Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1325: Mo asked to escape?

Mo Wen was a little surprised in his heart. If there are so many high-level evil clan here, if all the shots are taken, I am afraid that the ten Baiong cities will not be able to stop them.

However, the evil clan seems to attach great importance to the land of the three palaces around the Su Nvjia, otherwise it will not send so many high-level evil clan to come.

"Kill me." Minas looked at Mo coldly and asked, since the person found them and knew some secrets, he couldn't keep him.

"Boy, die for me."

boom! With a loud noise, I saw a high-level evil clan step out one step, the evil spirits were soaring, all the flowers and trees died instantly.

You Jue Xie Qi turned into a huge giant hand, and slapped Mo Wen fiercely. Before the giant hand fell, the entire mountain was crushed by the terrible pressure, and it split and collapsed from the top of the mountain.

Mo Wen coldly glanced at the evil giant hand, just waved his sleeve, and a golden light flew out of his sleeve. The flash of golden light directly tore the giant hand of evil energy, like tearing a piece of thin paper. Flashing again, he passed through the body of the high-level evil clan, glimmering in the light, and it seemed that it was only a residual image.

A moment later, I could see an ancient sword with golden flames floating behind that evil clan, and the evil clan was stiff in place, its eyes were round, and it stood motionless in the place, a black evil spirit from him Body constantly overflowing.


A golden light shone from the evil clan's eyebrows and went all the way down, dividing the evil clan's body. I saw one side of the evil clan, fell on the ground with a click, and the black blood corroded the rocks on the ground into blue smoke.


The air-sucking sound rang above the top of the mountain. Evil tribes looked at Mo in shock and asked, Penglai Wonderland, there are such terrible immortals, who is he? Could it be the masters of the Tianhua Palace, or the hidden powers of the middle-aged sect gates?

"What the **** are you?"

Menas' face was completely dignified. In Penglai Wonderland, there are only a handful of people with this ability, but there is no record of this teenager in the information she obtained. He could not be the masters of the Tianhua Palace, nor the hidden elders of the Middle Ancient Sect.

"I'm just a nameless pawn, but your evil clan invaded Penglai's fairyland, causing the creatures to be charcoal, treating the people of my clan as food, I am afraid that no clan can accommodate you.",

Mo Wen lightly glanced at the dozen or so evil tribes around him, reaching for the holy fire sword above the sky, and said blankly: "Look at you, what is Wanjian Guizong."

As soon as his words fell, the Holy Fire Sword radiated a tremendous light, with a lot of light and shadow. The sword body was divided into two, two into four, four into eight ...

In an instant, the overwhelming flame sword appeared above the sky.

He is not Jianxiu, the Wanjian Guizong cast is very clumsy, and most of them can't get into the eyes of real sword cultivation. However, compared with these evil repairs, the Wanjian Guizong he cast is more correct.

Above the sky, Wan Jian rotates, and the endless sword becomes a sword river.

Above the mountain, more than a dozen high-level evil races looked in horror, staring at the long river of swords and shadows above the sky, they felt a breath of death from it.

The evil clan is cruel and bloody, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of death. Any creature is afraid of death. It seems that they feel the breath of death. Each one is scared, and they turn around and are ready to escape.

However, how overbearing Wan Jian returned to the Zongzong, the whole world was blocked by Jian Yi, and no one could escape without sufficient cultivation.

Although Mo Qiang ’s move of Wan Jian Gui Zong did n’t matter, he did n’t want to stop it.

A moment later, more than a dozen high-level evil races turned to ashes under the sword shadow.

Mo asked his eyes turned to Menas, and said lightly: "You still have the opportunity to tell me your purpose now, otherwise I will interrogate, and the taste is not so good."

He deliberately did not kill this woman. Among these evil races, this woman obviously has the highest status. He still has some questions to know through this woman ’s mouth. Evil tribes must pay so much attention to the land of the Three Houses, and they must have a purpose.

Minas looked at Mo in shock and asked, the horror of this teenager has exceeded her cognition. The evil tribes she brought were enough to easily kill the Taixuan Realm Immortals in Penglai Fairyland, and any of them could match Taixuan Great Consummation. So many people were easily slaughtered by others.

Such a horrible cultivator appeared in Penglai Fairyland, she must immediately report to her, otherwise they might suffer from him next time.

"You remember for me, those who are against the evil clan, no one has a good end. Those so-called spiritual realm and demon realm repairers, my evil clan has not slaughtered at will. You are in the lower realm repairers, and dare to resist is to find death."

Minas stared at Mo Wen fiercely, and as soon as the figure swayed, he was ready to escape.

"Want to escape?"

Mo asked with a sneer, reached out a hand to Minas, and saw that a golden light palm continued to extend. No matter how fast Minas escaped, he couldn't get rid of the golden light giant's hand.

The golden light giant easily held Menas in his hand, but the golden light converged and kept getting smaller, turning into a golden light ball, and flew back.

However, what Li Mowen did not expect was that a black light penetrated from the golden ball of light, bursting the golden light with a bang.


Mo Wen was slightly surprised, this female evil clan actually had the ability to break free from the golden ball. Although he didn't do his utmost, even if it was a handy method, ordinary ordinary practitioners who didn't want to break away in the early days of Shenxu. This female evil clan's cultivation practice is close to God's virtual realm, but compared with God's virtual realm, there are still some gaps.

"You can't keep me."

Menas looked at Mo Wen coldly, holding an ancient sheepskin roll in her hand, and saw that the sheepskin roll radiated a black light and wrapped her body. Then in the space in front of her, a space crack broke out, actually preparing to escape directly from the space crack.

Even the cultivators of the god's virtual realm dare not easily enter into the space cracks. The cultivators of the Taoist realm have the ability to shuttle through the rifts of the space, but the rifts of the space are too unstable, and they are lost in the chaos of time and space if they are not careful In the meantime, even the immortal cultivators in the same realm do not dare to shuttle the space casually.


Mo asked, looking at the sheepskin roll with some interest, this woman actually had such a treasure. Her status among the evil clan may not be low.

Mo Wen stretched out his palm again and grabbed at Minas, but this time, it was no longer the palm of energy, but his body, only to see his arms continue to grow and extend, and the surrounding space was rippling. , Seems to be unable to bear the pressure from the arm.

Minas contracted his pupils, dared not hesitate, and immediately threw the sheepskin roll in his hand. I saw a black flame on the surface of the sheepskin roll, burning continuously. At the same time, a huge phantom appeared on the sky, just like ancient Giant spirit, exudes monstrous viciousness.

The giant spirit roared loudly, and two giant hands slammed into Mo Wen. The power of terror rolled from top to bottom like a comet. Hit on Mo Wen's arm.


The sky shook, even if Mo asked, they were blocked by the fierce giant for a moment.

By this moment, Minas escaped into the crack of space and disappeared instantly.

"Great idea!"

Mo asked Manas, who had disappeared in the crack of space, and sighed in his heart. At this time, even if he was too late to stop, his power of consciousness could catch up, but Minas was in the crack of space. The consciousness chased away in a brave manner, and it is very likely to be lost in the chaos of time and space and never come back.

"Fortunately, there are still three live."

Mo asked to look at the direction of Bai Mang City. Three of these high-end evil races went to Bai Mang City to attack the city. They may know something.


At this time, Bai Mangcheng was in crisis. The joining of three high-level evil races immediately transformed the battlefield. A large number of evil races appeared. The evil races that no longer used evil corpses were the most terrible, because each evil race ’s The fighting power is very strong.

The most terrifying thing is the three evil tribes that suddenly appeared. Any one of them might be able to sweep the entire Bai Mang City. They can only use the formation power of Bai Mang City to barely drag them.

"Jun Xue, the cultivation of these three evil tribes may be comparable to those of Taixuan Daxuan's Immortal Cultivators. If we can't stop them, Bailong City will sooner or later break the city."

Weng Lao looked ugly, and after seeing Nie Junxue's strength, the old man's attitude changed dramatically.

"Equal cultivation practices, they are more terrible than human immortal cultivation."

Wei Beixing's face was pale, and his injuries were very serious. After taking Healing Pill, he recovered only a little, and had little combat effectiveness. He was very guilty in his heart. If he wasn't arrogant, he could still exert some force at least now.

Outside the city, three high-level evil races attacked the moat formation madly. If they were to continue to attack, the moat formation would burst sooner or later, and it would not be possible to protect Baiong City forever.

"You must find a way to block the three high-level evil races."

Nie Junxue's face is solemn, and Bai Mangcheng's strength is limited ~ ~ Even the monks in Taixuan Realm might be vulnerable to the three evil tribes. She may be able to block one, but the remaining two, who will resist ?

Qu An Lao Mo and Li Minran were obviously aware of this situation, and their faces were pale.

"Only asked him to come forward."

Nie Junxue secretly said, she didn't know what to ask Mo Xiu to do now, but there must be no problem in blocking an evil clan. If so many years have passed, if he has improved his behavior, it might be no problem to block two high-level evil clan.

However, the next moment, Nie Junxue's complexion froze suddenly, because she found that Mo Wen was not in the city, her consciousness constantly swept through Bai Mangcheng, carefully every time. However, Mo Wen's figure was still not found.

Could it be that he feared the evil race and ran away!

Nie Junxue was stunned, Mo asked not such a person, she knew Mo asked, absolutely not like this. But how can you explain the current situation? Nie Junxue was at a loss.

(To be continued.)

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