Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1323: The Power of Junxue

The body of the lion head with three golden lions is actually a bit like the legendary golden holy lion.

I saw the huge image of the face, the power of terror rushed out, giving people a feeling of collapse, and on the ground, tens of thousands of evil corpses turned to ashes.

"Brothers of the Third Army and the Seventeenth Army, please follow me out of the city for a battle, kill all evil races, and promote my divine power."

The burly big man shouted, and 981 bursts of blue light broke out on his body, and the blue light turned into a golden holy lion, plunging into the battlefield to kill.


Inside the city, standing by all the time, the Immortal Cultivators of the 17th Army of the Third Legion stood ready and flew into the sky. They flew out of the city, the sky was full of light, and the world was colorful.

Nie Junxue frowned, looking angrily at the burly man. She was the Supreme Commander in Bai Mang City. He actually passed her and made a decision on his own.

"Junxue baby, your prestige is average."

The old devil Qu was stunned and looked at the burly man above the sky, exclaiming: "However, Wei Beixing's cultivation practice is amazing, he should not be far from Taixuan Great Consummation, the whole Bai Long In the city, it is estimated that his cultivation is the strongest. "

Neither Qu Lao Lao Mo nor Weng Lao put Nie Junxue in their eyes. Nie Junxue like Wei Beixing, who only advocates strength, is even less likely to put Nie Junxue in his eyes.

It stands to reason that the army in the city should have the highest commander-in-chief dispatched by one hand, but the third army directly ignored the commander-in-chief Nie Junxue and only ordered Wei Beixing.

Nie Junxue sighed in her heart. She didn't take over Bai Baicheng for a long time. She was ordered to be in danger. If she was given enough time, it would never be like this. On the surface, the Bai Mang city is well organized, and the immortal repairers are well-trained and fully militarized, reflecting a strong combat capability.

But this is only the surface. Inside the Bai Mang City, the high-level leaders have been intriguing, and no one will be convinced. Those who think highly of themselves and like to make their own claims may have problems at any time.

Wei Beixing led the Seventeenth Army to massacre evil corpses. For a time, the pressure of Bai Mangcheng did reduce a lot. Immortal repairers are really simple to deal with those walking corpses, and the battle is just one-sided.

On the wall, some generals saw the majestic killing of the 17th Army outside the city, all of them were eager to kill the evil corpses, which was obviously a good opportunity to make a contribution.

"Give me peace of mind."

Nie Junxue snorted coldly, and a powerful breath erupted from her, sweeping the entire control tower, and those sloppy generals suddenly became more honest. Realizing that they are not Wei Beixing, Wei Beixing dared to deny Nie Junxue and did not take Nie Junxue in his eyes, but they did not dare, they did not have the ability of Wei Beixing.

Nie Junxue looked at the Seventeenth Army outside the city, looking a little ugly.

"Ji Jie, there are still people out to die."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in a cloud of dark clouds, which was still far away at first, but appeared in the blink of an eye over the battlefield.

"Kill me!"

With the order, a large number of evil races came out of the dark clouds, and all of these evil races were covered with monstrous evil spirits.

"Huh, it's just right, brothers, kill me, the evil clan only, afraid of something."

Seeing this, Wei Beixing was not afraid of it. From his back, he pulled out a battle axe. The battle axe was red all over, the red light rushing to the sky, and the clouds in a hundred miles all reflected blood red.

Holding the blood axe in his hands, he slashed down, and a hundred-foot-long sharp man swept across, tearing a dozen evil races face to face.

The seventeenth-century immortals saw that the leader was so sturdy, and all of them were not afraid, and killed the evil clan.

"act recklessly!"

Above the dark clouds, an evil clan covered in purple scales looked at Wei Beixing coldly. In his hand, he held a bone sword, which released a monstrous evil spirit.

I saw his figure flashed, and appeared in front of Wei Beixing, a sword stabbed, I saw the dark evil energy turned into a monster that swallowed the heavens and earth, roared and hit Wei Beixing.

Just a sword, it actually gives people a feeling of overturning mountains and rivers, it seems that the blue sky above the head is pressed down.

Wei Beixing's complexion changed slightly, and this evil clan's cultivation behavior was somewhat unexpected.

"Angry Thunder!"

He roared, and the blood axe in his hand hacked out, and he saw a shadow of the axe smashed from the sky and continued to extend, and the moment exceeded 100 feet.


With a loud bang that shook the mountain, Wei Beixing's burly body stepped back and back seven or eight steps, and the blood axe in his hand was almost unable to hold Chen Fei.

The roaring beast, but his power is not exhausted, culling again, chasing after victory.

Wei Beixing was too late to resist, and was directly hit by the behemoth. A lot of evil spirits invaded into his body along the veins of his body, and madly blamed the tissues and organs in his body.


Wei Beixing snarled and turned to escape. The evil clan in front of him is definitely not something he can deal with. Moreover, he was already in a wicked evil spirit, and evil spirits raged in his body, causing him to only exert 50% of his strength. Fighting this evil clan again, he will definitely die.

On the other side, the Seventeenth Army is also in a bitter battle. In the dark clouds, I do n’t know how many evil clanes are hiding, but they are constantly coming out. At first, the number of evil clan is far less than that of the Seventeenth Army, but as time goes on, The number of evil tribes has doubled that of the Seventeenth Army.


Wei Beixing knew that he could not fight again, otherwise he and the Seventeenth Army would be wiped out.

"Do you want to go now? Leave your life and go."

The purple Ling evil clan smiled, his wrists together, and the bone sword released a dark dark light. At the next moment, hundreds of sword qi appeared around Wei Beixing. Those sword qi were unstoppable, and the world seemed to be affected by those. Jian Qi split.


Wei Beixing's eyes widened, and the golden holy lion behind him roared skyward. The giant hand held a giant axe and swept past like a whirlwind, smashing a large amount of sword gas around him.

However, there is too much sword energy between heaven and earth, and some cannot be stopped at all.


Hundreds of sword qi rushed across the defense zone and bombarded Wei Beixing one after another. One of his arms shattered directly and turned into blood mist.

"I'm not convinced ..."

Wei Beixing hated Changxiao, but he never dreamed that he would die in the hands of evil tribes as soon as the battle began.

The horrible sword spirit raged in his body, and if he had another round, even if his body could not be carried, it would inevitably collapse.

"Die! The flesh and vitality of an immortal in the late period of Taixuan should be delicious."

The purple Ling evil clan hey evil smile, devouring this Taixian late immortal cultivation, his cultivation will inevitably increase further.

The evil clan cut off with a sword, and the sword rushed to the sky, as if to split the sky into a crack.

Wei Beixing looked desperate. At this time, he had no ability to resist this sword.

However, when Jian Qi was only one foot away from Wei Beixing, a white sword Qi flew across the sky, smashing that dark sword Qi. At the same time, a graceful figure appeared over the battlefield.

It was a woman wearing white jade armor, and her tight jade armor brought her figure to the fullest.

"Nie Junxue."

Wei Beixing looked at Nie Junxue in amazement. He didn't expect that Nie Junxue, who was cultivated in the middle period of Taixuan, could actually block the sword of the horrible evil race.

At the same time, in the Bai Mang City, two legions of the Immortal Cultivators were killed, one left and one right, holding down the evil clan on the battlefield and killing a gap in the encircling circle.

"Retreat." Nie Junxue said coldly.

Seeing this, the people of the Seventeenth Army were overjoyed and did not dare to delay. They were killed from the encircling circle of the evil clan and retreated all the way to the direction of the city gate.

Wei Beixing glanced deeply at Nie Junxue, and without hesitation turned into a blue light, flashing back to the city.

"you wanna die."

The Ziling Evil Clan was furious, and the fat flesh actually flew.

He stepped out in one step, swept the bone sword in his hand, and at the next moment, it was divided into two, two into four, four into eight ...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of bone swords appeared above the sky.

"Actually, I know how to use swordsmanship."

Nie Junxue narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes deepened. The learning ability of the evil clan is actually so strong. The swordsmanship exhibited by the purple Ling evil clan is obviously not something of the evil clan, but the swordsmanship of their immortals, called Wanjian Guizong.

Although his move of ten thousand swords returned to the sect, there was only no form and charm, but it was also surprising to be exhibited by an evil clan.

Swish swish!

Thousands of bone bone swords turned into sword tide, killing Nie Junxue crazy.

The most powerful strength of the evil clan lies in their bodies and evil qi, and by virtue of the evil qi is enough to restrain most of the immortals of the same rank. But if a wicked clan knows how to perform swordsmanship, the sword tricks exhibited with evil energy are naturally terrifying.

Nie Junxue's face was as cold as frost, and the jade sword in her hand suddenly exuded a mysterious breath. That breath brought Nie Junxue's breath and the sword's breath together, and then merged in heaven and earth.

The sword of man! Heaven and man are one!

At this moment, Nie Junxue actually reached a quite mysterious state, the man and the sword, the sword and the heaven ~ ~ the whole person, and heaven and earth are like one, it seems to be Tianwei between hands and feet.

At the corner of the city wall, Mo Wen looked at Nie Junxue with some surprise. After a while, her strength actually reached such a point.

Heaven and man are one, that is something that only the god-virtual realm-cultivator can do. Under the normal circumstances, a god-cultivator who is too mysterious would want to be one.

As for the combination of man and sword, it is also not an easy task, usually only a sword cultivation dedicated to studying kendo. Moreover, even in Jianxiu, there are not many people who can achieve the unity of sword and man.

To unite the sword, one must first have enough kendo realm, and secondly, a sword that absolutely fits oneself.

The first condition can be achieved through cultivation, but the second condition is not easy to achieve.

Generally speaking, Jianxiu cultivates a sword and cultivates it with his own lifeblood. When the sword becomes stronger and stronger, and the bloodline cultivates more and more in line with himself, he can achieve unity.

(To be continued.)

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