Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 855: 2 old people


When the last voice fell, the person had disappeared into the sky.

The people of Wuhumen breathed a sigh of relief for a long time. The fierce **** finally left, and he never walked again. I am afraid that he would want to kill a large group of people by virtue of the terrible breath.

However, many people are still a bit strange. This mysterious fierce **** is not a kind. It is shocking to treat the **** wrist of Bai Lizong. Why is it now benevolent, actually did not kill Yuan Gang in public.

"Yuan Gang, as an uncle, did you commit such an unjust act of abduction and deceit, can you be guilty?"

Xie Rengui looked cold, although the mysterious shadow was gone, but he did not dare to treat Yuan Gang lightly, not only to be punished, but also severely punished.

"Yuan Gang convicted and asked the suzerain to spare his life."

Uncle Yuan turned pale, fell to his knees with a thump, and kowtowed for mercy. He had never thought about it, but he only deceived a disciple outside the door, and it would end like this.

"Just know your sins, death sins are exempt, live sins are inescapable. Come here, abandon Yuan Gang's cultivation practices, and expel him from the sect."

Yuan Gang heard the words, and his eyes were black, almost fainting. Such heavy punishments rarely appear in Zongmen, especially against elders like him, but all the five tigers are not surprised, but they all agree, because Yuan Gang's offense this time is not ordinary people, if not heavy Penalty, in case of dissatisfaction of the senior, the consequences are unimaginable.

Xie Rengui waved his hand, and two elders flew out, holding Yuan Gang one by one, and at the next moment, the screaming sounded ...

"Wan'er and Wang Qian, you will be the core disciples of Zongmen in the future. Wait to go back to clean up and live in the small courtyard in the east of the valley.

Xie Rengui looked at Wan'er and Wang Qian kindly, not to mention the relationship between the two and the mysterious predecessor. Not long ago, it was also because there were two people in it, Wuhumen only kept Longcheng Fu and the two elders. If that day, Bailizong's scheming succeeded. The consequences were unimaginable. For Wuhumen, it was a very heavy blow.

"Yes, you guys are also preparing for this. The martial arts conference is about to start. Since you have the Dragon City Rune, go to the Dragon City with the Zongmen team."

The last sentence of that mysterious predecessor. Xie Rengui naturally understood the meaning inside. During this trip to Dragon City, the Five Tiger Gates must be safe and secure, and the two should be steadily and securely sent to Dragon City.

The people around them looked at Su Wan'er and Wang Qian's eyes with envy. The core disciples are the small group of people most importantly cultivated in the sect. Their status is comparable to that of the elders. Not only did the two become core disciples, but they also got a small courtyard in the east of the valley.

East of the valley. But the most beautiful place in the entire valley, the small courtyard inside is carefully set up, built according to the specifications of the ancient palace, the entire east of the small courtyard is not more than ten, usually only the five elders of the five elders, or some important The VIPs were eligible to stay, but the suzerain unexpectedly gave the small courtyard in the east of the valley to the two.

But there is the mysterious fierce **** behind Wan'er. Even if everyone envyed jealousy, they would not dare to say it. From now on, the five tiger gates must not be provoked to be the suzerain. It was Su Waner, the girl.

Su Wan'er was confused, everyone including Wang Qian looked at her with envious eyes, but she couldn't figure it out, what was going on.


At the top of a mountain, Mo Wen stands against the wind, and the coat is fluttering. Clouds on the top of the mountain rolled over, and the mountain was flat, with a glance at a glance.

A faint light flashed from the cloud, and the next moment appeared in front of Mo Wen, not anyone else, but the mysterious shadow.

Mo Wen patted the mysterious shadow on the shoulder, and the gleaming golden light in his eyes finally dissipated slowly, and the mysterious shadow also turned into a ray of light, and quietly entered his medicine spirit ring.

The mysterious shadow that appeared in Wuhumen was naturally not Mo Wen himself, but his black gold puppet. After Mo Wen cultivated the power of consciousness, he could already transfer part of his consciousness to the black-gold puppet, just like his own body. He could manipulate the puppet in a single thought.

This is the only way for the Immortal Cultivator of Yuanshen Realm, but he had it in advance.

Mo asked if he didn't go back to the cabin, he left a farewell letter to Waner, and left. During this time, he was almost recovering from injury, only the last most risky step, so he was not going to stay in the Five Tigers Gate.

He is going to go to Lingfeng's old man's World Flower Valley, where it is absolutely clean and will not be disturbed. It is the best place for him.

But before going to the Flower Valley of the World, Mo Wen asked a person to come to the Bailizong, which is 300 miles away.

When Yang Gongcheng said that he had seen Wu Zong, and there were people behind him, Mo Wen realized that this Bai Li Zong was not as simple as it seemed. To be able to break into the top ten ancestors at the Wulin Conference, there must be an unknown force behind it. This is not very clear.

Therefore, he guessed that there should be warrior forces from the inner world or somewhere else in the Bailizong.

Yong Gongcheng died in the Five Tigers Gate, and a large number of strong men of Bailizong were revoked. If he didn't come forward to deal with it, most of that force would not give up. Wuhumen encountered such forces, almost no resistance.

Bai Lizong is very large, far more than Wuhumen style, as the overlord of Taihang Mountains, a radius of five hundred miles is their territory. Therefore, when Mo asked for Bailizong, he didn't have much effort at all, and he easily found Bailizong's sect.

The news that Yang Gongcheng and the elder Taishang elder who died in Wuhumen had not yet come back. The calmness in Bailizong was as usual, and everyone did their own thing.

However, a dark shadow appeared silently over Bailizong. At the same time, an amazing wave of soul swept out. This wave of soul cannot be noticed by ordinary warriors, only Wuzong can sense it. For the warrior who did not cultivate enough, even if the soul storm had been scraped by him, he could not feel any clue.


Soon after the emergence of the Soul Storm, two figures flew out of the Bailizong and went straight to the direction of the shadow.

The dark figure flashed a little, and directly escaped the Bailizong, appearing on a mountain above a moment. The two figures also followed, both of them climbed the mountain and intercepted the dark shadow.

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of leading us out?"

The two people who appeared on the mountain are a lot of age, with white hair on their temples, their white beards are constantly flying in the cold wind, and their cultivation behaviors are very unusual. The old man stared dimly at the dark shadow, looking dignified.

That horrible soul storm is definitely not something ordinary people can exhibit. The mysterious shadow in front of me is probably not simple. Moreover, I don't know what method he used. The two actually couldn't see the figure under the shadow at all. No matter how they were detected, the shadows were vague and seemingly illusory.

"Yang Gongcheng has already died at the Five Tiger Gate, and a few hundred Lizong Taishang elders have also died together." The dark shadow said faintly.


Two old men heard the words, a flash of strange color flashed in their eyes, but there was not much change in their expressions.

"Did you kill Yang Gongcheng?" Another old man narrowed his eyes and looked at the dark shadow.

"Everyone was killed by me, and I know your purpose. The death of a patriarch of the Baili Sect has no effect on you, so don't do too much business, just participate in the martial arts conference through the name of the Baili Sect. That ’s all. "Said the dark shadow.

"You killed the patriarch of Bailizong, and came here to let us not seek revenge. Are you threatening me?" An old man snorted softly.

"You can think of this as a threat. If you insist on managing these sect affairs, then I can only spend some effort to send both of you on the road." The words of the dark shadow are still indifferent, seeming to be in front of the two Wu Zong Saying that killing them is just a breeze.

"You are arrogant, a patriarch of the Baili Sect, really does not have the right to let us avenge him. However, I would like to know now, what you have skills, dare to come here to threaten us both."

A white-haired old man's face was cold, and a terrible breath was released. At the same time, a huge palm formed by ice and snow appeared in front of the dark shadow out of thin air, and then slapped hard with a slap.

Faced with the huge ice and snow giant palm, the dark shadow was unavoidable. Raising one arm a little, the huge ice and snow palm shattered inch by inch.

"Sure enough, there are some ways."

Two white-haired old people can see that the dark shadow is also Wuzong-level cultivation practice, and cultivation practice is still superior to them.

Two white-haired old men glanced at each other, and then shot at the same time, two terrible Wuzong breath broke out on top of the mountain, one left and one right hit the dark shadow.

On the top of the mountain ~ ~ The wind and frost started at first. The cold wind cut the mountain like a knife. Some rocks on the mountain wall were directly blown down by the terrible cold wind. Covered with a layer of frost.

Obviously, the two white-haired elders practiced high and deep cold exercises, and their first shot was freezing cold and freezing the earth.

However, in the wind and snow, a golden light suddenly appeared, as if a sun shone on the earth.

As soon as the golden light appeared, the ice and snow on the top of the mountain seemed to have encountered flames and melted, and disappeared in an instant. The cold wind disappeared, and the terrifying coldness completely dissipated. Appears on top of the mountain.

The heat wave caused the two Wuzong realms to take a subconscious step back slightly. The rocks above the mountain melted and the magma flowed, forming a small lake in a moment.

"What's that?" The pupils of the two old men shrank suddenly, staring at the golden light horror.

I saw the golden light, but it was a long sword. The long sword was very simple and beautiful, but when they looked at the long sword, they felt a thrilling breath that made them tremble. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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