Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 856: Go to Dragon City

??? The two old men were terrified in their eyes. They practiced the deepest cold attribute exercises. Once they exerted their strength, the chills shone. [ads: This site has a new website, shorthand method :,] But at this time, it was completely restrained by the quaint flame sword. As soon as the cold appeared, it would be completely resolved in the next moment.

What kind of weapon is that? The shock that they could not express in their hearts, a weapon could actually restrain them to this point.

The light of the ancient long sword became brighter and brighter. At the next moment, a mighty air swept through, and the shocking pressure came.

"No, it's a mysterious implement, and it's also a very high-grade mysterious implement!" An old man was shocked and flicked back, and the other old man hurriedly took out a jade fan from his arms. The fan is made of white jade, and the beads are round and jade, and as soon as it appears, an amazing chill comes out.

The white jade fan is actually a mysterious weapon. The fluctuation of the spiritual power on it is much stronger than the ordinary spiritual weapon.

The white-haired old man slammed, and at the next moment, a cold air rose up, barely dissipating the surrounding heat, but it could only affect the distance of three meters around, and the distance was still compressing.

Another white-haired old man appeared very tacitly behind the old man holding the jade fan. He held a few pieces of spirit stone in his hand, and the other hand reached the back of the old man holding the fan. The method transfers the aura drawn from the spirit stone.

Warriors use the magic weapon of immortal repairers, they must first be converted into spiritual power through the spirit stone, so that they can be used.

However, what the two old men did not expect was that the long flame sword did not need to be charged like them at all, and it was directly split with a sword, and an amazing sword gas passed by.

The two old men were dumbfounded, their faces pale with fright, and they could use the mysterious weapon without accumulating energy. What happened?

The two originally wanted to use the white feather fan to resist the attack of the ancient flame sword, but now, there is simply not enough time. They only transformed one-fifth of the spiritual power.


The sword gas flashed away, but the whole mountain shook violently, and a large number of stones rolled off the top of the mountain. Rumbled down like a landslide.

An amazing gully appeared between the two old men. The gully was two meters wide, and the bottom was not deep. It was faintly visible that the red magma under the gully was seen from above. There was an invisible sword gas swimming in the gully. If an ordinary person appeared by the gully at this time, I am afraid that they would be immediately twisted into dust by those invisible sword qi.

The two old men looked at each other, looking at the sword marks under their feet. A sword mark like a ravine almost divided the mountain into two.

If such a terrible attack came against them. Then they might not be seriously injured.

Both can see that the Jianqi was not directed against them, otherwise they would absolutely not be able to stand here in peace. The dark shadow didn't seem to kill them. It's just a deterrent.

"Are you a legendary fairy repairer?"

An old man looked at the dark shadow in horror. Only those who cultivated immortals could directly use the magic weapon instead of spending time to condense their spiritual power. The sword just now was too fast, and there was simply no time for savings.

"I just want to tell you that I have the ability to kill you, you better not provoke trouble." The dark shadow said faintly.

"Provoking right and wrong? You ran directly to Bailizong to threaten the two of us, are we still provoking right and wrong?" An old man said angrily. How is this man so overbearing in front of him.

"I just remind you." The tone of the dark shadow is very indifferent, always breezy, not dusty.

The two old men were very angry, but they didn't have any attacks. They forced their tempers to endure. In the scene they just saw, the mysterious person was indeed terrible. And he is likely to be an immortal, and for such a person, the two do not want to provoke.

"You are not used to threaten us at all. Yang Gongcheng's life and death have nothing to do with the two of us. Without him as the suzerain, we can choose another suzerain. As long as you don't destroy our major events, will we be able to live with you? . "

After they had tempered, they finally chose to compromise. It is indeed unwise to be an enemy to such a mysterious man for the sake of a Yang Gongcheng. Moreover, they also worry that even if the two hands are not opponents of this mysterious person.

"I hope so." The dark shadow left a word, and the figure disappeared on the mountain in a flash. There are no traces here and there, the mystery of the body law has shocked the two old Wuzong realms. Both of them just failed to understand the body law just now, almost surpassing their cognition.

"Maybe we really met an immortal."

The two old men glanced at each other, and the same thought rose in their hearts.

"Old man Lu, is this the case?" An old man said a little stubbornly.

"What can you do if you don't do this? That person is obviously not easy to provoke. The Wulin General Assembly is on the verge. Everything is about the conference. Don't shoot outside the festival and die a sheep. Gong Cheng is not enough to compare with the Wulin Conference." Old Man Lu Shook his head.

"I didn't do it for Yang Gongcheng, he died. But he was threatened by such an inexplicable person for no reason, and I suffocated." Another old man snorted softly.

"Old Shao, do n’t say that, I am afraid that the two of us together are not opponents of that person. That person is not only a fairy cultivator, but also the sword, you should be able to see a little. If the expectation is not bad, then At least it is a top-grade mystery, or even a top-quality mystery. It is more than enough to master this treasure to kill both of us. If they do n’t do it, maybe they still have room. "

Old man Lu said helplessly, people are obviously stronger than you, what can you do if you bow your head.

"Forget it, let's do it for us. What's the matter, let's go, the martial arts assembly matters."

Although Shao was not willing in his heart, he was really told to work hard, and he was really afraid. Can only stomping his feet and flew away in the direction of Bai Lizong.

After both of them left, a shadow appeared silently on top of the mountain, and it was the shadow that came back.

"You guys are acquaintances, so I don't need to spend much time."

The dark shadow is naturally a black-gold puppet controlled by Mo Wen. The black-gold puppet has a higher combat power than the ordinary Wuzong, and has the spiritual power that only the immortal repairer possesses. The old man is really not difficult.

But the power of the black gold puppet is derived from the five middle-grade spirit stones. If you kill these two old men, I am afraid that the energy of the spirit stones will also be almost consumed. This is why Mo asked not to kill the two. There are too few middle-grade spirit stones, so one piece is less.

Of course, if those two people were just violating Yang and Yin, and secretly doing some shameless activities, Mo Wen would kill them without hesitation.

"The cold breath in those two people is somewhat familiar, if it is not bad, it should be a warrior from the Hanguang Pavilion."

Mo Wen just now felt that the cold breath on both of them was somewhat similar to the Lan Zhongzhi of Hanguang Pavilion, and they should have practiced the same exercises and the same source. Behind this Bailizong, it is most likely Hanguang Pavilion.

Speaking of it, Mo Wen is still the honorary elder of the Hanguang Pavilion. He also has the highest guest order of the Hanguang Pavilion on his body, but he did not say it just now, because there is no need for that.

Half a day later, Mo Wen came to the Flower Valley outside the world again, and the old man in Ling Feng learned that he might be able to resume cultivation, and he felt nervous every day and could not sleep at night. He stood at the mouth of the valley and looked forward to it from time to time. .

This kind of mood is naturally difficult for ordinary people to understand, but Ling Fengpan star hopes for the moon, and finally asked Mo to Pan.

When learned that Mo Wen wanted to heal in his valley, he was naturally very welcome.

There are ten days before the martial arts conference. In the next ten days, Mo Wen will not only recover his injury but also try to restore Ling Feng's cultivation practice.

In fact, he can not restore Ling Feng's cultivation behavior, he also has no absolute certainty. It is not that the practice of Ling Feng cannot be restored. For the immortal, it is not difficult to restore the practice of a warrior. It's just that Mo asked the current Daoxing, he wasn't home yet.

Fortunately, Mo Wen still has enough resources. Before earning a lot of money in the ancient ancient secret realm, he has a lot of precious materials on his body, so you do n’t have to spend time to find them. Not to mention, he ca n’t run out of those elixir and spirit stones in a short time.

The time passed by, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye. The Valley of the World had gone to the desert as early as a day ago, leaving an empty and beautiful place.

Dragon City, the legend is not in the main space, but in a separate space. The space is very mysterious and has been in the hands of Tianhua Palace since ancient times.

No one can know the entrance to the Dragon City, and no matter how you look for it, you can't find the Dragon City.

However, as soon as the martial arts meeting, the entrance to the Dragon City will appear all over the world. It is said that there are no less than one hundred entrances to the Dragon City within the territory of China. Moreover, it seems that there are also entrances to Dragon City abroad.

In the Taihang Mountains, there is an entrance to the Dragon City, located in the branch hall of Tianhua Palace in the Taihang Mountains.

At this time ~ ~ In the square of the Taihang branch hall, there is a team of deacon in Tianhua Palace with serious faces. These deacon are generally more than two stars, and the same rank is up to five stars.

These people are guarding all over the square. Anyone who wants to pass by them must go through layers of inspection.

In the center of the square, there is a large stone array. From time to time, some people walked into the stone array, and then the light flashed and disappeared without a trace.

A young man came with an old man. The two were very plainly dressed. No one else was Mo Wen and Ling Feng.

This place is one of the entrances to the Dragon City, and the person who holds the Dragon City Rune can teleport to the Dragon City with that space formation.

Across the distance, Mo Wen felt a strong spatial fluctuation from the stone formation.

"Mo brother, finally waiting for you, you will enter the Dragon City from here." Mo Wen has not stepped into the square, a hearty laugh came. (To be continued.)

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