Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 862: Competition

?? Mo Wen decided to revitalize Hu Gang, not to "learn the lesson" this woman, she still does not know what is called Fu Jun.

"Let go ..."

Gong Biluo pushed Mo and asked a few times, and found that it didn't work at all. How could the man let go when he touched the woman with the hungry wolf when he touched the woman.

"Little ladies, I don't know what the consequence of respecting Master Fujun is like this. Do you know what is called Fu Gang ...?"

Mo asked more and more proudly, not to clean up Gong Biluo, will he still have his status at home?

"It's still daytime, you stop me, move your hands, I will leave tomorrow, I want to see me next time, wait for the monkey year."

Gong Biluo couldn't help but hold the man in his arms, and didn't struggle anymore, holding this head that kept rubbing against his chest, said weakly.

"Speaking as if I want to see you, you will appear right away."

"You ... what if someone comes in?" Gong Biluo asked Mo completely helpless.

"Relax, no one will disturb us unless he is too long."

Mo asked Hehe smiled, waved his hand, and a roll of ancient paintings flew out into an invisible mountain, which enveloped the whole room. The range of the mountain is only at home, and nothing will be noticed outside.

"My friend, did I owe you the last life ..." Gong Biluoxiang's cheeks turned red and her eyes closed slowly.

There was a faint voice of ecstasy in the room, which was enough to make the bones numb, but it was only heard in this room, and it was absolutely impossible to hear outside.

The sun went down, the moon was deep, and the ecstasy in the room slowly fell.

An exquisite big bed, Mo Wen tightly hugged the delicate body in his arms. The fight between the two has long been transferred from the sofa to the bed.

Gong Biluo curled up in Mo Wen's arms, her fair skin was silky pink, and she had a bit of enchanting charm in her lazy look. After giving the rain, Gong Biluo had a strange charm on her body. Stunner.

"How do you appear in Dragon City?"

Mo asked the woman in her arms, with some emotion in her eyes, this woman, he seemed to be more and more unable to understand, at this time she. It seemed to be covered with mist, even though he could not see any information.

When she was separated from the generous factions, Gong Biluo was only able to cultivate Jindan Realm. Under normal circumstances, her training speed could never be faster than Mo Wen, but at this time, such a big change happened. Said, but Mo Wen could feel it.

What happened to her in the days after the separation?

"What else can I do. Come to Longcheng to see Qinglang, why? Don't you want to see someone else?" Gong Biluo Jiao said, stretching out a slender jade finger to tease Mo Chen's chest. The tender little tongue licked her upper lips very charmingly. Like a goblin with a soul.

"Ha ha."

Mo asked, Gong Biluo glanced away, came to Longcheng thousands of miles to meet him? He didn't think he had such a big face, but Gong Biluo didn't say that, and he didn't continue to ask more.

Everyone has their own secret. Mo Wen is not the one who broke the casserole and asked in the end, Gong Biluo's changes are indeed very big, so big that he is a little difficult to understand. Gong Biluo's character, things she doesn't want to say, even if you chase and ask, it's useless.

"Don't look resentful, people will accompany you tomorrow, OK."

Gong Biluo's hands wrapped around Mo Wen's neck, exhaling like blue, the delicate red lips were close at hand, the charming breath tempted others to commit crimes at all times.

"Then do you mean, the day after tomorrow?" Mo asked, directly hearing the potential meaning in this sentence.

"Then you can't always tie me around, I don't want to be a woman with a birdie."

Gong Biluo looked at the moonlight outside the window. When she got this inheritance, her destiny was destined to make her impossible to go back, she could only go forward.

"Anyway, I can't control you, just give me a guarantee not to go wrong, at least you belong to me tonight."

Said, Mo Wen pressed the charming lady in her arms again, and touched one hand down ...

"Ah ... you're bad ..."


One night without words, Mowen and Gong Biluo got up early in the morning the next morning. For the two warriors, it would be crazy at night, and it would not affect them. The service in the deluxe room is very high. There are servants waiting to be sent around the clock, and a rich breakfast is served early in the morning.

Outside the door, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Come in." Mo asked to know without opening the door that the visitor was his guide Tang Zhizhi.

"Mogongzi, don't bother you."

Tang Zhizhi saw that Mo Wen was eating, and said with some apologies, especially when she saw Gong Biluo next to her. Was n’t this the female local tyrant who spent a lot of money yesterday. Obviously, this woman has a very unusual relationship with her employer.

However, this woman is really beautiful. She rarely sees such a beautiful woman in a place where women like Suzaku Hall get together. And she has a mature charm on her body, this femininity is not found in girls, like a deadly poison for men.

"Do not disturb, did Zhizhi eat breakfast, do you want to sit down and eat together?"

Mo asked with a smile, he accompanied Gong Biluo for breakfast, enjoying the process and artistic conception. In fact, whether he or Gong Biluo, it does not matter whether they eat in the morning or not.

"Thank you Mr. Mo, I ate it."

Tang Zhizhi smiled and politely pretended to walk to the balcony to see the scenery, and did not disturb Mo Wen to dine with Gong Biluo. After the two had finished eating, she came over.

"Mogongzi, this is a list that records all the participants in the martial arts conference. There are two lists, one for Zongmen and one for individual."

Tang Zhizhi put the two lists in front of Mo Wen, this is the information she prepared in the morning, and it is also her responsibility and value as a tour guide.

The martial arts conference is divided into two stages. The first stage is individual battle. The battle between the three lists of the world and the world must be young. The three lists of the world are the list of young masters. In the second stage, it was the martial arts of the martial arts. The Zongmen directly participated in the competition, taking the Zongmen as a unit to compete for a high and a low.

According to the usual practice, the dispute between the world and the world is ahead, and it is only after the end that it is Wulin ’s turn.

Mo Wen scanned the list in front of him, densely packed, many people signed up, there were sects and individuals.

The generous faction and his name are on the top. The battle between the three lists of the world and the earth, he signed up early in the morning, and the top ten of the list can get a place on the road to fortune. I do n’t know how many people are because of this rush.

"Mogongzi, you may not be able to see anything from this list, but I got some internal information. This year's martial arts competition is quite large. Many ancient ancestors who have not been born have emerged at the martial arts conference."

Tang Zhizhi said with a solemn face, she already knew that Mo Wen signed up for the competition of the three lists of heaven, earth and people. Many mysterious strongmen and sects emerged this time. I am afraid that the competition will be several times that of the previous one.

"Oh, you know something, talk to me." Mo asked with interest.

"Mogongzi, I don't know much. Some of them are hearsay, not necessarily accurate. But one thing is for sure, among the deacon of Tianhua Palace, there are probably one or two hundred people who signed up to compete in the top three. Those people are the elite of Tianhua Palace, and there are almost no weak people. Moreover, Guo Peiqiao, the peerless genius in Wu Zongdian legend, also signed up for the three ranking battle.

Tang Zhizhi's eyebrows danced and said Guo Mengqiao, she was all excited.

"Guo Mengqiao?"

Don't ask from Tang Zhizhi's expression, you can guess that Guo Mengqiao is not ordinary, and is still a person of Wuzong Temple, at least it is Wuzong.

"Guo Mengqiao is one of the few geniuses in Tianhua Palace. He has a peerless talent. It is said that he was less than fifty years old, and he had Wu Zong's two realms of cultivation. Nothing. "

Tang Zhizhi is very excited. Guo Mengqiao is also a genius in Tianhua Palace. If you can get the top spot in the Tianban, it is naturally a very good thing.

The battle between the Three Lists of Heaven, Earth and Man is different from the battle between Sects and Gates. The Battle of Zongmen only allows Zongmen to participate in the main space, but the battle for the Three Lists of Heaven, Earth and People does not have this limitation, that is to say, even the people in the inner world You can participate in the contest of the three lists with fairness.

However, there is an age limit for the battle between the three rankings. The warrior who is competing for the standing list must be no more than 20 years old, and be repaired above the realm of Baodan. The warrior competing for the land list must be no more than 30 years old, and must be above the realm of fetal birth rate, and the warrior competing for the sky list must be no more than fifty years old, and must be above the Jindan state.

Warriors of different ages and cultivation practices can choose to compete for one list among the world, but they can only compete for one list, and cannot participate in the competition of two lists at the same time.

Don't know ~ ~ Whether it is the top list or the list of people, as long as the people who can make the list are almost the top geniuses in the martial arts. In many cases, because of age restrictions, the warriors in the list of people are not necessarily inferior to the warriors in the sky list. They can only be said that they have not grown up completely.

After breakfast, Mo Wen and Gong Biluo and Tang Zhizhi took to the street. Three days later, the battle for the three rankings was still very little. So, during the leisure time, I hang out in the Dragon City.

"Hey, it's so lively in front, it's really crowded."

Mo Wen suddenly found that a square not far in front was full of people, crowded and enclosed together, and the third and inner layers wrapped the square.

"What are you doing there?" Mo asked curiously.

"Mogongzi, there is a foreigner recruiting relatives in the contest. He laid down the ring three days ago. No one has taken the hydrangea so far." Tang Zhizhi seemed somewhat helpless.

"Compete in martial arts! And still a foreigner?" Mo Wen suddenly laughed, how did it feel so strange ...

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