Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1327: Shattered shrine

However, it turned out that no matter how Raymond contacted Master Minas, there was no response.

Kuyuan stayed in place, his body trembling and shaking, did Master Minas and other high-level evil races really all die? Just a few moments, all died?

Nie Junxue heard that after a while, there were still other high-level evil clan near Baimeng City, and from the dialogue between these two evil clan, it can be known that there is still one evil clan whose head never appeared.

Mo Wen glanced at the battlefield under Bai Mangcheng, his eyes flashed coldly, his hand extended, and he shot down.

I saw that his hand was continuously extended and enlarged, and in a blink of an eye, he covered a radius of hundreds of miles.


The huge giant hand fell on the ground of the evil clan camp, the ground moved, the countless evil clan was killed by the town, and instantly disappeared.

"The flesh is actually just the flesh, not the energy palm!"

Nie Junxue was horrified. What kind of body was this? It was so terrible that she felt the endless power from that palm, like the sea, and she was just a drop of water in the sea.

Hundreds of thousands of evil races instantly disappeared, and the evil races that invaded Baimeng City were almost dead.

A large number of immortal practitioners stared dumbly at Mo and asked, who the **** is this person? Could it be that he is the owner of the Tianhua Palace and came to the Baiong City to deal with the evil race in person.

In Bai Mang City, thunderous cheers gradually sounded. On my own side, there was still such a powerful man, and he no longer had to be afraid of being eaten by evil clan.


Two high-level evil races, Kuyuan and Leimang, were so scared that they turned away and turned away.

However, they had not yet escaped, and an invisible wave enveloped the two. At the next moment, the two bodies stiffened, and then they fell into darkness completely.

"So strong!"

Nie Junxue couldn't believe it. Mo Wen was so strong that the two high-level evil races were cultivated enough to be comparable to Tai Xuan Dzogchen. Such a character was actually killed by Mo Wenshen without knowing it.

All the high-level evil races died, and tens of thousands of ordinary evil races died in the hands of Mo Wen. The rest of the evil races are no longer in the climate, and soon they are defeated by the mountains, and they are pursued and killed by the cultivators of Baimen City.

A dark and dark battlefield didn't end until the night, and the evil race was almost completely annihilated. Since the outbreak of the magic disaster, this is almost the biggest victory for the human immortal.

There are many dead and injured immortals in Baimengcheng. Among the eight immortals in Taixuan Realm, two escaped, two died and three were seriously injured, leaving Nie Junxue alone.

"Are you leaving?" Nie Junxue looked at Mo Wen's back.

"I'm going to the female teacher to teach." Mo asked faintly. The threat of Bai Mang City had been eradicated. The evil clan could not invade Bai Mang City in a short time. Naturally, he couldn't stay here for a long time.

"Tell Elder Li Minran to take you there. She was seriously injured and is also preparing to go back to the female teacher to heal."

Li Minran is an elder who teaches women, and she will lead the way, which is naturally more convenient.

An hour later, two escaped light flew out of Baigong City and flew northward at a very fast speed.

The Su women's religion is rich in heritage and has a long heritage. Although it is not comparable to some ancestors inherited from the ancients, in the Penglai fairyland, the Su women's religion is enough to be among the best. The Su Nvjia is located on Bailing Mountain, the center of the land of the Three Houses.

Bailing Mountain is a spiritual mountain, with perennial aura, like a fairyland.

At this time, in the main hall of the Su Nvjia, a distinguished guest was ushered in, and all the elders attended, and even the Su Nv's instructor personally came out to serve the guests.

"Mo Gongzi, if you come half a year early, you may still see Guhan Sword. As for now, the old body is helpless."

The goddess of the priesthood is an old woman with white hair, dressed in plain linen, the breath of her body is quite convergent, unpredictable and unremarkable.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Mo asked inexplicably that he came to the Su Nianjiao for the purpose of Gu Han Jian. According to his speculation, Gu Han Jian should be another key to open the jade box.

At that time, the old man who got the holy fire sword and jade box did not get the lonely cold sword. In fact, the holy fire sword and the lonely cold sword are a pair, and the union of the two is the key to the jade box. When the old man died that year, Gu Han Jian had not yet been born. Later, after tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, Gu Han Jian appeared in Penglai Wonderland. Unfortunately, the old man had been dead for many years at this time.

According to Mo Wen's knowledge, Guhanjian is the inheritance holy treasure of the Su Nu religion, which was accidentally obtained by the first generation of the Su Nu religion. This sword has many similarities with the holy fire sword, because the Guhan sword can also be split into seven tokens. The pattern above is very similar to the holy fire order. Mo asked to guess that it is likely that the two come from the same source.

"Gu Hanjian has always been enshrined in the holy land of the Su Nu religion, however, half a year ago, the holy land of our Su Nu religion has undergone a major change." Su Nu said.

"What happened?" Mo asked.

"The sky is falling apart, the space and time are chaotic, and the entire Holy Land has become an unstable space. Now no one can enter the Holy Land, including the old body."

The Qufu master sighed, and the ancient holy land was ruined to a point. This is something that no one wants to see. She is ashamed to the ancestors.

"Space is unstable."

Mo Wen frowned. Of course he knew the terrible instability of space. Even the Taoist Immortal Cultivator did n’t dare to break into the space crack. Once he got involved in the space crack, he would live unless he was guided by accurate coordinates. The probability of coming down is quite low.

"Senior Qufu, I still want to give it a try. As for the danger, I bear it myself."

Mo asked after thinking for a while, he still didn't want to give up, and with his ability, if he was more careful, it was easier to cope with some simple space cracks.

"Mo Gongzi, even if the cultivator of the god's virtual realm enters the current holy land, I am afraid that he will die in a lifetime, please think twice."

The leader of Qufu obviously didn't want Mo to ask for adventure.

"Senior Qu is assured, I have a sense of balance in my heart, and if I encounter an inexplicable danger, I will definitely return immediately."

Mo Wen still insisted that he faintly felt that there was something unusual in the jade box. What's more, his yin and yang cultivating has reached the bottleneck, and if he wants to continue to cultivate, he will definitely need matching exercises.

"Okay." Qufu teacher Mo asked so insistently, she was not easy to refuse. After all, Mo Wen saved Elder Li Minran and Bai Baicheng. The female teacher owed Mo a little favor.

"By the way, there is an old friend who is a disciple of your education, named Lin Qing, can you call it a narration." Mo asked about Lin Qing. Did n’t Lin Qing practice in the female nun teaching? I want to see the previous side.

"Lin Qing?" Master Qu Fu looked to the elder Li Minran next to her. She closed her doors all the year round. She hadn't managed the sect for thousands of years. This person named Lin Qing, she couldn't stop.

"Master Bishop, Lin Qing is a very talented disciple of Su Nv all these years, but ... only ..."

Li Minran carefully looked at Mo and asked, his eyes somewhat dodge, and he didn't know what to say for a long time.

Mo Wen frowned slightly, what happened?

"What's going on?" Qu Fu frowned.

"Lin Qing was selected as a holy place to focus on cultivation because of her excellent talents. Half a year ago, the holy place changed a lot. Except for a few elders from Tai Xuan Realm, no one had time to escape."

Li Minran worriedly asked Mo, she was afraid Mo asked to know that Lin Qing had suffered unexpectedly and made some extreme reactions. Mo asked the strength, she was quite clear, absolutely terrible.

"What is the probability of surviving being trapped in the Holy Land?" Mo asked, his face looked ugly. Could it be that Lin Qing had already suffered unexpectedly?

"The probability of surviving is less than one percent." Li Minran smiled bitterly. Even if the elders of Tai Xuanjing didn't escape in time, they might not survive, let alone a disciple.

"Master Fu, I hope to enter your holy land now."

Mo Wen took a deep breath and decided to go in and check it out himself.

The sacred place of the female nun is located in a hidden valley behind the Bailing Mountain. In this valley, there is a quite strange area in time and space, which is constantly changing, and it seems that it is not in this world at all.

"In front, there is a holy place for our female nuns. There are no caves in it. But now, there is a Jedi in that cave. Are you sure you want to go in, Mr. Mo?"

Li Minran looked dignified, she was quite aware of the horror in the Holy Land. Even if Mo asked to go in, I am afraid it might not survive.

Mo Wen didn't speak. He looked at the time and space changing area. After understanding, the holy place of the female nuns was not in Penglai Wonderland, but in a small space. The space is richer in resources and time than Penglai Wonderland. Time is twice as fast, it is a perfect place to practice.

He ignored Li Minran's advice and turned it into a ray of light, flew into the area instantly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hopefully he will survive."

Li Minran looked at Mo Wen's back and sighed slightly. With the strength of Mo Wen, the evil clan may have a considerable headache. If they die in the Holy Land, it would be a pity.


The colorful light flickered between heaven and earth. This is a dim space. There is light here, but there is no sun, there is everything, but there is no normal spatial order. Because the space here is divided into small pieces ~ ~ like a piece of glass broken into countless pieces, the scenery inside, without heads and tails, the root of a big tree in this space Among the fragments, the canopy is in another space fragment.

"I hope to find Gu Hanjian and Lin Qing."

Mo asked, looking at the fragmented space in front of him, and said secretly in his heart. There are large and small space fragments here. If it happens to be in a larger space fragment, the probability of survival is still very high.

A small white jade tower exudes a beam of jade light that envelopes Mo Wen, helping him resist the power of space around him. As a treasure of the sky, Shao Zun Tower has a great advantage in space.

Fortunately, these space fragments are not far apart in the Holy Land. The small slits are not likely to get lost. With the help of the Shao Zun Tower, they can barely travel here.

"Huh? Someone over there."

Soon, Mo asked to discover that there was a woman in a large space fragment. He thought about it and flew over there immediately.

(To be continued.)

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