Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1349: Occupy Yundao

Just do it, and soon, Junlin found the formation method for ripening the empty epiphyllum, and filled a lot of Yuanshi into it.

Sure enough, Yuan Shi consumed very quickly in the formation, consuming millions of Yuan Shi almost in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, Mo Wen had enough Yuanshi obtained in the battlefield of Zu-Wu, otherwise he could not satisfy the empty appetite.


Demon Realm, a black mountain, the peak is 100,000 feet high, and the whole mountain is covered with a spirit of demon, covering the sky. At the foot of the Montenegro, there are white bones, with various skeletons of giant beasts, piled up like a mountain, and it looks like a sea of ​​bones at a glance.

At this time, in an ancient palace on the top of the Black Mountain, a huge figure suddenly thumped and snarled at the blood moon against the sky. It seemed that there was a lot of anger in his chest.

"Damn, damn! That little animal of humanity, I'm incompatible with you."

That huge figure is the ancestor of Xieyue. As a demon in the realm of Dadao, he naturally has his own territory in the world of demon. A thousand miles of land is ruled by the ancestor of Xieyue. His Xieyue Palace is also a powerful force in the demon world, and countless demon tribes have come under his command.

The empty epiphyllum that has been protecting for hundreds of millions of years has become something for others. The bamboo basket is empty, and the depression in the mind of Patriarch Xieyue can be imagined. If he could lower the realm, he even dared to break the rules, and immediately the lower realm would not ask him to shatter his corpses, and he would be ashamed.

"You wait for me, this hatred will not be reported, and I will not be a demon."

The ancestors of Xieyue two lake-like giant eyes resemble blood lakes, containing endless killing intentions.

Qingshan does not change the stream of water, taking the boy's cultivation as a virtue, don't die, he will come to the upper realm sooner or later, he will not believe that there is no chance of revenge.

Even, with good luck, he can take back the empty epiphyllum.

After all, as a top fairy flower, not everyone can use it. A junior with a divine virtual realm, I am afraid that getting empty flowers can only stare.


Small space, Mo Wen left the small space after filling up the Yuanshi which ripened the empty epiphyte.

According to his estimation, even if there is a large amount of Yuanshi ripening, it will take decades for the airborne flower to fully mature.

On Xieyueyun Island, a space crack suddenly appeared over the island. At the next moment, a figure flew out of the crack.

This person is exactly what Mo asked.


As soon as Mo Wen appeared on Xieyueyun Island, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Between heaven and earth, the spirit was oscillating, and a battle was erupting on the island.

Mo Wen looked at the battle on Xieyueyun Island with interest. There seemed to be two groups of people fighting for the ownership of Xieyueyun Island.

It was only two days before he entered the small space, and these people actually fought again.


"Tu Lao Kun, you shameless person, actually colluded with outsiders, trying to occupy Yundao, so deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors, the world and the world will punish."

An old man in a red robe looked at a middle-aged man in black with anger, and the power on his body was like a turbulent wave.

"Huh, old man Zhang, don't think that you are a good person. You don't know who kills the heirs of the chamber of commerce and seeks the position of president."

Tu Lao Kun smiled coldly. The Xieyue Chamber of Commerce reached this point, and it had already existed in name.

Perhaps, not long afterwards, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce will completely disappear from this world and become history forever.

Such a huge chamber of commerce. Overturned at night, the huge wealth left behind is naturally something that everyone is jealous of, let alone ordinary sect, I am afraid that those ancient sects are very jealous.

As of today, whoever speaks about morals and rules, and whoever gets more treasures, the winner.

Both of them are Taixuan Daxuan Daxian's Immortal Cultivators. They are placed in Penglai Wonderland and definitely belong to the first-class peerless strongman.

All Taishang elders of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce have died, and there is no longer the existence of the god's virtual realm. Taixuan Daxuan's perfect immortals are naturally the bosses.

A black light appeared from the horizon, and a flash appeared near the two.


The palms that have been dried through the void seem to explode for a thousand kilometers, and the power of terror fluctuates wildly.

In the eyes of the old man in red robe, there was a panic in his eyes, his face changed greatly, and he went backwards crazy.

However, he couldn't escape the chase of the dry palm.

Soon, the dry palm passed through his chest and pierced out from the other side, holding a crimson heart slowly beating.


The old man in the red robe looked at the dry arm of his chest, raised his head again, and looked at the man in black robe in front of him, his face became more and more gray and desperate. The vitality in the body is madly passing.

"Evil Clan ... Tu Lao Kun ... You must not die ..."

The evil madness in the old man in the red robe quickly turned into a corpse and died completely.

The black robe is a evil clan, and a fifth-order evil clan. He never dreamed that Tu Lao Kun dared to collude with the evil clan.

"Huh, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. I'm afraid you don't know yet, the source space is completely isolated, and the monks in the upper realm can't go down the realm. With the help of a Tianhua Palace, it's impossible to block the invasion of the evil clan. Will completely rule this land. "

Tu Lao Kun sneered somberly, his eyes were red, and he couldn't tell the evil.

Here Xieyue Yundao has been chosen by the evil clan, and is ready to choose it as a base camp of the evil clan.

Indeed, with natural space rules as a barrier, Xieyue Yundao is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as it is operated here, anyone who wants to attack Xieyue Yundao is not easy.


"Evil Clan, interesting!"

Mo Wen looked at the huge Xieyueyun Island, and had already sensed the breath of dozens of evil clan from the island. All of them are high-level evil clan, the lowest are fourth-order, and even three fifth-order evil clan.

It is not surprising that the evil clan looked at Xieyue Yundao, because he also fancy here.

As soon as his wrist turned, a piece of black iron token appeared in his hand.

At the next moment, the world was shaken, and the whole Xieyue Yundao suddenly lit up with a brilliant brilliance, completely wrapping the island.

On the island, all the fighting immortals suddenly stopped and looked at each other in surprise.

Big island protection!

The big island protection has actually started!

what's the situation!

Since Fu Jingyun, the last president of Xieyueyun Island, was killed, all the elders of Taishang died at the same time, and the token representing the highest authority of Xieyue Chamber of Commerce has been lost.

The large island protection line of Xieyueyun Island can only be activated by using tokens. Could someone get the highest token?

"That's ... My God, that boy!"

"Mo question! Mo question is here again!"

"No, isn't this guy gone long ago."


Soon, the immortals on the island found Mo Wen suspended in high altitude, and their faces changed greatly.

No one expected that this Shaxing, which had disappeared for two days, appeared again.

If they knew that this guy was still on Xieyueyun Island, they probably didn't even think about fighting for control of the island.

"Damn, this guy again."

"He's the one who didn't ask. Last time my clan plan was destroyed by this person?"

Even the people of the evil clan changed their faces when they saw Mo Wen.

It is indeed that the evil clan has suffered several major losses in the hands of Mo Wen, which has caused these evil clan to be extremely vigilant.

Mo Wen looked coldly at the island below, conquering and looking down on the people.

The highest token in his hand came from Fu Jingyun's body. This token can control all formations and prohibitions of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce. As long as there is the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, the highest token represents the highest authority.

His thoughts moved, and the big island guard immediately attacked.

There are hundreds of black dragons emerging from the void, and there are hundreds of them. Each one exudes a terrifying energy. Even if the god-cultivator of the god's realm meets, I am afraid that his face will change greatly.

This array is called the magic dragon swallowing the sky array, and its power is not under the wild python extermination array. However, the conditions required to urge the magic dragon to swallow the sky array are too high, even if Fu Jingyun and the elders of the Seven Great Alliances ca n’t urge the magic dragon to swallow the sky array, so the siege of this time is not to ask, just to display the wild python Extermination array.

In fact, the formations on Xieyueyun Island are terrible. They are all ancient formations. There are as many as three killing formations covering the island. After all, this is an elaborate nest nested by the ancestors of Xieyue. Where will it be?

It's just that Fu Jingyun and others haven't done enough, and they can't even exert one thousandth of the power of the large island protection. Otherwise, it's impossible for Mo Wen want to capture Xieyueyun Island.

At this time, hundreds of dragons were born as if they could destroy the world and devour everything.

All the evil races on the island have no place at all, they are all swallowed by the magic dragon, and their souls are scattered.

Even if the fifth-order evil clan can block one magic dragon, it cannot block two. Soon, all died.

The incomparable silence on the island, let alone fighting, did not dare to speak, nor did the atmosphere dare to kick.

After two days of fighting, many parts of Xieyueyun Island were turned into ruins. The residents of the island evacuated and evacuated. The deaths and deaths. The people who are still on the island are all immortal cultivators.

However, for human immortals, Mo Wen did not kill them.

"Everyone quits Xieyue Yundao, otherwise they die." Mo asked faintly.

Xieyue Yundao, he intends to be the base camp of Ming Palace, has been developing in the ancient secret area, too limited.

What's more, the world is not peaceful, who knows when the ancient ancient secret realm will be destroyed, or even completely destroyed, all deaths are possible.

Mo asked if he had to go to the upper boundary ~ ~ he would have to leave a path for Ming Palace. He didn't want Ming Palace to be completely destroyed as soon as he left.

Xieyue Yundao, even if the evil people want to attack here, it is definitely not an easy task, he left some backhands enough to protect himself.


In two days, the news that the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce was destroyed has spread throughout Penglai Wonderland.

All the sect, all the immortals who got the news, were all shocked.

Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, what kind of force is that?

It has been inherited from ancient times to the present, and it has continued for so many years.

Now, it has been wiped out.

What kind of people did it, is it evil people?

(To be continued.)

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