Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1326: greedy

When Nie Junxue was suspicious, a wicked clan suddenly broke out, blasting Bai Mangcheng into a huge gap, and a large number of wicked clan swarmed in.

On the wall, the short soldiers handed over, and the two sides suddenly fought.

In the city, the people panicked, and the lower-order immortals were desperate. Could it be that Bai Mangcheng is also occupied by evil clan?


The three evil tribes headed, one person holding a giant hammer and smashing it with one hand, caused the city wall to collapse by a third, and a large number of Baixian city ’s immortal cultivators died under the giant hammer.

"Damn, they must be stopped."

Nie Junxue turned into a white light, and flew to the high-level evil clan holding the giant hammer.

At the same time, her order was echoed throughout the city: "Comprehensive counterattack, death without victory, we have no escape route."

On the tower, only a few Xuanjing Immortal Cultivators glanced at each other, and they skyrocketed into the sky. Only they could stop the three high-level evil races.


The power of the Giant Hammer Evil Clan is extremely powerful. With a hammer, Nie Junxue flew away, and the terrifying aftermath swept out. On the ground, a large number of human immortals and evil clan exploded and died.

Simply speaking of power, this giant hammer evil clan may be close to the monk of God's virtual realm.

Nie Junxue wore a white armor. She was far less powerful than the Great Hammer Evil Clan, but she was better at dexterity and defense. The jade sword in her hand is even sharper, even the giant hammer evil clan is intimidated.

The two have their own advantages and can't stand still for a while. The Great Hammer Evil Cultivation is a world-famous, and the extremely evil spirit is extremely terrible. Nie Junxue cannot even kill him in a short period of time even with his full efforts.

On the other side, it is not so optimistic. Four monks from Taixuan Realm joined forces to siege a high-level evil clan, but they were firmly pressed by that high-level evil clan. In the downwind, even among the four, Weng Lao and Qu Shao Lao were monks in the late Tai Xuan, But still far from the opponent of that evil clan, several people are in danger.

Wei Beixing and the two immortals in Taixuan Realm tried to control the defense formation of Bai Mangcheng and resisted the invasion of the big wave of evil clan.

Puff puff!

A few loud noises, a Immortal Cultivator in Tai Xuan Realm was beaten into a blood mist by a dark palm on the spot. Both Qu An Lao Mo and Weng Lao were also seriously injured and faced pale.


Qu Shao demon turned into a dark shadow and fled directly to the sky in the distance. As the devil of Nether Mountain, he was selfish and could not die here for Bai Mang. Nothing can be done, only escape.

Weng Lao hesitated, and turned into a blue light to escape in the other direction, a few flashes had already reached the horizon.


Nie Junxue did not expect that Qu Lao and Weng Lao were also famous figures in Penglai Wonderland, and they escaped.

"Where to escape."

The higher-order evil clan apparently was not going to let go of the old demons and Weng Lao, but when he was about to chase the past, he was stopped by another higher-order evil clan.

"You don't have to chase them. Our goal is only Bai Mangcheng. Letting go of one or two ants is harmless."

This high-level evil clan has a tall body, a dozen rings on his arms, and a pair of fierce flesh wings growing behind him. He has never shot from the beginning to the end, but among the three high-level evil clan, Obviously his position is the highest.


Thousands of miles away, after Mo Wen killed the evil clan on the top of the mountain, he immediately returned to Baiong City.

Halfway along, it was an accident. Weng Lao met his escape.

"Do not ask, your kid is treacherous, and escaped in advance."

Seeing that there was no chasing soldiers behind him, Weng Laofei felt relaxed and did not run away anymore. He looked at Mo Wen and his eyes shone.

"Are you running away?" Mo asked lightly.

Old Weng's face turned slightly red, and he was naturally embarrassed to be faced with a junior who said that he was running away. But soon, his gaze became fierce, and said coldly: "Hand over the holy fire sword, the old man can spare you not to die."

"As an elder of Yanyanzong, how can you say that you are a decent and decent man. You don't have to say that you are running away, and you are robbing other people's things.

"Well, you, a junior, are also qualified to talk about the old man. The old man killed you, who knows."

Weng Lao smiled coldly, and flew to Mo Wen as soon as his figure shook, and a strong aura came from his body, turning into an aperture to cover Mo Wen. He was afraid of the evil race, but he would not care if Mo Wen asked such a junior.

When Weng Lao was about to kill Mo Wenzhen, he suddenly happened, his body was bound by an invisible force, no matter how hard he struggled, he could n’t get rid of it, like falling into a swamp, the deeper the struggle .

"You ... how is it possible!"

Weng Lao looked at Mo Wen incredulously. At this time, he discovered that the breath emanating from Mo Wen actually entered the sea of ​​smoke, and he could not see the end. In front of Mo Wen, he seemed like a small boat in the sea, which could be overturned at any time.

"Stop my life!"

Weng Lao said in horror that he finally realized that he had caused a big disaster. Does n’t the newspaper say that this Mo question is just a junior of Yuanshen Realm, how could his cultivation base be so powerful? What is his cultivation practice, I am afraid that the existence of Taixuan Daquan is far from being comparable to him, and even the three high-level evil races cannot be so horrible.

Fear and madness flooded Weng Lao's heart.

"Unjust is doomed to destruction."

Mo asked faintly, a golden light quietly condensed from the void, and then cut off Weng Lao's head in a flash, his body emerged from the flat fracture of a golden flame, and then quickly burned his body.

The most frightening thing is that Weng Lao's Yuanshen was always trapped in his body and could not come out. He could only watch his body and Yuanshen burned to ashes by golden flames.

"Do not ask, the old man will not let you go if he is a ghost."

Weng Lao's Yuanshen struggled in his body for a while, the golden flame burned on the surface of his Yuanshen, and finally turned into nothingness.

Mo asked that there was no malice towards Weng Lao. He could only say that greed harmed others.

After killing Weng Lao, Mo Wen's eyes turned to Bai Mangcheng.

He did not expect that, in such a short period of time, Bai Mang City had already been destroyed, and these evil races were indeed not simple.

A blue blue light overflowed from his body. At the next moment, his body disappeared in place, exerting a phantom escape method and rushing to Bai Mang City.

At a distance of tens of thousands of miles, in just a moment, he rushed to the gate of the city.

At this time, the gate of Baimeng City was only half broken, and the army of human immortals had not completely collapsed. However, above the high-level immortalists, the Taixuanjing monks of Baimeng City almost completely collapsed. Only a few two or three people continue to persevere.

Among the three high-level evil clan, two high-level evil clan are besieging Nie Junxue at this time, obviously preparing to take her down as soon as possible.

Nie Junxue circulated his head and made all his efforts to resist the attacks of the two evil tribes. The strength of the two high-level evil tribes was not under her.

Suddenly, a golden light flew from outside the sky, the speed was shocking, and across the sky in a flash.


The high-level evil clan who had never shot had a squint, and his eyes were tightly looking at the golden sword light, and his body was tense instantly. He tried to intercept. That is, that sword light is too fast, and it can't be stopped quickly.


A high-level evil clan who besieged Nie Junxue flashed a golden light in front of his eyes, and the next moment his chest was hot, a sword light passed through his body, crashed into the ground and disappeared.

"Grump ..."

The high-level evil race stared wide, and a stream of black blood came out of his mouth, grunting, he couldn't say a word, his body couldn't move, the vitality in his body seemed to be affected by that Dao Jianguang took it away in an instant, and a crack appeared on the surface of his body, and the secluded evil in the body could not be suppressed.

A teenager, holding a golden ancient sword, did not know when to appear on the battlefield.

"Don't ask!"

Nie Junxue was overjoyed and looked at the teenager with excitement, she knew that Mo Wen would not escape. How can a person with such a magnificent age escape in front of several evil tribes.

The remaining two high-level evil races all stared closely at Mo Wen. This young man stood on the sky, it seemed very ordinary, the breath converged, but the two, involuntarily felt a threat, one since the invasion of Penglai After the fairyland, never felt the threat.

"Kurbara, you inform Master Minas, this person is a little tricky."

The tall evil clan who pressed the battle looked at Mo coldly, and if this person dared to start, he would definitely stop him for the first time.

Another wicked clan named Kuyuan, who had besieged Nie Junxue before, immediately exchanged evil thoughts, communicated and communicated treasures, and attempted to contact Master Minas who was thousands of miles away. The emergence of this human youth is obviously a variable, killing Aoyu with a sword, and there is no chance for Aoyu to respond. Such a person, they are certainly not adversaries.

However, Kurohara, who was in charge of contacting Master Minas, soon changed his complexion, and Master Minas could not be reached. Not only Master Minas, but also other high-level evil clan, did not respond.

"How is it possible!" Kakuhara horrified, this happened ~ ~ There are only two possibilities, the first is that the companions deliberately did not respond to him. Dead, or all imprisoned, otherwise at this time, it is impossible not to respond to him.

"what happened?"

Lei Mang's face changed slightly, and from the expression of Kuyuan, he found something wrong.

"I can't contact Master Minas, and no other companions can contact, and there is no response," Kwon said in horror.

"Are you talking about the evil people on the top of the mountain? Stop looking, they are all dead." Mo asked lightly.

"You ... impossible! You ... you killed Lord Minas?"

Lei Mang looked at Mo in disbelief because he was so excited that the tall body kept shaking. He is quite clear about how powerful Master Minas is. In Penglai Wonderland, there are absolutely few people who can kill Master Minas. Moreover, in the identity of Master Minas, if she died, then their subordinate evil clan, absolutely no good ending.

(To be continued.)

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