Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1332: Panic

Menas had seen the ability to ask questions, and if it was not for the life-saving things given by the father, she could not live to the present.

The fourth-order evil clan can't be enemies with such people at all.

Mo asked curiously and looked at Minas. The woman seemed so calm, what seemed to rely on, was it because of the five fifth-order evil races in the Holy Land?


A faint voice rang from the tower, and then a black shadow came out of the tower. It was a slender wicked clan with a strange appearance, wearing a loose robe and holding a long knife in his hand.

"Another fifth-order evil race."

Mo Wen shouldered his hand and looked at the evil clan on the tower. He didn't expect that there were so many fifth-order evil clan mixed into Penglai fairyland. No wonder even Tianhua Palace was burnt, and it was difficult to contain this evil disaster.

"Master Menas, is this the human master you met last time?"

The fifth-order evil clan stared at Mo Wen in the sky, his eyes flashed with fine light, and a sharp momentum rose from him, like a peerless sword with a sheath.

"It is this person, you be more careful, I suspect he is a hidden strong in Tianhua Palace."

Minas had a serious look. She didn't think that the fiery seal would certainly overcome this young man. Perhaps ordinary fifth-order evil races were not the young man's rivals.

Mo Wen looked at Minas with a little surprise, this fourth-order evil clan was actually respected by a fifth-order evil clan, and even called an adult. You should know that the evil clan is a class with a strict order. This kind of class is quite cruel among the evil clan. The high-level evil clan can kill the low-level evil clan without any responsibility.

"Master Minas rest assured that I will cut him under the sword."

Chifeng's eyes were bright and bright, his figure disappeared in place, and he instantly appeared in the sky. The long knife in his hand came out of the sheath. At the same time, the heavens and the earth were dark, and the terrifying evil draped over the Bailing Mountains.

Above the clouds, covered by blood clouds, it seemed that there was an endless sea of ​​blood, and the murderous eruption exploded from the sea of ​​blood.

There was a flash of blood, and a blade of light had appeared outside Mo Wenzhang. It seemed to span time and space, carrying a torrent of blood.

"What's that, so terrible!"

A female teacher, an elder stationed on a mountain peak, looked at the blood cloud above the sky in horror. The breath of the blood cloud was too terrible, like a vast sea of ​​blood crashed down from the sky, **** breath Permeating the entire Lark Mountain Range, the holy spirit mountain seems to be turned into an asura hell.

"The fifth-order evil clan, that is the legendary fifth-order evil clan."

On Bailing Peak, Qu Fu's face was pale and so terrible, only the fifth-order evil clan could do it. She did not expect that there was a fifth-order evil clan appearing in the attack on the female nun.

Mo Wen's strong appearance has long alarmed the Qufu leader in the hall, and all the senior elders have come out of the hall of deliberation. They did not expect that the young man who broke into the Holy Land actually came out alive, and Xiu Wei was so terrified.

The priests around the female priests heard that all of them had no human face, and the fifth-order evil clan appeared. How could they stop them? Could it be that the ancient sect that passed on for hundreds of thousands of years would be destroyed?

Many priests who are female priests are filled with despair. Mo asked, although powerful, how can they resist the fifth-order evil clan. Fifth-order evil clan! It is comparable to the existence of God's virtual realm. In Penglai's fairy realm, it is a legend and a symbol of invincibility.

The female priests mourned, and Mo asked to look at the evil clan in front of her.

The murderous between heaven and earth locked him completely, and the air contracted at a high speed, squeezing him from all directions. If it is an ordinary immortal repairer, I am afraid that he cannot move under the momentum of this knife, let alone resist.

Mo Wen didn't seem to feel the infinite killer between heaven and earth at all. He stretched out his hand indifferently, one black, one white, and two airflows. Around his hand, there was a small black and white Yin and Yang fish pattern in his hand. .

"you wanna die……"

With a frosty smile, the young man was so unaware of life and death that he dared to pick up his blade with his bare hands.


However, the fiery smile was not over, and the expression suddenly solidified on the face, as if laughing instead of laughing, crying instead of crying, the expression was very strange.

Mo Wen's palm, through the endless murderous, gently grasped the knife light, as if crushing an egg, the knife light was crushed into pieces. The peerless sword that could cut mountains and cut Yue was so unbearable in front of Mo Wen.

"You ... how is it possible!"

The fiery seal is unbelievable. His knife can easily kill a fifth-order early evil clan. How can someone in the Penglai fairyland crush his knife so easily.

Mo Wen glanced lightly at the fiery seal and waved his sleeves. The yin and yang gasified into two black and white dragons, hovering in the sky. All the blood clouds and murderous air disappeared for a moment. Down, the beautiful mountain was alive again.

The black and white divine dragons are connected end to end, turning into a black and white ring, covering the fiery envelope above the sky and continuously descending and shrinking.

"Break me."

Two sharp knives burst out in the fiery eyes, and the long knife in his hand was fiercely cleaved, and the blade of light was vertical and horizontal, as if to split the world into two. However, the knife light hit the black and white dragon, but it seemed to fall into a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper, and finally disappeared completely.

The fiery seal was appalled, looking at the black and white circle above the sky. He felt the terrifying and dangerous atmosphere from inside. Once bound by the black and white dragon, he might not be able to break away anymore.

On top of the tower, Minas' face changed dramatically, could not even the fiery seal stop this person, who was he?

The appearance of Mo Wen completely disrupted the rhythm of the evil tribe's invasion of the female sect, and even Minas couldn't help but panic.

Above the sky, the fiery seal burst out with the most powerful force, and a magic knife trembles slightly because of the too much power poured into it, shaking, and the endless sword gas madly broke out around him. If there is no black-and-white circle blocking, I am afraid that these sword qi are enough to completely destroy the Bailing Mountains.

The disciples of the Su women's disciples were extremely nervous, and Mo Wen's fight with the evil tribe determined their final destiny. If the fifth-order evil clan tried their best, they wouldn't be able to stop them for so long. If the Holy Land is still there, the Su Nu can be fearless, but now that the Holy Land is broken, the profound background and inheritance of the Su Nu can't play any role at this time.

However, the sword light between heaven and earth seems to be fierce and terrifying, but it can't get rid of the scope of the black and white circle in the slightest way. It seems that there is a space, and no matter how desperate the seal is, it can't escape.

Chifeng stared at the black-and-white ring fiercely, and the fingers of the magic knife kept shaking and shaking, unable to stop, and could not stop at all.

The black and white ring bound the red seal without suspense. At the next moment, the red seal's body began to melt at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The flesh of the evil clan was extremely powerful, and even a real fire was difficult to destroy a evil body. But at this time, under the envelope of yin and yang, the fiery body melted at an alarming rate.

Do not!

Blazing fiercely struggling, watching his body dissipate a little bit, and the vitality is constantly losing, helpless.

In the end, the fiery body completely disappeared into nothingness.

The entire battlefield was completely quiet. A large number of evil races looked at the sky in horror, and some of them even scared the hands of the butcher knife to fall to the ground. Although the evil race is cruel, it does not mean that they are not afraid of death. On the contrary, such extreme brutality and bloodthirsty can show their selfishness and greed.

They kill and kill others, satisfy their own perverted fun, and at the same time devour other people's resources and satisfy their greed. This is a race that has been looting from birth, and extreme selfishness has caused them to be extremely afraid of death. Even the fifth-order evil clan adults died in the hands of the young man. I am afraid that these people are just lambs to be slaughtered. There is no suspense.

On the tower, all high-level evil races are standing still. The war of immortal repairers, one person is enough to change the entire battlefield. As long as they kill all of these high-levels, the remaining evil races will not attack themselves.

Could this war be defeated in the hands of this young man?

"Who the **** are you, as an enemy of the evil clan, there is absolutely no good ending."

Minas was composure, her eyes fixed on Mo Wen, she lost again, and she was defeated in his hands again, even the fifth-order demons could not stop it.

"Really, this is the territory of the human immortal, you are quite confident." Mo asked faintly.

"Site of a human immortal? Hehe, I'm afraid it won't take long for this place to become a wicked soil enslaved by evil races. I will now give you a chance to surrender to me and become my servant. Otherwise, there will be no place to die. "

Minas said coldly, at this time, she did not think she lost completely, as long as the few fifth-order evil clans sent to the holy land of the Su Nu can teach the two worlds, like the immortal who is like Mo Wen It ’s not as simple as killing a ant.

"Really, because they are a few."

Mo Wen waved his hand lightly, and a black and white mirror appeared in the air. In the mirror, an image was reflected. It was the picture of him killing five fifth-order evil races in the holy land of the Su Nian ~ ~ Mina Si swept the black-and-white mirror with disapproval. At the next moment, the whole body was stiff in place, trembling, shaking, and his face was instantly pale to the extreme. His eyes were unbelievable.

"No, it's impossible ... how is it possible ..."

Minas kept shaking his head and did n’t believe the facts in front of him. How could their plan fail so carefully?

Impossible and unreasonable.

Regarding the secrets of the Holy Land Unicom Tianyou battlefield, only a few senior executives of the evil clan know about it. Apart from this, even the evil clan generals who attacked the Su Nv did not know their real purpose in attacking the Su Nv.

How could such a secret action be discovered!

But the scene before him had to believe, Mo asked to know the secret of the Holy Land. Even the five fifth-order evil clan sent to carry out the mission may be wiped out by the whole army.

(To be continued.)

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