Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1342: Thor Break

A quarter of an hour later, Mo Wen finally came to the edge of Xieyueyun Island. At this time, the defensive array on the island had been opened completely. A layer of white light film wrapped the entire island and exuded a magnificent road. Breath.

Mo Wen looked at the protective shield in front of him and slammed his fist, hitting his fist against the white film.

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and the whole world seemed to shake violently. The clouds in the radius of a thousand miles were blown away by the strength of a wind and a residual cloud.

At the moment a powerful punch, the white light film just shook, and then calmed down again.

"Good defense."

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly. He just took a punch that seemed to be random, but he took all the power out of it. Unless his magical power or war body is used, his attack power cannot be stronger than the punch he just made. .

Rao is so, the protective light film is just shaking, no damage at all.

In other words, with this protective mask alone, the Immortal Cultivator of the Shenxu Daquan level may not be able to break into the island.

It is worthy of the ancient array, and it really is very powerful.

Mo Wen secretly appreciated that the mystery of this formation is probably rare in the whole Penglai fairyland. Don't look at the defensive light film that covers the entire Oblique Moon Cloud Island. Under normal circumstances, the larger the defensive light mask is, the weaker it is, but this is not the case.

When Mo asked a punch on the defensive light film, the power of other areas on the light film would gather crazy here, that is to say, Mo asked where the attack was, and where the defensive power would instantly become stronger, this automatic Adjusting the defensive cover in the power zone is not mysterious.

"Young man, I advise you to leave here or you will die on Yundao, but no one will collect your body for you."

On the tall tower in the city, Fu Jingyun's voice slowly sounded, and the voice was filled with a sense of superiority. He had known for a long time that this young man wouldn't even be able to break through the defensive mask of their Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. Huh, so powerful that dare to come to Xieyue Yundao for provocation.

Mo Wen raised his eyes and slowly looked at the giant city on the island. The light in his eyes suddenly sharpened. His whole person, like a sharp sword with a sheath, could tear even the world.

A quaint spear suddenly appeared in his hand. The spear was silver and white like a curved **** snake, and the snake mouth spit out a sharp cold light constantly.

"Thor break!"

Sky Snake God Spear instantly hit, turned into a thousand-meter-long sky snake sharp, and hit the defensive light film fiercely.

At this time, the sky snake **** spear has evolved to the level of Qiankun Shengbao. Once it breaks out, its power is unparalleled.

Thor Break is the third of Thor ’s fifth forms. In these years, Mo Wen has already cultivated Thor ’s third form until it is achieved. This move of Thor breaks through, contains unparalleled attack power, is best at breaking the surface, and defeating the enemy with absolute power.


The huge defensive light film suddenly swayed violently. It seemed that even the oblique moon cloud island in the light film was shaking. The position attacked by the sky snake **** spear suddenly collapsed, and a three-foot-long crack appeared.

Mo Wen's figure flashed through the light film and entered into Xieyue Yundao.

"How can it be!"

The tower in the city, Fu Jingyun's face was instantly blue, with anger and incredible light in his eyes. Even he could not tear the defense film with one blow. How could this young man perform such a terrible attack.

Next to them, all the old men of the seven Xieyue Chamber of Commerce have changed their faces, and they can break through the defensive array of Xieyueyun Island with their own strength. What a terrible force they have. No one can do it.

The large array of islands guarding Xieyue Yundao shook violently, as if the sky was falling apart, and instantly shocked the people of Xieyue City. Then, they were shocked to see that the protective film of the island's defense was torn by a peerless force. This scene, even dreaming, had not been dreamed, and it was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind. It turned out that the ancient defensive array on Yundao was not omnipotent, and one day it was torn apart.

"That young man broke in. Who is it? It's terrible."

"I know him. He was Mo who sensationalized the entire Penglai Wonderland a hundred years ago. Why did he appear here?"

"It's actually him. Isn't he going to deal with our Shaw Moon Chamber of Commerce."

"Huh, our Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is an ancient Zongmen. Whatever storms and waves we haven't seen, he also wants to deal with us. Rest assured, President President will deal with this matter. Hundreds of years ago, he retreated with difficulty, but The wisest choice. Unfortunately, now he has chosen the most stupid way. "

"Wait and wait and provoke our Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. I dare to guarantee that he will die without burial."


"Don't ask!"

In the city, Qianye Evil King walked out of the cave mansion, looking at the young man above the sky, his heart trembled fiercely, and a wave of fear floated in his eyes involuntarily. A hundred years later, he appeared again.

Could it be that the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce could not stop him, didn't they all say that he had retreated from the difficulties?

In Xieyue City, many evil spirit cultivators are extremely fearful. The young man is too powerful. I am afraid that they can be wiped out in a wave of hands. It is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by such a terrorist strongman.

Mo asked, looking at the huge tower in the center of the city, smiled coldly, and walked towards the spire of the tower step by step.

"Bold, actually dare to destroy the defensive array of the Chamber of Commerce of Xingyue. I dare to guarantee that you cannot leave here alive."

Fu Jingyun roared and looked at Mo Wen's eyes extremely cold. He also said just now that Mo Wen could not break through the defensive film of Lianyun Island. As a result, before he finished speaking, the defensive mask had been torn.

Mo Wen looked at the eight people on the spire indifferently. Each of them was a god-cultivator of the god's virtual realm. It is indeed an ancient force that has continued from ancient times to the present. This background is indeed unparalleled.

After the invasion of the evil clan, the world has changed greatly, and since the Tianhua Palace no longer restricts the god-cultivator of the god's virtual realm, a large number of older generations of god-cultivators have made breakthroughs in this century, especially these strong ancient forces There have been many cultivations to reach the limit of Tai Xuan Realm, and frequent breakthroughs, but still suppressed the old man.

It is not surprising that the power of the Eight Gods' Realm appeared in the Shaw Moon Chamber of Commerce. Other ancient ancestors may not be less than the Shaw Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Of the eight people, the strongest one is Xiuyue Chamber of Commerce President Fu Jingyun. His cultivation practice has reached the completeness of the God's Deficiency. As the most outstanding peerless genius in Penglai Fairyland ten thousand years ago, there is another such phenomenon Supported by a wealthy consortium, he can break through to the completeness of the gods in a short time, which is not really a strange thing.

After all, with his talents, if he did not deliberately suppress the cultivation practice for so many years, I am afraid that he would have entered the virtual realm of God long ago. The accumulation of ten thousand years of time, once freed from the shackles, the natural stone is shocked.

"Now the cultivators of Penglai Wonderland all say that you are the best genius in this era in millions of years. I want to measure, do you really have that qualification."

Fu Jingyun stepped out in one step, slowly drifting up into the sky, and flew to the same level as Mo Wen. Every time he rises by one meter, the breath on his body is stronger, one hundred miles, one thousand miles, ten thousand miles ...

The entire Xieyue Yundao was enveloped by his momentum. In the city on the ground, each of the Immortal Cultivators looked at Fu Jingyun in awe, as if looking at a god. The ruler of Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, even in the whole Penglai Wonderland, is the most powerful handful of people.

"Give you a shot first, otherwise I ’m afraid you wo n’t even have a shot."

Fu Jingyun shouldered his hand, said indifferently.

However, what he said was easy on the surface, but in fact his eyes were very dignified. A terrible man who can tear the ancient defenses into a large array, how terrible his strength is, and he was shudder to think about it. How could he not be careful about such a person.

Let Mo ask to shoot first, just don't want to give someone a handle. After all, he has always claimed to be senior, so he has his arrogance.

Mo asked rolled his eyes and asked him to shoot first. Where did this come from? Too lazy to speak directly, a spear blasted past, the sky suddenly darkened, and the thunderstorm continued. Rain is not ordinary rain, but a small thunder.

Thor's first five moves-Thor's Rain.

When Mo asked to exhibit again, the power had been turned upside down. The whole world seemed to be covered by thunderstorms. The oblique moon city below was attacked by the thunderstorms.

A shocking Lei Mang flashed out of the thunderstorm, and instantly appeared in front of Fu Jingyun.

"Nine Heavens Magic Yuan Gong!"

Fu Jingyun's body was tense, he felt a strong force approaching him, and the strength was endless, soft and soft, just like the thunderstorm, wave after wave washed over, as if there was no end.

Eighteen black dragons were drilled from Fu Jingyun's body, and any one came to life, exuding the dragon power of the domineering world, and the breath was magnificent. The eighteen black dragons' dragon powers condensed together, and the psychological pressure caused to people was like a Taishan pressure. In my heart.

Jiu Tian Mo Yuan Gong is the highest practice of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. Only the president and a few old elders are qualified to practice. This practice became famous in the ancient times, but it is a genuine ancient magic ~ ~ Eighteen black dragons and Mo Wen's endless thunder bombarded together, the wind blew up, flying sand and rocks, the collision of two forces, forming a strange power vortex.

Puff puff!

Eighteen black dragons collapsed one after another. When the thirteenth black dragon collapsed, it barely blocked Mo Wen's blow.

A move of thunder and rain, so powerful and horrible.

Fu Jingyun was shocked and speechless. Only by personal experience can he understand the horror of this young man better. Replaced by an ordinary god-virtual Daxian who was a perfect immortal, I am afraid that the blow just now was enough to kill it.

"Why your cultivation base is so powerful."

Fu Jingyun looked at Mo Wen incredulously. The realm of this young man was only in the late period of the **** void, but his cultivation base was deeper than that of his immortal cultivator. Even, he was a little skeptical, Mo asked if he had all his strength.

(To be continued.)

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