Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1389: 1 punch

In Yun Peng's heart, the teenager's flesh was too strong, what race did he come from?

So far, everyone has treated Mo Wen as a demon clan. 『』 『After all, it is impossible for a human immortal to have such a strong physical body, and only some special races of the demon race can cultivate the physical body to such a point.

Although there is no demon spirit in Mo Wen's body, it is difficult to judge the race from some of the most basic things when cultivating to the level of a common state. In fact, some demon clan with special talents pretend to be human clan monks, but they can also hide from the sky.

"Come again!"

Yun Peng was not reconciled. He belonged to the top-notch presence in the great consummation of the Dao. He had been in the Xianyun Sea for tens of thousands of years. No one but the ancestors in the Dadao realm could threaten him.

Just now, he didn't do his best, but now he is serious.


Yun Peng's body swelled frantically, turned into a thousand miles, and the cloud gas rolled, as if a cloud of invisible ends.

I saw that the white clouds turned into a huge giant palm photographed from the sky.

"Yun Obliterated the Nether Hands, die for me!"

The terrible breath spread wildly. As the giant Baiyun giant pressed down, the world seemed to collapse.

The strange thing is that the huge cloud hand covers thousands of miles, but it does not affect the structure of the underground in the underground world. It seems to come from another space, not in the normal space.

Moreover, Mo Wenxian found that the space around him had solidified, and the void space turned into a barrier, holding him to death.

The range of thousands of miles is certainly large, but when Mo asked about the existence of this state, he can leave in a single thought.

But the huge cloud hand in front of me, the ordinary Taoist realm-cultivator, could not hide it, because the surrounding space had already turned into a barrier. It is impossible to escape without destroying space barriers.


Mo Wen lip angle slightly upwards, the power of space rules, the cloud obliterated hand obviously contains the rules of space.

When you practice in the Taoist realm, you will generally understand the rules of space. The so-called circumvention is the deeper you understand the rules of heaven and earth, even if you only practice the most common way of flame, if you can practice The level of the heavenly saints, the understanding and application of other heavenly path rules are certainly not bad.

However, to display the magical power of cloud obliteration, it is certainly impossible to understand the rules of space.

Therefore, Yunpeng must also fix space rules.

"The Tianpeng tribe was born, and he also studied space rules. I was afraid it would be hard to get rid of." Mo asked secretly.

However, he was not afraid, and Yun Peng, who was in the same place, was still waiting to deal with him.

"Yun Qianfeng's trick of cloud obliteration is a lot more terrible than it was ten thousand years ago. It is worthy of Yunpeng's peculiar learning of the town people. Now I am facing Yun Qianfeng. "

A young man in purple clothes exclaimed that the huge cloud hand above the sky, even though he felt a huge sense of oppression.

"Yun Qianfeng still has some patience, otherwise he is not qualified to join us." The youth in black said lightly.

The four of them, each of whom is a peerless strongman of the Feiyu clan, ranks within the clan, second only to the existence of Dadao Realm.

The Feiyu tribe has a history of hundreds of millions of years in the demon world. With such a long inheritance, the powerful naturally emerge in endlessly. Every period of time, there will be many amazing-character characters. These amazing-character characters have accumulated more and more with time. , Getting stronger and stronger.

In fact, there is no shortage of masters in the Dao Realm in any of the powerful forces in the Xianyun Sea. Some demon-like Dao Realities exist even in a Dadao Realm that is capable of rivaling ordinary ones.

The only reason for this is that it is too difficult to break through, and I do n’t know how many talented wizards are trapped in this step.

Some peerless geniuses have broken through to the Dao realm in less than a thousand years.

However, in the next tens of thousands of years, and even 100,000 years, no further breakthroughs can be made to the Dadao realm.

Break through to the avenue, pay attention to talent, resources, and luck.

Without luck, it is almost impossible to break through to Dadao Realm.

Dadao Realm is a realm of immortal repairers who succeeded in establishing the realm of Daocheng Dao. In this realm, no one can help you, even Heavenly Dao saints cannot help a spiritual repairer take this step.

Because, before the ancient times, Dadao Realm was also called the foundation of the fairy road. Those who have stepped into the road have already had the opportunity to turn their feathers into immortals. Since ancient times, Xianyuan can only rely on itself.

Several young people from the Feiyu tribe sneered. They are just a young man on the surface. In fact, they are all old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years. The benefits of elders.

However, they didn't think that they needed all of them to beat and beat each other, and it's just a matter of asking. It is estimated that Yun Qianfeng alone is enough to clean up.

Which of the four of them was placed in the Xianyunhai is not prestigious, enough to deter the presence of the heroes, how could it be possible to pull down your face to siege a gang. Only those who are immortalists in Dadao Realm have this treatment.

"Give me death, don't think that the Xue family is guarding you, my Tianpeng tribe can't help you." Yun Qianfeng grinned violently, a man who was too old for Lei Peng to kill could not be killed. Yang Sihai.

Of course, he doesn't think he is stronger than the elder Lei Peng. Compared with the elder Lei Peng, he is naturally a thousand miles away. But the current situation is not the same as at that time.

Because Mo Wen had already escaped into the crack of the space at that time, and fled all the way to the depth of the crack. Elder Lei Peng was not good at space rules, and it was normal for him to escape.

But now, he has completely sealed the surrounding space into space barriers. Mo Wen wants to escape the cracks in space, only by breaking his space barriers.

Humph! Is his space barrier so good to break? When he breaks the space barrier, his clouded hands will probably hit him.

However, when Yun Qianfeng thought that Mo Wen could only take a hard blow, Mo Wen's body disappeared strangely.

Without any signs, it disappears out of thin air.

"The power of space rules."

Yun Qianfeng's face changed wildly, and with his accomplishments in the way of space, he immediately realized that what Mo asked just now was the power of space, and the use of space was much higher than his.

"How could his understanding of space be so deep!"

Yun Qianfeng is unbelievable, although he has long known that Mo Wen has a good attainment in the way of space. But I think it is at most similar to myself, but the situation in front of him is not only similar to him, but several levels higher than him.

It was too shocking to be able to shuttle silently through his space barriers without any influence.

"Yun Qianfeng be careful."

Among the four youths, the cold-faced young man in black suddenly stared and stared up horrifiedly.

The other three heard this and looked up.

I saw an incomparably huge body appearing above 10,000 meters. That body's hugeness was simply unbelievable, far larger than Yunpeng's hundred-mile-long body.

Compared with the two, it looks like a giant and a sparrow.

"Body with four heads and eight arms, what kind of creature is that?"

The youth in purple clothes exclaimed.

From the giant with four heads and eight arms, he felt a breath of monstrous weather. That kind of breath is not like the existence of this era, just a little feeling will have a strong sense of palpitations.

Of course, this is not the key. As a demon race in the same realm, the body can be arbitrarily large and small, and it is extremely large, and it is possible to reach tens of thousands of miles.

However, this is the underground world.

Here is deep underground, the space is limited, such a huge body, the underground space simply can not accommodate. If it is forcibly manifested, it must resist the pressure of the entire earth fissure abyss layer, even if the immortal repairer in the same realm may not do such a silly thing.

However, the huge giant was not restricted by the underground space at all. His body seemed to be in another infinitely large space, so the power could be freely exerted.

Yun Qianfeng also reacted at this time, looking at the endless huge body over the sky, so terrified that the whole body shivered and almost fell from the sky.

He also has a good attainment in the way of space, so he can also exert this ability to show a larger body in the overlapping space. In the underground world, there are great restrictions, and in many cases, you can't fully expand your hands and feet. This spatial method can solve some of the obstacles.

However, Yun Qianfeng can't show his strongest state. After all, his space rules are not good enough. Unlimited display of all powers is likely to cause space collapse.

Expanding his body to such a degree as Mo asked, he couldn't even think of it.

The giant is at least thousands of miles tall. Such a huge body can withstand the space without any sign of collapse.

"You try my blow too."

Mo Wenbaoxiang was solemn. He with four heads and eight arms had no difference in appearance from himself.

"Fisting the world!"

A giant boxing broke through the sky and crashed down.

The fist had just appeared, and it appeared on Yun Peng's body in an instant. All methods of avoiding retreat, the space was broken, there was no distance, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Be careful!"

The young man in black finally changed his face at this time. Yun Qianfeng also tried his best to block the space so that the enemy could not hide.

But the young man ignored the world, the time and space, and everything!

There is no use for any means ~ ~ can only be hard hit.


Yun Qianfeng ’s hundreds of kilometers of Kunpeng ’s body was directly shattered into pieces, and the entire underground space seemed to be unable to bear.

Strangely, with such terrible power, the rock layers of the underground world have not been affected, and even a trace of mud has not been loosened.

"Quickly save Yun Qianfeng."

The young man in red who had not spoken had his eyes tightened, and his body disappeared in a flash.

Although the punch just smashed Yun Qianfeng's Kun Peng's body, he did not kill him.

Cultivating to their level, it is already quite difficult to be killed.

However, Yun Qianfeng had suffered extremely serious injuries and could not condense his flesh within a short period of time. With the power like just now, a few more punches might be directly scattered by the soul.

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