Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1317: Treasure Jade Box

Penglai Wonderland, Quzhou, Xiabenfu!

Quzhou is not very prosperous among the Penglai fairyland of Kyushu, it belongs to a remote place. Xiabenfu is even more remote in the remote places, even in Quzhou.

The Blood Fiend Palace is rooted here!

There is only one Hall of Blood Evil in the late Yuanshen who cultivated immortals, but it was placed at the top of the Xiaben Palace.

One day, a person appeared in the blood pilgrimage mountain in Xiabenfu, and the main hall of the blood spitting palace was located on the blood pilgrimage mountain.


With a loud noise, the mountain gate of the Blood Fiend Palace was shattered by people, a large number of stones swept across, and several disciples of the Blood Fiend Palace guarding the gate all flew out, and their bodies were injured by the stone fragments.

"Who dares to stalk wild in the Temple of Blood Evil!"

Inside Zongmen, a roar sounded, approaching, the blood flashed, and an old man in blood robe appeared at the entrance of the mountain. This breath is particularly powerful, but it is the elder of Xueshadian Yuanjing Realm.

"Old man, don't you even know me? You blood palace is forgotten very quickly." The boy standing on the mountain road smiled slightly.

"Mo asked! Why are you?" The old man was shocked when he saw the boy.

This person was one of the two elder **** realm elders who had killed Mo Wen's Xuesha Palace, so he recognized Mo Wen at a glance.

"Why can't it be me," Mo asked lightly.

"You dare to come to Penglai Wonderland, you are not afraid to die here."

The elder of the Blood Robe, Se Li Nei, is quite aware of the terrible Mo question. This child can even kill the immortals who are in transit, and it is not easy to deal with them. If it weren't for Mo Wen, so many gates were united in Penglai Fairyland, and they wouldn't dare to stay on Bloody Mountain.

However, the person who should not have appeared in Penglai Wonderland actually appeared.

"Your Blood Fiend Palace is the first, and there are many more."

After Mo Wen finished speaking, raised his foot and stomped, rumbling! When the mountain shook for a while, the entire Xueli Mountain was collapsing, and large boulders rolled from the mountain. In a blink of an eye, Xueli Mountain fell into the ground.

The old man in blood robe was shocked, and such a majestic mountain was actually trampled by someone.

This Mo didn't ask how terrible Xiu Wei was.

The gate of the Blood Fiend Palace was directly sunk into the ground. I do n’t know how many Immortal Cultivators of the Blood Fiend Palace were buried. Only some of them were elders who were trained as deep elder gods.

"Don't ask, **** it! What do you want to do, so unscrupulous, you're not afraid that the evil wind sect and the sword valley will destroy you."

"Damn it, I have heard from a friend of Jianyou Gu, I believe they will never miss the chance to kill you this time."


Above the sky, the elders of more than a dozen Yuanshen Realm recognized Mo Wen as soon as possible, but none of them dared to step forward, and their faces turned white one by one.

"Want to escape?"

Mo asked with a sneer, a little finger, and a golden light flashed away.

At the next moment, in the void, an embarrassed figure fell out. The appearance of a middle-aged man was the bloodlord of the Hall of Blood Fiend Palace.

At the beginning, it was he who led the two elders of Xuesha Palace under the banner of Demon Guard Road, and killed Mo Wen in Li'an City.

"How did you find me?"

Blood Rud's face was ugly to see a few points, he just cast the door to the treasure, and escaped from the void, unexpectedly this was found by Mo Wen.

Seeing this, the elders all looked slightly changed, and their masters actually left them and fled. For a time, everyone had no intention of fighting, and they all dispersed.

It's just that a circle of black light covered the entire sky, and in the next moment, everyone turned into an ice sculpture with no breath of life. Mo Wen looked at the ice sculptures coldly, his figure disappeared in place.

He came to Penglai Wonderland this time, in addition to solving some long-cherished wishes, he also has the purpose of searching for the treasure inside the holy fire sword. After he completely unsealed the holy fire sword, he naturally knew the location of the treasure.

Originally, he might not be able to see the treasures of a god's virtual realm repairer, but from the holy fire sword, he knew some secrets, but it made him very interested.

The location of the treasure is in Quzhou, and it is very close to the Xiaben House. He naturally does not mind coming over and cooking the blood evil palace.


This mountain is high and extremely steep. This mountain is located in the five mountain ranges of Quzhou. It is surrounded by mountains in the front and back, and there are very few people who can come here. Because there are many demons dormant in the mountain range, the cultivation is not enough. Xueyue Mountain was taken away by the demon clan.

On the night of the full moon, a clear moonlight cast down, illuminating the night sky in the mountain forest.

Mo Wen stood in the cave of Seoraksan Mountain, where heavy snow was flying, snow was everywhere, and the cold wind was blowing at night, like a ghost screaming.

Holding the holy fire sword in his hand, he turned slowly. Suddenly, a moonlight above the sky projected to the ground through a hole above the holy fire sword.

At the next moment, a magical scene appeared, and I saw a map phantom above the snow.

"So it turns out."

Mo Wen scanned the map and immediately knew the location of the treasure.

At the next moment, his body turned into a ray of fire and directly crashed into the mountain of Xueyue Mountain.

Two days later, a mountain wall of Xueyue Mountain crashed into pieces, and large stones flew out. A figure flew out of the gravel, it was Mo Wen.

With a jade treasure box in his hands, Mo Wen's eyes fell into contemplation.

"Yin Yang Sect!"

From the treasure of the **** monk, he did know some secrets, a secret about the ancient Yin and Yang Sect.

The Yin Yang Sect is an extremely ancient sect that has been passed down for a long time.

It is said that the Yin and Yang sects existed as far back as the ancient times, and his history and heritage are not at all under the creation sect.

The most incredible thing for Mo Wen is that the Yin Yang Sect and the Taohua Sect seemed to belong to the same sect in the ancient times, and there was a deep connection between the two.

"The monk of the god's virtual realm was lucky, and actually got some inheritance from the Yin and Yang sect. However, his talent was too low, and he only ended up practicing the god's virtual realm and sat down."

Mo Wen shook his head. The last master of the holy fire sword was a god-virtual god-cultivator in the Middle Ages. He discovered some inheritances of the holy fire sword and the Yin-Yang Sect in an ancient ruin in Penglai's fairyland, so he knew Some secrets of the ancient times.

Zhang Poxiao and he can cultivate yin and yang qi, and it has a great relationship with the holy fire sword. It can be said that whether it is the predecessor of the god's virtual realm in the middle ages, or Zhang Poxiao and him, the yin and yang qi that he cultivated has some inheritance of yin and yang. Shadow.

As expected by Mo Wen, there are some ordinary treasures in the treasures, and he is still inferior to the home of ordinary gods. However, the jade box he obtained was not simple. It is said that it was the thing of the Yin-Yang Sect and was discovered together with the Holy Fire Sword.

Unfortunately, the jade box needs a key to open it. The holy fire sword is only one of the keys. If you want to open the jade box, you need another key. Because of this, the immortal cultivator of the god's virtual realm has never opened this jade box in his lifetime. No one knows what is in it.

"If you can open this jade box, you might be able to find the next practice method of Yin and Yang Qi."

Mo Wen touched his chin, his yin and yang qi has been practiced to the limit, and it is almost impossible to further, because he does not know how to practice, Zhang Baoxiao's inheritance, but there is no content that can be practiced after the god's virtual realm. In the realm of yin and yang, it is equivalent to crossing the river by touching stones.

"Although the old man has not opened the jade box, but it has left a clue, I may be able to give it a try."

Mo asked about this, the figure suddenly turned into a golden light, and flew away in the distance.

Yuzhou! One of the Penglai Kyushus, unlike Quzhou, Yuzhou is quite prosperous, and its area is five times that of Quzhou. It can have its presence in Yuzhou. At least, there must be Taixuanjing ’s immortal repairers. Not as good as a Yuzhou.

The Su Nujia is undoubtedly one of Yuzhou's top Xianxian sects. Even in the whole Penglai Wonderland, Su Nujia has a place. Although it can't be said of the top handful of hands, the background and power can't compare with evil wind Sects like Zong and Jianyougu are poor.

Moreover, the Su female teachers only accept female disciples, and there is no man in the entire sect, which is undoubtedly a beautiful scenery in Penglai Fairyland.

However, the days of vegetarian women's education have not been easy recently. The devastating disaster has affected this Yuzhou. In the whole Penglai Wonderland, the most affected area, except Qingzhou, is Yuzhou.

A golden light glanced across the sky, a thousand miles, and soon came to Qushui City.

"It's so rich and utterly evil."

Mo Wen looked at the city below with dignified eyes. The whole city of Qushui was shrouded in a hazy black mist. If it was not for the detection of consciousness, the scene in the city could not be seen at all through the black mist.

This place, already on the edge of Yuzhou, flew all the way, Mo asked to find many dead cities, there was no one in the city, only a corpse lying on the ground, judging from the remaining breath in the city pool, they are very different from the evil spirits. Big association.

Suddenly, the black mist over Qushui City surged and rushed to a place in the city.

"Huh, since I was met, then die."

Mo asked his eyes cold, stepped out in one step ~ ~ figure appeared directly in the city of Qushui.

boom! A golden aperture centered on him, sweeping the entire Qushui City in an instant. Those eerie evils that enveloped the Qushui City could not withstand the horrific high temperature of the golden blaze for a while, and they were evaporated over a large area.

After the evil gas evaporated, the scene in the city of Qushui finally appeared.

The whole city is lifeless, like a dead city. In the city, a large number of corpses lay on the ground, and a trace of black evil gas was emitted from the corpses. At a glance, thousands of corpses were shocked.

These corpses seem to be just nourishment for the evil qi. The whole city is covered with evil qi. I am afraid that these corpses emit the evil qi.

"What a demon!"

Mo Wen took a breath of air. These demons, devouring the vitality of ordinary creatures to nurture evil spirits, can be described as cruel to the extreme. Yuzhou, I do n’t know how many civilians have been devoured, and their lives are covered. Immortal practitioners may still be able to run away, but ordinary people encounter such a thing, only a dead end.

(To be continued.)

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