Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1351: Dream again

In the depths of the endless void, a white flower exuding holy light slowly flies in the space storm.

In the center of the white flowers, a young man was lying, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be in a coma.

Around him, there is a mysterious space force, silently protecting his safety.

Floating in the chaos of time and space is definitely a spectacle, because only the heavenly saints dare to do this, and even the immortalists in Dadao Realm dare not walk in the chaos of time and space for a long time.


Mo Wen's brain is very heavy and confused, and there are pictures flashing in front of him, scene after scene, as if dreaming.

In his dream, he returned to the world with fresh memories. He always thought that it was his previous life.

After a lapse of 100 years, weird dreams took over again.

It turned out that after he fell into the cliff, instead of dying, he got an adventure.

Gossip board!

Mo Wen's pupils contracted for a while, and the gossip disc appeared again in front of him, but this time in a paradoxical dream. Bronze-colored ancient disc, so familiar.

He didn't expect that his own life would have an entangled relationship with the Eight Diagrams.

There is a mysterious heritage in the gossip tray, which comes from a peerless demon called impossible.

After Mo Wen inherited the inheritance of the demon called Impossible, his physique changed a lot. Not only could he cultivate immortals, but he also became a peerless wizard.

He practiced under the abyss for five years, and after he succeeded in cultivation, he finally climbed the cliff.

The picture in the dream is a bit broken, not very complete, he vaguely remembers.

After repairing to success, he immediately returned to the family. However, he found that his family had been destroyed a year ago, and his younger sister Mo Donger had disappeared and never appeared again.

This incident caused a great shock in the secular world. After all, the Mo family is a millennium family. Moreover, regarding the Mo family massacre, it has always been a mystery. No one knows who the murderer is.

Mo asked to find the murderer and find his sister. So, a million-year-long hunt for murder began, and along the way, there was a lot of fog. Mo asked himself that he did not expect that the murder of a family in a secular world actually involved so deep.

In a million years, Mo Wenxiu continued to strengthen, and finally became the master of Shendanzong, and surpassed any ancestor in the history of Shendanzong.

In the book closing ceremony, Mo Wen asked with great enthusiasm. At this time, the Shendan Sect had already ranked among the top eight sects in the world.

The patriarch of the Shendan Sect is also the supreme between heaven and earth.

However, at the closing ceremony, Mo Wen unexpectedly received a letter.

When he opened the envelope, an unprecedented shock suddenly occurred in his spirit. It seemed that a mountain torrent and tsunami broke out, and the whole world was instantly darkened.


There was a tingling in the brain, Mo Wen held his head, suddenly awakened from his sleep, sweating all over.

"What happened in the end, who gave me that letter?"

Mo Wen shook his head vigorously, and the dream was suddenly interrupted at the end. He only remembered that the letter caused a very strong emotional swing of "self", which might be because the emotion was too crazy, and it forcibly blocked the dream.

What was written in that letter, but now I can't remember anything.

Suddenly for a long time, Mo asked before slowly recovering. The scenes of the last life were vivid, and he even doubted which one was his true self. Or, everything in the dream is not yourself, but you have seen the life of others?

Mo Wen hardly got up from the ground, he was seriously injured, and even had difficulty walking, the internal organs, the flesh and blood of the whole body were ravaged by a horrible and chaotic space force, if not his body is strong enough to bear The invasion of so many space forces may have turned into a pile of ashes.

"Where is this place?"

Mo Wen looked around, the sky and earth were dark, the world seemed to have no sun, and the sky was covered with a strange blood.

There are black boulders everywhere on the ground. The boulders are huge, like mountains, and they are a hundred feet high.

However, in this world, Baizhang's stones seem to be just giant stones, because in the distance, there are even taller mountains, and the mountains go straight into the sky, and there is no end in sight.

"Does the power of chaos in time and space bring themselves into other worlds?"

Mo Wen frowned slightly, he was practicing on Xieyue Yundao, and he was preparing to refining the empty epiphyllum, forming a space spirit body, and obtaining space heaven.

As a result, when he was about to refine the airborne epiphyllum, a sudden change occurred, but he fell into the chaos of time and space.

Mo Wen found that this place has a very strong demon spirit!


The same as Reiki, it is a kind of energy transformed from vital energy.

The demon clan loves the demon most. After they absorb the vitality, they will form demon qi in their physical fitness.

In general, where the powerful demon clan is entrenched, there will be a layer of demon qi in the world.

In addition, some areas with demon veins underground will also be covered with rich demon spirit.

The enchantment of the world here is extremely rich, even stronger than the spirit of Penglai Wonderland.

"Is this the demon earth in Penglai's fairyland?"

Demon earth, magic sky, nether mountain. It is a force in Penglai Fairyland that is comparable to Tianhua Palace.

However, the demon earth is very low-key and very mysterious, unlike Motian and Ghost Mountain, which often haunts the outside world.

Mo Wen dragged his severely injured body and found a secret hole. The immediate priority was to quickly recover the injury. Whether it is demon earth or other places, it is not a place of comfort.

The hole was very humid and widened inwards, and there was a strange smell in the air.

"Huh? There are creatures in it!"

Mo Wen found that there were several breaths of life in the depths of the cave, and there was a slight **** smell in the air.

The fluctuations in the breath of life are not very strong, and they should all be monks in Yuanshen Realm. Mo Wen didn't take them into consideration even if he was seriously injured.


As Mo Wen approached, the creatures finally became alert and all stood up, staring out at the cave with vigilance.

At the end of the cave, a bonfire rose, and several humanoids stood around the bonfire.

The reason why humanoid creatures are said is because they are like humans, but their appearance is very different from humans.

Let ’s just say everything is human, but it ’s different from ordinary people. One person is naked. The skin in front is very white, but the skin in the back is as dark as ink. There is a thick spiral horn on the eyebrow.

The facial features of the other person are no different from normal people, but behind them are a pair of huge blue wings, which are three or four feet long, and are crowded in the hole.

Five people, all strangely shaped.

If it is normal, there is only one girl who looks like a girl, her neck is covered with colored scales, and the others are no different from humans.

"Demon language?"

Mo asked secretly surprised, is this really demon earth?

"Don't be nervous, I just passed by here and found a place to settle in."

Mo asked faintly that he was talking about pure demon language. There are hundreds of languages ​​in Ji Wuya's heritage. He still knows some common demon languages.

Several people saw Mo Wen was just a teenager, and he was slightly relieved.

"Sorry, this place is already occupied by us." A young man stared at Mo Wen with a vigilant look. He didn't mean to leave Mo asked here.

Although ancient beasts are the biggest danger here, some people of unknown origin are also in great danger. Who knows what purpose this person approached them.

"I am not malicious." Mo asked faintly.

This hole is occupied, he is naturally not suitable for healing and retreating here, but since he meets wise creatures, he has to ask about the specific situation of this place, not even know where this place is.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just drive him out."

Several people saw that Mo Wen didn't mean to quit, a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes, a grumpy, burly young man wearing a battle armor stepped out, and Mo Wen banged with a punch, and his fist raised a hurricane.


Mo asked that he was surprised to look at the young man's fist, not because of his strong attacking power, but because he was so shocked by the strength of an immortal repairer in Yuanshen Realm.

You should know that in Penglai Fairyland, if a Immortal Cultivator of Yuanshen Realm tries his best, he will be able to level a mountain.

"Could the world here be stronger and the rules stronger?"

Mo Wen had such a thought in his heart. After he woke up, he suspected that the gravity of this world was much stronger than Penglai Wonderland. After he got up, he had a hard time walking. However, because he was seriously injured, it may also be because of the injury that caused him to feel this way, so it was just doubt.

The fist came in an instant, Mo Wen coldly grabbed the fist of the burly young man, just like grabbing the palm of a child, throwing it at once, throwing him out, hitting the mountain wall, banging, The gravel keeps rolling down.

The armored youth climbed up from the gravel, staring fiercely at Mo Wen.

He didn't expect that, being the same young man, he couldn't even catch each other's moves.


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, I saw a crack in the armor.

Moreover, there are more and more cracks, and eventually all of them are broken into pieces and fall to the ground ~ ~ My Yuanbijia, you ... "

The burly young man looked at the shards of armor scattered all over the ground, pointing at Mo Shi in a trembling voice for a long time.

In the cave, the sounds of air-sucking came one after another, looking at the armor spilled on the ground in shock.

Yuanbijia is a treasure of the Lingbao level. It turned into fragments directly. How is it possible!

Even if there is a fight to change the border, it is impossible for such a terrifying force to erupt.

The most frightening thing for them was that the Yuanbi body on Jiequ turned to shatter, but there was no injury on Jiequ at all. To what extent did the young man take control of his strength?

"What the **** are you?" Among the few, a young man headed tremblingly.

Several people realized that the sudden appearance of this young man was far more terrifying than they had imagined. (To be continued.)

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