Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 864: Give up

Everyone's eyes on the square were almost focused on the foreign woman, and the enchanted woman was together, and immediately caught everyone's attention. +,

She held her head high and her high-heeled shoes guessed a crisp voice on the ground, even if she walked with an elegant temperament.

Mo Wen secretly complained, this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she came directly. I don't need to guess, she must have come to them.

The enchanted woman walked in front of Mo Wen step by step, and the audience's eyes also focused on Mo Wen and the two people step by step.

"what's your name?"

The enchanted woman glanced coldly at Gong Biluo, but she ignored her and looked at Mo and asked.

"Why are you asking me for your name? You wouldn't see me looking handsome, handsome, and falling in love with me?" Mo asked, hey, hey, he laughed straight. This time, pretending to be stupid is undoubtedly the best response. This The woman was obviously not good, but Mo asked who would be led by her nose.

The enchanted woman stared at Mo Wen quietly, suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, I have fallen in love with you. I saw you deeply and I fell in love with you, but I have a principle, My man can only be the strong man who defeated me, can you please fulfill my desire, go to war against me, from your eyes, I can see that you are also interested in me. Perhaps, in order Love, I ca n’t help but lose to you deliberately ... "

The enchanted woman's language is ambiguous. She looks at Mo Wen like a goblin. There is a hint in the language.

Although the voice is not loud, all the people present were martial artists, and they heard it clearly. Some people have their eyes widened. This foreign woman is also too bold. She actually shows love in public, and the meaning of her words seems to be prepared to deliberately lose to the other in the ring ...

Said that foreigners are very bold, especially open and passionate about love. I haven't seen it before, but now it seems to be the case.

But the boy was too lucky, such a charming woman, actually posted to him.

The young men who stood honestly on the square and bowed their heads with shame, raised their heads one by one, their faces blue and white. They were defeated by this woman in a battle in the ring and suffered a five-year servant career. Isn't it because the woman is enough to attract them to take this risk?

But now, the woman who paid such a big price to chase, actually said in public that she would post to others. This kind of inner imbalance can be imagined.

Gong Biluo didn't say anything, just looked coldly, with a sneer on his face.

"That kid, what are you still doing so stunned, such a beautiful woman throws her arms. You don't hurry up on stage, take this foreign chick down, let her dare to be arrogant in China, and finally not become a Chinese woman."

"Yes. I will say that China is a big country, there are so many outstanding people, and there are so many young and handsome people. Is it possible for a foreign woman to be arrogant. Hurry up and defeat this woman."


No matter how many people are watching, they do n’t think about any hidden feelings. They only know that this woman seems to be deliberately losing to this young man. In any case, this foreign woman is too arrogant. Even if you deliberately put a water down, you can raise your eyebrows a little, at least you can look good on your face.

"Master Jingxue, won't the demon really like a Chinese?"

Not far from the square, on a tall building, stood two figures, a white dress wins the snow, standing against the wind, like a dusty maiden. The other is a simple armor. The armor is thick and old, with many complicated dark lines on it. Inside the armor is a tall young man with a thick and powerful breath.

The two are not others, it is His Royal Highness Snow King and Armor Knight from the League of Gods, because the vampires have attracted the attention of Tianhua Palace, so they have to stop their search operations in China, but they do n’t want to be so fast. After leaving China, he came to fight Longcheng.

"The demon language is not a good woman to provoke. She is staring at her. Most of the time, there is no good thing. The young Chinese man is going to be bad."

Jingxue's mouth twitched a smile, she hadn't seen this in a long time.

"Is that woman pitting again?" The armored youth couldn't help shaking, he knew the horror of the demon language.

"It's just that I didn't expect that the person that the demon aimed at was actually him." Jingxue looked at Mo Wen below, with a meaningful expression on his face.

"Do you know that young man?" The armor knight looked at Jingxue in surprise. His Royal Highness Jingxue had been cultivating in the temple, and not many people knew him.

"Having been in touch, I hope he will lose a little in the hands of Yaoyu. This Chinese youth is also a great genius." Jing Xue said lightly.

The armor knight is speechless, His Royal Highness Snow is not stained with dust, indifferent as water, so that His Royal Highness Snow can always remember, and that said, the young man must offend His Royal Highness. Moreover, if the demon language finds the young man, it will certainly not be innocent, and the young man doesn't know who he is, and his courage is too big, and nobody dares to offend.


"That's not to ask, won't it!"

"The foreign goblin actually liked Mo and asked if I had delusions and had hallucinations?"

At the corner of the square, there is a group of women, Yingyingyanyan, some petite and lovely, some charming and charming, with elegant temperament, some quiet and tranquil, beautiful women of all sizes, placed on the square is a beautiful landscape , Really attracted the attention of many people.

The person who spoke was none other than Liu Shanshan and Wang Xiaoyuan of the wind dance group. All of them were women of the wind dance group. The leader Pei Fengwu and the deputy leader Cai Yan were among them.

"That is, that woman's eyes will not be wrong, I actually fell in love with Mo Huan this big carrot." Wang Xiaoyuan hummed authentically.

"Maybe foreign women have always had a problem with their taste." Shangguan Qingyou said coldly.

"But after all, the fairy-like woman is not a good person at first glance, and it is quite worthy to be with a flowery man like Mo Wen."

"Well, it's really a pair of adulterers and adulters ..."

A group of women in the wind dance group tweeted, and there was a lot of talk, three women in one play, not to mention so many women.

Shangguan Qingyou's face was somewhat proud, and the pervert was really unpopular.

Pei Fengwu looked at the group of women around with some helplessness. Mo asked that since joining the Fengwu group, there have been very few roads. After a long time, it gives people an impression of arrogance and alienation. Shangguan Qingyou, a person who fears that the world is not chaotic, preaches if nothing is wrong. Over time, the members of the group's impression of Mo Wen got worse and worse.

"Don't say it, anyway, Mo Wen is also a member of our group. Under the broad public, what is the system." Pei Fengwu couldn't help it.

The elder sister made a speech, and the discussion suddenly became much quieter.

"Where is he like a person in the group, I have never seen him since joining the wind dance group, and the tasks and activities in the group will not participate in ..."

Wang Xiaoyuan whispered softly. But Pei Fengwu glared and suddenly dared not speak again.

"Team leader, I am afraid that this matter is strange. That demon language is very mysterious. These days she has caused such a big disturbance in Dragon City. Tianhua Palace has investigated her in secret, but in addition to knowing that she is from the Devil Alliance, she has a high status. In addition, there is almost no other information. You know how strong the intelligence ability of Tianhua Palace is, so that people who cannot be investigated by Tianhua Palace, I am afraid that they are the highest level of confidentiality in the Devil Alliance. "

"How can a woman like this like a **** just like someone else casually, and this demon language is terrible, and the cultivation is unfathomable. I am worried that she lied to ask to have a purpose in the heart."

Cai Yan, the deputy leader of the wind dance group, said with some doubts.

How is it possible for someone like Yaoyu to do such frivolous things?

"Well, that woman has other purposes."

Pei Fengwu nodded, as a woman, she could feel some of the thoughts of other women, especially about Mo Wen, her sixth sense is more acute, and the woman definitely has other purposes.

"Don't she want to trick Mo to ask to be her servant?" Liu Shanshan covered her mouth. If that was the case, the woman would be too vicious.

The other people in the wind dance group also changed their faces one after another. If Mo Wenzheng actually played, but lost to the woman, would n’t it be a tragedy, to be that woman for five years? Even Shangguan Qingyou, who had always been wrong with Mo Wen, was ugly, and the woman was too much.

"The woman's cultivation is unfathomable. I don't know what the origin is. It's almost impossible to ask her to win her. Moreover, this matter is so big in Longcheng. Guo Mengqiao had been here before, but he didn't shoot ..."

Cai Yan looked solemn and said, Guo Mengqiao didn't shoot. Obviously, he was unsure of winning the woman, otherwise she would not be allowed to be so arrogant.

Pei Fengwu's face was completely ugly. Without a word, he walked in the direction of Mo Wen, and passed a large group of people in the blink of an eye.

"Sister, where are you going ..."

"What's the matter with the eldest sister, just leave whatever you want."

"She should go to Mo and ask."

"Let's go, let's take a look, anyway ~ ~ He is also a member of our group, he can't let him be pitted by others, and he is still a foreigner."

"Yes, hurry up and remind him that the flowery radish promised without a word, after all, there are beautiful women in their arms, and still such a superb woman, he was a stinky man, how can he resist such temptation. "

Cai Yan looked at Pei Fengwu's back, a thoughtful flash in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the square is unprecedentedly lively, foreign beauties take the initiative to embrace, and they are still the beauties of the Chinese youth who are so strong for so many days, and naturally become the biggest attraction of the whole square.


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