Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 860: Asahi Tower

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The streets of Longcheng are full of vocal and lively people. On the side of the building, there are stalls, eating, drinking, and selling various items. The stalls are obviously not arranged randomly, but are all in the planned booths. Although there are many, they are not messy.

"Selling sugar gourds myself ...!"

A long voice rang in the noisy streets.

Mo Wenwen said, his eyelids jumped, and some people were selling sugar gourds in Longcheng, and the people who sold sugar gourds were actually martial arts with a fetal state. Moreover, he also saw that someone actually bought it.

"This is nothing strange in Dragon City, as long as people buy, then there are people who do this business. And ... there is also a red light district in Dragon City ..."

Tang Zhizhi's face is slightly red, and there is indeed such a place in the Red Light District, Dragon City. After all, eating, drinking and playing, no matter what city is the most popular business. Most people who can open a blue building in Longcheng are not ordinary, and they all have extraordinary backgrounds behind them.

There are eight districts in Longcheng. The Qingyue Tower is next to Yunxi Lake in the southern district. The environment is beautiful and it is a famous restaurant. Mo asked to enter the city from Nanlongmen, not far from Qianyuelou.

After walking for some time, they saw Yunxi Lake from afar.

Yunxi Lake is the largest lake in the Southern District. The trees are surrounded by trees and the wicker is flying. Dragon City has no four-season climate. It maintains the most comfortable climate environment at all times.

The Yunxi Lake + environment is so beautiful, and it is also a good location for the restaurant inn. Surrounding Yunxi Lake, almost all are inns and restaurants.

Qianyuelou is not the most famous inn in Yunxi Lake, but it is also very famous, because Qianyuelou is the only inn selling inferior rooms around Yunxi Lake, and the price is relatively cheaper. After all, such a good location as Yunxi Lake, the restaurant and inn here take the high-end route, except for the Qingyue Tower, the other inns are at the lowest grade rooms.

The most famous Lanyue Building is only the top-grade rooms. Ordinary dignitaries cannot afford to live.

Mo Wen Although he has the strength to live in the Moon Tower, there is no need to be extravagant and wasteful. Although he has a lot of spirit stones, the spirit stones are also very useful to him.

"I'm sorry, guest, we have rented all the lower-grade rooms in Qianyue Building, leaving only the top-grade rooms and the negotiated middle-grade rooms. Will you continue to stay?"

A young and beautiful female receptionist smiled politely, if the inferior room of Qianyue Building is not booked in advance. It is generally difficult to book unless there is exactly one room available.

"How much is a middle-class room here for you?" Ling Feng frowned slightly, and he realized that they had come to Longcheng two days late, and the rooms in Qianyue Building might have been booked long ago. Went out.

"Two spirit stones a day, this is already the price of conscience, there must be no middle class room near Yunxi Lake lower than our Qianyue Building."

The beautiful woman at the front desk smiled and said that there was at least three spirit stones in the middle class room of Lanyue Building, by comparison. The price of Qianyuelou is indeed not very high. Of course, this price is also the standard price of Longcheng, and it is not low.

Lanyue Tower is the only restaurant near Tianxi Lake with Tianpin rooms, and many people go there in admiration. Prices are relatively high.

But the accommodation cost is as high as two spirit stones, which is simply ridiculously high.

"Don't stay if you can't live, so poor and sour, why did you come to Yunxi Lake to find a room. Why should you run to Yunxi Lake to make people feel ashamed when they live in life?"

Ling Feng hadn't spoken yet, there was a small murmur behind him.

That is a young woman. About twenty years old, there are several people around her, older than her, it seems that she is the elder of her family. They stood behind Mo Wen and his party, but later people were preparing to check in.

The girl saw Ling Feng and the female front desk nagging, delaying their stay, and suddenly felt dissatisfied, and could not help but ridicule.

Most of the people who can come here are martial artists. Although the woman's voice is not loud, including the female front desk, everyone can hear clearly.

Mo Wen and Tang Zhizhi both frowned slightly, and the young woman was too uncultivated, and she looked like a spoiled person. Moreover, the elder family around her saw that the woman was so presumptuous, but she said nothing at all.

But everyone in the restaurant can see that the power behind a young woman who comes to Dragon City is bound to be extraordinary. After all, the Dragon City Rune is still relatively precious. Sects like Wuhumen, the elders of the Taishang may not be able to assign a Dragon City Rune, let alone a young disciple.

"Hey, hurry up a few of you poor ghosts, have you delayed the time of Miss Ben?"

Seeing that the elders did not oppose her, the young woman suddenly became more arrogant and seemed to feel reasonable.

Mo asked his body slightly, so he was ready to walk to the girl. He asked if he was not a good-tempered person.

Tang Zhizhi hurriedly took him and whispered: "Don't make trouble at random in the Dragon City, otherwise you will be heavily punished. Some people who don't understand the rules of the Dragon City ~ ~ Punishment

Ling Feng was the calmest. There was no change in his expression from beginning to end, and he did n’t even look at the woman. When he was his age, he hadn't seen any strong winds and waves, and his mood was long gone, and the words of a savage woman were no different from the air for him.

"Objective, are you staying? Maybe you can find a better room elsewhere."

The female front desk smiled apologetically at Ling Feng. She didn't expect such a thing to happen, but it didn't look like someone with a fortune but did not ask the appearance of a few people. Moreover, the price of Dragon City is originally high. Even if the people who come to Dragon City are not ordinary people, they may be a strong man outside. But when they arrive in Dragon City, they can really live in the restaurants around Yunxi Lake. None at all.

Many people live in relatively remote areas with inconvenient transportation, and they share a room with five or six people. It is cheap but cheap. Most people can afford it, but the environment is very poor.

"They can live in Qiyuelou? At first glance it is the life of a capsule inn." The young woman felt that she could be a master in front of them, and she was very arrogant.

"I have paid for their accommodation, please give them two rooms with delicacy."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the door, and everyone was attracted to it. So domineering! One mouth is two rooms of local quality goods. The rooms of the highest level in Asahi Tower are also local quality goods, and there are only five rooms.

At the door, stood a woman, a gorgeous woman. (To be continued ...) I1292

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