Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1388: Tianpeng seek revenge

A virgin forest two million kilometers away from Juju City, at which time the entire forest is divided into two. ? There is a bottomless ditch-ravine in the middle.

The gully-gully is 10 million kilometers long, spanning a huge area, like a huge abyss.

At this time, a stream of rich and refined vitality continuously emerged from the abyss. The vitality was suspended and empty, and turned into a cloud of nine colors that covered the sky and sun, which was extremely spectacular.

"What a terrible world."

Mo Wen was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. Only the vitality leaked out could form such a wide range of clouds in the sky, and the cloud actually had nine colors.

"Deep in the ground, I am afraid that there are nine-color Yuan Shi." Mo asked guessing.

Nine-color Yuanshi is not easy to breed, but some special places can be bred.

For example, in this underground abyss, if the vitality inside is compressed and accumulated for many years, it is very likely that one or two nine-color Yuanshi will be bred as time goes by.

"Mo asked Daoyou, we just got the news that there is an underground secret realm that has never been opened under the abyss. It has been buried deep in the ground before, because the ancient green ground is about to collapse, and the crustal movement deep in the ground only took this Push the ground to the ground. "

A blue escape light flew from a distance and fell beside Mo Wen's side. It was none other than Xue Yiming.

Soon, Xue Guangkun and Master Hong Chen also flew over.

They did not venture into the cracks in the ground, but explored clearly before deciding whether to enter.

"Underground Secret!"

Mo asked how bright his eyes were, the value of an unopened underground secret realm, but he was quite clear.

"Don't hesitate, go in. If you Xue family don't go, I can go."

Hong Chen, the leader, urged that he could not bear it.

Like this mysterious realm, there are some chances in it that can help him break through to the realm of avenues.

He has been stuck in the Dao Realm for too long, too long. If he cannot take the last step, Shou Yuan will run out sooner or later.

Xue Guangkun was also eager to try, and wanted to break into a crack in the ground immediately.

At this time, more and more escaped light has penetrated into the cracks in the ground. If they go late, the good things might be taken away by others.

"Guangkun, you go and give it a try, I and Yiming can just stay outside."

Xue Changkong said. Their Xue family, with a family mission, cannot casually break into some dangerous places.

One of them must stay in a safe area.

"Don't ink anymore, let's go. The secret realm is born, and now no one will stare at your Xue family."

The red dust leader turned into a red light and flew into the crack.

The Xue family's scruples are nothing more than worrying about the treasures being taken away by others.

Since the Xue family came, I do not know how many treasures they carried. For the Xue family, protecting their own property is the top priority.

Mo Wen's eyes flicked into a crack and flew into the crack.

The secret world was born, and the opportunity was quite rare, and he did not want to miss it.

Soon, Mo Wen broke into the depth of the crack, and the more he flew downward, the stronger the surrounding vitality. He was sure that there must be nine-colored Yuanshi deep in the ground.

Mo Wen did not go all the way with Hong Chen, but explored the abyss alone.

He has a treasure hunt jade bracelet on his body, and the treasure hunt efficiency is much higher than others. He doesn't seem to expose his secrets of treasure hunting bracelets.

The fissures are quite large, and there is no end in sight. There are many passages in the soil layer, densely like spider webs, leading to different areas.

Mo Wen took out the treasure hunting jade bracelet and flew everywhere.

In fact, there are a lot of treasures under the ground, flying all the way, there are Yuanshi ore veins and various worlds and sacred medicines.

However, for ordinary treasures, it is a waste of time to collect them without asking them. Usually it doesn't matter, but now, a large number of immortal practitioners flood into the cracks. Those really good things, if the hands and feet are not fast enough, I am afraid they will be robbed by others.

Treasure hunting jade bracelets are shining all the time, and have never stopped along the way.

But Mo didn't even bother to ask. Only when the radiance of the treasure-seeking jade bracelet was very strong, he would look for it.

This is the case with Rao. In less than a quarter of an hour, he collected seven Qianling Holy Medicines, three Qiankun Holy Medicines, and some advanced refining materials.


Mo Wen suddenly looked at the treasure hunt jade bracelet in amazement, and now the treasure hunt jade bracelet once again shines strongly, and it is much stronger than before.

"Look at it in the past."

Mo Wen followed the direction of the treasure-seeking jade bracelet and drilled into an underground cave and flew all the way down the cave.

On the way, after passing through several forks, he finally came to the place where the treasure-seeking jade bracelet guided.

"Yuanshi veins?"

Mo Wen stunned for a while, this place is obviously a metalithic vein, but the ordinary metalithic vein is obviously impossible to cause such a strong reaction of the treasure hunt jade bracelet.

"Senior metalithic veins?"

In Mo Yan's eyes, he was very happy that nine-color metastones are likely to appear in this high-grade metalithic vein.


A terrible consciousness emerged from Mo Wen, swept through the whole earth, and went deep into the Yuanshi mine veins.

Although the consciousness is greatly weakened deep in the ground, the Yuanshi ore veins will also greatly weaken the power of the consciousness because of the too strong vitality and the magnetic field.

But the vastness of Mo Wen's consciousness, since the cultivation of the fourth city with hundreds of millions of gods, his power of consciousness chased the immortal practitioners in the realm. Even in the depths of the high-order mineral veins, his consciousness can cover thousands of kilometers.

"Sure enough, although there are no nine-color primaries in the veins, there are eight-color primaries."

Mo Wen was excited. Although he didn't find the nine-color Yuan Shi, he was rather disappointed, but the eight-color Yuan Shi was also a rare treasure. Even the celestial cultivator in Dadao realm regards the eight-color prismatic stone as a treasure, because an octagonal prismatic stone is difficult to find among the cultivators. Sometimes a high-order prismatic mineral vein may only produce one or two octagonal prismatic stones.

But the mineral veins here contain thousands of colored stones, which is definitely a very amazing asset.

Mo Wen waved his hand, and dozens of flying swords suddenly appeared in front of him. All the flying swords instantly penetrated into the rock layer and disappeared without a flash.

Mo Wen didn't manage the seven-color metaliths in the veins. Although there are countless seven-color metaliths in this high-order ore vein, the number of metamorphic gems below the seven-color is not known.

However, among those who cultivate immortals, seven-color Yuanshi is still relatively common, and it is not difficult to ask if it is necessary. But the eight-color Yuanshi is different, but it is something that cannot be bought with money.

Feijian went straight to the location of the eight-color Yuanshi, and then dug out the eight-color Yuanshi.

Soon, Mo Wen's Yuanshi piled up in front of him, each of them was shining with eight colors, and there were more than 1,300 pieces.

Mo Wen waved his hand and was ready to put away all the eight-colored Yuanshi.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

I saw Mo Wen's location, and a horrible ancient sword suddenly appeared. The ancient sword was made of bronze, stained with blood stains on it, and the blood stain did not know whose blood. Ordinary immortal cultivators are afraid to take a glance, they will instantly pull into the **** sea of ​​corpses, and will sink forever and become an idiot.


The bronze ancient sword seemed to tear the entire world, and a deep ditch-gully appeared under the ground, and a large amount of earth and rock collapsed from the mud layer above.

The might of a single blow, even if it is an ordinary merging Daxun who can't stop the immortal, can be killed if one is careless.

"Huh? It's actually shown in advance."

A soft whisper sounded in the dark ground, four beams of light slowly appeared in the sky and soil, and four young people appeared.

But Mo Wen's position was gone, Mo Wen's figure has long disappeared, like a phantom.

"There is no injustice and hatred against you, why attack me."

Mo Wen's figure walked out slowly in the dark. In fact, as his soul immortal cultivator, these hidden people have long appeared. However, in order to excavate the eight-color Yuanshi, he pretended not to know.

The other party didn't show up immediately. I was afraid that he deliberately asked him to dig out all the eight-color Yuan Shi and then start.

"Do not ask, today is your death."

Among the four, a young man in blue dress walked out and looked at Mo Wen with a cold smile.

"you know me?"

Mo asked looking at the man in surprise, he had never seen this young man.

"Huh, you don't want to be famous, you can escape from the pursuit of Elder Lei Peng, who doesn't know you."

The young man in blue snorted, and suddenly there was a lot of light on his body, a pair of huge wings appeared behind him, and the whole underground world was illuminated by the pair of shocking and gorgeous wings.

"No wonder the people of the Tianpeng tribe."

Mo asked and nodded, finally finally understanding why the other party found himself, and the Tianshang elder Peng Tianlei always wanted him to die.

However, the people of the Tianpeng tribe in front of him are not from the Lei Peng line, but from the Yun Peng line.

At present, the head of the Tianpeng tribe is Yunpeng's ancestor. Yunpeng's status in the Tianpeng tribe is superior to Lei Peng.

"Don't ask, blame that you shouldn't offend my Tianpeng tribe, die here."

The young man in blue shook his body and rushed directly at Mo Wen. I saw a cloud of white suddenly above Mo Wen's head. The white cloud was so dense that he enveloped Mo Wen directly.

Mo Wen felt like he had fallen into the swamp, and a terrible **** continued to act on him.

At the same time, the huge claws have been protruding from the clouds ~ ~ extending all the way down, and getting bigger and bigger.

By the time he was about to hit Mo Wen, the claws were already as big as mountains.

Mo Wen asked with a blank expression, without looking at the huge claw, and punched directly.

The punch seemed simple, but it broke the space in an instant, then arrived first, and suddenly hit the huge claw. ,


There was a loud noise.

I saw the huge claw, and was knocked back instantly. A huge Yunpeng flew out of the clouds and hit the stone wall. For a time, the landslides were cracking, and the area around the square seemed to be collapsing.

"What a terrible body."

Yun Peng struggled to get up from the ruins, staring at Mo Wen with incredible eyes.

His huge body stretched hundreds of miles, covering the sky and covering the sun, and directly propped up a huge space deep in the ground.

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