Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 864: ending


Waner's courage surprised many Wuhumen people. Although everyone knows that Fu Yu is not a good thing, but a malicious one, he hasn't known how many bad things he has done in these years. However, although my heart is clear, no one dares to say it. After all, the mysterious shadow is too terrible. At this time, who dares to talk nonsense.


The mysterious shadow turned around to look at Fu Yu. A little curiosity flashed in his eyes. He knew the character of Waner's girl, who could make her like this. Fu Yu might be really bad.

He did not pay much attention to this woman before, only when she was a running dog of Yang Gongcheng.

"Little bitch, don't talk nonsense."

Fu Yu was stopped by Wan'er, and his complexion suddenly changed, and Sei Nei visibly drank at Waner. She didn't think that this Waner actually had this courage. She usually saw her honestly, but at this time she dared to come out to do bad things. Why didn't she kill this little girl.

"Who do you scold."

Who knows, the mysterious shadow directly slaps in the past, slamming Fu Yu out of more than ten meters, and fell **** the ground.

Fu Yu was so scared that he climbed up from the ground tremblingly and said loudly, "Senior, don't believe her, she is nonsense, I am really forced, everything Yang Gongcheng instructed me to do so, I do n’t want to, but I ca n’t help it. If I do n’t do what he wants, he will kill me. ”

The people of the Five Tiger Gates heard their words and rolled their eyes one by one. Who does n’t know, because Fu Yu has such a godfather like Yang Gongcheng, he usually does n’t know how arrogant and arrogant he is.

Now, Gong Gongcheng is dead, this woman immediately puts all the blame on him. If Yang Gongcheng knows, I am afraid that it was not killed by the mysterious shadow, but by the woman.

"I don't believe her. Do you still believe you?" Mysterious shadow said indifferently.

Fu Yu froze a bit, and then immediately reacted, this mysterious man can appear here, I am afraid to come to save this little bitch. This little **** is going to kill her.

After realizing this problem, Fu Yu's face was pale. She couldn't understand her breaking her head. How could Su Wan'er, a little bitch, be maintained by such a person.

"Wan'er, the original thing was really not my fault. It was all Yang Gongcheng. He instructed me to do it. Yang Gongcheng was not a good thing. He must report it. Your father won a hundred in the Zongmen competition. Lizong made him lose face, so he secretly hated, so he tricked your parents to kill. You think, I am a woman, I have to work hard and have no power, have rights and no rights. How can I have the ability to harm your father. "

"You must believe me, I have done a lot of bad things in these years, but all of them were forced by Yang Gongcheng's old thing. I also regret it. I am also very unwilling, but I am a weak woman, can is there any method……"

Talking, Fu Yu took up his sleeves and wiped tears. She also looks sad and painful all these years.

"It was you who killed my parents, you vicious woman." Waner's expression was firm, and Fu Yu was the enemy who killed her parents. She never mentioned it at all, even pretending to be stupid, but she knew better than anyone else.

"I don't care if you are wronged. Since she told you to die, die."

The mysterious shadow was too lazy to pay attention to Fu Yu's excuse, and waved her hand directly, and a light hit Fu Yu, her body exploded into a blood mist.

The **** smell wafted throughout the five tiger gates, and the square was very quiet. No one dared to speak, and no sound dared to come out.

At this time, everyone understands that the whole mysterious black shadow appears here, mostly because Su Wan'er, for her alone, created such a big murder. Many people's eyes on Su Wan'er have completely changed, and there is even a little awe in their eyes. Su Wan'er is not terrible, but if there is such a murderer behind her, it will be terrible.

Some people who are familiar with Su Waner are speculating about Su Waner's connection with this mysterious shadow, but no matter how they guess, they have no idea. It's just a disciple outside Zongmen who almost never goes out of the Taihang Mountains. How could he be connected with such a person?

Dealt with the people of Bailizong, but the mysterious shadow did not leave immediately, but slowly looked at the people of Wuhumen.

A doorman at Wuhumen looked at the mysterious shadow and looked scared. One by one, he was so scared that he didn't want to look at him. Does this killing **** want to operate on Wuhumen?

Some people have been racking their brains to recall whether they have offended Su Wan'er, fearing that they would have a holiday with Su Waner without knowing it before.

Xie Rengui's complexion changed slightly, and he was a little unclear. What does it mean for the mysterious people to find them in the Wuhumen? Su Wan'er is just a disciple outside the door and belongs to the lowest level of existence. The battle in the sect's doorway usually does not involve her. To be honest, not many people can deliberately embarrass a disciple outside.

"You have an uncle Yuan Shi in Wuhumen. Not long ago, I used a fake prescription to deceive the relics left by Wan'er mother. I want to know, where is this person?"

Said the mysterious shadow faintly, some of the accounts, a while before leaving. Uncle Yuan deceived Wan'er with a fake prescription and deceived a precious jade bracelet.

"Uncle Yuan?"

One by one, the five tiger gates looked at each other, looked around, and seemed to want to find this person. This matter was spoken in public by this mysterious man, apparently preparing to settle accounts after the fall, and Su Wan'er dared to cheat, it was simply that the old life star hanged on his life.

Those with the surname Yuan's Five Tiger Gates have changed their faces one by one, so scared that they have no face. The mysterious man didn't say a specific name, but he mentioned the surname Yuan, causing everyone in the Five Tigers surnamed Yuan to be in danger. Everyone tried to remember whether they had deceived Su Wan'er.

Others who do not have the surname of Yuan from the Five Tiger Gates also have their eyes on these people with the surname of Yuan, with suspicion and speculation in their eyes.

A person with the surname Yuan is sitting on a needle felt. Some people who are sure that they have n’t fooled Su Wan'er are more insulted in their hearts. Which grandchildren fooled Su Wan'er and also surnamed Yuan, aren't you pit fathers?

"It is Uncle Yuan Gang."

Waner whispered that she did not expect that the prescription given to her by Uncle Yuan Gang was actually fake. She always thought that the prescription could be used to cure Brother Mo and was sealed as a treasure. But this mysterious predecessor said at this time, there must be no fake.

"It turned out to be the **** Yuan Gang."

Xie Rengui glanced coldly at a corner of the square, his body murderous, originally he was afraid that the mysterious man would find them at the five tiger gates, but this Yuan Gang actually caused something.

Brush brush!

Almost all the people of Wuhumen look in that direction, and they all have bad face, especially those with the surname Yuan, but they want to kick up. If you **** hurts, it hurts, and the dry hair still has the surname. Yuan, wasn't it a pit father? He didn't scare Xiang out just now.

In the corner of the square, Uncle Yuan had no face, and he was so scared that he could not stand steadily. He spread it directly to the ground. He never dreamed that it would be stabbed by a mysterious person in public. He just saw that Su Wan'er's jade jade bracelet was not worth it. Fei, want to get a little cheaper, who can think of such a thing happening.

Several Wuhumen people could not bear it anymore. Without a word, they caught Uncle Yuan, and almost dragged him in front of Xie Rengui. Looking at Uncle Yuan, his eyes were full of hate, who are you bad? Annoyed, I just got angry with such a fierce god. If you bring trouble to Zongmen and kill you, you will die.

"This predecessor, such a rebellious son appeared in Zong Men, is really ashamed. As the Sovereign of the Five Tigers Gate, I also have a responsibility. Su Wan'er suffered the losses, and I will try my best to repay it. This person is not sorry for his death. "

Xie Rengui dragged Uncle Yuan in front of the mysterious shadow. His eyes were extremely cold, and he wished to shoot him to death with a palm. No one was good enough to provoke Su Waner.

"Waner jade bracelet?" Mysterious shadow said faintly.

"Jade ... Jade ... Bracelet ... Not on me ... On ... on Brother Song Qian ..." Uncle Yuan shivered slightly, terrified and said unfavorably, instinctively dim and dark, it seemed that the end was coming.

"Huh?" Mysterious Youying frowned slightly.

"I'm going, Yuan Gang, you bastard, the grandson of the turtle, your grandpa, you must die, shall I kill your ancestral grave or kill your parents, will you hurt me like this? You must die. Grandson of the turtle ... "

There was a sudden scolding sound from the crowd. A middle-aged man looked pale and jumped out to swear. The people who have done the five tigers look at him with some sympathy and pity, and even some people are still gloating.

This person is no one else, it is Brother Song Qian who is in the mouth of Uncle Yuan Shi.

"Senior, I was wronged. I did n’t even know that the jade bracelet was Wan'er. Yuan Gang, the bastard, owed me money and used that jade bracelet as a mortgage. Who would have thought that he was so insidious, how could it hurt me? ~ ~ With a thump, Song Qian knelt down directly, with an innocent look, he is now in the mood to pick Yuan Gang's ancestral tomb.

The people of Wuhumen almost know that Yuan Gang is a gambling person and owes a lot of money to him. He must have used Waner's jade bracelets to mortgage gambling debts. It can only be said that Song Qian is really not a bad luck If it is accountable for this matter, it will not be wronged.

Even if not accountable, in the face of so many ancestors, being seen by mysterious seniors, I am afraid that there will not be a good life in the future.

"Return the jade jade bracelet to Wan'er. As for this Uncle Yuan, it is your Wuhumen. I will not intervene. You Wuhumen always have rules. Take care of it yourself."

The mysterious dark shadow glanced at Uncle Yuan, and then turned away. In just a moment, the man stepped out of the valley and appeared outside the mountain.

"Yes, those two Dragon City Runes, I gave them to both of them." A faint voice came from outside the sky. (To be continued ...)


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