Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1339: Power of the upper bound

At the banquet, all the cultivators looked at Mo Wen in horror, as if they were watching a **** of death, where everyone's life and death were dominated by him.

Elder Dong froze in place and looked at Mo Wen with horrified eyes. He had never thought that this young man could be so terrified.

Mo Wen's eyes swept around the banquet, and many of the people here were from the Ming Temple. Soon, his gaze stayed on an old man, who had a black robe and a stereotyped face, and a pair of small eyes flashed slyly from time to time. He shrank in a corner, as if to avoid something.

However, Mo Wen's eyes were fixed directly on him.

"Clothing clothes." Mo asked with a faint smile. The old friend of that year met again. The situation and the situation were completely different.

"Don't ask!" Bu Xingyi stared at the young man, and smiled bitterly. He knew that the biggest mistake in his life was that he should not be the enemy of this young man. Sure enough, he would not bully the young in 30 years.

"I said, I will kill you."

Mo asked indifferently, Bu Xingyi tried to kill him three or five times, and the two were already dead.

The cloth liner's body collapsed a little bit, and in the end no traces were left.

The hall is very quiet, like a sculpture.

Mo Wen stood by the window and looked at the location of Huagu Mountain. Suddenly there was some interest in it. With his current practice, it did n’t make much sense to avenge these people. People are really deceiving people. In this world of weak meat and strong food, only by showing strength will you dare not provoke you, otherwise troubles like this will continue.

The sky suddenly darkened, there was no sunlight, no clouds, and there was only endless darkness and icy sky above, and it seemed that a towering giant hand blocked all the light and heat.

Bone Mountain, a rock-shattering force came suddenly, the whole mountain collapsed instantly under that force, the thousand-meter-high Bone Mountain was instantly short by half, and the Bone Religion on the mountain directly turned into ruins, just like the end of the world. A large number of ossification cultivators have escaped from Huagu Mountain.

The disaster did not cause extensive damage in the ossification, except for the complete collapse of the mountain, the number of casualties was not large. However, the cultivators of the ossifications soon discovered that the leader and several elders were all killed, and each one died unclearly.

A white light flew out of the Fuyu Tower, flew out of the Bone City in a flash, and then completely disappeared in the sky.

In the banquet hall, there was still silence. After half an hour, no one dared to move, but no one spoke. They looked at the direction of Huagu Mountain in shock, a **** mountain thousands of feet tall, so it completely disappeared in front of them.

Elder Dong ’s communication treasure suddenly lit up, he glanced at it, and soon he collapsed weakly on his chair, his face gray. All bones above Taixuan Realm died.

From now on, the osseo-sect will die in name, and soon it will be swallowed up by the surrounding forces. The hostile forces in Zeng Jin will certainly not let this opportunity to extinguish the osseo-sect. Ossification will never bring them a holy place of safety and glory.

In the next few days, the incidents of sect gate destruction and the murder of the sect master in Penglai's fairyland were not caused by the evil clan. Without exception, these sect gates were all coveted holy fire swords, and had once attacked the sect gate of the ancient secret realm.

This incident shook the whole Penglai Wonderland. Everyone realized that the young boy had grown up completely, and had grown to a terrible level. For a time, some of the ancestors who had offended Mo Wen, or offended Mingjiao, all shuddered.

Five days later, the evil wind sect.

A white figure appeared quietly over the evil wind sect, standing in the sky like a fairy.

"Um, all withdrawn?"

Mo asked to look at the sect gate below. At this time, the entire evil wind sect was empty, and only the tall buildings remained. There is no trace of fighting in the sect, all the wealth is taken away, it should be evacuated here.


Mo Wen smiled coldly, turned into a white light, and flew away to the far side of the sky. After a quarter of an hour, he appeared in Dekun City, a million miles away.

Dekun City is a super large city with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. Even in the whole Penglai Wonderland, Dekun City can be ranked among the best. This is because this is the headquarters of Yubaozhai, and the economy of the entire Dekun city is among the top five in Penglai Wonderland.

Yubaozhai, one of the three major chambers of commerce in Penglai Fairyland, their business is spread all over the corners of the original world, and even the remote places like Qinggu Secret Realm have Yubaozhai business. Business is so developed, the intelligence of Royal Treasure is naturally not bad.

There are five nine-star royal treasure houses in the city. So far, in addition to the total fast of the royal treasure house, the nine-star royal treasure house is the highest level.

A white figure appeared over the nine-star Yubaozhai in the center of the city. This ninety-nine floor of Yubaozhai stands like a mountain on the earth. It covers a very large area and is magnificent. .

Around Jiuxing Yubaozhai, there is a very forbidden air space. Even the immortals of Taixuan Realm cannot keep flying above Jiuxing Yubaozhai. But at this time, the white shadow floated over the Jiuxing Yubaozhai without gravity.

"Which expert comes to my imperial treasure?"

A vigorous voice suddenly sounded from within Jiuxing Yubaozhai. At the next moment, an old man in gray appeared above the Zhailou. This person's breath was long, like a pool of deep wells.

"At this point, there is something to ask."

Mo asked faintly that this old man dressed in gray was extraordinary, but he was a Taixuan Daxian Daxianxian who was placed in Penglai Fairyland. This level of Xianxie was already terrible. This class of immortal cultivators sits in a Jiuxingzhai building in Yubaozhai. It is indeed a chamber of commerce that has continued from ancient times to the present day.

"It turned out that Mo asked your lord, what you want to ask, the old man's heart is already clear."

The old man in gray clothes smiled slightly, and apparently recognized Mo Wen, with the information system of Yu Baozhai, some of the information in Mo Wen had been backed up already. Nowadays, the most young people in Penglai Fairyland are the most ubiquitous, and no sect can dare to ignore it.

"Senior Laborer." Mo asked, clenching his fists.

"Evil Wind Sect has been invested by the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. The head of the Xiefeng Sect is currently in Xieyue Yundao, the headquarters of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. However, this Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is not simple. It is a chamber of commerce inherited from ancient times. Think twice. "

If the old man in gray looked deeply at Mo and asked, he had already said what he had said, and he didn't say much anymore, and he returned to the Zhailou in a flash.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce!

This chamber of commerce is so thunderous in Penglai Fairyland. It is said that even Tianhua Palace often has to facilitate this chamber of commerce. It is even rumored that the background of this chamber of commerce is related to the upper bound. Regardless of whether it is true or false, a force that can continue from ancient times to the present day can understand his terrible thoughts.

At that time, when Mo Wen had not grown up, a large number of immortal practitioners above the Yuanshen Realm of Penglai Fairy Land had infiltrated into the ancient ancient secret realm. Knowing that this violated the rules of the Tianhua Palace, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce still did so. This Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of offending even Tianhua Palace, and naturally it is even less afraid of offending Mo Wen.

Now, all the princes in Penglai Wonderland knew that Mo Wen was looking for evil wind sect to seek revenge, but the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce stood up again. Will it not be clear that he was to be forgiven?

"Good Xieyue Chamber of Commerce." Mo Wen's eyes flashed cold light.

Two days later, Tianhua Palace headquarters.

Mo Qingge struck a white dress, and his beautiful face overshadowed the world, standing on the mountain, as always, quiet and virgin.

"You have to deal with the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. With your current ability, it is not enough." Mo Qingge looked at the young man in front of him and said lightly.

"Behind the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, is there really upper power?" Mo asked.

"Actually, the Zongmen, which can continue from the ancient times to the present, has a deep background behind it. There is more than one Xieyue Chamber of Commerce in the Penglai fairyland related to the upper boundary forces. In short, this pool of water is mixed.

Mo Qingge looked at Lingshan in the distance. Although Penglai Wonderland is still a world of lower bounds, it is also the root of the heavens and the worlds. The forces inside are intertwined and many secrets are unknown. Even some ancient mysterious places in Penglai Wonderland are more strange than some Jedi in the heavens and the world.

"Now, can the power of the upper realm come to Penglai Wonderland?" Mo asked lightly.

"It is indeed impossible at present, even Heavenly Path Saints can't break that layer of space barriers. However, even if the people in the upper realm can't lower the realm, it is still far away to deal with the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce with your current ability. I suggest that you first repair the Break through to God's virtual realm, take a firm look, and consider this matter again. "

Mo Qingge can naturally see that Mo Wen will not easily die, but Mo Wen is also right, now that the powerful monk in the upper realm can not be lowered ~ ~ as long as his cultivation level is strong enough, it can indeed be in Penglai In the fairyland, turning your hands over the clouds and raining over your hands.

However, in her eyes, Mo Wen does not currently have that ability.

"I will deliberate on this matter for a long time."

Mo asked and nodded, he was not in a hurry, but he could break through the cultivation of the deity to the void of God. I'm afraid that even Mo Qingge doesn't know that there is an avatar in his body that has broken through to God's virtual realm. The fighting power of his avatar is much stronger than that of his deity.

Since the evil tribe invaded and the monks in the upper realm could not lower the realm, Penglai Fairyland no longer constrained the realm of the Immortal Cultivator. Some seniors and seniors all broke through to the God's virtual realm, especially the Tianhua Palace. God's virtual realm, some hidden powers also completely exploded.

For example, when Mo Wen entered the road of creation, the old man he met was unfathomable. I do n’t know how many such characters in Tianhua Palace. Once such characters break through the big realm, I am afraid that it is not just a vain. In the early stage, it is very likely to make continuous breakthroughs, reach the later stage of Shenxu, or even the Great Consummation.

(To be continued.)

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