Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1340: Biochemical trail

A month later, Mo Wen returned to the ancient ancient secret realm and concentrated on practicing. He did not immediately go to the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, during this period of diligent cultivation, he began to cultivate a large number of warriors in the Ming Palace. Although the resources of the ancient ancient secret realm were very scarce, Mo Wen asked that the resources brought back from the battlefield of the ancestral witch were quite large, enough to maintain the consumption of the Ming Palace .

After the annihilation of the Penglai Fairyland Sect that had enmity with Mo, the Ming Palace gradually moved to Penglai Fairyland and began to establish its stronghold in Penglai Fairyland. After all, great achievements can only be achieved in a large environment. Staying in the Qinggu Secret Realm is equivalent to sitting in the sky and watching the sky. It is difficult to achieve great achievements.

After a long time, a hundred years have passed. The higher the cultivation level, the faster the time lapses. If you change to other gods and virgins who cultivate immortals, it is estimated that the time for one hundred years will be closed.

After Mo Wen returned to the main space, all the evil races in the main space were cleared by him, and the spread of the wicked evil was completely cut off in the main space. However, the magic disaster of Penglai Fairyland was intensified. As some Western forces turned to the evil clan, the entire fairyland became a huge battlefield.

A lot of things have happened in a hundred years, and the life of a mortal is only a short hundred years. Do n’t ask many old friends who have gradually passed away. The longer the cultivator of immortals cultivates, the stronger the feeling of this vicissitudes of life. Yun Xiaoman waited for his parents for a hundred years, and then returned to Wushen Realm to continue his cultivation. After all, Xianfan was separated and there were some things that could not be reversed.

The dragon girl Mo Yuqing still did not come back, and there were the king Yuyu and the king Mo Mo. Where did the few people go and whether they were still alive is still a mystery.

It was sister Gu Jingman, who had investigated through the intelligence system of Tianhua Palace in recent years, and she knew what happened. However, Mo Wen could not go to find her because she went to the legendary blood world.

The blood realm is the origin of the blood clan. It is said that the highest blood **** in the history of the blood clan was born in the blood realm. After the invasion of the evil clan, the blood realm split and turned into two factions. One faction surrendered to the evil clan, and the other faction resisted the evil clan. The two factions waged a war in the blood realm. And the fragmentation, turned into a spatial chaos zone of biological extinction.

Why Gu Jingman hurried to the blood world, Mo didn't know, she didn't leave any relevant clues, even Tianhua Palace couldn't find her purpose.

The time flow rate of the Shao Zun Pagoda gradually slowed down with the increase of Mo Wenxiu's rise. After becoming a **** cultivator, the time acceleration of the Shao Zun Pagoda could only be maintained at about 25 times. For a hundred years, he spent most of his time in the Shao Zun Pagoda and rarely went out. After counting, he practiced for almost 2000 years.

On the fourth floor of the Shao Zun Pagoda, Mo Wen cross-legged and hovering over a world, the world is constantly being born and destroyed ... Destruction ... Creation ... Destruction ... Creation ...

Repeatedly, this process has continued.

Starting from the second floor of the Shaozun Tower, the space is no longer a normal space, but a wonderful space that has been deducing the power of fortune. The second floor can assist the monks to cultivate the light of fortune, and the third floor can assist the monks to cultivate. For the prosperity of fortune, the fourth layer can help the monks to cultivate the trail of fortune.

Mo Wen has practiced on the fourth floor for more than two thousand years. His understanding of the chemical trail has ranged from simple to deep, from one-sided to comprehensive, and he is getting closer and closer to the realm of the chemical trail.

One day, the fourth floor of the Shao Zun Pagoda suddenly burst into radiant light, and a ray of chemical light flooded the entire space. Above Mo Wen's body, there were layers of world birth and death scenes, like a chemical vestment.

"Fortune Trail!"

In Mo Wen's eyes, a ray of light shining like the sun rose, and his figure disappeared on the fourth floor at the next moment, and appeared directly on the fifth floor. After building the trail, he was able to come to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is almost the same as the fourth floor. It is still a world of constant birth and death, but Mo Wen can find out that the world of the fifth floor is far more delicate than the fourth floor. The Tao is very profound, and 80% of Mo asked can't understand it. If he can understand all of it, I'm afraid he can understand the Tao of Creation.

"Good sharp breath." Mo asked his pupils shrank, looking at a corner of the fifth floor.

There is an ancient sword, white jade, exuding the ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes.

"Young Master Sword."

Mo Wen's eyes flickered, and that ancient sword was obviously the sword worn by Master Zuohuazong and Shaozun.

The Shao Zun sword is a Xuantian sacred treasure, and it is a pure attack type sacred treasure. Its power is far from that of the Shao Zun tower. Mo Wenxiu finally became qualified to master the Shao Zun sword.

When he stretched out his hand, Shao Zun sword flew into his hands automatically, a stream of water .. The feeling of blending spontaneously emerged. The Shao Zun sword in his hand kept whispering, seeming to be very cheerful and intimate.

Mo Wen felt a little horrified in his heart, holding the Shao Zun sword. He had a feeling of holding the whole world. The sword itself was not heavy, but the psychological pressure on him was as heavy as Mount Tai.

"This sword gives me the feeling that a sword can cut a world apart. Its power is indeed terrifying, but I dare not easily wield it."

Mo Wen smiled bitterly, Shao Zun's sword was in his hand, that kind of sense of power was indeed bursting, but the level of this sword was too high, far from the treasure he can use now.

If he wields a sword, I am afraid that the spirits and spirits of his body will be adjusted completely. In severe cases, even his blood will drop, and he will not recover in a short time. At that time, even an ordinary immortal can kill him.

One day after three years, Mo Wen finally got out of Shao Zun Tower.

On the top of the snow mountain, Mo Wen struck in white clothes, holding the sky snake **** spear, and the spear pierced the sky. In an instant, the sky was dim and dark, and everything was dark. The power of a spear seemed to penetrate the entire world.

In more than 2000 years of cultivation, Mo Wen's deity and incarnation have been cultivated to the late stage of the god's emptiness. With his current cultivation practice, there are few people in God's virtual realm compared to him.

"Are you out of the customs?" A colorful light slowly condensed on the snowy mountain, and a beautiful woman walked out, it was Wang Yinru, the vice-master of the Ming Palace. She has been retreating in the Shaozun Pagoda all these years, and the practice time is much longer than Mo Wen's. Now she has practiced to Taixuan Dayuan.

The normal person, from a period of one hundred years of training from the transition of fighting to Taixuan Daquan, may be shocking, but Wang Yinru is different. She has refined a large number of fossils, and her talent has reached the top level. Resource support, coupled with the time acceleration of the Shao Zun Pagoda, it is actually normal to practice Taixuan Daquan.

If it were n’t Mo Wen who always emphasized that he should lay a good foundation and not be greedy for success, Wang Yinru is very likely to break through to God ’s virtual realm.

"I have one thing to do, and Ming Palace will leave it to you and Feng Wu." Mo asked.

"Do you need us? The Ming Palace now is not what it used to be."

Wang Yinru hoped that in these years, the development of the Ming Palace has indeed progressed by leaps and bounds, and some particularly outstanding and particularly talented people have even been given cultivation in the Shao Zun tower in Mowen.

One hundred years in Shao Zun Tari, only one year in the outside world, and a hundred years, if it is all accelerated one hundred times, it is equivalent to 10,000 years of cultivation.

Of course, practicing in the Shao Zun Pagoda is not without its drawbacks. Time acceleration will consume more life of the Immortal Cultivator in a short time. If the talent is not enough and the cultivation ca n’t break through to a higher level, then accelerate in the Shao Zun Pagoda 100 times. People will soon die in the Shaozun Tower.

Therefore, you must be talented enough and have sufficient resources to practice in the Shao Zun Pagoda, otherwise it is tantamount to suicide.

In today's Ming Palace, there are hundreds of immortal practitioners in Taixuan Realm. Those high-level figures are no longer all old faces like before, and many are new faces that are suddenly emerging. They are more energetic and talented.

In addition to Mo Wen, there is also a god-cultivator in the Ming Palace, that is Pei Fengwu.

Pei Fengwu's talent is slightly higher than that of Wang Yinru, and he has broken through to God's virtual realm in recent years.

It can be said that today's Ming Palace, even in the Penglai fairyland, is a top force. Except for those ancient sect gates, there are very few sect gates comparable to the Ming Palace.

"This trip, I am alone." Mo asked shaking his head.

Although the Ming Palace is now strong, there is still a big gap compared with the ancient power of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. What's more, taking the Ming Palace to attack the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, not to mention winning or losing will inevitably hurt the bones, maybe ruining the development of these years.

Wang Yinru nodded and said no more. Although she broke through to Taixuan Daquan, Mo Wen still gave her a deep and unpredictable feeling, and could not see his depth.

"Master, you are out."

A green rainbow flew from a distance and landed on the snowy mountain. It was a young girl with a beautiful appearance. It was Mo Shuwen's named disciple Wang Shuyi. However, rather than being a disciple of Mo Wen, it is better to be a disciple of Wang Yinru, because most of the time Wang Yinru is pointing her.

After so many years of training, Wang Shuyi's talents are fair, and she has already practiced to fight the transition, but it is estimated that it will be very difficult to go further. Compared with Su Wan'er, her talents are much worse.

Over the years, he also thought about letting some friends in the dunya practice, but unfortunately, to cultivate this kind of thing ~ ~ is too particular about talent, talent is not enough, and it is useless to smash resources. In particular, some people who are over half a year old are new to cultivation and even getting started is very difficult.

Wang Shuyi's father, Wang Yuan, was cultivated in the Ming Palace in recent years, and it was only able to cultivate to the Wuzong realm. Whether it can break through to the Yuan Shen realm is a problem.

Mo asked out of the border, and alarmed many people, some of them appeared one after another.

In addition to Mo Wen's question, Pei Fengwu, the only **** monk in the Ming Palace, has no tears, and the elders of Taixuan Dayuan's perfect cultivation have no tears.

Many of these people are Mo's earliest friends, and some are newcomers who have risen in the last century.

In the evening, a banquet was held, and all high-level officials of the Ming Palace were present and were full of seats.

Don't ask about getting out, it's a big deal for Ming Palace.

The next day, Mo asked a person and left the Qinggu secret alone.

(To be continued.)

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