Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 863: Gentleman-Mo Wen

Competing for marriage by relatives is a relatively feudal way of recruiting relatives in China. It generally happens only in martial arts, but this kind of relative recruitment by marriage rarely happens.

He didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the first day of Longcheng, and he was actually a foreigner in recruiting relatives.

"The foreign woman did not know from anywhere that China had a martial arts competition, so he set up a big martial arts competition in Longcheng."

Tang Zhizhi was obviously helpless about this matter.

"Let's go and see."

Mo asked with great interest, a foreigner recruiting relatives in China's contest, this is really quite new.

The square was full of people, it was very lively, the square was very big, but at this time it was full.

Mo Wen and Gong Biluo squeezed into the front row easily by virtue of their profound cultivation. A banner hung in the middle of the square, which said to invite relatives by martial arts, the winner could hold the beauty. But if you lose, you have to be a servant for five years, and anyone under the age of 50 can participate.

On the huge square, there was a large open space in the middle. There was a woman sitting on a magnificent reclining chair, lying slantingly, with a fascinating breath all over her body. There are several foreigners around the woman who are waiting to do something on the field.

Mo Wen glanced away, the woman was indeed beautiful, with attractive capital, dressed in a gorgeous black dress, a pair of exquisite high-heeled feet, very fashionable and modern dress, long and slender white tender legs stretched naturally, Slender and beautiful, it always exudes a tempting atmosphere.

Her hair and eyes are black, and she is very pure black, like black gemstones, unlike the blond hair of some western countries, or the yellow-haired brown eyes, but from the three-dimensional facial features, it can be judged that this woman is indeed Foreigners.

Such a beautiful woman, scary abroad is rare, the most terrible thing is not that woman's appearance, but that one that seems to seduce people's charm temperament all the time. Lying on a chair reclining like a noble and wild Persian cat.

What Ling Mo asked did n’t expect was that the opponent who had recruited his relatives actually defeated the woman.

In the Chinese martial arts martial arts, some sects or families with beautiful girls. Most of them want to find some potential warriors as sons-in-law, so they came up with a way of recruiting relatives by martial arts. The age of the martial arts is regulated, or the rule is fixed, after defeating the designated opponent. If you succeed in recruiting, you will leave.

Generally speaking, it is rare for a woman to be married in a contest.

The square was very lively, but the open space in the middle was very quiet. The woman like a Persian cat was lying down, like a nap, and slowly opened her eyes at half a noise, sweeping the crowd around the square, and the corner of her mouth was evil. Fascinated smile, said lightly: "Why. Does anyone dare to try it today? That is really disappointing. I have always heard that China has a lot of talents, geniuses, and many young and talented people. Now it seems that some are not true. . "

The evil woman's words caused a commotion. A foreign woman recruited relatives in China, but no one dared to take her down. It was indeed a disgrace. What's more, this woman makes occasional provocations, which makes people feel stumped.

Can suffocate again. Facing the facts in front of me, there is also some helplessness. Such a beautiful woman is naturally impossible for no one to want to fight. Unfortunately, all the people who went up fell down. Became a servant of this woman.

This woman's cultivation practice is quite terrible. In three days, no one who has dealt with her has ever gone through three tricks in her hands.

Although Meise is tempting, if it fails, it means to become a servant of others within five years. It is absolutely a terrible price to obey fate and admit punishment.

So there were many people eager to try in the field, but no one dared to take it easily.

"This foreign woman is too arrogant to dare to despise the Chinese martial arts warriors in Longcheng. Isn't this riding a face on the head? Is there no young strong man in China that can take this woman down?"

"This little goblin, what the **** is fucking, if the labor and capital wins you, you are guaranteed to torture you ten or eight times a day, and you will be called Seul."

"This has become a national shame, wouldn't anyone dare to come out?"

"It's easy to say, do you know who are the slaves who stood there obediently? The young man on the far left is a young strong who can be ranked in the top ten in the real martial arts realm. It is said that Xiu Wei reached the peak of Jindan , But he failed in three strokes in that woman's hand and lost. "

"There is also the third on the left. Do you know who he is? He is a young strong who can be ranked among the top ten in all the secret areas. The genius Zhou Xiaofeng who can be ranked in the top three in the floating secret area is said to be Three years ago, he became a generation of Wuzong, such a terrible peerless powerhouse, and even lost a few moves in front of this woman. This woman's cultivation is unfathomable, otherwise she would not dare to pose in Dragon City Get off the ring. "

"This woman's cultivation practices are terrible. How could she be so young? I suspect she is an old witch. Isn't there something in the West that can keep a few hundred-year-olds looking youthful? I'm afraid this woman is this Humanoid. She restricts people under the age of 50 to play, so who is her opponent? If you do not restrict the age, I am afraid that this woman will have been picked up by my Chinese master. "


On the side of the enchanted woman stood a row of young people, all of whom were Chinese youths. There were six of them in total, each with their heads down and a faceless look.

They were all Chinese youths who had challenged the woman before, but without exception, they all lost to the woman, and there were many masters in them.

There was a lot of discussion on the square, and Mo Wen finally heard a reason. No wonder that so many people were around but no one dared to play. Even the young Wu Zong was planted in her hands. The deterrent is indeed not small.

"This woman looks impatient, how come, have you been emotional?"

Gong Biluo looked at Mo Wen playfully, a pair of eyes sparkling, and Mo Wang looked a little chilly.

Mo asked to take back her free eyes on the enchanted woman, and Cancan said, "How can you be moved! Her vulgar and vulgar powder can also make me move, then how is it possible, my vision is very high, the average person Not in the eyes of the law, in my eyes, only beautiful women like you are the real beauty, nothing else is worth mentioning, I only have you in my heart, how can you care about other women, and the world can learn. "

What is morality? Mo Wen never knew what these two words meant.

"Ha ha……"

Gong Biluo sneered and said lightly: "Your kind of big-hearted radish can still say such things. It is estimated that only you such a shameless person can do it under the world. For this, I also admire myself. Men can be ashamed to such a high level, should I be proud of you? "

"You have such a great lord, of course, you should be proud." Mo asked then Gong Biluo's words, said naturally, it seemed that she could not understand what she said at all.

Gong Biluo suddenly felt that he shouldn't talk to Mo Wen more people ...

The enchanting woman who had been lying on the chair with her eyes closed and her eyes open suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes glanced like lightning, to be precise, she looked at Mo Wen and Gong Biluo. Mo asked just to please Gong Biluo, saying a lot of words that devalued the woman, and she was obviously aware of it.

That look made Mo Wen feel cold all over, and he felt a little bad.

Women, the most taboo is that others say that she is not as good as another woman, Mo asked not only said, but also said so unpleasant. Obviously, this technique of provokes hatred is very successful ...

Gong Biluo also seemed to feel the woman's gaze, with a slight arc on the corner of her mouth, her chin raised slightly, and she hit the woman's gaze unremarkably, and a burst of sparks broke out invisible, and the whole square was suddenly shrouded. A layer of sharp murderous.

However, this kind of arrogant atmosphere of collision, only a few people can perceive it, and those who are not enough can't make a difference.

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. Gong Biluo and the woman secretly concealed him, but he didn't think that Gong Biluo seemed to have no weakness at all, but a tough posture.

Mo Wen's perception is so amazing, he cultivated the power of divine consciousness. Some immortal practitioners in the Yuanshen Realm did not deliberately hide, he could perceive their cultivation behavior for the first time. The demon woman sitting on the recliner is unfathomable, at least in the three realms of Wuzong, and even no worse than the ghost and ghost he saw, it is a very terrible character.

"Master Fujun, after all, I am not a jealous woman. It is not normal for a man to be careless. The woman is also good-looking. If you want her, I can make her a concubine."

Gong Biluo Jiao said, holding Mo Wen's arm in one hand, but looked at the evil woman, apparently intentionally told her.

"No, I only have a lady in my heart, and no other woman can cover my eyes."

Mo Wen firmly said, a pair of weak water three thousand to take a ladle. He also thought in his heart that he could not die even if he was killed. He lost the life of a five-year slave. Like this kind of gamble in the Dragon City, no one would dare to violate the agreement. What's more, this woman is so powerful, the power behind it is also very unusual ~ ~ That woman has such a deep cultivation, and the identity is mysterious, I don't know what mysterious and unpredictable methods are hidden, don't ask a little about the victory. No. Women like this can't provoke if they can. At least with his current ability, he is not yet an opponent of this woman, not to mention that even if she wins her, it may not be as good as imagined.

"Fun Jun said this, I guess the woman couldn't get into Fu Jun's eyes?" Gong Biluo grinned over her mouth, apparently arrogantly demonizing the evil woman.

The evil woman who had been lying suddenly stood up, gazing at the location of Mo Wen and Gong Biluo, stepping on exquisite high-heeled shoes, and came over proudly.


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