Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1341: Xieyueyundao

Xieyue Yundao!

Xieyue Yundao floats on the sky all the year round, so it is called Yundao, that is, the 12 islands in Penglai Wonderland are also quite magical. Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities for suspending an island in the air, one is human, and the other is the natural formation between heaven and earth.

If made by humans, it would be quite resource-intensive to maintain this large floating array method all year round. Even some super-large gates in Penglai Wonderland would not be so extravagant, because it is not necessary.

The Xieyueyun Island of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is a naturally formed floating island. There is a natural divine formation around the island, which contains the spirit power of heaven and earth. In ancient times, this was the headquarters of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, which has continued to this day.

At noon, a white figure appeared around Xieyueyun Island and flew slowly towards the island.

"The rules of the world here are quite strange."

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes, looked at the Xieyueyun Island in the distance with interest, and flew into the area around the Xieyueyun Island. , The stronger the change in this rule.

If the immortal fixer changes the rules of heaven and earth in the world, I am afraid that the old monsters in the same realm are difficult to do. The environment here is likely to form naturally.

The closer to Xieyueyun Island, the slower the flight speed, the stronger the interference of the heaven and earth rules. When there is still a thousand miles away from Xieyueyun Island, Mo Wen's speed actually dropped to the point of being a fighter in transit. If you change to an ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivator and fly to this position, it will be very good compared with some martial arts in Qihai Realm.

"Xieyue Yundao is really weird. With this natural large formation, I am afraid that it can block some ordinary gods and virgins."

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly. He had never underestimated the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. However, an island is so extraordinary that still surprised him. No wonder the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce knows he can kill the fifth-order evil clan, and dare to keep the evil wind sect.


Xieyueyun Island, a hall responsible for monitoring the entire island suddenly sounded a sirens, and all dozens of crystals in the hall lit red.

"An outsider is approaching Yundao."

Soon, the immortals in the hall were all alarmed, and a red-haired old man strode over, followed by dozens of immortals.

"Check what happened."

An immortal repairer heard the words and immediately activated a crystal wall on the north side of the main hall. I saw the crystal wall lingering in spirit, the light was on, and soon a picture appeared on it.

In the picture, there is a teenager flying above the white clouds, gradually approaching Xieyue Yundao.

"This person is less than five hundred miles from Yundao, how did he do it!"

The red-haired old man was shocked, and if there were no tokens specially made by the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, approaching Yundao would be hindered by the rules of heaven and earth. Even ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivator would not be able to fly to Yundao with his own ability. At this point, Xieyue Yundao has become a golden soup and has not experienced war for tens of thousands of years.

"It's him!"

The pupil of the other old man shrank, and he soon recognized that the young man in the picture was not asking. The young man who caused a lot of attention in Penglai Wonderland and then disappeared for another hundred years.

"He really dare to come to our Xieyueyun Island, aren't he afraid of dying?" The red-haired old man sneered. It turned out to be this teenager, no wonder!

Hundred years ago, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce deliberately sheltered the Evil Wind Sect. The entire gate of the Penglai Fairyland knew that Mo Wen had disappeared for a hundred years. They thought that Mo Wen was afraid of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, so he retreated .

Not only does Xieyue Chamber of Commerce think so, but so does most of Zongmen in Penglai Fairyland. After all, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is an ancient ancestor, and it has a wealth of wealth and an extremely rich background. Xieyueyun Island is another treasure island occupying the time and place. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it will be difficult for anyone to change it. Retreat, such a choice, there is nothing wrong with it, it is not to ask questions, but the Chamber of Commerce is too strong.

"Quickly report to the president."

The red-haired old man said coldly, and when Mo Wen asked, he knew that something must happen. This young man can kill the fifth-order evil clan, and the cultivation of a person is bound to be earth-shattering. The ordinary virtual realm is far from his opponent.

However, the red-haired old man is not afraid. The Xieyue Chamber of Commerce has been standing for so many years from ancient times to the present. Is it possible that a single person can shake and kill Xieyueyun Island?

Mo asked indifferently looking at the approaching Xieyueyun Island, he was not in a hurry, he didn't explode at full speed, but walked step by step to the island. The changes in the rules of heaven and earth that naturally formed in every area could not stop him.

When he was still ten miles away from Xieyueyun Island, suddenly, a bright light rushed to the sky, instantly covering the whole island, and the light curtain spread down like mercury, shining brightly.

On Yundao, many people looked at the sky with surprise, and the island protection group opened! Some older elders have forgotten when they last opened the island protection. It may even be the first time in their lives that they saw the big island guarding start.

Because of the peculiar rules of heaven and earth around, usually Yundao does not need a large array of island protection, this layer of natural screen is enough to stop all the practitioners in Penglai Wonderland. Xieyue Yundao opened a large array of island protection, it is really a rare thing in 100,000 years.

The area of ​​Yundao is very large, with mountains, rivers, and even lakes, auras on the island, birds and flowers, and even a thin vitality wandering in the air. Vitality, in many areas in Penglai Wonderland, is almost extinct. Wherever there is vitality, it is undoubtedly a holy place for cultivation.

In the center of Yundao, there is a huge city called Xieyue City, which is large in area and wide in area. The prosperity of the city is not only under Dekun City.

At this time, above the tallest tower in the city, standing seven or eight figures, headed by a person, without white face, a golden robe, middle-aged. This person is the President of Jingyue Chamber of Commerce Fu Jingyun.

At that time, Fu Jingyun was a peerless genius in Penglai's fairyland. He was a rare rival among his peers, and many older generations of immortal cultivators were defeated in his hands.

Since becoming the president of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, he has lived in a brief life and has rarely appeared in Penglai Fairyland for thousands of years. Now, no one knows how far his cultivation practices have come.

"President, to provoke such a peerless genius for the sake of a evil wind sect, it is somewhat inconsistent with the interests of our businessmen."

At the top of the tower, an old man in white robe frowned slightly and said that the value of the evil wind sect was limited. In the eyes of the huge Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, it was just a small sect door. In order to offend such a sect, an immortal cultivator with unlimited potential in the **** realm is indeed worthless.

Did n’t you see that those ancient ancestors did n’t accept the evil wind sect because the value of the evil wind sect was too low to be suitable for them to take shelter. The Xieyue Chamber of Commerce has always been supremacy of interest, and actually made such a move.

The identity of the old man in such a white robe is not low, but he is the old man of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. He is obviously very dissatisfied with the president ’s move.

"Jing Yun, this is indeed a bit reckless. Although our Chamber of Commerce is huge, we should not make enemies everywhere."

Another old man in black robe said lightly, he obviously also thinks that Fu Jingyun has done something reckless in this matter.

Fu Jingyun disagreed and said lightly: "A younger generation of young people is too arrogant to stir up the wind and rain in Penglai Fairyland. If none of our ancient ancestors came forward, would n’t we ask if we thought of our ancient ancestors? I was also afraid of him. Others were not prepared to maintain the majesty and face of the ancient Zongmen, but I could n’t just sit back and ignore it. ”

To blame, just blame Mo for asking what he did during this time is too arrogant. If he does not beat him, he may not even know who he is. He sheltered the evil wind sect not because of its value, but because of a very simple reason.

The old man in white robe and the old man in black robe sighed slightly, and since Fu Jingyun became the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Xieyue, although he stayed out of the world, he rarely showed up. But the arrogance in his heart may never have diminished. As the leading peerless genius of the year, it is natural to be uncomfortable asking this kind of late junior overshadowed his limelight.

In particular, many sects in Penglai Fairyland say that Mo Wenyi is the most talented immortal in the world in nearly one million years. He is the most talented, wouldn't Fu Jingyun, who was the first in that year, become the second?

"Jing Yun said this reasonably. Our ancient ancestral gate has the majesty of the ancient ancestral gate. Not everyone can provoke it. Although Mo Wen has not affected our ancient ancestral gate's interests, but according to the development of this situation, he will sooner or later Conflict with those of our ancient ancestors. "

"This is reasonable ~ ~ I also think that he should suppress his arrogance. Young people always like to know nothing."

Several other seniors support Fu Jingyun's point of view. It is not necessarily a good thing for a young man to be too prosperous.

"Xue Lao and Yao Lao are at ease. With the ability of that junior, I am afraid that even the shield of Xieyue Yundao can't be broken. With the large array of Xieyue Yundao, he can easily be strangled.

Fu Jingyun smiled coldly, very confidently said.

The island protection method on Xieyueyun Island was arranged by the ancient antiquity and placed in the entire Penglai fairyland. Although the times have changed, these ancient great arrays are far less powerful than before, and their chambers of eclipsing the moon do not have enough resources to open up the full power of the large array. But even half of the power can deal with a **** cultivator in the area. No problem.

Fu Jingyun holds his arms and looks like he is waiting to watch a good show. He is very curious. If this young man, who is known as the first genius in a million years, would n’t even be able to break through the large island protection of Yunyun Island, what would it be? expression.

(To be continued.)

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