Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1330: Space node

After putting away the ancient palace, Mo Wen was preparing to leave. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and looked coldly behind him.

"Who is your lord?" Mo asked faintly.

Just now, a person sneaked into this place silently. Although the concealment method was very clever, he couldn't escape Mo Wen's investigation. Earlier, he checked this piece of space debris, there was no soul at all, when did that breath of life come here?

"Ji Jie, very powerful, can actually find this seat."

A dark voice suddenly sounded, and I saw a black gas suddenly rising among the mountains. The black gas slowly came and finally condensed into a black shadow.

"Evil Clan."

Mo asked coldly, although the shadow's breath was very restrained, but the terrible evil in his body could not escape Mo Wen's eyes.

"Actually, some people survived. Since you were found, let me die."

The evil clan smiled coldly, turned into a phantom, and instantly appeared over Mo Wen. Roar! A roar of a giant beast shook the earth, and I saw a huge weird giant beast appearing above the sky. The giant hand only showed a head, but it was extremely high, and the blood basin was wide open. Swallow the whole world.


The endless darkness came, and it seemed to fall into the black hole, and the giant beast swallowed Mo Wen into his stomach in a single bite, like swallowing a grain of dust.

Seeing this, the evil clan smiled coldly, thinking that Mo Wen was dead, and he ignored it. His eyes slowly looked into a crack in the space, and the depth of the crack continually radiated a wicked breath.

"Although the space here is fragmented, it is protected by the poles of the space. The upper space cannot enter the lower space. It is almost impossible to open the two world channels from the side of the heavenly battlefield. For today ’s sake, only from this side. , Through the two circles in one fell swoop. "

The Shadow Evil clan touched his chin. The purpose of his coming here is to open the space channel between here and the heavenly battlefield. Once successful, the entire source world will inevitably fall into the hands of their evil clan, and no one can stop it.

"At the end of the space crack, it really is a heavenly battlefield."

While the Shadow Evil Clan was thinking about how to get through the two realms, a faint figure suddenly sounded.

The huge monster's head suddenly roared in pain, and a pair of giant hands hugged the head, struggling frantically.

A ray of white light oozes out of its head, like the sun, the whole world.


With a loud noise, the beast's head exploded directly and turned into a mass of black gas dissipated in the air.

Mo Wen's figure emerged from the evil black airstream and stared coldly at the black shadow.

This shadow is very powerful, and definitely exceeds the fourth-order evil clan, it should be the fifth-order evil clan. There are actually fifth-order evil races mixed into Penglai Wonderland. No wonder the magic disaster in the original world is so fierce that it cannot be suppressed at all.

Fifth-order evil clan, equivalent to the **** virtual realm monk among human immortals, perhaps in the heavenly battlefield, fifth-order evil clan is only a small character, but in Penglai fairyland, it is definitely the most terrible existence. Because in Penglai's fairyland, it is likely that there is no one who cultivates immortals in the phantom realm.

"Who the **** are you?" The evil clan's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect that this young man didn't die, but he broke free from his supernatural powers. Among the immortals of human beings, even those who are immortal in the realm of the gods are trapped by the shadow of his monster throat beast, it is impossible to break free in such a short time.

"No wonder your evil clan invaded Yuzhou with all their strength. I am afraid that their original purpose was to open the connection to the heavenly battlefield here. Unexpectedly, there is actually a space route directly connected to the heavenly battlefield in Penglai Fairyland."

Mo Wen secretly panicked, if the evil tribe succeeded, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"How is it, even if you know this secret, it is impossible to go out alive from here."

Xie Clan Xie Xie smiled, but this young man was somewhat able. However, since they know the secrets of their evil clan, it is impossible to let him go out from here.

"Really?" Mo asked disapprovingly.

"Go together and kill me."

The Black Shadow Evil clan flew up, and out of his sleeves, four black rays of light rolled out. At first, the four rays of light were only the size of a fist, but soon, they expanded and increased. In the four groups of black light, each figure emerged separately.

"It turns out there are associates." Mo asked faintly.

The four evil tribes, no one is worse than the shadow evil tribes, all are fifth-order evil tribes.


The sky collapsed, and the space here seemed to be unable to withstand pressure. The five evil tribes joined forces directly, and their breath merged together, and the cultivation continued to rise, which could be as good as the monk of God's virtual consummation.

"Evil clan's methods are a little strange."

Mo Wen secretly panicked. These five evil races are all in the midst of the gods and voids. The five of them displayed a combination of magical powers. They are actually as perfect as the gods and voids.

However, in this state, the five evil tribes will obviously not last long. If they cannot end the battle within a short time, they will definitely lose. Obviously, these five evil tribes have not underestimated Mo Wen, they all hope to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"Magic swallows the sky."

A huge vortex appeared in the sky, locking Mo Wen, like a black hole, seems to be ready to put Mo Wenliu in the endless black hole, and there is no return.

Mo Wen smiled coldly, his wrist turned, and a six-pointed star disk appeared in his hand. The disk radiated a faint light and disappeared in the same place in a flash. Next moment, a huge circular mirror appeared on the sky. The reflection of the black hole reflected in the mirror surface, one black, one white and two rays of light, slowly turning, covering the whole world.

The strange black hole no longer looked down, but flew upward and slowly flew towards the Yin Yang mirror.

It seems that the black hole in the yin-yang mirror is the real black hole, and it is just a reflection in the environment.

"No, what's the matter!"

"How can it be!"

"What the **** are you."


In the black hole, the screams of horror continued to sound, and the five evil tribes never dreamed of it. Their joint strike technique not only did not work, but was suppressed.

What is that black-and-white ancient mirror, what a black hole they made was terrible.

The black vortex was swallowed a little by the yin and yang mirrors, and the figures of the five evil tribes were revealed again. Everyone was frightened and hesitant. Their bodies were collapsing a little bit, as if the reflection in the water, a little bit in the unreal dissipate.

Soon, all five evil tribes were wiped out.

Mo Wen waved his hand, and the Yin Yang mirror slowly flew back to Mo Wen's hands.

"It's a yin and yang mirror that is famous in the ancient times."

The power of the Yin Yang mirror made Mo Wen secretly shocked. As a holy treasure of Qiankun, with his current cultivation practice, I am afraid that even one thousandth of the power of the Yin Yang mirror cannot be exerted, but Rao is so, and the power shown is also the same. Scary.

"This place may become a key area of ​​the war between Penglai's Wonderland and the Evil Clan. If you can't hold it here, I'm afraid the whole original world will be finished. However, it's still my turn to worry about this matter, I think Tianhua Palace's free response It ’s just that I do n’t know why, the magic disaster in the source world is so fierce, but the powerful men in the spirit world do n’t come to the source world to relieve the disaster. ”

Mo asked a glance at the depth of the crack, and his heart was very clear that if this place became the source of contradiction, he might not be able to protect it. After all, this is a war that sweeps across the world, and the victory or defeat at the top is the key to winning or losing the war. He is a little monk of God's virtual realm.

I am afraid that the inexplicable fragmentation of the Su Nun's holy land is also related to the invasion of the evil clan. The Su Nvjia is just a tragic disaster, which is only inflicted on the fish pond.


Outside the Holy Land, a white shadow flashed and appeared in the valley.

Mo Wen asked in white clothes, breathing dust, it seemed that the immortal was born, the whole person was extremely harmonious, and it seemed to naturally merge into the nature of heaven and earth. The upside-down Yin-Yang clothing on his body is always in harmony with the rules of the heavens and the earth around him.


Mo Wen suddenly pointed to the sky, and he saw that the sky was hot like blood, and there was a terrifying air of murder in the world.

As a female sect, all magic circles are fully opened, and the aura of light envelops the entire Bailing Mountains.

Mo Wen ’s consciousness spread all around, and soon covered the entire Bailing Mountain Range. I saw that the Bailing Mountain Range was steep, just like a vast giant dragon winding endlessly. Outside the mountain, a black air enveloped the mountain giant dragon. Cold, tyrannical, evil ...

"Evil Clan!"

Mo asked, frowning. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the evil clan to break into the Su female so quickly. After all, the location of the Su female is in the hinterland of Yuzhou. It is very difficult for the evil clan to directly attack here. After all, the reinforcements are unmatched, and it is likely to fall into isolation.

However, there is a space node in the holy land of the Su Nian Church that connects the heavenly battlefield. It is also reasonable for the evil clan to try to occupy here at any cost.


"Godmaster, the evil clan's offensive is getting more and more fierce ~ ~ I am afraid that our female nuns will not be able to persevere for so long.

In the hall of deliberations, a man was covered in blood, holding a long sword in his hand, and Phoenix Eyes was murderous and awe-inspiring, but there was deep exhaustion hidden in it. The Su girls have been fighting with the evil clan army for three days and three nights. Tens of thousands of elite disciples have died in misfortune, and the casualties continue to increase. If this continues, the Su Nv religion will inevitably be ruined.

Master Qufu sat cross-legged at the end of the hall, silent, her face was pale, her breath was weak, and she was obviously seriously injured.

The goddess of the Su Nv religion has Tai Xuan Da Yuan's perfect level of cultivation. In Penglai Wonderland, there are very few people who can hurt her.

"Elder Wu Yin, Tianhua Palace has sent a fifth wave of reinforcements, but they were all intercepted by the evil clan. This time, so many evil clan suddenly appeared in the Bailing Mountains. I am afraid they are determined to take our vegetarian school."

Among the female nuns, another elder sighed. Yuzhou, the biggest two are the female nuns and Yu Yanzong. The evil tribes invaded Yuzhou in an all-round way, and they were determined to eliminate a large door to deter Yu. Zhongzongmen of the state.

(To be continued.)

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