Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 859: Goddess Scepter

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There are a total of eight observation platforms on the Dragon City, which are located in the eight directions of the Dragon City. There is an observation platform above the Nancheng Gate where Mo Wen is located.

The Observatory is built on a three-kilometer-high city wall. If you stand under the wall, you may not see the Observation Tower because the wall is too high, but if you stand fifty miles away, you will definitely see the towering view on the wall. Sky terrace.

With the identity wooden sign, you can enter the guarded Dragon City, but you must pay certain taxes and fees when entering and leaving the Dragon City, which is better known as the management fee.

Night-eyed people can see at a glance that this is another means of accumulating wealth in Tianhua Palace. The taxes and fees for entering and leaving the city gate can be quite large, fifty dragon coins per person. According to the standards established by Tianhua Palace, a spirit stone is equivalent to one hundred dragon coins, and fifty dragon coins is equal to half a spirit stone.

This is just going in and out of the city gate. Mo Wen always knows how "black" Tianhua Palace is in collecting money. Layers are peeled off, geese are plucked, and entering and leaving the city gate is still the same. Other places will certainly not cost less.

Guarding at the gate of the city is the deacon of the Tianhua Palace, and is equipped with high-level deacon. Mo Wen even found that there are many Wuzong strongmen on the tower. It is almost impossible to sneak in and out of the Dragon City.

The rooftop is located on the city wall. At this time, there is a large group of people around the rooftop. There is a lot of discussion, but there are few people who really walk on the rooftop.

Observing the domineering name of the rooftop, in fact, it is just a large altar, engraved with mysterious formations and runes, and a silver mirror with a person height is suspended in the center of the altar. The mirror is simple and exquisite, exuding a faint light The light is very extraordinary at first glance.

Viewing the sky mirror is a very magical magic weapon for immortals, generally only in Tianhua Palace. By looking at the sky mirror, the cultivator can view the scene from hundreds of miles away, even thousands of miles away. There are some powerful sky-viewing mirrors that can even span thousands of miles to monitor the world.

I don't know what level the sky mirror is on the sky observation platform. However, it is not easy to be able to observe the whole picture of the entire Dragon City secret realm.

Once you use the sky mirror, you need ten spirit stones, so expensive, just to see the whole picture of the Dragon City secret realm, too few people are willing to spend this money.

Although there are many people around the Observatory, few people actually spend money to watch.

Of course, I have n’t eaten pork, and I have also seen pigs running. Many people hear some legends. What is the city on the dragon, the pearl of the goddess ... These descriptions of the dragon city are more and more curious about the dragon city, so there are so many people around here.

Occasionally, one or two "big money" appeared, and they spent a lot of money on the observation deck to watch, and then a large number of people would be around the person, asking about what they watched. For this kind of pursuit and focus, those who have seen the whole picture of the Dragon City's secret realm are very useful. Most of them will say a few words.

Mo asked to go directly to the rooftop. After losing ten spirit stones to the guard, he walked to the sky mirror and thought about it. His entire thought was immediately sucked into the sky mirror.

The people around saw a teenager so neat. Eyes were thrown without throwing spirit stones, one by one sighed the young man's pride. Of course, there are also a lot of people who secretly scolded this young man for losing his family, not just a big family. Ten spirit stones were thrown at random. Even some big gates may not be able to bear such profligacy.

Tang Zhizhi was also very surprised. Her employer, too, is a bit too arrogant. Before, she thought the boy was rich. Now it seems that it will only be more rich than she thought.


Mo Wen's thinking flowed into the sky mirror, and at the next moment, a whimsical atmosphere came up, as if he had stepped into the ancient world. Pan Tian Shenlong appeared in the eyes of the world, Mo Wen just looked at the Shenlong, The heart shivered for a while, as if he saw an ancient deity.

Do n’t ask the ancient giant dragon is extremely huge. The entire Dragon City secret realm is actually just a circle of the **** surrounded by the body. Although the Dragon City secret realm is relatively small compared to a world, it is also as large as nearly two provinces. It is almost impossible to imagine how big this dragon is with a dragon coiled around its body.

"One thousand miles? Ten thousand miles? It's just a horror."

Before Mo asked, I was very puzzled. The Dragon City Secret Realm is such a small space, and it is quite far from the main space. It should be very unstable, and there is a danger of collapse at any time. But now he finally understands that the Dragon City secret realm can be inherited from the ancient times to the present, and the space has not been destroyed. I am afraid it is because of the protection of this wild ancient dragon.

Do not know if this deserted ancient dragon is dead or alive, or just a statue, but he can feel the terrible fear of this deserted ancient dragon.

Mr. Mo Wen was even more shocked that the dragon head of the ancient ancient dragon stood tall and straight into the nine days. Above the dragon head, a statue of a goddess actually stood. I do n’t know how tall the goddess is, and Mo asked ca n’t see the face of the goddess. No matter how he recognized it, he could only see a hazy outline. It seemed that the goddess was wearing a veil. The face is missed.

Continue to look up, Mo Wen's shock reached its extreme, no wonder Dragon City is called the city of the dome, the goddess has a scepter in hand, and Dragon City is built on top of the scepter!

The top of the scepter can be built with such a huge dragon city. It is difficult to imagine how big the goddess statue and the ancient ancient dragon are.

And the dragon city is the ancient morning handed down from ancient times. What connection does this dome city have with the statue of the **** and the ancient ancient dragon?

Was shocked in his heart, Mo Wen slowly withdrew from the sky mirror, and half of the sound was in a trance. The visual impact was too shocking.

"Elder Ling, would you like to see this Dragon City secret realm?"

Mo asked to go down to the rooftop, facing Ling Fengdao, such a magnificent and magnificent world, spend ten glances at a glance, and indeed do not suffer. Like a normal person's visual angle, such a magnificent scene cannot be seen. Only by virtue of the sky mirror, or a very high altitude, can you get a glimpse of the whole landscape of the Dragon City secret realm.

Mo Wen asked Ling Feng to resume his cultivation, and then let him join the generous faction and became a Taishang elder.

"I saw it once two hundred years ago, and I am still impressed. This dragon city secret realm may exist in ancient times or even ancient times."

Lin Feng said with a smile, he had also passed an era at first, and the whole picture of the Dragon City secret realm was seen naturally.

Got off the observation deck, Mo Wen asked them to stroll around the city. The Dragon City is very large. It is larger than any ancient city that Momo has ever seen. An ordinary person, if walking, walks from the South City Gate to the North City Gate. It takes at least half a month.

The city is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is no different from the ordinary ancient city. There are many ancient buildings, lofts, gardens, lakes, pavilions, mansions, rivers, woods, rockery ...

The architectural style is very open, various, unique, far more open than the ancient Chinese architectural style, not all buildings are square.

"The outer city is no different from an ordinary ancient city, only slightly larger; the inner city is different. Under normal circumstances, you cannot enter the inner city at will."

Tang Zhizhi said.

Mo asked and nodded. In the sky mirror just now, he had a glimpse of the whole picture of the Dragon City. There was no obstacle in the outer city of the Dragon City. It was clear at a glance, but many places in the inner city were in a shadow. People used special means to shield them.

The people in the outer city are full of voices, a large number of people are moving on the streets, and the inner city is very quiet, and almost no people can be seen at all. Mo Wen ’s deepest impression of the inner city is the square at the center. There is a goddess in the square with the scepter in his hand. It is the same as the goddess standing on the dragon head of the ancient god. The only difference is this small one. Countless times.

"Mo Gongzi, there is usually no one in Dragon City, but during the martial arts meeting, countless people poured in. As early as a month ago, there were actually people entering Dragon City. However, at that time, it was not open to ordinary martial artists, but only for strength in various places. Of merchants are open ... "

It turned out that a month ago, businessmen from all over the country came to Longcheng one after another. People who can enter Longcheng to do business are naturally not ordinary people. Many are large business firms in various secret areas, even large business firms across secret areas. The business of Longcheng is all-inclusive, and there are all types. From a dead city to a normal city, the layout time is only one month.

Most of the business ~ ~ Most of Tianhua Palace will contract to those big business firms, and then extract high taxes from it. After all, Tianhua Palace is huge, but it is responsible for monitoring the world. Focus on taking care of a city.

"Mo Gongzi, you can stay in Longcheng for one month during the martial arts conference. The first thing to do is to solve the accommodation problem. The accommodation in Longcheng is divided into two categories. It will be slightly worse, and you may not live in Longcheng for a month. The second category is a single day, how many days to live, how much money to give. This category is relatively flexible, and the quality of service is high in all aspects. . "

Tang Zhizhi said while walking.

"Accommodation in Dragon City is not cheap, and according to the environment, it is divided into five grades, natural, local, top, middle, and low grade. If only two of us, you can live in a low-grade house."

Ling Feng said something rare at this time. He had been to Dragon City many times and knew the Dragon City naturally.

"If it is just accommodation, the lower grade is indeed sufficient. After all, the dragon chick is not an ordinary city. Even if the accommodation is inferior, the conditions will not be bad."

Tang Zhizhi smiled and said, the full-time tour guide has a residence provided by Tianhua Palace in Longcheng, and naturally will not live with customers. And the tour guide also has a prescribed working time, about 12 hours a day, it is impossible to follow the employer around the clock.

"There is a Qingyue Tower in the Dragon City. It's pretty good. Let's live in the Qingyue Tower." Ling Feng's eyes flashed a little light. He seemed particularly interested in accommodation. (To be continued ...) I1292

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