Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1348: Ripening array

The incarnation of Heavenly Soul Embryo is extremely rare, that is, as an ancestor of a generation of Dadao Realm, there is no incarnation of Heavenly Soul Embryo. This tremendous amount of spiritual fruit can be encountered but not sought, and no amount of money can be purchased.

A young man with a world origin actually has the incarnation of the heart and the embryo. The ancestor of Xieyue suddenly has a feeling of crying without tears. His grand ancestor is far more than a **** in the treasures. Ants in the environment.

Moreover, the most important thing is that when this incarnation appears, the outcome is doomed.

"I can not be reconciled."

Patriarch Xieyue clenched his teeth tightly, his face full of unwillingness.

He actually lost the hands of a young man in the original world, which is undoubtedly a very ironic thing.

"Fuck me."

Mo Wen's incarnation held the sky snake **** spear, and his figure appeared in front of the remnant soul of Patriarch Xieyue.

The thunder of the world roared, a large number of Taihao Thunder gathered, and the entire small space seemed to turn into a sea of ​​thunder.

The sky snake **** spear instantly punctured hundreds of spear shadows, directly penetrating the remnant soul of the ancestor of Xieyue.

The remnant soul of Dadao Realm is extremely tenacious, and ordinary attacks may not hurt him at all. But Taihao Thunder can hurt the soul of Patriarch Xieyue.

"I can not be reconciled."

The ancestor Xieyue roared again, but there was deep helplessness and powerlessness in the roar. The remnant soul was covered by the terrible thunder, and there was no ability to resist at all.

Mo Wen ’s incarnation, Xiu Wei is also in the late period of Shenxu, and is almost no different from his deity.

It is conceivable that the power of the Spear of Spear of the Celestial Serpent was exploded in an instant.

The remnant soul of Patriarch Xieyue was directly annihilated in thunder.

The world is quiet, and the small space slowly returns to calm. The flowers and trees here, suspended rocks, palaces, seats ... are all crushed and crushed by the power of battle. Only the peerless fairy flower in the sky is still swaying. posture.

Mo Wenfei flew up to the sky, standing in front of the sky, and his eyes were shining, even a little excited.

In Ji Wuya's inheritance, the description of the empty epiphyllum is quite comprehensive.

This flower, which grows in the void, is hidden in the cracks of space, and it is quite difficult to find them. Even some empty epiphyllum flowers, hidden in different time and space, immortal repairers can never find them.

There is only one way for the Immortal Cultivator to get the empty epiphyllum, that is to go deep into the turbulence of the space, space storms, space dead ends ... maybe with good luck, I can find one. But if you are unlucky, you must die of misfortune, or get lost in the endless space and cannot return.

The biggest dream of Ji Wuya's life is to get an empty flower.

Unfortunately, he didn't have this chance until death.

Mo Wen did not expect that there is an empty epiphyllum hidden in Xieyueyun Island.

The empty celestial fairy contains the heaven of space.

Among many heavenly ways, the space heavenly way is the most mysterious and elusive, but one of the ten most difficult to understand.

If you can get empty flowers, you can grasp the power of space.

Ji Wuya left the secret method at that time, which can refine the empty epiphyllum into a special embryo, and then integrate the embryo into the body. With this method of refining empty epiphyllum, the probability of the immortal who can master the power of space is quite high.

Moreover, this kind of mastery is not a part of the space power, but it can be cultivated and grown. In the end, it may even realize the space heaven and the heaven, and turn into a heaven saint in the vein of space heaven and earth.

At that time, Ji Wuya often dreamed of getting empty flowers and becoming a successor of space. He walked to various corners of the space, each mysterious space that no one had entered before, looking for various treasures of heaven and earth, and the way of medicine Push to the extreme.

"The empty epiphyllum in front of me is not yet fully mature. If I want to be fully mature, I am afraid it will have to wait for thousands of years."

Mo Wen frowned slightly, not for a thousand years, or even very short.

After all, it took hundreds of millions of years for the ancestor of Xieyue to find the empty epiphyllum and cultivate and wait for the immortality to mature.

For a thousand years, it can be ignored.

However, a thousand years is very long for Mo Wen. He has practiced so far, and if it does not count the time acceleration in the Shao Zun Tower, it is not even a thousand years.

"Alas, it is worthwhile to wait for thousands of years for an empty fairy flower, and to replace it with someone else. I am afraid to wait for hundreds of millions of years."

Mo asked with a sigh, and could only wait slowly, after all, this is also something that cannot be done.

You can't take away the airborne fairy flower now. Without a fully mature airborne fairy flower, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Mo asked exactly, and could only wander around in a small space to see if there were any other treasures.

After half an hour, the treasure was not found, but a jade slip was found, which recorded some secret things in the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce.

Many of the things in it are intrigues, and Mo is not interested.

But there is one, he is quite interested.

"It turns out so!"

Mo asked, looking at the empty flowers in the air, and smiled slightly.

I finally understood the connection between the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, the Xieyue Patriarch and the empty epiphyllum.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the original world has not been completely isolated. At that time, not only the existence of Dadao Realm in Penglai Fairyland, even Heavenly Dao Saints often come here.

Patriarch Xieyue accidentally discovered an empty epiphyllum that was overjoyed.

However, the empty epiphyllum was just a seedling at that time. It would take too long to wait for it to mature completely. Even Patriarch Xieyue did not have the patience to wait slowly. He even doubted whether he could live to that day.

In order to get the vacant flowers of the mature body as early as possible, the ancestor of Xieyue read a large number of classics, and finally found a secret method that can ripen the vacant flowers in an ancient book.

According to that mystery, the air flower can mature a hundred times in advance.

The secret method is very simple ~ ~ is to create a special formation method, and then continuously add Yuanshi to the formation method, so that the air flower can accelerate the absorption of heaven and earth energy, so as to increase the growth rate.

After getting the secret method, Patriarch Xieyue immediately began to cultivate empty epiphyllum if he got the treasure. Every once in a while, he would fill a large amount of Yuanshi into the large array to increase the growth speed of empty epiphyllum.

Later, the origin world banned the entry of immortals above the god's virtual realm. All monks above the god's virtual realm and above had to be evacuated. In order to continue to cultivate the airborne flowers, the ancestor of Xieyue created the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce.

The purpose of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is to do business, earn a large amount of Yuan Shi, and then fill it into the large array, so as to urge the growth of empty vaccination. Since then, in the endless years, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce has been for the empty vagina. struggle.

"Perhaps, I can fill a lot of Yuanshi into the formation method, maybe it can greatly speed up the maturity of the sky flower."

Mo Wen touched his chin. In his medicine ring, Yuan Shi had already piled up into a mountain, and he could not count.

(To be continued.)

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