Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1343: 4 heads 8 arms

The shock in Fu Jingyun ’s heart is simply beyond words. A young man who has been practicing for more than a hundred years is really more powerful than his old monster who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years? It didn't work on the dog.

"Thor breaks."

The sky is dark, thunder clouds converge, and a series of thunder snakes continue to shuttle through the clouds. The sky snake **** spear turned into a phantom, like a broken bamboo, instantly strangling all the black dragons guarding Fu Jingyun.

Fu Jingyun was terrified, and only felt a sharp spear appear in front of his eyebrows. The feeling, like death is calling him, will return his soul to the next moment.

"Damn it! Break me."

Fu Jingyun snarled, and with just one face-to-face, he almost forced him to a desperate situation. The gap was so big that it could not be measured.

In a sudden, Fu Jingyun's body suddenly flew out of a blue-black light, and the blue-black light instantly became larger, turning into a giant seal the size of a small hill. All kinds of weird and exotic beasts carved on the giant seal, as soon as they appeared, the world and earth shook. It seemed that the space of a hundred miles in a circle was solidified in an instant.

A seal is set!

Printing this kind of treasure, the power placed in all treasures is top-notch, and the way to fight the enemy is generally suppression, crushing, and quite domineering.

Fu Jingyun ’s Fang Da Yin is a rare treasure of a thousand spirits, which was exhibited by his imaginary implementation of the divine consummation, which can directly smash a mountain range.

However, this big seal, which usually suppresses the Quartet, was directly ejected by the sky snake **** spear. The power of terror penetrated the void, and the big seal directly smashed into the city of Oblique Moon, smashing a city area into ruins completely, and a deep sight Deep hole.


Fu Jingyun flew out by the anti-seismic force from Dayin and was seriously injured. The power of that spear was so horrible that it was terrifying.

"The elders come to help me quickly."

Fu Jingyun's face was pale, his hair disheveled, and he was finally in a panic. He didn't even dream of dreaming that this younger generation could be so strong.

Above the tower, the seven elders of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce have changed their complexions. In the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, the chairman ’s Xiu Wei is undoubtedly the highest one. Although he is still young compared to other old Su, he is talented Outstanding, they have already surpassed the characters of their older generation, that is the well-deserved first.

However, they were the first masters in the Chamber of Commerce, but they couldn't even stop the two faces that Mo asked.

"Turn the wild python to kill the **** array."

Mr. Xue shouted, and a pair of dark old eyes suddenly released an endless divine light, only to see him step out, the first one came out to block Mo Wen.

The other Su Lao did not dare to neglect, all flew out of the tower, and asked Mo to shoot. They knew very well that such a terrible teenager, even if they all joined forces, may not be his opponent.

For today's sake, only to hold his two breaths for a while, and wait for Yundao's killing formation to start completely, then kill this young man.


Mo asked with a sneer, what about the siege of the seven people, the sky snake **** spear in his hand was instantly turned into a flash of lightning, swept through thousands of troops, and directly flew all the seven Su Lao out. With his current strength, the Immortal Cultivator of Shenxu Dayuan may be able to kill it at will. These seven people, the highest cultivation level, are only in the later period of Shenxu. Even if they join hands, they can't stop him.

Seven people were seriously injured in a face-to-face job.

Fu Jingyun looked at Mo Wen with his hair disheveled, just like a crazy demon, unable to withstand a blow. All the masters of their Xieyue Chamber of Commerce added together, and they were unbearable in front of this teenager.

"Chairman, your competitiveness is still too strong."

Xue Lao sighed, if it wasn't Fu Jingyun who insisted on keeping the evil wind sect, how could he cause such a horrible teenager.

"Now it's useful to say that, with the wild python to kill the **** array, maybe he can be killed here."

Fu Jingyun said coldly that, at this moment, he still didn't want to lose. What is your strength? What the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce has is that it will consume you. Cultivation of immortal world is not because individuals are powerful enough to be invincible.

In Xieyue City, a large number of immortal cultivators stared at the sky with dumbfounded eyes. I could n’t believe it. The president and Qi Da Su were not the opponents of the teenager. How could this be possible!

The Qianye evil lord who was secretly watching behind a large tree was as white as paper, and his body was trembling slightly. The battle of that level, with a little afterglow, could kill him. But for more than a hundred years, how could the boy who dared not come out chase after him be so strong.

"The wild python kills the **** array."

Fu Jingyun took out a wooden sign from his sleeve and threw it into the air. At the next moment, the entire Xieyue Yundao suddenly dimmed, as if crossing from the day into the night.

A giant python, somehow many miles away, slowly drilled out of the depths of the void. A snake head could be as high as a mountain. The snake body was hidden in the void for some length.

"Several old men, join me in battle."

Fu Jingyun shouted angrily, and turned into a huge black light flashing into the huge snake head. The other seven old men watched Mo questioningly. Seeing that he had not stopped, he no longer hesitated and flew into that one. A huge python head.

The original boring python, because of the integration of the seven people, suddenly came alive, as if it came to life at once, the huge pupils all had spirituality, and looked at Mo Wen's hatred.

"The wild python kills the **** array."

Mo asked, looking at the python above, narrowing his eyes slightly. Wild Python Killing Array is an ancient killing array. It is said that this array can kill God. No one knows whether it is true or not, but the terrible formation is known to everyone.

Although after years of corrosion, the Wild Python Killing Array is no longer complete, and the people of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce are even unable to exert the true power of the Wild Python Killing Array, but this is not the case.

I saw that the python on the sky roared, and the world and earth shook violently. The huge body wriggled a little, and a twelve level whirlwind was formed between the world and the space became more and more unstable.

On the ground, the construction method of the city collapsed crazily, and it seemed that it was oppressed by invisible forces, and the endless buildings turned into ruins without warning. A large number of cultivators, their eyes blurred, looking at the python in the air, are full of fear and panic. Even the lower-level cultivators could not carry the monstrous powers radiating from the python, and they all fell on their knees one by one.

"Mo asked, today is your day of abstinence."

The huge mountain-like head of the giant python suddenly uttered words, and saw the huge giant python open its mouth, a group of terrifying magic flames fell vertically down like a waterfall, and killed in the direction of Mo Wen, like a thousand troops. Wan Ma killed him.

The power of the magic flame is terrible, the whole sky is burnt red, and there are continuous space cracks in the nearby area, which seems to be cracked by the terrifying magic flame. The terrifying gods and virgins who complete the immortals will be instantly burned to death when they encounter such a horrible magic flame.

Mo Wen looked blankly at the long stream of demon flames falling vertically from the sky, without retreating and advancing, and flew up, a flame of flames, a golden flame, beautiful and impeccable Behind him, there was a huge phantom of Phoenix.

Phoenix Skyfire!

The flame covering the surface of Mo Wen ’s body is the Phoenix Skyfire. After thousands of years of cultivation and cultivation, the Phoenix Skyfire has become more and more powerful, especially after swallowing a large number of innocent net fires. His Phoenix Skyfire power has reached a considerable Terrible.

As soon as the sky fire came out, who fought against each other, even the magic flame spit out by the python had to retreat.

Mo Wen went straight upstream and forcibly split the Magic Flame Waterfall into two from the middle. Under the influence of Skyfire, the Magic Flame was immediately out of control, and a large amount of Magic Flame fell into the city below. Suddenly, the magic fire raged, and devastating disaster spread in the city.

"Damn it! Damn it! How could he block the wild python demon fire, the **** cultivator of the virtual realm absolutely has no such ability."

The roar of Fu Jingyun continued to sound in the head of the python, and the magic flame fell into the city. The disaster caused to the Xieyue City would be devastating, and the losses caused were countless.

"Skyfire, that ’s the Phoenix Skyfire! One of the most magical skyfires in the legend, not only can grow up on its own, but it can also rebirth and nurture the most original life force from the flame. This flame can only be the most pure Skyfire Phoenix How can it happen to a human being! "

Yao Lao's horrified voice broke out from the body of the python. He was a fire-cultivator, and he had a very deep research on the flames between heaven and earth. He recognized at a glance that it was the legendary Phoenix Skyfire.

As soon as Fu Jingyun heard that it was Phoenix Skyfire, he immediately knew that Wild Python Mohuo had no effect on Mo Wen, and he continued to perform the Mohuo Attack to ask for it.

"Shenlong swings its tail!"

The python closed his mouth and slammed the magic fire, while the huge body flicked. In an instant, the tail, which had a length of a hundred miles, was thrown out, and he asked Mo Mo fiercely.


Suddenly hit by a python in the front, Mo Wen was directly pumped and flew out, hitting the defensive light film fiercely, the blood and blood in the body oscillated, and the five internal organs were displaced, almost hitting him seriously.

"Sure enough. Explosive!"

Don't ask my eyes bright ~ ~ Since Xiu Wei has made great strides, he has always wanted to find someone to practice his hand to try it, but unfortunately he can't find it at all. The one in Penglai Wonderland who can single him out one by one It is too rare.

Over the past 2,000 years, he has cultivated the heavenly body to the realm of four heads and eight arms. The strength of the body is far greater than before. He would like to know how far he can reach if his war body breaks out completely.

A white light penetrated from Mo Wen's body.

The next moment, the world is quiet.

The rules of the world around me suddenly became docile, as if welcoming the supreme existence.

I saw that Mo Wen's body grew larger and larger under the hood of the light of heaven, two heads, three heads, four heads ... 100 feet, two hundred lengths, three hundred feet ...

In the end, a giant Optimus giant with a height of a thousand feet appeared above the sky.

(To be continued.)

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