **** is he?" Wang Shuyi was also a little curious at this time. No wonder the young man and the old Han hung on their shoulders, and one old man bite each other. It turned out that he was an old guy wearing a young boy's skin.

"He is the master of Qinggu's secret realm and the founder of Ming Palace." Wang Yuandao.

"Ming Palace! Is that the Ming Palace you are standing on the peak of the ancient Wujie?" Wang Shuyi looked at Wang Yuan in surprise. Although she had little knowledge and ordinary cultivation practices, she still knew the Ming Palace because of this The ancient martial arts forces are so famous that casual contact with several ancient martial arts people may hear them talking about the behemoth of Ming Palace.

She knew that Mo asked was amazing, and he could cure even the mortal death, but she had never thought about it. Ming Palace, that is standing at the pinnacle of the ancient martial world, any force and any sect gate standing in front of the Ming Palace must be inferior.

Founder? Is he so powerful?

"Your uncle Mo stands on the top of the entire ancient martial world. If you can let him direct you to one or two, you will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future."

Wang Yuan's eyes flickered, and in his heart, he naturally hoped that Wang Shuyi could get Mo Wen's advice. If she could be accepted as a disciple, it would be better.


"Uncle Mo, are you thirsty?"

"Uncle Mo, shall I give you a massage?"

"Uncle Mo, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen."

"Uncle Mo ..."


Early in the morning, Wang Shuyi was surrounded by Mo Wen, chattering all the time, one uncle Mo at a time, speaking very nicely.

"What do you want to do?" Mo asked, looking at Wang Shuyi inexplicably.

Yesterday was a liar. How can I become a respectable and lovely Uncle Mo today? This contrast is too great.

"You accept me as a disciple, and teach me a great supernatural power." Wang Shuyi's eyes shined, and Mo Mo asked, not letting go.

"I worshiped me as a teacher, just to look old?" Mo asked, crying and laughing.

"Yeah." Wang Shuyi doesn't think that cultivation has any other benefits besides making her look young.

"I'm not an easy student," Mo asked sighing.

"I know that an expert like you can only be regarded as a highly talented disciple. My talent is very high, my dad said that my talent is much higher than him, and my moral character is very good Will corrupt the door, will not bully the teacher and destroy the ancestor ... "

"Uh ... Then I will accept you as a registered disciple. After passing the test, I will accept you as an official disciple."

Mo Wen asked with a bitter smile, he really does not have much energy to take the apprentice, but Wang Shuyi as Wang Yuan's daughter, he is not easy to refuse.

"Yes." Wang Shuyi nodded immediately, regardless of whether his named disciple was a formal disciple, and mixed with this cheap master first.

"Since I have become a named disciple, then you are also a member of the Ming Palace. In the future, I will follow Wang Yinru Palace Master to practice and wait for you to become a formal disciple. I will teach you personally." Mo asked.

"Does Master Wang Yinru understand the technique of appearance?" Wang Shuyi blinked her eyes.

"Do you think the main palace of Wang Yinru is beautiful?" Mo asked with a smile.

"Well ~ ~ Wang Shuyi nodded vigorously. Wang Yinru was indeed very beautiful, and she seemed to be very young. She was only in her early twenties.

"Her age is older than your father. You said she knows how to look old," Mo asked.

With the cultivation of Wang Yinru getting higher and higher, people are getting younger and more beautiful. Not only did the years leave no trace on her, but they are younger than before.

This is the benefit of cultivation of immortals. Wang Yinru is actually very young among those who cultivate immortals.

"Okay, I'm going to find Wang Yinru Palace Master." Wang Shuyi ran away with excitement.

In the next few days, Mo Wen returned to the main space and rescued Han Jiangong, who was ill in his life, again. However, he did not go to those disaster-stricken areas abroad, because he knew that the wicked evil was not a disease, but that someone was manipulating all this behind his back. If the source could not be removed, there would be no point in saving more people.

source? Mo asked to know some, but the specific situation, I am afraid that no one is clearer than Tianhua Palace.

(To be continued.)

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