Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1331: Meet Menas again

No one thought that the Su Nu Sect in the hinterland of Yuzhou would be attacked by so many evil races, and Tianhua Palace was too late to rescue at this time.

In the hall, everyone knows that it is not that Tianhua Palace is not capable of assisting them, but that it is impossible to provide more power to help them. Because Tianhua Palace is responsible for the security of the entire Penglai Wonderland, not the security of the Su Nvjia family, it is impossible to mobilize all forces to help.

It can be said that considerable effort has been made to bring in five waves of reinforcements, and it is impossible to continue to send more people.

"The five waves of reinforcements in Tianhua Palace were all blocked? How many people did the evil clan send over?" A girl said incredulously. Evil tribes are too crazy in order to deal with their vegetarians.

"The news came from the Tianhua Palace, saying that it would be difficult for them to send more reinforcements. I hope we can resist it for a while and wait for their reinforcements to break through the evil clan's block, and they will be here immediately."

A beautiful woman in charge of intelligence work reluctantly said that she had asked many ancestors around for help. Some ancestors were not too far away to come, even if they found various excuses, they could come to help them. There are too few female teachers.

Evil tribe, everyone is afraid, no one dares to provoke, afraid of being remembered by the evil tribe.

The people in the hall actually do n’t know yet, there are already several fifth-order evil clans mixed into their sacred place, if all these five fifth-order evil clans come to deal with the Su girl goddess, I am afraid that the Su girl **** will turn into an instant Ashes.

Of course, if they do this, Tianhua Palace will definitely find something abnormal, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. By then, all the attention of Tianhua Palace will be put here, but the evil tribe ’s purpose may not succeed.

This is also the reason why five fifth-order evil races sneaked into the Holy Land while they were chaotic. The purpose was not to attract the attention of Tianhua Palace. And the space nodes in the holy land that can connect the heavenly battlefield, I am afraid that the female nuns and the people of Tianhua Palace do not know.


In the valley, Mo Wen waved his hand, and Shao Zun Pagoda released a ray of light. Suddenly, one figure after another appeared in the air, all of them were women, there were forty or fifty people.

These people are the Su Nu disciples who were rescued in the broken shrine.

These female disciples found that they had returned to the valley outside the Holy Land, and they were overjoyed and overjoyed, and some even wept with joy. Originally, these female disciples were desperate, but they didn't want to, and there was still a day to return to the normal world alive.

"Thank you for the life-saving grace of your predecessors, the young woman will remember forever."

These female disciples all asked Mo to give a big gift, saving grace, like recreating their parents.

"You go down first. Now that the Su Nv religion has changed, wait for me to deal with it."

Mo asked to leave a word, the figure disappeared directly in place, the evil clan that appeared in the Bailing Mountain Range, he will not let it go. This place must not fall into the hands of evil tribes.

Beyond Bailing Mountain, there are so many auras of light, tens of thousands of colors, tens of thousands of priests who are fighting against evil tribes, covering the formation of Bailing Mountain, all open, all kinds of organ traps, comprehensive resistance to evil tribes.

However, there are too many evil races, and they are not the evil walking corpses, all of them are elites of the evil race.

The female priests, even in their own territory, are losing ground. It is very difficult to resist. Every time, female disciples die in the hands of evil tribes.


A beautiful young girl screamed with tears in her heart and tears. Her sister, in order to protect her, was facing seven or eight evil clan by herself, her blood was stained red and the blood was flowing like blood.

"Ha'er, immediately return to the defensive formation ..."

The elder sister hadn't finished speaking, so she screamed, her body was torn by several evil tribes, and blood spattered.

"I fight with you."

Hagier looked desperate, wielding the sword in his hand, and severely slashed to the evil clan.

Such pictures are constantly being staged in the Bailing Mountain Range. These women, with their own flesh and blood, simply blocked the evil race from the main peak.


Thousands of miles away, on the edge of the Lark Mountain Range, there is a newly built high tower. The high tower is ninety-nine floors high, standing at the top of the tower.

At this time, there were more than a dozen evil races standing at the top of the tower, each exuding a breath of terrifying terror.

The person headed is a woman with a black jade mail armor and heroic attitude. The female facial features are exquisite, with blue eyes and a tall nose bridge, giving a sense of sexuality and dignity.

Menas, it was the evil woman who escaped from Mo Wen. This woman, unlike those strange and ugly wicked clan, looks very different from humans, and has a very beautiful appearance.

"In three days' time, I haven't captured the Su female teacher, I am really disappointed with you."

Menas looked at the battlefield ahead and said coldly.

"Master Menas, the resistance of the Su female sect is very tenacious. These women fight harder than men to fear death. Moreover, this female sect is not simple. Their defense is much more powerful than some sects. , Even the honorable fifth-order evil clan adults may not be easily broken. "

An evil clan with three heads whispered. The Su female goddess is much more terrible than the human cities they have broken through. The formation here, any one can easily kill the ordinary fourth-order evil clan. It is not a simple matter to want to completely win the Su female god.

In these three days, the Su Nu people suffered heavy casualties, but their evil tribes died even more. Often accidentally falling into a killing formation, hundreds of thousands of evil clan died instantly.

"Two days, I will give you two more days. Within two days, you must take me down."

Menas said coldly. Those fifth-order evil races have already entered the mysterious land of the Su Nv, and they should have controlled it by this time. In order to protect the two realms, the Su Nv must be occupied, and must be occupied within a short time.

Otherwise, if Tianhua Palace is called to react, they may be in trouble.

While several people were talking, suddenly, a sword light appeared above the sky.

The sword light seemed to fly from outside the sky, traversing the entire Bailing Mountain range, and in an instant, it seemed to divide the whole world into two, shocking and extremely extreme.

On the sky, a large number of evil clan bodies stiffened, and then fell from the sky one after another.

For a time, the evil clan seemed like raindrops, and it crackled into the mountains below, tens of thousands.

"What a horrible sword."

A girl with a female nun stared in amazement, and saw a dozen evil races in front of her, all falling into the void, and there was no breath of life on her body. At the same time, the surrounding evil clan fell down one after another, and the count was uncountable.

Everyone was horrified and stood still. This sword was really terrible and shocking.

"Is the owner of Tianhua Palace coming in person? Our reinforcements are finally here!"

An Su female priest shouted excitedly, all the disciples of the Su female priest knew that if they continued like this, they could not stop the invasion of the evil clan sooner or later.

"Such a terrible sword, in the whole Penglai fairyland, only the palace owner of Tianhua Palace and a few invisible elderly people can do it."

An elder of the female proselyt in Taixuanjing was also very excited. Could it be that Xiao Hongyu, the host of Tianhua Palace, personally came forward to rescue them?

On the tower thousands of miles away, Minas' body was slightly stiff, and the expression on his face was solemn.

The sword just now could not be done by the Immortal Cultivator of Taixuan Realm. It belongs to the power of the fifth-order evil clan. How could such a terrible immortal have appeared here, is it that Tianhua Palace has seen through their conspiracy.

Above the Bailing Mountains, a young boy in white walked slowly in the sky. Every time he took a step, the surrounding evil clan would die inexplicably, with no signs.

When he walked to the center of the Bailing Mountain Range, the evil clan had no idea how many dead, one by one like a startled bird, retreating like a tide.

The prestige of one person, blocking the millions of evil races, that prestige, that style is simply beyond words.

Thousands of vegetarian female disciples, looking at Mo Wen one after another with eyes wide open, the color of worship in their eyes could not stop the dark evil spirits of the evil race.

This young man is like a **** in the hearts of a group of female disciples who are taught by Su Nu.

"It's him!"

Minas shuddered, looking at the white figure, an unbelievable color flashed in his eyes. She didn't expect it anyway, and after a few days, she would meet this person who was terrified of her dreams.

"Master Menas, who is he?"

The three-headed evil clan looked at Mo Wen with a dreadful expression. The sword just made him feel the danger of death. Such a character, I am afraid that only fifth-order evil clan can fight one.

Mo Wen stood on top of the sky, and at a glance he saw Minas standing on the edge of the Bailing Mountain and standing on top of the tower.

"you again."

Mo Wen felt interesting, this woman appeared again in front of him. He took a slight step under his feet, and people appeared over the towers thousands of miles away. For a moment, it was not exaggerated.

"Who the **** are you, and why have you been against me again and again?" Minas looked coldly at Mo and asked what she wanted to do now was to tear the boy into pieces.

"Is it against you, isn't it normal." Mo asked faintly.

Not against the evil clan, who is against him.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way to break in. Today, this Bailing Mountain is your place of burial."

Manas took a deep breath, and if he could get rid of this top man in the world ~ ~ it would be a great thing. If at other times, she met this young boy, she would definitely leave without turning around. But today, huh, it's unclear who deer died. This time the evil clan came to the power of the Bailing Mountain Range, she did not believe that even such a young boy could handle it.

"Senior Manas, he gave it to me, and he must make you satisfied."

On the tower, a burly evil clan stepped out and looked at Mo Wen coldly. At this time, of course, it was a great opportunity to perform in front of Master Minas. Although this teenager was very dangerous, he still had to try After a try, he was very confident in himself.

"You are not his opponent."

However, Minas shook his head without looking at the burly evil clan, and said faintly: "Flame seal, you can do it yourself."

The evil clan around them was shocked and disappointed. To deal with such a young man, it was actually necessary for the Lord Feng Feng to come forward in person. The Lord Feng Feng is a strong among the fifth-order evil clan. Moreover, once Lord Chifeng comes forward, news of the emergence of the fifth-order evil clan in the Bailing Mountain is likely to be passed into the Tianhua Palace.

(To be continued.)

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