Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1352: Zhenhai Demon

Under such circumstances, a person who can threaten their lives is naturally terrible.

Several teenagers, all looked at Mo Wen in horror, and all of them were lost.

Mo Wen naturally can see that these people are not very young, have not experienced much, and there is a trace of childishness on their faces. At his age, he can cultivate to the Yuanshen, which is not surprising. Yan can definitely be called a genius.

These people may be younger disciples who came out of a certain school and experienced danger, so they hid in this cave for healing.

He had long seen that there were various injuries on his body, but the **** smell he smelled was emitted from these people.

"It doesn't matter who I am, now I have something to ask you, as long as you answer truthfully, I will not embarrass you." Mo asked faintly.

First, he wants to clarify the current situation, first understand the environment, and then make plans for the next step.

A daring teenager stood up and stared at Mo in a cautious manner: "What do you want to ask?"

They also know that the life and death of all people are now in the hands of this mysterious person, and if they want to live, they must obey the instructions obediently.

In fact, a few people are very strange, when Zhenhai Demon Prison has such a terrible mysterious master. As far as they know, all the people currently practicing in Zhenhai Demon Prison are monks at the level of Yuan Shen Realm. This mysterious boy is definitely not a figure at the level of Yuan Shen Realm.

"Where is this?" Mo asked faintly.

Several young girls heard the words, all of them were shocked, and looked at Mo Wen with horrified eyes.

"You don't even know where this is, how did you get in?" The pretty girl looked up and asked inexplicably at Mo.

There are generally only three kinds of creatures in Zhenhai Demon Prison. One is the horrible ancient beast that lives in Demon Prison. It is said that many ancient beasts have lived in Zhenhai Demon Prison since ancient times. There is also a kind of immortal cultivator in their fairy cloud, who has the opportunity to enter Zhenhai Demon Prison and experience.

As for the last one, it is terrifying, but it is the demon held in Zhenhai Demon Prison.

It is said that in ancient times, this was a well-known prison. Many ancient fiends were imprisoned here. However, any one of the fiends who can live from ancient times to the present day has a terrifying cultivation practice.

However, there are not many demon heads imprisoned by Zhenhai Demon Prison, and the probability of encountering such a demon head is quite small.

Especially on the first floor of Zhenhai Demon Prison, the probability of encountering the devil is almost zero.

"You only need to answer my question." Mo Wen looked at the girl coldly.

The girl shivered and her body was cold, so she dared not say anything.

"The name here is Zhenhai Demon Prison, which is located in the fairy cloud of the demon world, but this is not a site for anyone, but an ancient place, used to hold prisoners for heavy prisoners in ancient times ..."

Several people looked at Mo Wen with strange eyes. If this person is an ancient fiend, then it is impossible for him to not know where it is. Even if he is a descendant of the ancient fiend, he should know that he is in Zhenhai Demon Prison In this completely enclosed space.

Unlike their immortal cultivators, they are not imprisoned fiends. Could it be that an ancient beast had evolved into a humanoid by coincidence and gave birth to wisdom?

Ancient beasts are different from demon races. Ancient beasts are very primitive. Although they also have powerful powers, some ancient beasts can even destroy the heavens and the earth, and easily kill the heavenly saints among the immortals. But they can't be transformed into human form, only the beast instinct can't give birth to wisdom.

Of course, there are some very special cases, that is, ancient beasts have evolved again, born wisdom, and can even be transformed into human form.

Legend has it that the demon clan is a race that has evolved from ancient beasts, and their bloodline origin is the most primitive ancient beast.

A quarter of an hour later, Mo Wen finally figured out where the place was, and the center smiled bitterly.

He inexplicably broke into an ancient prison. Others could not avoid such a place, but he broke in by himself.

Demon world!

He did not expect that the empty epiphyllum shattered the void and actually brought him into the demon world.

Here, it is obviously too far away from Penglai Fairyland. Even if he wants to go back, it is impossible, because the original world is wrapped in mysterious power, so he can only leave and not enter.

"You said, as long as it is not the demon detained here, and is not locked by the rules of the world, it will be easy to leave here without being suppressed by Zhenhai Demon Prison?"

Mo asked, he didn't want to be inexplicably detained in such an ancient prison.

"Predecessor, in fact, Zhenhai Demon Prison is an ancient place. It has been abandoned as early as the ancient times. Since the ancient times, there has been no demon head locked by Zhenhai Demon Prison. However, seniors want to go out from here, but they will not It's easy ... "

The young man with a pair of blue wings behind his back pondered.

"Oh, what do you say?" Mo asked faintly.

"Since ancient times, Zhenhai Demon Prison has been controlled by the three demon clan of Xianyunhai. In addition to the rules of the heaven and earth of Zhenhai Demon Prison, the three demon clan have also laid out layered formations outside the Zhenhai Demon Prison The big formation under the big demon clan is almost impossible. "

After the deserted Zhenhai Demon Prison was taken over by the three demon clan of Xianyunhai, there was a formation guardianship. Occasionally, some demons messing up in the sea of ​​fairy clouds will also be imprisoned.

Only the monks of the three demon clan and holding the tokens can get out of Zhenhai Demon Prison.

"Senior, with your cultivation and talents, as long as you are willing to join our Feiyu demon clan, you can definitely get out of Zhenhai Demon Prison."

The young man with a pair of Dapeng's green wings behind him said.

At this time, several people feel more and more that this young man is probably an evolutionary ancient beast.

Because this young man is too young, and the traitor from the soul breath is much younger than them.

Only some ancient beasts that have succeeded in evolution have such a young body and profound cultivation.

Moreover, the existence of this ancient beast evolution is all the luck of the sky, the master of the heaven and earth, and the talent and luck are definitely the first-class existence in the world. The emergence of any one will become the target of the frantic scrambles of the major forces.

There is a supreme in the demon world, which is the evolutionary life of ancient beasts. The position of the Supreme in the world of demon can be said to be second to none.

"Join our sea jiao demon clan, our sea jiao demon clan is far stronger than the flying feather demon clan, and it is guaranteed to take you out of Zhenhai Demon Prison and join a more powerful demon clan, which will greatly help future development.

Another young man with a single horn on his head also hurriedly solicited, if this young man is really a life evolved from the ancient beast, he was recruited into the race by him, it is definitely a great achievement.

How can such credit be robbed by others.

"Fart, our Lihai tribe is the most powerful race among the three demon tribes."

Seeing that someone was soliciting Mo asked, several others couldn't sit still, and they all spoke out to solicit.

Mo asked funny looking at these teenagers, they are still not involved in the world, otherwise they will not immediately make a soliciting move just by speculation. However, Mo has no interest in joining the three demon clan.

At least, at present, his biggest thing is to heal the injury, and then find a way to break through to the right.

Hedao Realm and God's Virtual Realm are a huge watershed, which is extremely difficult to break through, but in the demon world, the difficulty of breaking into Hedao Realm is obviously not much smaller than that of the original world.

Mo Wen ignored the solicitation of several teenagers, turned and walked out of the cave, and walked hundreds of miles into the depths of the jungle before staying in a hidden cave.

After carefully laying out layers of defensive formations outside the cave, Mo Wen entered the cave to heal.

Healing is a very dangerous time for immortals, this danger comes not only from the injury itself, but also from the outside world.

Immortal repairers can't be disturbed, especially at critical moments.

A month later, Mo Wen's injury finally healed. This time he was seriously injured, but it was not difficult to recover. Because of the spatial power in his body, he can absorb it himself, and after the empty epiphyllum is refined into his body, Mo Wen has gradually mastered part of the spatial power.

In the dark hole, Mo sat cross-legged, his body floating in the air quietly, without any help, no trace of aura, he put the Buddha itself without gravity, floating in the sky extremely quiet.

"The mystery of space is indeed magical."

For a long time, Mo Wen opened his eyes slowly, a bright light flashed in the depths of his pupils, he stretched his hand towards the void in front of him, and suddenly tore a dark space crack to appear in front of him.

The cracks in the space are deep like black holes, and seem to hide the endless waves of time and space, which is daunting.

The space of the demon world is far more stable than the original world. In the original world, a fairy-cultivator in the Taixuan realm can tear the void, but in the monster realm, even a god-cultivator of the **** realm cannot tear the void.

The Zhenhai Demon Prison where he is located is a prison in ancient times, and the space is even more stable. Even if there is no power of the Zhenhai Demon Prison to suppress it, if you want to tear the space here, I am afraid that you ca n’t do it in the usual way.

Mo Wen can do it. Naturally, it is not that his power is strong enough, but that he gradually began to grasp the power of space. Even, his body is faintly imprinted with the imprint of space and heaven.

A stream of silver light illuminated from the dark cave, enveloping Mo Wen's body. At the next moment, his body flew into the cracks of space, striding directly into the endless terror of time and space.

The dark space crack slightly shook ~ ~ slowly closed, the whole cave fell into a dead silence again.

A quarter of an hour later, over a river more than three thousand meters away from the cave, I saw that the void suddenly burst into a crack, and a cloud of silver slowly flew out of the crack.

It was a young man in white in Yin Guang, it was Mo Wen.

"Sure enough, the space around Zhenhai Demon Prison was blocked by the ancient large formation, and I couldn't even break through."

Mo Wen stood quietly in the night sky, frowning slightly.

He is not a prisoner of Zhenhai Demon Prison, and the rules of heaven and earth in this Zhenhai Demon Prison will naturally not prevent him from leaving. But the space around Zhenhai Demon Prison has another force wrapped in it, which is quite terrifying. If you are not good at the power of space, even a monk who wants to break in is not easy.

The people who can deploy this kind of formation are at least the handwriting that exists in the same way, and it is still a large formation that consumes a lot of resources.

(To be continued.)

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