Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1350: Space storm

One stone provokes thousands of waves, and all the sects are shocked by the news that the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce was destroyed.

The Ancient Zongmen, what a Big Mac, hasn't been destroyed in millions of years.

The destruction of an ancient ancestral gate is absolutely a matter of the sky.

Yubaozhai, Hongmiaozong, Tianyuanzong ...

Every ancient ancestral gate was shocked inexplicably, and the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, which was also the ancient ancestral gate, was destroyed, which already meant that they were also in danger of being destroyed.

Even the peerless forces such as You Ghost Mountain and Mo Tian are shocked.

Is it when the evil clan attacked Xieyue Yundao?

However, soon. Then news came.

The Xieyue Chamber of Commerce was destroyed, not by the evil clan, but by a young man.

A young man who has become famous in Penglai Wonderland.

Don't ask!

This name often appears in the short time between the major sects and forces of Penglai Fairyland, from the suzerain and elders to the disciples of the gate, all talking about this character.

In fact, even some restaurants, youth restaurants and brothels, there are many immortals who talk about this amazing young man.

That is the existence of a giant who can match each other.

However, the annihilation of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is still unpredictable, and everyone is shocked, and the heart is incredible.

The ancient Zongmen in the hall was destroyed one day, and it was still destroyed by a young man.

The most ridiculous thing is that the reason why the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce was destroyed was only because it contained the people of the evil wind sect. For an insignificant little sect, he actually paid in an ancient ancestor with a long tradition.

The endless years of Penglai Wonderland, I am afraid this is the biggest joke.

Many ancestors have therefore become vigilant, especially those of the ancient ancestors, who have realized that even with their strength and heritage, they cannot do whatever they want in this world.

The uproar of the outside world does not know that he is rebuilding Xieyueyun Island at this time, and here, it will become the old nest of the Ming Palace.

The sky and earth rules have been continuously influenced by the air and sky for hundreds of millions of years. Over time, the sky and earth rules here have become natural and fully integrated into this space. Even if Mo Wen takes the sky and earth flowers away, Xieyueyun Island will not happen. What changes.

Many people in Penglai Wonderland coveted Xieyueyun Island, but as long as Mo Wen asked for a day above Xieyueyun Island, no one dared to step over Leichi.

With the large-scale migration of the Ming Palace, it naturally attracted the attention of many sect gates in Penglai Fairyland.

Knowing that Mo Wen was the sect master of this sect, many of the sect's people took the initiative to find the door to make friends with Ming Palace.

The more the Zongmen came into contact with the Ming Palace, the more surprised they found that the Ming Palace's power and heritage were so powerful, far exceeding some ordinary Zongmen in Penglai Wonderland. It can even be compared with the weaker ancient Zongmen, and this still excludes Mo Wen.

The ancestral door of a main space was so powerful that it once again caused shocks to the ancestral doors of Penglai Wonderland.

In the next few decades, Mo Wen almost stayed on Xieyue Yundao to practice, waiting for the empty epiphylla to mature.

As for the Ming Palace, with the help of Mo Wen, it developed rapidly, especially after occupying the Xieyue Yundao. After gaining part of the wealth of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, the Ming Palace is no worse than some ancient antiquity.

In just five years, Wang Yinru followed Pei Fengwu and broke through to God's Virtual Realm, becoming the second master of God's Virtual Realm in Ming Palace.

Mo Wen believes that with the passage of time, there will be more and more God's virtual realm in the Ming Palace.

One day, Mo Wen quietly suspended and cultivated in the small space where the vacant epiphyllum was. The vacant epiphyllum in the air became more and more vivid and beautiful.

Suddenly, the huge flower trembles, and a wonderful breath is continuously released from the flower buds.

As soon as those breaths appeared, the entire small space was twisted, and there seemed to be an invisible giant hand, condensing this space into a twist. With the distortion of space, everything is destroyed.

"Good and pure space law power."

Mo Wen opened his eyes and looked at the empty flower with surprise. The mysterious breath is the most essential spatial rule. It can even be said that it is the breath of heaven and space.

He knew that at this moment, the empty flower finally matured completely.

Mo Wen looked at the fully matured empty epiphyllum, and his heart burst with excitement. It is quite difficult to find one of these top-level fairy flowers in the world.

The empty epiphyllum slowly turned, releasing a force of fairy spirits between heaven and earth. At the same time, spatial fluctuations are becoming stronger and more unstable.

Mo Wen knew that after the vacant epiphylla was fully matured, it would escape into the endless void and go to the depths of the turbulent flow of time and space to break away from the growing soil. That's why it's so rare to find empty flowers.


Mo Wen squeezed a French seal in his hand, and he couldn't naturally watch the empty epiphany escape into the endless void, and he was ready for everything.

Although the Fa was printed, a large number of runes suddenly condensed out of the small space and turned into chains, trapping the empty epiphyllum.

At the same time, Mo Wen's body suddenly became larger, constantly pulling up and increasing.

In a blink of an eye, it's over a thousand feet, two thousand pictures, three thousand feet ...

He did not cast the sky battle body, but the blur!

His body became lighter and lighter, more and more transparent, and seemed to be just a shadow, and then slowly integrated into the surrounding space.


After practicing to the god's virtual realm, Mo Wen's cultivation of the technique of fictitiousness was already quite simple. In just a few decades, the technique of fractalization was cultivated to a very deep stage.

He took a step forward, the huge body directly penetrated all things, and then covered the empty epiphyllum in his body.

The location of the empty epiphyllum is exactly on the abdomen of Junlin's huge avatar.


After completely covering the empty epiphyllum, Mo Wen's unreal body suddenly appeared a large number of runes, one after another, more and more, dense and dense, completely covering the body, like a huge rune body.

At the same time, a flame of red gold came out of the body, the flame seemed to burn even the rules of the world, and as soon as it appeared, everything burned.

It is the famous Phoenix Skyfire.

Mo Wen looked solemn, his eyes cast a dignified expression.

As early as a few decades ago, he decided to refine the empty epiphyllum into his body and integrate it into his bloodline body.

This method of refining empty epiphyllum is a secret technique he learned from Ji Wuya.

This mystery technique is to use your own body as a hearth, and use flesh and blood as a material to thoroughly squeeze the essence of the empty epiphyllum into the limbs and corpses.

The so-called meat pill is to treat yourself as a pill and refine it into pill.

This kind of speech is somewhat mysterious and mysterious, but it is indeed a partial method in alchemy.

Mo Wen had thought before that if the empty epiphyllum is simply another elixir, although the effect is also very high, a grain of gold is hard to find, even if the heavenly saints hope to get it.

However, it is not a method of 100% utilization of the vacantium as an ordinary medicinal material. In the process of alchemy, the vacantium may lose 50% of its medicinal properties. The perfect heavenly law inside the fairy flower will be affected. damage.

The most precious thing about empty epiphyllum is undoubtedly the law of space heaven and earth. If you can get the power of the sky heaven law in empty epiphyllum, it is better than any immortality medicine.

Refining the empty epiphyllum into ordinary panacea is really a bit of a shame. Even if Ji Wuya got the empty epiphyllum in that year, it can never be refined into an elixir.

Therefore, Mo Wen decided to sculpt the empty epiphyllum directly into the body and turn it into a flesh pill. If he succeeds, he will be able to master the power of space heaven and earth, and even have a chance to cultivate into a body of space.

The Phoenix Skyfire is getting more and more flourishing, and the runes are getting brighter and brighter.

With the continuous refinement, Mo Wen's body slowly faded from the state of emptiness, the huge body continued to shrink, and the empty flowers in his body also became smaller, and finally returned to the size of the normal body.

The clothes on his body have been completely burned into ashes by empty flowers, and his skin emits a faint golden light, just like a golden stone.

A beautiful round of white flowers appeared on his abdomen, looming.

Around the flowers, there are a series of blood vessels extending out, connected to the flowers, faintly, it seems that the empty epiphyllum and the flesh are completely connected together.

Time passes little by little, and Mo cannot be moved like a mountain. According to the plan, it will take decades for refining the air.

It is definitely not an easy thing to refine a heaven and earth fairy at the top level of the fairy flower level, and it may even fail in the middle.

In this way, in the past ten years, there have been more and more blood vessels around the empty epiphyllum. The original fairy light has been entangled, and the extremely bright empty epiphyllum has become more and more dim.

Everything is normal, just when Mo asked, it will continue for so long. Suddenly, his soul knew the sea, exuding a circle of strange waves.

The circle of bizarre waves instantly spread through the soul sea, spreading in all directions and all over the body, and then slowly enveloped on the empty epiphyllum.


What seemed to be the stimulus, the empty epiphylla shocked, the endless brilliance burst out instantly, a terrifying force of space roared out like a storm, and it seemed to tear the whole world.

not good!

Mo Wen asked that his face changed dramatically, but he didn't expect to have a dream. At the critical moment, the Qi Miao Bao Shu in the Soul Sea and the Empty Flower actually conflicted.

The Qi Miao Treasure Tree that lives in his soul sea, incomparably overbearing, and after sensing the airborne flower ~ ~ seems to be ready to expel the airborne flower.

Kong Zhanhua felt threatened, and was immediately stimulated. The sense of self-preservation made him erupt the most terrifying space force.

This force of space directly smashed all the formations of Mo Wen's imprisonment of this small space, and the entire small space trembles, which was affected by the power of terror space and actually collapsed layer by layer.

The endless space storm, surging from the chaos of time and space, instantly submerged Mo Wen.

In just a moment's work, this small space was completely reduced to nothingness, and it never seemed to exist.

Xieyueyun Island is still operating as usual, and no one knows that the mysterious little space on the island has completely disappeared.


The upper chapter is about to begin, Mo Wen will step into a real high-level world, and many secrets will be revealed layer by layer.

(To be continued.)

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