Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1324: Minas

The sword repair with the combination of man and sword can not only exert its own swordsmanship, swordsmanship and sword moves completely, but also exert the power of the sword completely. It is a terrible state of sword repair.

The sword in Nie Junxue's hand is not a simple sword. At least it is a holy treasure of a thousand spirits.

After the combination of human swords, Nie Junxue can exert at least 30% of the power of the Qianling Shengbao.

A razor sharp edge erupted from Nie Junxue's body. The sharp breath made the surrounding world suddenly change color, and the strong wind screamed. In an instant, it seemed that even the vegetation on the ground had turned into a sharp sword.

The face of the Ziling Evil Clan changed dramatically, and the subconscious wanted to escape. At this moment, a feeling of powerlessness and death felt rising in his heart.

Can this woman kill him? How could he not believe that this woman's cultivation practice is not as good as the burly man, how could he possibly be able to kill him.

However, regardless of whether the Ziling Evil Clan believes or not, he dare not face Nie Junxue at this time. The breath from this woman is really terrible.

The purple Ling evil clan pushed forward with both hands, and tens of thousands of bone swords surrounded Nie Junxue, while he himself quickly retreated, desperately trying to leave the battlefield.

Nie Junxue watched the endless sword shadow coming towards him, the jade sword in his hand spurted forward, a circle of ripples, spreading around with the sword tip as the center, the aperture became larger and wider.

I saw that the tens of thousands of sword shadows surrounding Nie Junxue collapsed and shattered into nothingness in the ripples.

It seems that I only insisted on the work of the moment, all the sword shadow disappeared.

A circle of ripples continued to expand forward, and it seemed unpleasant to the naked eye, but in a blink of an eye, it caught up with the Evil Evil Clan who had escaped thousands of miles away.

"Do not!"

The Ziling Evil Clan looked back abruptly, a circle of ripples wrapped around him, making it difficult for him to move at once, as if falling into a quagmire. His Wan Jian returned to the sect, even a breathing effort did not hold on, he never dreamed of it.

In order to practice Wan Jian's return to the clan, he devoured a large amount of sword cultivation, even destroyed a Kendo sect, seized the patriarch to teach him the sword technique, and spent more than ten years before and after learning this move.

Nie Junxue looked coldly at the Ziling Evil Clan. The jade sword in his hand shook and a sword flew away. The next moment appeared behind the Ziling Evil Clan and directly pierced his body.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The purple Ling evil clan struggled and roared wildly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. He never thought that he would die in the hands of such a woman. After that sword gas penetrated into his body, he madly devoured his vitality, with the body of his evil clan, he could not bear it at all. In front of that destructive force, the flesh collapsed a little bit and turned into ashes.

The 17th Legion successfully withdrew into the city, and the troops that came out to support it did not have a love for battle, nor entangled with the evil clan, and all withdrew.

On the tower, a famous fairy repairer looked at Nie Junxue in the distance, with a deep shock in his eyes. Like knowing this woman for the first time, she never thought that she was so strong and so powerful.

Qu An old demon took a breath and looked at Nie Junxue's eyes with shock. He has always been Nie Junxue as a junior. Although he has a middle-level cultivation practice, he is so young, how much strength can he have? Tianhua Palace may be able to use a huge amount of resources to spawn an immortal cultivator in the Taixuan Realm, but it is absolutely impossible to spawn a strong man.

Weng Lao's face was extremely ugly. If he knew that Nie Junxue was so terrifying, he would never rely on the old and sell the old, and would oppose her everywhere. Fortunately, during this time he did not make any outrageous moves, otherwise if Nie Junxue was grabbed the handle and directly eradicated him, he would have no place to call wrong.

Wei Beixing's face was pale and shocked. He had played with the Purple Ling Evil Clan. He knew that the Purple Ling Evil Clan was so powerful. Unexpectedly, such a powerful evil Clan could not stop Nie Junxue. sword.

This Nie Junxue was terrible to this point. Wasn't she a mid-Tai Xuan practitioner? At this time, I am afraid that the ordinary Taixuan Daquan monks can't reach it.

Mo asked with a slight smile, this Nie Junxue, should have had any adventure in the battlefield of Zu Wu. Also, people who can go to the battlefield of Zu Wu and come back alive will generally undergo a metamorphosis. With the talent of Nie Junxue and some luck, it is not surprising.

Nie Junxue of this matter can be compared with the geniuses of the heavens and the world. Even if it is still inferior, at least it will not be too far.


Fifty thousand miles away from Baimeng City, on a mountain peak, there are more than a dozen figures standing here.

The person headed is a woman. The woman is not very handsome. She looks like she is in her twenties. Her skin is like snow, her face is charming, and she is particularly mature and moving.

However, there are traces of vicissitudes in her eyes. Her age is obviously not as simple as it seems.

In addition to this woman, there are more than a dozen people around, all of them strangely shaped, unlike normal human beings.

"Wu Jia actually died in the hands of a young woman, what a waste."

A creature with a horn on his head and four eyes on his face said coldly. His eyes were red as blood, and inside was full of killing and blood. During his speech, he seemed unable to converge his breath, and a terrifying deep evil spirit was released from him.

In an instant, the original lush green mountain completely withered to a dead mountain and everything withered.

"That little girl has some skills, but she didn't expect to encounter obstacles just after entering the first stop of Chongming Mansion."

Mature. The woman is dressed in white, her lips are red and white, and her voice is quite pleasant.

Her voice was not fierce and soft, but as soon as she spoke, there were more than a dozen people who looked fierce and evil, but no one dared to wipe her mouth, and the eyes looking at the woman were all in awe.

"Master Minas, Bai Mangcheng, as our first stop to win the Chongming Mansion, must not be lost, we must be beautiful and striking momentum. That little girl, let me deal with it."

A monster with cyan hair all over the body matured. The woman gave a little salute, a pair of tiger eyes, and the murderous opportunity appeared.

The evil tribes who came outside the Baiong City this time were to conquer the evil clan of the entire Chongming Mansion. Their power is quite strong, far from being comparable to a Bai Mang City. If they take a strong attack, the Bai Mang City will not last long. The reason why I chose to use evil corpses for human sea tactics and to kill the power of Bai Mang City was just to reduce the damage of their evil clan. After all, their evil clan came to Penglai Fairyland in a limited number, with less loss, and their power was retained. It will be more beneficial to their subsequent battles.

"The three of you, Kuyuan, Leimang, and Xiaoyu, went to fight against Bai Mang City. We must take down Bai Mang City within a short period of time. Our time is running out. We must have the three houses around the Su Nu Church in our hands as soon as possible."

Menas said faintly that the three families around the Su women's religion, they must be occupied by the evil clan. This action, she is directly responsible for it, seeing the above attention to this action. Although, she didn't know why the above places attached so much importance to the three schools around the Su Nvjiao, but from the above attitude, they are bound to have a place in these three places.

"Subordinates lead the life."

Out of a dozen people, they immediately walked out of three people and led their lives on their knees. Then it turned into three black lights and flew to the distant Baigong City. It was a thousand miles, and the speed was amazing. These three people, any one, are probably more powerful than the Purple Evil Clan.

They are personally responsible for siege and dealing with a Bai Mang city is almost at hand.

"I'm curious, why do you have to occupy the land around the Sufu?"

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded, so suddenly, so without warning, it was like standing by your side, whispering to your ear.

"Who! Who!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, get me out."

On the top of the mountain, everyone's face changed greatly. This voice, they had not even noticed it before. Someone was near them. They didn't find it at all.

The most terrible thing is that even after this voice appeared, they still didn't find out who happened. More than a dozen people looked around and swept through the sky with gods and thoughts.

However, in the wilderness, there is no figure, and they still can't find that person.

Minas frowned, her face gloomy, and she didn't even find the trace of that person, who was it!

"What kind of person is your Excellency, why should you sneak up and see yourself when you have the courage?"

Menas coldly said that in the world of Immortal Cultivation, there are indeed some special treasures and secrets with such strong hiding power. Obviously, the person who secretly peeped at them had terrifying hiding power.

"Are you blind, I'm not right behind you." The sneering voice sounded again.

Everyone, including Menas, turned back. I saw that, ten meters away, stood a young man in white, standing in the wind, hunting for clothes.

"What the **** are you?"

Minas's pupils squeezed, and his body tensed at once. The surrounding evil tribes are all horrified.

How could this person stand behind them! Just now they didn't see this person at all, not to mention that more than a dozen consciousnesses swept through it, how could it be impossible to find him at such a close distance.

Weird, very strange.

"Should you answer my question first ~ ~ There is always a first come, first come," Mo asked lightly.

After Nie Junxue killed the Ziling Evil Clan, he noticed that there was a wave of evil energy. Although this tens of thousands of miles, he still could not escape his perception, so he tracked down all the way.

What he did not expect was that there were so many high-level evil races on this mountain. The evil races here are all fourth-order evil races, and judging from their breath, they are not ordinary fourth-order evil races.


Recommend a good book to everyone:

"Super Little Farmer"

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